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New feature - tags for images

Discussion Forum on Show It Off

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Started by admin [Ignore] 28,Aug,15 14:26  other posts
In response to all those "please add more categories" and because the conception of the site is shifting anyway, I added a new feature - you can now tag images with specific keywords. Only 3 per image is allowed, but it does not cost points and you can change it whenever you want. It's available in the image management section (small link under thumbnails on your member page).

Tagged images can be viewed by those keywords from this page /viewbytag.php naturally it's all empty right now and will stay empty until people tag their images. When (and if) they do I'll put a link to that page in some visible place.

If you need more tags, let me know. You can write right in this thread.

P.S. And don't blame me if people assign incorrect tags to their images. I won't be doing anything about that.

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By #619604 24,Jun,20 10:42
Trying to change my videos from members to public viewing but when i use the “batch” porthole it does work ? The videos dont cum up as being viewable by the general public.
Am i doing something wrong?
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“Does not work”
By admin [Ignore] 24,Jun,20 11:07 other posts 
This site was not designed as videohosting, I only added some basic video functionality because members almost begged me to do that. But this functionality is very limited and because of that videos are always for members only. It's impossible to change a mode of videos to "public" either with the batch feature or individually.

By _avg_ [Ignore] 31,May,19 20:03 other posts 
Hey admin, when browsing tagged images, can you please expand the number of "page results" beyond 20 pages??

(For example: 2883 images are tagged "#artistic" and "#ass" has 24044 images, but there's only 20 pages of results for both -- meaning a lot of tagged images can't be seen under that tag, which kinda defeats the purpose....)
By admin [Ignore] 31,May,19 23:47 other posts 
I rarely do things all the way from the start. I do something so it works at minimum and if people show interest I develop it further. People did not show much interest to this feature, so I did not develop it further.

By #509106 22,Mar,16 16:39
How do you change your tags in case you made a mistake?
By #485312 22,Mar,16 20:53
under your pics 'manage it' add your new tags and submit the changes, will cost you if its been a day or two since you loaded it *lix*
By admin [Ignore] 22,Mar,16 23:14 other posts 
Changing tags does not cost anything. Just enter new tags and hit "update" button near it. No need to "submit changes" in this case.

I guess it's confusing because many things were added after the initial interface was made. I'll put a note there.

By #485312 28,Jan,16 16:14
just another thought admin, small tweek, when you comment on a pic and it has many many comments, it leaves you at the bottom of the page and you have to scroll back the top to move back to their page, a return to top of page button would be nice, just to save scrolling all the way back to the top again, thanks *lix*

By #505462 27,Jan,16 18:38
I think I found a bug in the tags. Added a tag to a video took away points. The points log says it was for changing categories, but the category did not yet. If the tag feature will cost points to use on videos, a warning would be nice.
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Ugh, sorry for the bad english. Basically, I lost points for changing categories when the category did not change, only a tag was added. Just wondering if that is an "undocumented feature".
By skinb [Ignore] 27,Jan,16 18:56 other posts 
You just type in the tag then hit update right next to it. If you hit submit changes at the bottom it charges you points. I had that happen too
By #505462 27,Jan,16 19:35
Thanks, I'll be careful next time!

By #485312 25,Sep,15 08:16
Admin, in your constant endeavour to make the site better, would you be able to add a link back to the users page on the php page after youve given a gift. Most times lve gifted ld just like return to my page to see who's next to get a gift. Having both options would make it easy and quicker for us people with slow internet connections. Thanks *lix*
By leopoldij [Ignore] 25,Sep,15 08:20 other posts 
I'm not quite sure I understand what exactly you're asking but here's what I think: I'd like to know when somebody gave me a gift. Often, I don't notice it. For example, I just saw you handcuffed me . I should have noticed that earlier, but it only occurred me to look because I saw your posting here. Perhaps we're talking about the same thing?

(And what am I supposed to do now that I'm handcuffed? Would you like to sit on my cock and have full control of it?)

By leopoldij [Ignore] 21,Sep,15 14:44 other posts 
Can you please add

By #23904 21,Sep,15 09:32
#panties please

By leopoldij [Ignore] 06,Sep,15 09:45 other posts 
I daresay #cameltoe would be a welcome addition...

By Ravioli_Max [Ignore] 03,Sep,15 16:02 other posts 
Is "redhead" missing or did I miss seeing it on the list?
By admin [Ignore] 03,Sep,15 16:35 other posts 
There is "ginger". I did not want to add both and it seems "redHEAD" is mostly not applicable on this site, since mostly there are no heads present in the shot.
By Ravioli_Max [Ignore] 04,Sep,15 20:09 other posts 
OH ok, thanks!

By leopoldij [Ignore] 04,Sep,15 05:11 other posts 
I just noticed that the link [Manage it] under the pics/videos, replacing the previous option that I always found puzzling and cumbersome.
Great change!
By #485312 04,Sep,15 05:53
maybe now we wont get points off for wrong catagories, l never did understand how they worked, or why l got penalized for posting a pussy in main *lix*
By leopoldij [Ignore] 04,Sep,15 07:09 other posts 
Neither did I. I never understood how it worked. It was asking me to put my pic under "dicks" or "pussies" but then one could put pussies under "dicks" and dicks under "pussies". I've been using the site "" but then there is something else called "" and also "". I've no idea what the hell was going on. Also, sometimes I was penalized for putting my pic in the wrong category. And I didn't care at all putting my pics under any category, I did it for one reason only: it was the only way to have your pic displayed on the top of the main page; I first had to categorize it (risking having points taken off) and then display it on top. Bizarre!

