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Started by mr_blue [Ignore] 20,Nov,20 19:43  other posts
What conspiracy theories do you have or believe in?
What events do you think are fishy?

Is Hitler really hiding out with Elvis and bin Laden?

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By biggg [Ignore] 06,May,22 16:44 other posts 
The 2010 eruptions of Eyjafjallajökull in Iceland were baloney. There have always been eruptions around the world with no disruption to air travel, but suddenly airspace was closed over the whole Atlantic?? It´s obvious that the aliens wanted to try a first water landing with their huge spaceship, but nobody except the privileged should see anything.
By Sir-Skittles [Ignore] 07,May,22 09:59 other posts 

By Sir-Skittles [Ignore] 07,May,22 09:59 other posts 
Not sure about old Hitler... but did see an interesting article today about the 15 broads he forced to taste his food during the war. He was that scared of being poisoned!

The last one died in 2014 at 95. None died from being poisoned

By leopoldij [Ignore] 20,May,21 17:09 other posts 
Biden is a socialist and wants to transform America to a country ruled by workers.
By #642547 24,May,21 11:46
Sounds a lot better than a country ruled by money hoarding billionaires and politicians that don't know their ass from their face.
By leopoldij [Ignore] 24,May,21 15:51 other posts 
You're Canadian and so you can think outside the box.
That's not true for everyone south of you.
By #641766 24,May,21 17:05
I agree leopoldij. We had the right guy in office, a BUSINESS MAN who just happened to manage his own money well, and could have (if not stymied every step of the way) helped our economy 1000% better than those corrupt criminal POLITICIANS who don't know their ass from a hole in the ground. Which, by the way, is where most career politicians come from anyway. Isn't it a coincidence that in the "first 100 days" of this year, gas prices have doubled, the price of food, lumber and almost every other consumer product has skyrocketed or been in short supply? America and the democ-RATS have sold out to China to line their pockets with fucking dirty money. Mr. T was the only one willing to "drain the swamp" for the benefit of OUR country. Too bad it didn't last. Pity america.
By #610414 06,May,22 18:09
Yeah, Trump the businessman. Six chapter 7’s. Some businessman. You meant to say crook?
By phart [Ignore] 06,May,22 21:29 other posts 
Hey,the liberal business men have the same options available,
Trump used the system as designed.
You did notice the big tadoo in new york phizzeled didn't you?
IT takes more than just hatred for a person to bring them down.
By #610414 06,May,22 22:04
Hatred comes from ignorance or well deserved attitudes. Just because stealing is known by everyone, not everyone steals
By phart [Ignore] 24,May,21 19:34 other posts 
Well,I don't think that pelosi, biden and all are billionaires, but they are millionaires, and I seriously doubt that money came honestly. AND it is a fact they are not "WORKERS".
And few if any democrats know their ass from third base. We had a good President in TRUMP. I Really wish his son or daughter would run in 2024 to help the younger generations be able to connect with the process of really getting America back to what it was and better.
By #642547 24,May,21 20:06
Good présidents tear gas peaceful demonstrators for a photoshoot? Good présidents roll back laws that allow industries to pollute your drinking water?
Good présidents don't envy dictators and lie to their population about the severity of a catastrophe. They don't completely neglect states that didn't turn in their favour by denying access to life saving medical supplies.
Good présidents do not call on white supremacist neo-nazis and incite violent insurrections in attempts to overthrow a democratic process.

