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Started by #491031 [Ignore] 28,Jul,16 14:08
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post scriptum: always like how much effort you put into the question. Like that ...
What if you identify as a duck?
Sorry, but words have definitions for a reason.
Take, for example; Robin Hood.
He "considered" himself to be a hero because he only robbed from the rich to give it to the poor.
However, that doesn't change the fact that, by definition, he is still a thief. See?
what it all boils down to is, society forces us use labels like "strait" or "gay." Humans judge people different from themselves. And its not limited sexual orientation. Race, gender, physcal apperence, even location. Take someone from the city, and take them to the country. Immediatly, they will judge and label everything as "a bunch of HICKS and REDNECKS living in the STICKS."
I myself was labeled as FAT. just for being a little big. and just like race or gender its not something you can easily change.
Judgeing people like that, and Labels, are the root of all evil in my book. It may not seem like a big deal now. But I've seen it cause so much pain and death in my life. A student was killed in my school just because he was labeled gay.
the point im trying to make, is that "gay" and "strait" are just labels, and all it is, is just personnal preference.
sorry for the rant. I just watched the Howard Stern 9/11 broadcast, so I'm just a little agrivated.
If everyone on the planet was just called Bob, the fat Bobs and gay Bobs and midget Bobs would STILL be dealing with the same problems they had before their Bobification.
Semantic games don't change human nature.
The "label" didn't cause his death, a murderer did. Chances are, that same person would have come up with a different justification for that horrible crime even if the poor k1d had not been "labeled gay". Because h@te-filled sociopaths are still h@te-filled sociopaths...no matter what they "consider" themselves to be.
but no, we have to slap a label on it, just to segregate those who may enjoy something you may not.
By definition, sucking your friend's dick makes you gay (or bi). That's how words work. They have meanings, which help to make communication between people effective.
Words don't pass judgement.
It doesn't matter what you want to be called. The behavior you practice, by definition, is gay (or bi). Your feelings about the matter don't even enter into the equation.
You may be "just a person", but you are "just a person" who is doing stuff that bi/gay guys do.
By your reasoning, the fact that the word "retarded" is no longer widely used would mean that there were no longer any mentally retarded people left on the planet.
Abolishing a word does not change the reality.
Also, Robin Hood is a fictional character.
Perhaps it would have helped you more if I had said:
For example--Donald Trump considers himself to be the smartest man in the room. However, that doesn't change the fact that he is really a total idiot.
Also, I'm yet to receive my t-shirt, even though the fourth cock I sucked was a few years back, and I've sucked more since then. I sucked 2 last Sunday at the sauna complex I visit frequently.
If there were no other men in the room, he might be right...
Also, when I'm out in public, if I see a woman, I'll sometimes think to myself whether or not I'd have sex with her, but when I see men, those thoughts don't cross my mind.
It's very uncommon, even for bisexuals, to be interested in a long-term relationship with either sex without a preference.
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