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Discussion Forum on Show It Off   [Drama Queens Fighting section]

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Started by #57759 [Ignore] 05,Sep,12 17:29

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By #573272 17,Jan,19 11:23
Who is Bella?
By bella! [Ignore] 18,Jan,19 16:40 other posts 
Don't worry about who I am, mandy658, what happened to you?
By Dev01 [Ignore] 01,Feb,19 05:41 other posts 

--------------------------------------- added after 39 seconds

No great loss
By #578610 14,Apr,19 10:42
How would you know? This site is full of people that express an opinion about other members without having a first hand knowledge of that member.
By Dev01 [Ignore] 17,Apr,19 16:57 other posts 
Thank you for your insight Grasshopper. It was a location joke and you where not there.
By #578610 05,Jun,19 22:08
The wiked witch bitch of the site
By Sir-Skittles [Ignore] 17,Jul,21 08:40 other posts 
Were were you cunt? TwoWorm 1 or 2??

By #485312 16,Jul,21 00:16
sir-skittles would, he loves scum in his pussy

By Sir-Skittles [Ignore] 04,Jul,21 12:56 other posts 
I wouldn't mind a peek

By leopoldij [Ignore] 23,Jun,21 21:41 other posts 

By #578610 05,Jun,19 10:10
[deleted image]
--------------------------------------- added after 11 hours

This is great entertainment. The One Eyed Bitch Witch and her little cunts are running around like mice. All kinds of theories. Candy is Charlie. Charlie is BonBon. The Pope is French. Hotpussy is getting ready to attack Normandy. The Witch is breast feeding the Professor. CC54 is getting an hourly finger fuck. WetNoodle couldn't possibly be Little Red Riding Hood.
What a bunch of stupid, asswipe fucks. As if anyone cares. Losers in life. Losers here. Losers everywhere.

By #578610 06,Mar,19 08:45
Mardi gras would be a good time to show it off
My opinion

By #451452 28,Sep,14 23:30
As with all members of this site Bella is free to express her thoughts through her words and images. In both cases she is expressing herself by her own choice. What ever else we want to see we can ask her to display, but there is no requirement that she do so. There is also the notion of an eye for an eye justice here. If you put something out here, be prepared to accept and deal with all of the responses that your display may provoke. In that she stands her ground and responds to critics as well as compliments she is fair and stands head and shoulders above many on hear who only fire cheap shots. She is one to be admired and befriended as a great lady.
By #316057 29,Sep,14 00:18
By bigone21 [Ignore] 29,Sep,14 16:17 other posts 
right on!
By johnp [Ignore] 29,Sep,14 16:34 other posts 
Does that mean u do or do not want to c Bella's pussy?? I'm confused...I would love to c Bella's pussy.. Just sayin 😏
By #451452 30,Sep,14 13:28
The only person who can decide to display her parts is Bella. We may be disappointed or feel terribly teased if she does not, but we should not make disparaging remarks about her for not doing it. I would suggest that even lightly flirtatious or teasing jabs at her to try and provoke her to succumb to your wishes could quickly evolve in hateful, obnoxious remarks. If the answer from anyone is no, then we should respect that and move on. Peace and honey much better than acrimonious negativity.
By johnp [Ignore] 30,Sep,14 17:41 other posts 
I did see any disparaging remarks or teasing jabs going on... Did I miss somthing?? The post just said who would like to see Bella's pussy ... Seemed harmless to me .. She even seemed to have fun with it..
By bella! [Ignore] 30,Sep,14 18:09 other posts 
A pussy is a pussy, if you've seen one, you've seen them all! There's nothing special about my bits and it was a choice I made when I returned as bella!.

There are so many women that are happy to display their parts and are happy for the attention and adulation given. And I'm satisfied with what I've displayed.

As for this thread, you would have to ask MONTED ( look admin, I used the proper vowel ) why he resurrected this thread. My opinion, aside from the fact that he likes to start shit, he recognizes that he is weak and a man would tear his simple old ass up!
By johnp [Ignore] 01,Oct,14 10:34 other posts 
😱😱😱.. What?? A pussy is not just pussy.. They r all different and unique!! Kinda like a snowflake Bella!! I'm not saying u should or should not show it .. That is up to u.. I'm simply saying that I would like to c it.. It's a complement for crying out loud!
By Ravioli_Max [Ignore] 12,Dec,16 20:58 other posts 
That is so well said johnp. They are different from each other.
By #562152 26,Nov,18 18:54
that brown ring around your collar is showing
By bella! [Ignore] 03,Dec,18 14:21 other posts 
Weren't your public posts enough, did you really feel the need to involve a super nice man because he said something nice? WOW!
By #562152 03,Dec,18 15:27
What's that saying? The friends of my enemies is my enemy
By bella! [Ignore] 03,Dec,18 15:54 other posts 
You are more spiteful then I would have ever imagined.
By #562152 03,Dec,18 16:10
Yes, Ma'am