That nightmare of a president was a Narcissistic, antagonistic, bloviating jackass that did absolutely nothing good for your country. I liken him to Bolsonaro in Brazil.
By phart [Ignore] 24,May,21 21:20 other posts 
Well I won't deny your right to a opinion. But we don't agree
by a large margin.
What water pollution situation are you speaking of? The over 200+ barrels of DDT found off the California coast line that was dumped there in the 70's long before Trump came to office? The lead that was used in the water pipes in Detroit that was in there probably before Trump was even born?
The leaking radiation into the water table in Oregon from a nuclear waste dumpng site underground that was put there BEFORE Trump came into the office?
The Exxon Valdeese that dumped oil off the coast? Before Trump was in office?
Are you talking about the disrespectful rioters in Washington that were removed off the road so the PRESIDENT of the UNITED STATES could cross the road? When your leader is walking along, you show some fucking respect and stay out of his way for your own safety and that of his as well.
I guess you didn't see that news video of a bunch of NEW ventilators being crushed at a city land fill in Florida because they didn't meet some government standard instead being used or sent to a poor country? Google it. I doubt Trump knew of the waste or he woulda sent them to India or another poor country that didn't have red tape in the way of saving lives.
Trump Did not incite a riot.He ask his supporters to fight for the cause of Freedom and such. Fight as in supporting those trying to get fair and honest elections instead of no excuse mail in voting crap.
If your fat ass can't walk into a voting station and show your id and vote,you should expect to be able to explain why without bitching.
By #641766 25,May,21 02:17
Yep, another 100% truth Mr. Phart. And did anyone see the EXCLUSIVE video footage of the DC cops and congress people opening the doors ALLOWING the "big bad rioters" into the buildings and encouraging or "inciting" them to lose control?? Yes that's correct, they were pretty much invited to participate in the "carnage". How about the flood of immigrants now residing inside our borders being housed, fed, and treated like royalty while our homeless veterans who fought for our freedom are sleeping in the streets and begging for scraps just to survive. Mr. Trump wanted to put Americans first, bring back jobs and security for our own citizens before we handed out our hard earned dollars to those that never helped this country in the first place, EVER. Now it's all about lining the pockets of the insane greedy politicians for they're personal benefit. Trump was NOT a politician. He was an American businessman who was on-track to healing this economy with his knowledge of rational thinking, from the inside... not trying to destroy it from outside. Sure he sent a few nasty Tweets and hurt your feelings (boo-Hoo), but biden and the democ-RATS are hurting your family, your finances, and your future. I hope you idiots who voted for biden enjoy your last days of freedom and prosperity. You'll reap what you sowed, suckers.
By phart [Ignore] 25,May,21 10:32 other posts 
over 300 bucks a room being paid from our tax dollars to house illegals instead of using government faciality's already built for the job.
I can't afford a 100 buck a night room to go on a vacation hardly unless i save money for a while.But yet the taxes we all pay cover the over 300 bucks for a bunch of illegals to stay in the same room that would cost a 100 or so to someone on a bussiness trip.
By #641766 25,May,21 12:16
Yessir. You are right on again. There are untold scores of abandoned perfectly usable buildings and dwellings throughout our good old USA which, if we quit giving trillions of wasted $$$ to foreign countries, could be upgraded and utilized to house our OWN less fortunate AMERICAN homeless population who are being treated in our own country as second-class citizens. But NOOOO. Our current monkeys in office would rather see more prosperity in countries like Iraq, Iran and other rouge places that hate Americans anyway and want to kill us all. WTF? Or financing the illegal drug countries, all to keep our population so doped up that just MAYBE we won't notice the crime and corruption in the upper echelon of our tyrannic controlling manipulative government.
By phart [Ignore] 06,May,22 21:32 other posts 
Good presidents don't allow their press secretary's to support protestors harassing supreme court judges while they are in their homes either.
Good presidents are able to work from the oval office and speak to the public from there, because they can speak from a few notes and from their hearts, not a teleprompter.

