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Things Every Man Should Do at Least Once

Discussion Forum on Show It Off

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Started by spermkiss [Ignore] 19,Dec,12 19:34  other posts
Here's my list of things every man of any orientation, straight, gay or bisexual, should do at least once in his life if only to prove to himself that he has the balls to do them.

1. Let his beard grow out

2. Shave his head

3. Shave his entire body from the neck down

4. Wear a swim brief (Speedo) to the beach or pool

5. Get an erection while wearing that swim brief at the beach or pool

6. Go to a nude beach or resort

7. Get an erection at that nude beach or resort

8. Get an erection in the locker room, changing room or shower at a gym, pool or beach

9. French kiss a woman

10. French kiss a man

11. Fuck a woman and climax

12. Bring a woman to climax using his lips and tongue

13. Get sucked off by a man and climax in his mouth

14. Suck a man to climax and swallow his sperm

15. Be photographed in the nude, full frontal

16. Jack off to climax in a public place with people watching

I have done everything on this list. Anyone care to make some additions.

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By #443664 06,Aug,15 17:33
I went to Ibiza last month, I showed my friends this list after the trip and although we were drunk for most of the trip and can't remember much, we apparently all did most of the things on this list (apart from 13. And 14 )
By #485312 06,Aug,15 18:45
did you bring us back some holiday shots??? sounds like it could of been a clip from the hangover *lix*
By #443664 06,Aug,15 18:50
I've got lots of nice snaps of the scenery and such, but none of me naked on the beach with a hard on .., as a sigh of relief waves over the Showitoff community. , I'll send some via pm if you want of the scenery
By spermkiss [Ignore] 06,Aug,15 23:57 other posts 
Push your limits and do 13 and 14. You'll be glad you did. As I said when I posted this "...if only to prove to himself that he has the balls to do them."

By #492341 06,Aug,15 22:16
I thought enjoying a good whiskey would be in there,not that you asked but I enjoy Bulleit rye.
By spermkiss [Ignore] 06,Aug,15 23:53 other posts 
Good addition. I'm an ultra light drinker (maybe two or three drinks a week), but a nice libation is refreshing.

By leopoldij [Ignore] 23,Jan,15 15:32 other posts 
Jack off to climax in a public place with people watching when they have not been expecing it. no staging, no arrangements, just pull out cock and jack off. it's ok if it's a bus, a train, the sidewalk, a supermarket, a clothing store, anything goes.
By spermkiss [Ignore] 24,Jan,15 15:05 other posts 
Good addition, and of course I've done that more than once, mostly in parks, but also other places.

Another addition, have partnered sex in a public place (with a man or a woman, your choice, but in my case it was always a man). Have done this hundreds of times in front of hundreds, perhaps thousands, of other people. Sometimes they even took photos. I always thought it would be a hoot if one of those pictures showed up here or elsewhere on the internet. 'Hasn't happened yet.
By #443664 06,Aug,15 18:51
Have you ever been arrested by jobsworth cops before for enjoying some hot sexual fun in the sun?
By spermkiss [Ignore] 06,Aug,15 23:51 other posts 
No, but I do have the advantage of living in San Francisco where public nudity and even public sex a very much tolerated. If the police observe sexual activity about all they do is tell those doing it to stop, and sometimes not even that. There are rarely arrests.

By #485312 03,Aug,15 07:34
take a month off and survive on a deserted island,
drive a race car,
piss on an electric fence,
read a set of instructions on an electrical device before using it,
assemble a piece of furniture from ikea,
break a bed while fucking,
climb a mountain, or a large hill by foot,
swim naked in a cold lake,
that's just a few

By #23212 23,Jan,15 02:51
Since you did not specify, neither in your title nor in your opening description, that these had to be sexual 'things' to do; and since learning and practicing how to be more open with one's feeling can make anyone a better lover, I propose this:

Get together with your best female friend, and, perhaps tearfully, explain the two worst things that you're terrified could possibly happen to you in the next 5 years.

By spermkiss [Ignore] 20,Dec,12 15:10 other posts 
Some new additions to my list and a clarification of one item.


