Started by #57759 [Ignore] 05,Sep,12 17:29
New Comment Rating: 0 Similar topics: 1.Need some objective opinions... 2.Is mi-lips mi-lips and bella's new target 3.Have you seen bella?? 4.So, you can't live in peace 5.Bella Is A Racist!!!!!! Comments: | ||
--------------------------------------- added after 39 seconds
No great loss
--------------------------------------- added after 11 hours
This is great entertainment. The One Eyed Bitch Witch and her little cunts are running around like mice. All kinds of theories. Candy is Charlie. Charlie is BonBon. The Pope is French. Hotpussy is getting ready to attack Normandy. The Witch is breast feeding the Professor. CC54 is getting an hourly finger fuck. WetNoodle couldn't possibly be Little Red Riding Hood.
What a bunch of stupid, asswipe fucks. As if anyone cares. Losers in life. Losers here. Losers everywhere.
My opinion
There are so many women that are happy to display their parts and are happy for the attention and adulation given. And I'm satisfied with what I've displayed.
As for this thread, you would have to ask MONTED ( look admin, I used the proper vowel ) why he resurrected this thread. My opinion, aside from the fact that he likes to start shit, he recognizes that he is weak and a man would tear his simple old ass up!
--------------------------------------- added after 1602 hours
Yes, I have seen it. And I turned into stone, like in Greek mythology
And his medical degree?
pssst......I am right!
No, he doesn't have one--he's really a podiatrist with a disease, 'Foot In Mouth Disease'.
Yes, the Burger King was FIRST to dig up some old threads that were directed at me. BUT I was able to find more stuff written about him ( and it wasn't favorable, I know, I know, it's hard to believe.....
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