By #641766 21,May,21 03:38
Man (Apollo 11) did not land on the moon in 1969. It was all staged on a secret studio set so that our county could boast that we fulfilled Kennedy's promise in that decade. We "MIGHT" have landed at a later date which I think did happen because there are man-made reflectors on the moon's surface for earth-bound lasers to bounce off and measure the moon's distance on a regular basis. But that's just my theory. What does everyone else think?
By #639121 24,May,21 06:56
A Stanley Kubric production.
By #641766 24,May,21 16:46
EXACTLY! It was just done to save "America" from the embarrassment of another global failure. I guess it worked, though.
By phart [Ignore] 24,May,21 19:38 other posts 
Years ago I watched a video or short movie somewhere about how the moon landing coulda been faked and best I could tell,it would not have been difficult.
I mean really ,think about it,America was in a race with another country we were all raised to beleive was a vile enemy.The loss of the space race would have made America look like a bunch of dunces.
So a movie stage and careful planning,may have actually been done and would have worked.
Have you been to the moon? Had anyone before that? No. So no one outside of Nasa and a few others had ANY fucking idea what was up there . So you show people a grey sandy soil,a bleak black and gray setting with the earth in the back ground and you ooooooh and AAAAAAH the masse's into thinking you got a bunch of tin and vacuum- tubes into space and on the moon.
By bella! [Ignore] 24,May,21 19:47 other posts 
And if you recall the 9-11 attack, conspiracy theorists suggest it was an inside job.

One would anticipate that an plane hitting the tower would have caused a different reaction. I might have thought a plane hitting the tower would create more of an explosion hurling debris everywhere, yet the tower just collapsed like you might witness in an IMPLOSION.
By phart [Ignore] 24,May,21 21:29 other posts 
Yea, that never did make sense to me really. being a former firefighter and having level 3 certification back before all that was consolidated into just 2 levels, I am a bit confused about how fire burned DOWN that far. Fuel would leak down yes, but not all the damn way down to the bottom to get hot enough to warp steel beams. There would be excess heat and warpage and carnage you couldn't imagine above a certain point, but even a house burned clean to the foundation ,still has a foundation.
Had it been a inside job, It would have had to be a very complicate ,long lasting thing with alot of people involved. And after this length of time, some of the older folks involved would have cracked emotionally enough to have spilled the beans I would think.
You should check out the vids of the safe deposit boxes being opened that came from the Twin Towers on Youtube.How that stuff got so hot,and no where near the crash area is strange..
And check out the videos of the lot where all the emergency vehicles were parked after wards. Some were scrapped that were hardly damaged, some were so bad you could not tell what they were. Some of the equipment was lowered with cranes into a new museum exhibit.
By mr_blue [Ignore] 06,May,22 08:18 other posts 
Re-enforced concrete,can stop a heavy impact,the jet fuel on fire was the cause of the building structure becoming unstable,it super heated with other materials to cause the collapse on itself....
By #641766 25,May,21 01:45
Well said. We would have been the laughing stock of the world.
By #275407 24,May,21 19:54
Wasn't there something that they caught, about the flag, waving on the moon or something like that. In an atmosphere with no air
By phart [Ignore] 24,May,21 21:22 other posts 

By #629627 20,Nov,20 19:57
I believe that Hugo Chavez, who died in 2013 has masterminded trumps election defeat. Why he didnt do it in 2016 is a mystery, maybe it was becasue he was dead then too.
Release the kracken - it is more plasuible.
Maybe Chavez is hiding out with hitler and bin laden, elvis etc, havent seen John Lennon for a while. He was a bit left wing.
By #592419 20,Nov,20 19:59
9-11.. Hitler died in south america.. Trump did not lose the election because he won. bin Laden was obama
By dgraff [Ignore] 20,Nov,20 21:45 other posts 
And Michelle Obama is really Michael Jordan
By #592419 21,Nov,20 02:21
That's impossible. Michael Jordan is prettier.
By #641766 21,May,21 03:31
No, she's really Chewbacca (or Bigfoot)
By phart [Ignore] 25,May,21 10:34 other posts 
Chewbacca's IQ is much higher!
By phart [Ignore] 22,Nov,20 09:51 other posts 
I never belived that Bin Laden wss dead anyway.My theory was he is somewhere in a undisclosed location being held for information and deal making.Notice there hasn't been a "Major" attack since his "death".

I doubt Hitler killed himself.Could have,he was a warped individual.BUT his knowledge was immense,and just as with all the knowledge of the doctors and scientist that worked under him,it was to valuable to waste.

By #623135 25,May,21 01:08
Conspiracy? Here’s one, the far right has gone totally bananas. Why, in all that’s holy, should we even entertain these wild and funny ideas?