By Sir-Skittles [Ignore] 30,Nov,18 14:15 other posts 
Cody has seen it... and he hired a sketch artist to post it here
By #275407 01,Dec,18 22:28
Skittles, I told you not to tell anyone that Bella and I dated in the past
--------------------------------------- added after 1602 hours

Yes, I have seen it. And I turned into stone, like in Greek mythology

By #569341 30,Nov,18 08:57
b! can post whatever she wants to post. She is an incredibly valuable member of this site, who has shown many men and women their own inner “pussy”! Anyone who has an issue with b! has an issue with me (((;!!! :x

By #485312 01,Sep,16 04:50
eeeewwwww yuck, no way, let her keep her cunt to herself, theres already too much of her here, and no one needs to see that horrible thing *lix*
By #529904 16,Mar,17 17:39
piss off you sweaty hog.
By #491031 18,Mar,17 12:47
And yet, suckit insists on posting pics of HER "horrible thing". Ironic, no?

By cazzoduro69 [Ignore] 02,Jul,16 07:25 other posts 

By cardinal [Ignore] 15,Apr,16 15:07 other posts 
come checkout my pussy eats all gud its all gawds"

By #491031 16,Jul,15 08:12
Who would like to see DrGyno's pussy?

And his medical degree?
By bella! [Ignore] 16,Jul,15 09:31 other posts 
That's another thread!

pssst......I am right!
By #23212 17,Jul,15 01:32
"And his medical degree?"
No, he doesn't have one--he's really a podiatrist with a disease, 'Foot In Mouth Disease'.

By #493288 15,Jul,15 23:22
Definitely not unless she loses 100 lbs
By bella! [Ignore] 16,Jul,15 00:26 other posts 
And you're still a strange little man!

By #472648 29,Sep,14 09:10
This is rude as fuck, Bella can put whatever the hell she wants on her page. If she doesn't want to show certain parts, she doesn't have to and should certainly not feel forced to. You posting this thread shows that you're an inconsiderate, disrespectful person. I realize that this is posted 2 years ago, but seeing that people are still responding to this trying to get her to show something makes me sad cause like I said, it's rude as fuck.
By bella! [Ignore] 29,Sep,14 15:59 other posts 
Please understand what happened......

Yes, the Burger King was FIRST to dig up some old threads that were directed at me. BUT I was able to find more stuff written about him ( and it wasn't favorable, I know, I know, it's hard to believe..... ) and bumped them to the top. What was comical is that admin 'spanked' ME for resurrecting threads where members past and present referred to him as a loser and more trouble than what he's worth. If that wasn't enough, duh king continued to flaunt the fact that he is able to sidestep the site rules regarding conduct.
By #472648 29,Sep,14 16:57
Bella, I know the original poster of this thread didn't bump it, but my comment was directed at him and all the other people trying to get you out of your pants in your pictures. As much as I like you and value our friendship, I really don't wanna get in the middle of the thing you and MONTED (I assume you're talking about him) have going on. I hope you understand and if not we can discuss it in a private message. I hope you don't take this as a letdown on my part...
By bella! [Ignore] 29,Sep,14 17:24 other posts 
No, I'm not disappointed with you or your position, but I wanted you to understand that I was no better. I did the same thing and dug up crap on him.
By #472648 29,Sep,14 17:28
I'm glad to hear that. There are things going on on both ends that I don't agree with, which is exacly the reason why I don't wanna be involved in any of it. I have to say I respect you coming forward and saying you were no better (if i may quote you)
By bella! [Ignore] 29,Sep,14 17:39 other posts 
You may quote me.
By johnp [Ignore] 29,Sep,14 22:48 other posts 
Bella am I a horrable person because I want to c ur pussy?
By #303133 30,Sep,14 10:10
Um...okay...sure. THAT'S what makes you a horrible person.
By johnp [Ignore] 01,Oct,14 10:29 other posts 
I don't know if I should fuck u or fight u sometimes jw...😂
By #303133 01,Oct,14 12:16
What makes you think that you would be the TOP?
By johnp [Ignore] 01,Oct,14 14:58 other posts 
I don't feel like I even need to respond to that nonsense... U would totally b my bitch !! 😂
By #303133 01,Oct,14 16:34
Dream on, JP. Dream on...
By johnp [Ignore] 02,Oct,14 00:52 other posts 
I feel strangely aroused by this conversation 😳
By johnp [Ignore] 29,Sep,14 16:46 other posts 
Rude?? Really?? Sooo.. U don't want to c Bella's pussy I take it... That my friend is rude!! Let's c it Bella don't b shy!!
By #472648 29,Sep,14 16:50
Wow, you're so literate it's amazing.
By #303133 29,Sep,14 16:59
Welcome back to SYD!
By johnp [Ignore] 29,Sep,14 17:08 other posts 
Shut ur face jw
By #303133 29,Sep,14 17:29
Come on! You know you love me...
By johnp [Ignore] 29,Sep,14 17:33 other posts 
By johnp [Ignore] 29,Sep,14 17:04 other posts 
Wow ur kinda hot! .. But I'm still confused is that a yes or no to the posters question???

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