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How many dicks do you have to suck before you are officially gay?

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Started by #491031 [Ignore] 28,Jul,16 14:08
I'm thinking four.
The first one is just see what it's like.
The second can be seen as an attempt to gather a bit more data.
The third blowjob is simply to confirm the results of the test and determine whether or not you really like sucking cock.
Number four, though, makes it official.

Sucking that fourth dick earns you your membership card, and you can expect the club T-shirt to arrive in the mail in seven to ten days.

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By andrew999999999 [Ignore] 19,Jan,21 16:53 other posts 
0. It's like asking how many pussies does a man have to lick before he is officially straight.

By boc [Ignore] 21,Feb,18 19:10 other posts 
Anything over 0.
By #524323 23,Feb,18 05:50
Your own doesn't count so at least two
By tecsan [Ignore] 19,Jan,21 02:16 other posts 
I agree with this answer more than mine...

By tecsan [Ignore] 19,Jan,21 02:15 other posts 
I think ONE...

By #611525 18,Jan,21 21:26
I don’t think the amount of cocks you suck determines weather you’re gay or not. I like men cause I think they’re fucking hot! Nothing gets me hornier than a sweaty guy in his birthday suit. Sucking dick and being fucked is just perks that come with it!

By #561335 17,Jul,18 14:05
Like I said I guess am gay I love suck dick I am addicted to dick love let men slam their dick down my throat dick is the greatest thing ever
By niceonebighead [Ignore] 15,Jan,21 09:12 other posts 
I DONT THINK ITS about how many cocks u suck its about what u think about if u dont want 2 suck it because the guy dont turn u on or if uthink hes ugly then ur gay if u oniy suck cock because its only about the cock then u might be BI

By #116569 24,Feb,18 08:53
1 and a half
By #491031 24,Feb,18 12:48
Sucking half a cock is really unfair to the guy getting only half of a blowjob!
By kebmo [Ignore] 13,Jul,18 20:27 other posts 
Half because you just licked it, it didn't get hard or it was really small? Either way, you haven't earned your T-shirt yet.

By #561335 13,Jul,18 14:45
I must be gay then because I have suck hundreds of men's big dick and swallow loads of cum I love dick
By #491031 13,Jul,18 20:18
Follow your bliss!

By #552520 21,Mar,18 16:27
Well I guess I'll get a cuz I suck hundreds of dicks all of men's dicks down my throat there's nothing better than swallowing a man's seed

By #549651 23,Feb,18 20:41
Hmmm? Good question. Is this like the old Tootsie Pop commercial? If it's only four then I must have earned my membership card and T-shirt at least a few times over.

[deleted image]
By #491031 23,Feb,18 22:53
Sorry, but the rules say only one T-shirt per customer.
By #549651 23,Feb,18 23:07
Oh, well. Then I must keep that one in top condition.

By #521857 23,Feb,18 10:18
What about being attracted to trans women, I'm really curious about what it would be like to fuck one, but I would never be attracted to a man. Does this kind of attraction got a name?

By #549726 17,Feb,18 18:14
Well I guess I am gay because I suck way more than 4 and I love sucking men's dick and swallowing thier loads it the greatest feel in the world to have a dick down my throat I love taking dick I will never stop suck dick

By Arinn [Ignore] 17,Dec,17 14:14 other posts 
As many as you want to

By #545840 17,Dec,17 06:11
well then i guess i am gay because i suck about 5 dickes a week i love taking mens dickies down my throat and gag on their dick i meet men on Craig's list and let choke me thier dickies unit they cum in my throat
By #491031 17,Dec,17 11:26
I'm sorry, but "guessing" isn't allowed in this thread. It was intended as serious research, and there is no "guessing" when it comes to science! (Or, for that matter, when it comes to cocksucking.)

By #526576 15,Jan,17 17:37
Enough for you to admit to yourself that you are gay? I'm bisexual. I've been out (just to myself) for a couple years now. I've sucked more dick than I could count
By #491031 07,Nov,17 23:16
Saying "I've sucked more dick than I could count" isn't really as helpful as you think because we have no idea how high you are able to count. What if you are one of those people that get confused once they run out of fingers?
By RealTitsLover [Ignore] 09,Nov,17 12:26 other posts 
That's true, and he might just be one of those people. I mean, his member name is based on a Pauly Shore movie...

By #535417 30,Oct,17 22:00
well i guess i am gay because i have been sucking dick since i was 10 and i am 43 and suck about 3 dickies a week i meet on criags list and some time i let them fuck
By #491031 07,Nov,17 23:09
I'm sorry, but "guessing" isn't allowed in this thread. It was intended as serious research, and there is no "guessing" when it comes to science! (Or, for that matter, when it comes to cocksucking.)

By #527431 05,Aug,17 10:19
Oh well Will ... you know. None. There are only two options: you are or you are not gay, regardless how many dicks you take care off.
post scriptum: always like how much effort you put into the question. Like that ...
By #491031 05,Aug,17 11:15
That seems like a pretty reasonable answer.

By #454258 26,Jul,17 01:03
i think it depends on if you think you are. what you identify yourself as. you could suck 100 dick and still consider yourself bisexual. being gay, means you have zero intrest in the opposite sex. i suck my friend's dick all the time, but i would love to lick a pussy, and the rest of her while i'm at it.
By #491031 26,Jul,17 15:07
I don't buy that "you are what you identify yourself as" stuff.
What if you identify as a duck?
Sorry, but words have definitions for a reason.
By #454258 27,Jul,17 01:42
you know what i mean.
By #491031 27,Jul,17 08:40
I know exactly what you mean. My response still stands. You can "consider" yourself to be whatever you want to be. That doesn't change the fact that your behavior indicates something completely different.
Take, for example; Robin Hood.
He "considered" himself to be a hero because he only robbed from the rich to give it to the poor.
However, that doesn't change the fact that, by definition, he is still a thief. See?
By #454258 28,Jul,17 03:56
Okay, obviously this conversation is going nowhere.

what it all boils down to is, society forces us use labels like "strait" or "gay." Humans judge people different from themselves. And its not limited sexual orientation. Race, gender, physcal apperence, even location. Take someone from the city, and take them to the country. Immediatly, they will judge and label everything as "a bunch of HICKS and REDNECKS living in the STICKS."

