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Started by #5952 [Ignore] 28,Jan,09 12:43
Have anyone tried fucking a granny

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By #601496 19,Nov,19 11:23
Bella, everything and almost everyone strikes a cord with you. I noticed Skittles being extremely offensive to me did NOT strike a cord with you. I believe I commented to JoeMoe, "to each his own". This is just an observation. My explanation later was more to the point and certainly explained how I was bothered by his comment.
BushPilot had a good experience with a caring older woman.
He said, "I suppose the criteria for being a Granny changes with age". I merely pointed out that to be a granny the criteria never changes. To be a granny you have to have grandkids. Even if you never had a child, that defenition is universal.
Either of these coments by me are to the point of the conversations (two). Skittles, with all his silly crap about winning the war and the defeat of Twowarmtts! Is childish at best and dumb otherwise.
On the other hand, you, Bella, like to put a malicious twist on my comments. You are starting to act very much how I feel for you. Neither of your views came anywhere close to my intent. You just wanted to show the site you still have to use rags.
By bella! [Ignore] 19,Nov,19 11:55 other posts 
What would make you think that I would say something to Skittles or any member with regard to how they address you? Do you ask members to "backoff" with how they address me? I doubt it and you, just the other day, addressed me as "tits". I said this before to you and I meant it, I find you vulgar, abrasive and offensive.
By #601496 19,Nov,19 13:08
I just wonder why you choose me to chastise me for my comments. I don't need you to bite Skittles ass in my name. Or anyone else's either. By your own words I'm vulgar, abrasive and offensive. I don't give anyone any quarter and will give back so much more, people that take me on eventually wish they had never started. I think I can defend myself very well. You keep thinking I'm asking for your help. Your help is not only not required but it's repugnant to me. I'm just pointing out that You like to pull my tail. I would no more defend you from what other members genuinely think of you than you would defend me.
By bella! [Ignore] 20,Nov,19 00:12 other posts 
Chastise you? I fricken try to ignore you but you make it difficult and almost impossible when I see your abrasive, offensive and often times vulgar posts all the fricken everywhere.

You seem to have the need to prove something to yourself and to the members here. Do what you need to do but if I see it and it rubs me the wrong way, I'm going to call you out on it.
By #601496 20,Nov,19 07:54
I love you when you're mad.
By #660539 28,May,22 14:02
Bella is a woke bitch. Only her opinion matters. She should get a job on the View. She would fit right in.

By Sir-Skittles [Ignore] 18,Nov,19 08:58 other posts 
Is the Saggy Granny posting in here? I can't see her posts
By #551147 18,Nov,19 10:13
Yeah, she struck a nerve with Bella! down below... 😉
By bella! [Ignore] 18,Nov,19 13:46 other posts 
It only "struck a nerve" with me because I didn't see a reason for Twowarmtts! to snipe at MoeJoe . If he prefers a tranny, so be it. Although members do get upset over cut versus uncut and natural versus smooth, why get "your knickers in a knot" if someone says they prefer a tranny to a granny, he did not refer to her in any way.
By #551147 18,Nov,19 13:57
Oh I completely agree. Was just saying...
By Sir-Skittles [Ignore] 19,Nov,19 10:55 other posts 
Twowarms is literally scared of me. The end.

Her big tummy is sucking the life out of the site!
By Sir-Skittles [Ignore] 19,Nov,19 10:55 other posts 
Bella is under heavy attack??
By bella! [Ignore] 19,Nov,19 11:48 other posts 
Are you deputizing members to come after me? And your post is 30 minutes prior to those of Twowarmtts! so I wonder what would make you say that?
By Sir-Skittles [Ignore] 20,Nov,19 08:43 other posts 
Scorps told me
By bella! [Ignore] 20,Nov,19 11:33 other posts 
I don't know if you saw this nugget and if you did, I apologize. This was written by Twowarmtts! the other day.