15. Be photographed nude, full frontal, face showing; bonus points if it's with an erection

New items:

17. Whip it out and piss out-of-doors with others around; pretty much a give away item 'cause just about every man in the world has done this

18. Go commando when wearing snug fitting pants made of thin material

19. Get an erection in public wearing those pants

20. Go commando wearing gym shorts or other very short shorts so that your dick and balls hang out when you sit or squat

21. Drive or ride in a car nude; bonus points if it's a convertible with the top down

Again, I've done all of these.
--------------------------------------- added after 18164 hours

Since there seems to be renewed interest in this topic, I'll make a comment on this list of additions to move it up near the top.
By Emerald [Ignore] 22,Jan,15 19:57 other posts 
*bumps comment to the top of the pile*
*dashes for cover*

By spermkiss [Ignore] 19,Jan,15 13:31 other posts 
To all my friends here at SYD, there seems to be a renewed interest in this post even though it's more than four years old. I made an addition on December 20, 2012 which I think is valuable, but it's way down near the bottom of the comments. I tried making a reply myself to bring it near the top, but that didn't work. Would someone be so kind as to make a reply to that comment to bring it up near the top?

By #200265 16,Jan,15 06:07
They say cock docking is a must do, although I haven't as yet.
By spermkiss [Ignore] 16,Jan,15 11:12 other posts 
You know, neither have I. Of course we circumcised men cannot do it with each other so we have to find a man with a large overhanging foreskin into which we can dock our glans. This DOES sound like fun.

By #23575 15,Jan,15 22:31
I must be dull. 9, 11 and 12 is all I know.
By spermkiss [Ignore] 16,Jan,15 11:05 other posts 
Well, with your fine penis I rather doubt that you're dull. Plus you've given yourself a nice shave and haircut, so it wouldn't be much of a step up to give yourself a full body from the neck down shave. Try it.

You do say that you're straight but interested in both men and women, so kick it up a notch and actually do something with a man. It's really fun and exciting to step away from your normally preferred gender. I know that from personal experience. It's an opportunity to be a virgin all over again.

As for everything else on the list, put a little spice in your life. You'll be glad you did.

By #421927 16,Jan,15 10:51
Ill add one... I just recently knocked of my list!! Bi-sexual orgy, 8 men & 3 beautiful woman!! Only 4 of the men could get it up, luckily i was one of them!! Plenty of holes to be filled, by all!!

By belgianboobies [Ignore] 15,Jan,15 20:15 other posts 
I 100% support your number 11 and 12

By JeffinKS [Ignore] 31,Dec,14 07:54 other posts 
I have done everything on your list.. some of them more than once
By #445126 31,Dec,14 08:46
Don't blush. Be proud!
By spermkiss [Ignore] 07,Jan,15 11:51 other posts 
Exactly! It's good to be a metrosexual.

By #481714 07,Jan,15 04:01
have done 13 out of your 16...would like to add,as number 17,walk naked through a woodland.
By spermkiss [Ignore] 07,Jan,15 11:50 other posts 
Good addition. Have done it hundreds of times. See my note from December 20, 2012 for other additions I've made.

By newwt10 [Ignore] 04,Jan,15 17:43 other posts 
#12 Is my favorite! There is nothing like have a woman cumming in your mouth!! But would love to feel a man cum down my throat as I sucked him off!!
By spermkiss [Ignore] 07,Jan,15 11:48 other posts 
Well, as a gay cocksucker I'd have to say #14 is my own favorite on the list, but I definitely see where you're coming from. A few years ago I had a straight friend who absolutely loved to bring a woman to climax with his tongue. It was his all time favorite sex act, even more so than intercourse. It is enormously rewarding to know you have given sexual satisfaction to your partner.

As for sucking a man off, go for it, man, you'll be glad you did.

By Emerald [Ignore] 03,Jan,15 23:47 other posts 
My scumbag mind compels me to add:

17. Dive head-first through a vagina.

In fact, that should probably be one of the first things you do. I don't recommend doing it more than once, however...

My apologies if I just spoiled your 5, 7 and 8!

By #7976 03,Jan,15 23:15
I'll agree with 12 or your 16. There are a few others I've done but this is a pretty good sexual Bucket List.

