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Started by bella! [Ignore] 02,Apr,13 18:51  other posts
I encourage and welcome you to say what you want to say about whatever you want to, right here. Anything/Everything goed, say something.......

WARNING: You, your views and/or opinions may be attacked.

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By andrew999999999 [Ignore] 31,Aug,13 11:21 other posts 
Could someone explain the significance of 420 to me? I know it's April 20th, and concerns weed, but is there more to it than that, or is it just some sort of national weed day in USA?
By veryshyguy [Ignore] 19,Aug,17 22:55 other posts 
This is what I have heard about where the term 420 came from.

In the early 1970's, the term 420 originated at San Rafael High School, among a group of about a dozen pot smoking students who called themselves the Waldos. The term was shorthand for the time of day the group would meet, at the campus statue of Louis Pasteur, to smoke marijuana. Intent on developing their own discreet lingo, they made 420 code for a time to get high, and its use spread among members of an entire generation.

It eventually became a national date for the smokers to light up their joints.

At least what I have heard.

By #220845 19,Aug,17 16:35
Hope to see the eclipse Monday

By 2nice [Ignore] 12,Aug,17 02:50 other posts 
I have to poop.
By bella! [Ignore] 12,Aug,17 08:52 other posts 
Thanks for the warning. Who's page are you gonna do it on?
By JustWill [Ignore] 19,Aug,17 15:45 other posts 
Dude, it has been seven days since you posted this. I really hope that you are not still pooping.

By bella! [Ignore] 27,Jul,17 09:46 other posts 
I saw this piece and I thought it might be fun to post to see if anyone can spot all the errors. Allegedly, there are a mixture of 15 spelling and grammatical errors for you to find (which excludes anything that I wrote). See if you can spot them and have fun!

"Dear Jane,

I was delighted to read you’re letter last week. Its always a pleasure to recieve the latest news and to here that you and your family had a great summer.

We spent last week at the beach and had so much fun on the sand and in the water exploring the coast we weren’t prepared for the rains that came at the end of the vacation. The best parts of the trip was the opportunities to sightsee and relax.

My kids are back in school to. I find their are less things to worry about now that the kids are at school all day. There is plenty of fun things to do in the summer, but by August, I’ve running out of ideas. I’ve excepted the fact that we’ll have to think up brand-new activities next summer; hoping to round up some creative ideas soon.

Thanks again for your letter!

Sincerely, Karen"
By admin [Ignore] 27,Jul,17 10:24 other posts 
I can only find 6 - your letter, to hear, school too, there are, I'm running out, accepted. But it's not my language and I do not understand its subtleties. Those that I've spotted are typical that Americans make in comments under news articles.
By #526776 27,Jul,17 10:36
This sort of thing drives me crazy lol!! Let me see if I can do this.

1. No quote mark before Dear & after Karen

2. "to read you're letter" should be "to read your letter"

3. Its should be It's

4. recieve should be receive

5. should be a period after "coast."

6. "We" should be capitalized.

7. "...of the trip were/not was the opportunities.."

8. "...in school too/not to".

9. "..I find there/not their are less things..."

10. "There are/not is plenty of..."

11. "but by August, I'm/not I've running..."

12. "I've accepted/not excepted the fact.."

13. no hyphen in "brand-new", it's 2 words

14. Karen should be under Sincerely, not on same line

15. "...pleasure to here/should be hear that you..."

That's my 15? Hope that made sense the way I had to do it.

thanks for the chance to remember my editing skills.
By RealTitsLover [Ignore] 27,Jul,17 10:56 other posts 
I made a list too, but you posted first, damn it. I disagree with three of them (I think the quotes at the beginning and end were added by Bella), but all the rest were the same. Two I had that aren't mentioned on your list were...