I myself was labeled as FAT. just for being a little big. and just like race or gender its not something you can easily change.

Judgeing people like that, and Labels, are the root of all evil in my book. It may not seem like a big deal now. But I've seen it cause so much pain and death in my life. A student was killed in my school just because he was labeled gay.

the point im trying to make, is that "gay" and "strait" are just labels, and all it is, is just personnal preference.

sorry for the rant. I just watched the Howard Stern 9/11 broadcast, so I'm just a little agrivated.
By #491031 28,Jul,17 08:25
It's not the "label" that's the problem, it's how people treat each other. Not calling a fat guy fat doesn't make him skinnier. Even if you don't call a midget a midget, he's still a fucking midget. The "label" isn't the problem, and changing what someone is called won't resolve the problem of people being cruel to those who are different than them.

If everyone on the planet was just called Bob, the fat Bobs and gay Bobs and midget Bobs would STILL be dealing with the same problems they had before their Bobification.

Semantic games don't change human nature.
By #491031 28,Jul,17 12:41
For the record, that student wasn't killed because he was "labeled gay". He was killed because some freakish, homicidal douche-bag decided that it was okay to murder someone just for being "different".

The "label" didn't cause his death, a murderer did. Chances are, that same person would have come up with a different justification for that horrible crime even if the poor k1d had not been "labeled gay". Because h@te-filled sociopaths are still h@te-filled matter what they "consider" themselves to be.
By #454258 29,Jul,17 01:59
its all in how you judge people. Its the unfortunate world we live in. I don't want to be called gay, just because i suck my friend's dick. I don't want to be called anything. I'm just a person, doing what makes me happy.

but no, we have to slap a label on it, just to segregate those who may enjoy something you may not.
By #491031 29,Jul,17 12:21
Again, you miss the point entirely.
By definition, sucking your friend's dick makes you gay (or bi). That's how words work. They have meanings, which help to make communication between people effective.
Words don't pass judgement.
It doesn't matter what you want to be called. The behavior you practice, by definition, is gay (or bi). Your feelings about the matter don't even enter into the equation.
You may be "just a person", but you are "just a person" who is doing stuff that bi/gay guys do.
By your reasoning, the fact that the word "retarded" is no longer widely used would mean that there were no longer any mentally retarded people left on the planet.
Abolishing a word does not change the reality.
By #454258 29,Jul,17 20:15
calling a homosexual "gay" is like calling a mentally handicapped person, "retarded" ether way its derogatory.
By #491031 29,Jul,17 20:33
Except for the fact that homosexuals have chosen to call THEMSELVES "gay" (that's what the G in LGBTQ stands for, and the LGBTQ folk picked that title themselves). Apparently, the gay folk don't find the word gay to be derogatory. They have embraced it and made it their own. It's what they want to be called. So, it is nothing at all like calling a mentally handicapped person "retarded".
By #454258 30,Jul,17 02:36
so it's like "Redneck" and "Nerd"? A title, worn like a badge of honor?
I've sucked more than 4 dicks, but don't consider myself gay because I enjoy women more.

Also, Robin Hood is a fictional character.
By #491031 28,Jul,17 12:33
I am quite aware (as, I am sure, are most of the people who read my post) that Robin Hood is a fictional character. My point, however, was that it doesn't matter what you "consider" yourself to be--you are still what you are.
Perhaps it would have helped you more if I had said:
For example--Donald Trump considers himself to be the smartest man in the room. However, that doesn't change the fact that he is really a total idiot.
By andrew999999999 [Ignore] 28,Jul,17 13:01 other posts 
Yes, I am what I am, a man who enjoys sex with men, and sex with women even more.

Also, I'm yet to receive my t-shirt, even though the fourth cock I sucked was a few years back, and I've sucked more since then. I sucked 2 last Sunday at the sauna complex I visit frequently.
By #491031 28,Jul,17 13:30
Damned Postal Service just isn't what it used to be.
By _avg_ [Ignore] 29,Jul,17 02:16 other posts 
"Donald Trump considers himself to be the smartest man in the room."

If there were no other men in the room, he might be right...
By RealTitsLover [Ignore] 27,Jul,17 07:41 other posts 
I agree. But part of what he says is true... If you're willing to be sexual with either a girl or a guy, you're bisexual, not gay or straight.
By andrew999999999 [Ignore] 28,Jul,17 15:23 other posts 
Personally, I see sexuality as more than who you have sex with. For me, it's who you want to have a deep and meaningful, long term relationship with. I just want sex with men, not a relationship, whereas with women, I like to have more than just sex.
Also, when I'm out in public, if I see a woman, I'll sometimes think to myself whether or not I'd have sex with her, but when I see men, those thoughts don't cross my mind.
By RealTitsLover [Ignore] 03,Aug,17 21:27 other posts 
That's your romantic preference. You're still bisexual.

It's very uncommon, even for bisexuals, to be interested in a long-term relationship with either sex without a preference.
By andrew999999999 [Ignore] 04,Aug,17 12:11 other posts 
So I'm straight romantically, but bi sexually?
By RealTitsLover [Ignore] 05,Aug,17 08:20 other posts 

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