By bella! [Ignore] 19,Dec,12 21:41 other posts 
You are one wild and crazy ( and I mean that in a most respectful way ) guy! I bet you are a hoot to be around!
By Gntlmn [Ignore] 31,Dec,14 11:10 other posts 

By #41858 19,Dec,12 23:59
Participate in a threesome..
By spermkiss [Ignore] 20,Dec,12 01:24 other posts 
Good addition. 'Have done dozens of MMM threesomes, several MMF threesomes, but no MFF threesomes. How 'bout you?
By #41858 20,Dec,12 01:26
Just once when I was in high school.. Two girls and I in my my dad's truck!lol
By Arlo [Ignore] 30,Dec,14 15:58 other posts 
Or foursome or moresome?
By spermkiss [Ignore] 30,Dec,14 17:47 other posts 
Done that. All male, however. There's nothing like a nice wholesome orgy with total strangers and all kinds of free-for-all sucking and fucking.
--------------------------------------- added after 86 seconds

And I'd be open to adding some pussy to the mix.

How 'bout you?

By #412225 31,Aug,13 18:49
I have done some of number 16, i did jack at a gas station where some chick was vacuuming her car out and i was putting air in my tire. I had on shorts so I slipped my dick out the leg and that was good.

By #161491 21,Dec,12 07:56
What about "fuck a man and climax"?
By spermkiss [Ignore] 21,Dec,12 14:53 other posts 
But of course. Also, get fucked in the ass and shoot your own load while a guy is fucking you in the ass.

I didn't want to scare the straight guys by putting too many gay things on the list. We gay guys will do anything with anybody, man or woman. Straight guys might be willing to do some gay stuff if it's with the right man and the stars have lined up just right, but most of them don't want to come across as "too gay". See anon73's comments.
By #161491 21,Dec,12 18:42
"We gay guys will do anything with anybody, man or woman."

I respectfully and vehemently disagree. You're describing yourself specifically, not gay men in general.
By spermkiss [Ignore] 21,Dec,12 19:40 other posts 
Well, I was engaging in a bit of puffery there, I know it's not really true. But, by and large, we are more sexually liberated. Again, see anon73's comments.
By Frenum [Ignore] 30,Aug,13 10:00 other posts 
Yeah thats got to be one guys don't know what their missing

By Frenum [Ignore] 30,Aug,13 09:59 other posts 
Fuck outside in winter in six inches of snow lying on a coat its an amazing sensation

By #183178 21,Dec,12 05:30
I've done it all through the current #21
By spermkiss [Ignore] 21,Dec,12 14:56 other posts 
Good for you. Isn't it fun to be a metrosexual?
--------------------------------------- added after 0 hours

By the way, I love your jacking off in the car video. Now try it fully nude in a convertible with the top down. Yes, I have done that. Is that an Aerostar? I have one myself.

By #316049 20,Dec,12 07:14
Stop rubbing it in to us straight guys that we are the most conservative and restricted sexual persuasion of them all Spermkiss .
Yes to 1, 3, 4, 5, 9, 11, 12, FFM threesomes and sex in multiple public places [except, not arms, armpits or back (mine's not hairy) with regards to 3]. Add swingers party/orgy?
By spermkiss [Ignore] 20,Dec,12 11:20 other posts 
Well, at least you said that with a grin and a thumbs-up sign. I'm not saying that you should do these things to please me or to please anyone else. You should do them to please YOURSELF (" prove to himself that he has the balls to do them.") Broadening your sexual boundaries will be very fulfilling and rewarding. You'll be glad you did. Trust me on that.

Swingers party/orgy is a good addition. So have you been to one? The next time you go, do a little experimenting with other men. You could start with handholding and a little kiss on the cheek and see where it goes.
By #316049 20,Dec,12 11:58
Hahaha...i'll leave that to those more qualified. Impressive knowledge of all things bang though
By spermkiss [Ignore] 20,Dec,12 14:57 other posts 
"...I'll leave that to those more qualified." Man, we're all born virgins and you've got to start somewhere. If another guy knows that guywise you are a virgin that has MAJOR APPEAL. It's a LOT of fun to help someone along the path to something new. And don't be concerned about the women present seeing you explore sex with men. It will only make you more desirable to them. Being gay or bisexual is a Major Babe Magnet. Believe me, as a gay man I know.
By #316049 20,Dec,12 21:21
Valiant attempt / selling skills mate, but i'll be good
By spermkiss [Ignore] 20,Dec,12 22:28 other posts 
As the late Mae West said: "When I'm good, I'm very, very good; but when I'm bad, I'm better."

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