(between 4 and 5)
- hear, not here

(between 6 and 7)
- rain, not rains

Wait... did you change your last one, 15? Eh, fuck it.
By bella! [Ignore] 27,Jul,17 12:41 other posts 
As far as the original article, the errors were with spelling and word choices, not with various punctuation.
By #526776 27,Jul,17 13:57
aww dang, I missed one then.
By JustWill [Ignore] 27,Jul,17 14:42 other posts 
If we are looking at word choice, your item nine should have noted that it should be FEWER things rather than LESS things.
Other than that, it looks like you got them all.
By 2nice [Ignore] 27,Jul,17 18:02 other posts 
That crafty footluvrsgirl took all of your fun away.
By JustWill [Ignore] 27,Jul,17 22:24 other posts 
Not really.
Too much like being at work.
By #526776 27,Jul,17 18:33
oh "fewer" - that's a good!
By 2nice [Ignore] 27,Jul,17 18:04 other posts 

By #526776 27,Jul,17 18:33
By bella! [Ignore] 27,Jul,17 23:08 other posts 
The Mistakes

1. “You’re” – The contraction “you’re” means “you are.” The word “your” should be used with a noun to indicate possession, as in “your letter.”

2. “Its” – “Its” is a word indicating possession, as in “its wheels.” “It’s” is a contraction meaning “it is.” This sentence should read “It’s always a pleasure…”

3. “Recieve” – You’ll need to use the “I before E except after C” rule to find the correct spelling of “receive” here.

4. “Here” – “Here” indicates location. The writer should have used the homonym “hear,” which indicates listening.

5. The third sentence is a run-on sentence – A period or a comma and conjunction would make a big difference in the readability of the phrase.

6. Subject-verb agreement – The subject of the sentence is “parts” (which is plural) and the verb is “was” (which is singular). The sentence should read, “The best parts of the vacation were…”

7. “To” – “To” is a preposition, as in “to the beach.” Here, the writer should use “too,” meaning also.

8. “Their” – “Their” is possessive. “They’re” means “they are.” In this case, the writer should use the third homonym, “there.”

9. “Less” – “Less” should be used with an amount that you can’t count, as in “less money” or “less animosity.” The word “fewer” should be used with amounts that you can count, as in “fewer things,” “fewer items,” or “fewer stores.”

10. Subject-verb agreement – “Is” is a singular verb. In this sentence, the verb should be plural, as in: “There are plenty of fun things to do…”

11. “I’ve running” – This verb should be “I am running” or “I have run.” With contractions, “I’m running” or “I’ve run.”

12. Incorrect word usage – The writer should have used the word “accepted” instead of “excepted.”

13. Incorrect semi-colon usage – A semi-colon should be used between two related complete sentences, i.e. two connected independent clauses.

Oh, frick! I messed up, there were only 13 errors, not 15 as I indicated. So sorry.
By Andthisisme [Ignore] 27,Jul,17 10:50 other posts 
I have 12 faults, but clearly those are the 12 obvious ones
By 2nice [Ignore] 27,Jul,17 12:35 other posts 
Will is going to have a field day with this.
By bella! [Ignore] 27,Jul,17 12:38 other posts 
Why not give it a go yourself?
By #460385 27,Jul,17 14:16
You lost me at Dear Jane,
By veryshyguy [Ignore] 19,Aug,17 13:34 other posts 
I'll try this one:

you're -> your
Its -> It's
Dear Jane, -> Dear Jane:
recieve -> receive
here - hear
exploring the coast we -> exploring the coast. We
trip was the opportunities -> trip were the opporunitiies
to -> too
to worry about now that the kids -> to worry about now, that the kids (add a comma)
their is plenty of fun -> there are plenty of fun
I've running -> I've run
excepted -> accepted
brand-new -> brand new
; - , (Not sure about the semicolon. I would break up the sentence or maybe a comma)

By bella! [Ignore] 01,Aug,17 20:32 other posts 
"Do you usually masterbate?"
By #275407 01,Aug,17 20:49
Now that I'm not dating anyone, I masterbate every day because I am so very horny all the time./32tb95m7p24ppic.html
--------------------------------------- added after 3 minutes