"Bella, everything and almost everyone strikes a cord with you. I noticed Skittles being extremely offensive to me did NOT strike a cord with you. I believe I commented to JoeMoe, "to each his own". This is just an observation. My explanation later was more to the point and certainly explained how I was bothered by his comment.
BushPilot had a good experience with a caring older woman.
He said, "I suppose the criteria for being a Granny changes with age". I merely pointed out that to be a granny the criteria never changes. To be a granny you have to have grandkids. Even if you never had a child, that defenition is universal.
Either of these coments by me are to the point of the conversations (two). Skittles, with all his silly crap about winning the war and the defeat of Twowarmtts! Is childish at best and dumb otherwise.
On the other hand, you, Bella, like to put a malicious twist on my comments. You are starting to act very much how I feel for you. Neither of your views came anywhere close to my intent. You just wanted to show the site you still have to use rags."

As you see, she mentioned that you were "extremely offensive" toward her. Apparently, I didn't react how she thinks that I should have. Truthfully, I don't know what she expected from me. You take your shots at her and she comes back swinging and in my opinion, is equally abusive and offensive. So take this for what it's worth, if you don't swing at her, she won't have any reason to swing at you, lollipop!
By Sir-Skittles [Ignore] 20,Nov,19 11:47 other posts 
TwoWorms is insane. Mentally ill!
By #660539 28,May,22 13:59
Bella is a pig bitch.

By #629864 28,May,22 05:40
I went to my grans as a you guy. She had bent over to pickup a cloth on the ground and her tits were clearly watchable down her top, that got me excited. She saw that I got a hard on. She asked me if I want a treat. Yes!

She went to kitchen and cane back with her top or skirt on, just bra and undies.

Fuck she said, and I did. An 80 year old is super sexy. I came regularly even gave her anal and fisting.

By #601496 11,Nov,19 12:45
Actually, most men can't get it up after 50. Most of the site men have to post internet pics. I know a whole bunch. Some are in this forum. Sad. Women can use their Hot Ham and Cheese sandwich forever. And there's always one man that's needy enough to "partake"
By #574505 11,Nov,19 13:28
69 years old still gets up..[deleted image]
By #601496 11,Nov,19 13:53
Give the MAN a double decker for his amazing pecker.
--------------------------------------- added after 210 hours

Guys, I am wrong. The numbers show it.

About 5 percent of men that are 40 years old have complete erectile dysfunction, and that number increases to about 15 percent of men at age 70. Mild and moderate erectile dysfunction affects approximately 10 percent of men per decade of life (i.e., 50 percent of men in their 50s, 60 percent of men in their 60s). Erectile dysfunction can occur at any age, but it is more common in men that are older. Older men are more likely to have health conditions that require medication, which can interfere with erectile function. Additionally, as men age, they may need more stimulation to get an erection and more time between erections.

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By #451452 19,Nov,19 23:32
I think that you should check your source on the can't get it up age. I was good until about 72 and have sucked guys in their eighties who certainly get it up.
By #601496 20,Nov,19 08:10
Avillager, I'm glad you and your fellow members can still get it up. However, you are one. The truth is that from normal aging and the fact that many American men are affected with cardiovascular desease, the meds are really good at stifling erections.
By wycowboy [Ignore] 20,Nov,19 07:37 other posts 
I have no problem getting my cock hard at age 56. See my profile for the proof.

By wycowboy [Ignore] 20,Nov,19 07:38 other posts 
Every time I have sex with my wife I am fucking a granny. We have 4 grandkids

By #601496 18,Nov,19 11:58
By #551147 18,Nov,19 14:20
Another OMG

By #601496 18,Nov,19 17:39
I can not tell a lie. I voted for all.

By #121361 18,Nov,19 03:10
[deleted image]

By knewbi [Ignore] 13,Nov,19 12:43 other posts 
Oh hell yes!! Well, being in my 60's it is my main staple when it cums to sex with women. But, while it is nice fucking a tight bodied young woman, give me a more mature woman that knows how to enjoy sex and knows that I find her sexy and all of her past knowledge cums out. I have a much better sexual experience with a woman that knows her stuff. Not that I have not found a few young ones that knew what they were doing, it is just a better chance at success with a mature experienced sexual woman.