By leopoldij [Ignore] 04,Sep,15 05:41 other posts 
And while at it, would you think that
might be possible tags? Of course, we should not overdo it with hundreds of tags...

By shackles [Ignore] 31,Aug,15 00:03 other posts 
If no objections, I'd like to see a tag for #cbt. There seems to be a lot of these types of pics on here.
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Maybe also #cockring, #tied, #wife. Just thinking of ones I'd tag with or would search for.....
By leopoldij [Ignore] 31,Aug,15 01:47 other posts 
What does cbt mean?
By #472683 31,Aug,15 02:00
Cock and ball torture
By shackles [Ignore] 31,Aug,15 09:01 other posts 
By leopoldij [Ignore] 31,Aug,15 13:37 other posts 
Ouch! No thanks. Sounds painful!
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REALLY painful! only registered users can see external links Torture! No thanks!

By leopoldij [Ignore] 30,Aug,15 13:42 other posts 
I see you are allowing for the possibility of viewing all pics with 1 tag, for example,

#blowjob --> /viewbytag.php?tag=6

with 2 tags, for example,

#masturbation#anal --> /viewbytag.php?tag=18056

or 3 tags, for example,

#tits#mature#nipples --> /viewbytag.php?tag=29035064

This means that there are so many different pages that can be produced this way. With 74 tags currently, there are, potentially, 74 + (1/2)*74*73 + (1/6)*74*73*72 = 67599 pages. Wow!
By admin [Ignore] 30,Aug,15 14:07 other posts 
Well, I'm still thinking what I can do about this. Technically it's not that much of a problem, but representation is a nightmare. Other than going via separate images (and I will have to show the tags on image pages) I do not think it's possible to show on one page even a portion of all possible combinations.

Or may be I'll try to track the most used and display them in one place. Or both. I don't know. Right now there seems to be more tags than tagged images
By leopoldij [Ignore] 30,Aug,15 21:04 other posts 
I was not complaining. It's fine the way it is. I was just saying that, potentially, one has lots of possibilities. No problem with that!
By admin [Ignore] 30,Aug,15 21:23 other posts 
At the moment it's fine, because there are no many tagged images. It will be flawed when there are over 10000 tagged images.

By leopoldij [Ignore] 30,Aug,15 13:33 other posts 
I think
is a must for a tag!
Also, can you add

By leopoldij [Ignore] 30,Aug,15 13:16 other posts 
Admin, there's a tag called
GUess that should be

By leopoldij [Ignore] 30,Aug,15 06:21 other posts 
Two more tags please:
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And how about just plain good old
By admin [Ignore] 30,Aug,15 08:04 other posts 
You've got it.
By #485312 30,Aug,15 09:47
thankyou, even better...*lix*
By leopoldij [Ignore] 30,Aug,15 10:26 other posts 
You see, two of my favorite activities, fingering a pussy and getting a handjob weren't there! So I could think of no suitable tag for some of my pics. And then what about just fucking? (Or have we given up on it on this site? )
By leopoldij [Ignore] 30,Aug,15 10:24 other posts 

By #485312 30,Aug,15 06:48
while youre tweaking things admin, would a send gift button at the bottom of each section be too much to ask for, so you don't have to scroll right to the bottom to send, like one at the end of good gifts and one under the harmless joke section...only a thought, thanks *lix*

By bigone21 [Ignore] 29,Aug,15 19:27 other posts 
thanks admin! good new functionality!

By Ravioli_Max [Ignore] 29,Aug,15 14:41 other posts 
I can't categorize images anymore, sir.
Always had a problem doing that with the first, initial picture of a picture-posting session I'd do, but now I can't do it at all.

By #201155 29,Aug,15 14:27
Sounds good, admin, thanks

By #204902 29,Aug,15 13:03
It's a great new Feature!! I hope many members will use it!

By #485312 28,Aug,15 22:12
artistic, fucking, facial, group, fisting, lingerie, nipples, pregnant, tanlines, twink, and other for the non catagoriseable *lix*
By admin [Ignore] 28,Aug,15 22:32 other posts 
There is "sex" already. If I add several words for the same thing it will only increase chaos. Though I can rename it to fucking if sex seems to be ambiguous...

"other" seems to be against the whole idea.
By #485312 28,Aug,15 22:56
thanks..they were just suggestions from what lve seen on other sites that are popular *lix*
By leopoldij [Ignore] 29,Aug,15 02:00 other posts 
Nipples please!
By #485312 29,Aug,15 02:30
l like the 'other' collections, sometimes they hold some doozies in them, what about a bizarre category for those pics?? and where will we be able to access it? *lix*
By admin [Ignore] 29,Aug,15 07:44 other posts 
Bizarre seems fine.

By leopoldij [Ignore] 28,Aug,15 18:39 other posts 
Good idea. Two comments however.
1. You should tell people how to add a tag to an existing pic: click on the pick, click on the link at the top left of the image, e.g., [D:main], add tag manually, e.g., #cut, click on Update.
2. I didn't manage to add to tags. I first added #dick and the image was under this tag, but then when I added #cut it was removed from #dick.
By admin [Ignore] 28,Aug,15 18:55 other posts 
Indeed. You add all 3 (or less) at once.
By leopoldij [Ignore] 28,Aug,15 19:08 other posts 
By Ravioli_Max [Ignore] 29,Aug,15 06:30 other posts 
Thank you for everything admin

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