By bella! [Ignore] 01,Aug,17 22:01 other posts 
Back atcha, cody!
By #527431 01,Aug,17 21:25
No, I don't. And you?
By bella! [Ignore] 01,Aug,17 22:03 other posts 
To answer your question, noname, no, I do not materbate but occasionally I will mastUrbate.
By #527431 02,Aug,17 06:14
Exactly. It's very common misspelling.
By #538447 02,Aug,17 12:29
How does Bella masturbate and find the time to be on here 24 7?
By jayman73 [Ignore] 02,Aug,17 18:30 other posts 
She has two hands. She can multitask.
By bella! [Ignore] 02,Aug,17 19:38 other posts 
Thanks for your concern but don't lose any sl33p over it, a'ight?
By #538447 02,Aug,17 21:11
I think Bella must be a shut in. There is one on every site.... #losingit
By bella! [Ignore] 02,Aug,17 21:20 other posts 
Just as I thought, the "friends" are keeping things lively!
By JustWill [Ignore] 02,Aug,17 08:37 other posts 
What about people who Unusually "masterbate"? Like while they are watching He-Man cartoons, or by using their feet?
By bella! [Ignore] 02,Aug,17 09:41 other posts 
Ooooh..... that's something that sounds freakishly unusual, someone who can "masterbate" by using their feet! CRAZY!
By Andthisisme [Ignore] 02,Aug,17 10:02 other posts 
I have seen a video of a woman using the ball of her heel as a masturbatory aide, almost 'riding her heel'. I have not seen a guy use his feet,
By bella! [Ignore] 02,Aug,17 21:34 other posts 
That takes some talent, yikes!
By JeffinKS [Ignore] 03,Aug,17 07:20 other posts 
your too funny.... thanks for making me chuckle
By veryshyguy [Ignore] 19,Aug,17 13:14 other posts 
If usually means every day then of course!

By bella! [Ignore] 07,Aug,17 21:05 other posts 
I saw this "interesting" piece on TopBuzz.

Bored Scientists Have Worked Out Why Your Dog Stares At You While Pooping

Steve Charnock

August 1, 2017 12:55 pm

If you’re anything like us, then you’ll be almost as big a fan of science as you are of dogs. So you might well have wondered like we have… Why do dogs insist on looking at you so intently when they’re doing their business? It’s true, isn’t it? While pooping, a canine will fix a stare right into you soul. It’s weird.

Well, now some (presumably pretty bored) scientists have come up with an answer. A team of animal behaviorists have researched it and think they’ve discovered the reason. It’s all about the squad having their back, you see. That’s right. They’re checking to see if you – the pack leader – is looking out for them.

Think about it. You and you dog(s) are a little gang in their mind. When crimping one out, your pooch is at its most vulnerable. It can’t run or fight or really do anything much beyond depositing a little home-brewed compost. So it needs to know they you’re spotting him or her and looking out for rivals and that. Cool, huh?
By admin [Ignore] 07,Aug,17 21:13 other posts 
You should also look into why females go to bathrooms in groups (or at least in pairs) and have that strong hissing sound that men do not produce, you will probably be even more fascinated
By bella! [Ignore] 07,Aug,17 21:36 other posts 
Women "hiss" when they piss? I don't think I've ever done that.

As far as going to the restroom in a group or in pairs, I did it when I was younger and as I recall, it was mainly to "gossip".
By admin [Ignore] 07,Aug,17 22:03 other posts 
It's an instinct predetermined by security requirements similar to what you just quoted about dogs. "To gossip" is just a rationalization of that subconscious drive.
By veryshyguy [Ignore] 19,Aug,17 13:07 other posts 
There was a small segment on one of the old Mary Tyler Moore show where the news person Ted something (I forgot who played it) said when women went to the bathroom together it was to attend their "**** society" meeting! And if they asked for $ they needed it for their dues!
--------------------------------------- added after 2 hours

Don't know why they ***** out s-e-c-r-e-t
By bella! [Ignore] 07,Aug,17 21:57 other posts 
Oh, for crying out loud, I thought that you meant that women make a hissing sound via their mouth!

No, you're absolutely correct, women "hiss"!

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By admin [Ignore] 07,Aug,17 22:04 other posts 

By bella! [Ignore] 08,Aug,17 17:51 other posts 
Glen Campbell -- legendary country music singer best known for his 1975 hit, "Rhinestone Cowboy" -- has died after a long battle with Alzheimer's ..
By veryshyguy [Ignore] 19,Aug,17 13:04 other posts 

By bella! [Ignore] 18,Aug,17 20:41 other posts 
Has anyone noticed the rating criteria for the Activity Meter?

