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Started by #57759 [Ignore] 05,Sep,12 17:29

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By #431354 28,Sep,14 20:48
is it siamese or persian?
By #170523 28,Sep,14 21:29
We all saw it and if I remember correctly it was black and white (very nicely marked) and I also know it was very poor with a keyboard.
By #431354 29,Sep,14 19:04
I never seen a pussy pounding on a key board.... How could this be a rude question? It is a fair question to ask on a sex site ...I dont see anyone f0rcing anyone, Just saying
By #170523 29,Sep,14 19:32
I am not a sounding board for what everyone else is throwing at you,...the cat was black and white (very nicely marked) and walked across the keyboard.
By bella! [Ignore] 30,Sep,14 07:17 other posts 
Odd that you would pick this post to comment on. The bros before hoes works well for you.

Ain't it good to belong!
By #170523 30,Sep,14 19:58
Odd it is not,I have posted that I try to defend friends or make fun of comments,you read what you think not what I post.I have done it myself.
By bella! [Ignore] 30,Sep,14 20:37 other posts 
My reading skills are just fine, are yours?

Ain't it good to belong?
By #170523 30,Sep,14 21:34
Take your jabs if you must,I have something else to keep me warm.
By bella! [Ignore] 30,Sep,14 21:51 other posts 
I'm sure you do. Were you able to trap a raccoon?
--------------------------------------- added after 54 minutes

Jabs? Nah! You're not be keen enough to realize I'm making "fun comments" at your expense!

By #431354 28,Sep,14 08:41
I dont see many requests lately....
By bella! [Ignore] 28,Sep,14 08:59 other posts 
It doesn't matter but then who is asking to see your little Vienna sausage?
By bigone21 [Ignore] 28,Sep,14 15:52 other posts 
correction bella! HALF a little Vienna sausage!
By bella! [Ignore] 28,Sep,14 15:56 other posts 

By #444014 28,Sep,14 16:26
That's easy for you to say...blooming hell,you have a third leg...
By bigone21 [Ignore] 28,Sep,14 16:55 other posts 
but i can't depend walking on it...
By #431354 28,Sep,14 20:04
some people have dreams another Idiot that doesnt even know me
By *kmadeau* [Ignore] 29,Sep,14 05:47 other posts 
don't worry Monti, just make some "right" measuring pics and you could be very soon Monted25! Definitely!
By bigone21 [Ignore] 29,Sep,14 12:42 other posts 
or better:

1. do NOT have some measuring pics;
2. accuse people who do have them of it being photoshopped;
3. declare you have the FATTEST dick ever seen;
4. lick up to the likes of JohnS and MONTED;
5. and call yourself kmadeaulongenoughfattestever.
By *kmadeau* [Ignore] 30,Sep,14 04:34 other posts 
I posted to dear Monti here, it wasn't for you...but OK:

the best way will be to give him your "know how" about measuring pics!!!
Maybe I could change my mane as showing above...only if you change yours to "CorectOneXX"!!!

PS: and I don't **** you man, wish you and all members to know, that I like your dick, because it's nice and looking beautiful, but never so big as you want to be!!! Just be honest! All my love!
By bigone21 [Ignore] 30,Sep,14 13:13 other posts 
@ KMD, you KEEP saying i photoshopped my pictures, and everytime i will say i did NOT! pretty boring, but so it be.

maybe answer my question how i manipulated my other (measuring)pics??? answer it KMD!

my pics: WYSIWYG!!

PS: "CorectOneXX" what does that mean??
By bella! [Ignore] 29,Sep,14 08:01 other posts 
Really? You don't think members are aware of your character?
By bigone21 [Ignore] 29,Sep,14 12:43 other posts 
here's one that does!
By #303133 29,Sep,14 12:50
monted makes "friends" wherever he goes!
By bigone21 [Ignore] 29,Sep,14 16:14 other posts 
don't we all...

By DeepThroatThis [Ignore] 29,Sep,14 08:53 other posts 
I would love to see her pussy but I don't think she will

By #470745 29,Sep,14 04:06
I would love to see Bella's nude body!

By #431354 28,Sep,14 09:32
you want it ....
By bella! [Ignore] 28,Sep,14 09:34 other posts 
Bring it on but make sure you do it as MONTED. You're nothing but a weasel.
--------------------------------------- added after 77 minutes

I see you're editing your posts, AGAIN.

By #220845 22,Jan,13 14:39
I would like to see her in person

By #218750 22,Jan,13 10:26
BELLA! is my friend and I respect her wishes and way of life...
By #61033 22,Jan,13 14:29
Hear, hear!!!

By #316049 21,Jan,13 22:45
bella! already shows more of herself than 99% of us here. She can post whatever pics she chooses to
By #218130 22,Jan,13 08:23

By #81191 24,Sep,12 05:10
Such frustration and excitement left only by the intrigue which is working

By #187007 24,Sep,12 02:33
beautiful eyes...there is nothing wrong to keep us guessing what the rest looks like....her choice

By #303133 22,Sep,12 01:42
I am happy with whatever bella! wishes to show. She is a classy lady with a kind heart. SYD could use more members like her!
By #218130 23,Sep,12 19:18
Agree 100% Very classy and kind indeed.

By #287635 22,Sep,12 01:52
It's bellas decision, whether to show or not to! I think she is a classy lady!
By #218130 23,Sep,12 19:15
Hear Hear She sure is one fine, classy lady. Respect!

By #254338 11,Sep,12 12:18
More of her butt would be good too!

By #291618 07,Sep,12 16:02
mmm pussy yep i would like to see it

By Arlo [Ignore] 06,Sep,12 08:07 other posts 
Of course I would love to see her pussy. that is waht this site is all about. But I will enjoy what ever she shows--put my vote for more and pussy though.

By *kmadeau* [Ignore] 06,Sep,12 04:16 other posts 
not, for me is enough her name "Bella" ! Kiss for you, Bella, Bellissima!

By #139339 06,Sep,12 00:40
I would love to see more of Bella, she is beautiful, but that's her decision.
By #218130 06,Sep,12 02:57
Agree 100 %

By nekekal [Ignore] 05,Sep,12 20:01 other posts 
Put me down as a YES. Both pussy and eyes.

By #145304 05,Sep,12 18:43
put me down for pussy

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