By #7976 18,Mar,09 22:52
I suppose the criteria for being a Granny changes with age. When I was younger I once dated a 65 year old woman who was a fantastic lover; still trim, tone, and energetic as I recall. Now that I am nearing sixty myself, she would just be a pretty hot date and my wife, also in her fifties, is damn good in bed while to some, grannyish I suppose. Sex with a Granny? Hell yes, everyone should go for it.
By #601496 10,Nov,19 12:48
Actually, lollipop, it's always the same. One of your kids has to have a kid.
I'm 66 and would never let Moe Joe near me
By bella! [Ignore] 10,Nov,19 23:00 other posts 
You are responding to a member who in my opinion, is merely speaking about "perspective". As a young man, he had sex with a woman in her 60's and in his words, it was fantastic. And now his mature self recognizes that his wife, who is in her 50's, "is damn good in bed" and that some may find her age "grannyish".

Quite frankly, I don't understand how your comment, "One of your kids has to have a kid. " relates to the post nor why you felt it necessary to insult MoeJoe, a member that DID NOT, personally insult you.
By #601496 11,Nov,19 06:25
Bella, you can't be a granny without grandkids. If he meant a lady in her 60's he should have been clear, a granny type, you know,a lady in her 60's. The rest is a discription of the good time he had with the woman and how good his wife is. All I stated was that to BE a granny, one of your kids has to procreate. What the "F" is wrong with that?
As far as MoeJoe is concerned, he said,
"I'd rather fuck a tranny....." and, I, a real granny, took it personally. If he had said," I rather NOT fuck a milky white, big tited woman." you might have been ticked off. He did not have to come up to me and said, "Candy, you are too old, I rather fuck a tranny.
What I don't understand is why, every time I bitch at another member, you get your knickers in a bunch. You are the Queen of the Bitch.
The truth is I did not intend any put down of BushPilot. It was a statement of fact and tongue in cheek.
As far as MoeJoe is concerned, he did state a general put down to older women and I stated whom I rather not have near me. It's not an insult, it's a personal like or in his case, a personal dislike.
I totally agree with you. I've fuck a few Grannies, they're AWESOME! I'd love to fuck more!!
By #485312 10,Nov,19 16:15
lm sure theres a legion of hot and horny old girls that would love a good dicking from a hot young man. *lix*
By deepchocolate2071 [Ignore] 10,Nov,19 16:38 other posts 
Yes I agree! I just wish they'd make themselves more available. I'd love to fuck a 70 year old BBW!!
By #595150 10,Nov,19 21:14
By #485312 10,Nov,19 16:14
not all 'grannies' are created equal, one of my friends was a grandma at 33, great grandy before she was 50, l reckon she'll be the only person l know that will be a great great gran if she lives to 70 *lix*
By #601496 13,Nov,19 09:33
Well, I hope she has a SOOOOOOOPPAAA day,

By #535819 09,Nov,19 10:35
I live with one.
By MoeJoe [Ignore] 11,Nov,19 09:52 other posts 
A granny or a tranny ??
By #535819 12,Nov,19 08:58

By #601496 12,Nov,19 08:53
In Spain, women's pussy is referred as cod and potatoes (Bacalao con papas)

Bacalao---Julio Iglesias

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By #601496 11,Nov,19 12:37
Q: What did the blind man say when he passed the fish market? A: Good morning ladies.
By #551147 11,Nov,19 18:06

By Sir-Skittles [Ignore] 07,Nov,19 12:49 other posts 
PM the Saggy Granny if you are into 70 year old fish pie
By dgraff [Ignore] 08,Nov,19 06:54 other posts 
Hey skittles do you know what 70 year old pussy tastes like well it just/ DEPENDS
By #551147 10,Nov,19 11:06
Do you know what a 70 year old pussy looks like when you spread it open?

Next time you order a hot ham and cheese sandwich, pull it apart...
By dgraff [Ignore] 10,Nov,19 11:54 other posts 
All gooey and warm inside
By Sir-Skittles [Ignore] 11,Nov,19 08:17 other posts 
I think I just threw up in me mouth!
By dgraff [Ignore] 11,Nov,19 12:01 other posts 
By #551147 11,Nov,19 18:05

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