By mr_blue [Ignore] 18,Dec,20 17:57 other posts 
How many people are going to take a covid-19 vaccine?
By phart [Ignore] 18,Dec,20 20:41 other posts 
If I get it,I will be last in line,
I am afraid my employer provided insurance might force me to get it to maintain my coverage.I will wait and see.
I don't think we know enough about it's long term side effects to be jumping up and down for it.
Good thing most of the politicians are getting it,if some of them drop out,no big loss.
By #641766 21,May,21 03:25
Ha Ha. That would be the best way to 'drain the swamp'!
By #275407 24,May,21 11:48
That's not nice, I wouldn't wish death on anyone, that's just mean
By bella! [Ignore] 19,Dec,20 15:12 other posts 

Not me.

I don't want to find 8 months or 8 years down the road that "they" weren't aware of any side affects.
By #642547 20,May,21 03:12
I'll be getting it as soon as it's available to me.
I'm not much of a science denier and most conspiracies are founded in ignorance and incredulity.
By phart [Ignore] 20,May,21 10:14 other posts 
Well you go right ahead,it is meant for the good sheep. The rest of us that don't get it won't be laying around with strange unknown issues in 5 or 10 years.
By #639121 24,May,21 06:58
I wish you luck with it, for a virus that doesn't exist, you are been cheated out of your life, say no to the vaccine.
By #623135 20,May,21 15:19
It’s not a vaccine. By definition it’s not a vaccine. They are shots. It’s too late for me. I didn’t want to, but, I went to see if people came out with a third eye on their forehead and that’s all it took. This gorgeous male attendant talked me into it. He promised me a “different type of shot” if I got it. Now, I look in the mirror every morning
By #639121 24,May,21 06:54
Not a chance

By #639121 24,May,21 06:54
Covid19 is a hoax. It is being used to bring in the "new world order" one world government, one world religion which is the worship of lucifer. It stands for: certificate of vaccination identification artificial intelligence (the number 19 is the first and the ninth letter of the alphabet, A and I).

Is anyone else here on the same level as me or am I the only one that has common sense?

By phart [Ignore] 20,Dec,20 22:04 other posts 
The earth is flat,
Let's see,1 homemade rocket,1 camera,lets go up and take a picture and prove it.
only registered users can see external links

By leopoldij [Ignore] 20,May,21 17:08 other posts 
Idiots exist.
By phart [Ignore] 20,May,21 21:42 other posts 
And sadly for them, they exit.

By Dev01 [Ignore] 20,Dec,20 20:15 other posts 
Covid was meant to cripple economies
By phart [Ignore] 20,Dec,20 22:05 other posts 
well thumbs up would make it look like i approved so instead of using a emogi i will say,I agree that was 1 of it's intentions by the chinese government.
You have to be careful to say government when you say the virus came from china,I don't think the chinese citizens have any intrest in dieing or killing off 1000's.
By Dev01 [Ignore] 20,Dec,20 22:21 other posts 
No they dont But a Dictatorship would. You can't say anything. Yep it affects young and old. Not a green knol kinda person but all Sars strains have come from there, And given what's going on i do believe and it has Crushed the world economy. Just my theory
By #642547 20,May,21 03:13
Why? Literally no one benefits from a global pandemic.
By phart [Ignore] 20,May,21 10:12 other posts 
Can you say Phizer? Can you say Moderna? Johnson and johnson?because of the millions pumped into them for the "vaccine".

Can you say Amazon,ebay,etc,because people were buying at home online instead of stores?

Alot of people lost their shirts,but alot of people made it big the last year or so.Because,they had invested in technology that allowed them to fill a gap left by the pandemic.

By Sir-Skittles [Ignore] 23,Nov,20 11:56 other posts 
Site Experiments:

When Ken was sent to that "clinic" in China for a cock enlargement procedure..

The outcome was not good. To that point, Ken is still on this site and with a tiny knob!
By #551482 24,Nov,20 11:33
What does Barbie think?
By mr_blue [Ignore] 24,Nov,20 11:46 other posts 

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