I don't usually do this, but I'll take the bait for once.
Asking whether people believe in global warming makes it sound like some sort of religion. Science is humanity's best attempt at finding the facts. I would like to point out that your car, phone, computer, everything that surrounds you works because of science, so it has proven to be pretty reliable. You wouldn't be reading this if science wasn't trustworthy.
Scientists overwhelmingly agree that global warming is happening, and humanity's contribution is shifting the natural cycle to a degree that, over time (a long time, mind you), threatens our survival as a species. We (meaning humanity) are so sure of this that there is no longer any point in debating the question. Our attention needs to shift to what we can do about it.
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I don't know if I can post a link here, but XKCD illustrates pretty well why you should be worried about the ongoing climate changes, even though the earth's climate does change in natural cycles, and we have had both warm and cold periods before.
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Now, to take my own advice, what you should do about it is:
1) Avoid flying airplanes, except in emergencies. A vacation is not an emergency.
2) Drive an electric car, if you can afford one. They're better than petrol cars in most respects, anyway.
3) If your country's electricity mix is coal or oil based, install solar or wind power if possible.
4) Eat vegetables and fish or, if you have to have meat, chicken or pork. Avoid beef and lamb, as they generate methane, a powerful greenhouse gas.
5) Vote for green policies, if you have a chance. The world will eventually move away from fossil fuels in any case (it's profitable), but it will happen much faster if we provide incentives.
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And with that, I'll get back to looking for people who appreciate a nice, long foreskin...
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Except for 6) Buy second hand, whenever possible. I forgot that one...