This is rating; "at the moment it's roughly like this: meaningful image comment = 50, short image comment = 10, image vote = 7, meaningful private message = 3 and "excitement like" = 2"

It's baffled me how members could consistently achieve ratings of 3,000, 4,000, 5,000 all the way up to 8,000+ rating. I studied one member and found that they were commenting but it didn't appear that they voted. I figured that it had to do with the "meaningful image comment" which could boost your rating by 50 points. Having an inquiring mind, I contacted admin about this and of course, was asked prove this by posting a comment on a picture. I did so and I believe at that time my rating jumped by 5. Admin tells me my comment was too short. I go back to the same picture make a different comment, but make it longer. Again, rating jumped by 5 and again, I'm advised that my comment was too short.

I've got to wonder, what in the frick is a meaningful comment? I gather that a bunch of these or a bunch of those might not be considered a "meaningful comment" however, why would it be necessary for a member to say more than "sexy cock", "beautiful bushy pussy", etc? Cripes, it's kinda creepy if someone says more than that. I mean, do I need to say (This is just an example); "I love those three moles, or are they freckles that I see at the base of your cock. Those three whatever they are were visible when I enlarged your picture and viewed it in HD! I dream about dicks like yours every day on my coffee break and can't wait to meet you in person. I'm gonna bring camera and some wax so I can take a picture and make a cast of your perfect penis."

Seriously, is that what is considered long enough and meaningful enough? Yike! Anything much longer than a few words is CREEPY!
By #275407 18,Aug,17 21:12
You say that to me Bella, and I might just give you fifty points
By bella! [Ignore] 18,Aug,17 21:50 other posts 
It ain't gonna happen, cody!
By bella! [Ignore] 18,Aug,17 22:18 other posts 
There you go, cody!

[deleted image]
By #536760 18,Aug,17 23:01
[deleted image] Cody for PM. carn,t get any worse.
By bella! [Ignore] 18,Aug,17 23:19 other posts 
Thanks, cody!
By #460385 18,Aug,17 21:30
Haha. That's funny shit. We leave plenty of messages daily. We receive no points. We refuse to say a bunch of nonsense that we don't mean. If you got nice tits, that's what we will say to you. We will not say. OMG you have the most beautiful boobs in the world. You are a beautiful angel that we would die for. Lol.
--------------------------------------- added after 4 minutes

I asked the same question. What qualifies as a meaningful comment. There must be certain words and length that the system picks up on. I sure would like to know what they are?
By bella! [Ignore] 18,Aug,17 22:02 other posts 
You're not going to see a 50 point increase in your Activity Meter for that lame "meaningful comment" probably because it's not long enough!

I know you asked but like I said, I was baffled to see members with 3,000, 4,000, 5,000 and 8,000+ activity levels and one member I observed hadn't commented as many times as I had, nor did they appear to vote, so I specifically asked. admin did say there was a glitch which he fixed.....apparently, what was wrong was that I point out that a member was able to jump more than 1,000 points in 5 hours, or so. I suspect the real problem was that I could actually SEE this happening. One of the adjustments he made is that what you do is held in the site "clouds" until midnight or 01:00 and calculations are then dumped.
By bella! [Ignore] 19,Aug,17 07:30 other posts 
I thought about this while I slept, LONG messages should receive a 50 point deduction for being too darn creepy!
By #511804 19,Aug,17 07:58
I seldom look at that meter, does it have a pay out?
By #526776 19,Aug,17 09:40
Yeah, I was on for a while yesterday and left several messages etc and my meter was like 316? So, I don't get it either. And I get a lot of private messages. How does my meter know what my private messages are "meaningful"?
By bella! [Ignore] 19,Aug,17 09:54 other posts 
I bet the meter has eyes! I can't imagine WHAT or WHO decides when my I send or respond meaningfully.

Hmmmmmm......Are my messages considered meaningful when I contact a member regarding them being referred for deletion? Are my messages considered meaningful when I respond to or initiate a conversation? Gosh, I'm going to have to discreetly use this evaluation process to assess people in my everyday life!
By veryshyguy [Ignore] 19,Aug,17 12:57 other posts 
I must really be lame, my activity meter is a mere 78... I must admit I'm not sure how all of these meters really work. I've always wondered how the member rating works. I've been way back down to the mean icon, not sure how I got there, then back up to the smiley face and not sure how I got there. I also have been blacklisted by a few folks but I don't know why either. Those who have blacklisted me I don't recall ever having said anything to them.

But really I don't much care. I did get one exciting meter badge but I have no idea why.

I haven't spent a lot of time here but when I do I just want to enjoy myself.

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