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Ejaculation during sleep

Discussion Forum on Show It Off

Started by #124954 [Ignore] 15,Dec,10 05:35
Just wonder if this is normal. I'm 19 and woke up this morning with a large semen stain in my underwear. I realise that I must have blown my load sometime during the night, but I thought that didn't happen any longer at my age. I have two questions: Are you able cum in your sleep only because of a sexy dream or is it possible to unconsciously touch oneself? Has any of you other guys cummed in your sleep after puberty?

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By #662360 29,Aug,23 16:09
I used to cum a lot in my sleep when I was 19. It was worst when I restrained from masturbating because I was in a dormitory at a church camp and didn’t want to be heard wanking. I used to wake in such a wet mess I decided it was best to just masturbate and control my cum spurt. Especially when I found out most of the other boys were wanking.
By #665411 30,Aug,23 19:30
Boys masturbating at a church camp? say it ain’t so! I would have been a very bad influence on them Catholic boys had I gone to a church camp!
By #662360 31,Aug,23 03:25
Church youth camps were where I had some of my best group wanks and learned how to put on an impressive show of my wanking technique!

By #665411 30,Aug,23 19:24
Never had a wet dream! A guy at scout camp gave me my first blow job and my first orgasm which was wet at 12 years old. Since then I knew what it was all about. I was either jacking it, or having another person help me with it. So it never built up to the point where I would have a wet dream.

By LGA6969 [Ignore] 30,Aug,23 15:29 other posts 
It’s a wet dream and quite normal at your age. I am older and still once in awhile have them, much less frequent but have still had then.

By Cody8789 [Ignore] 29,Aug,23 18:36 other posts 
I don’t cum that easy, I’ve never had a wet dream.
By dgraff [Ignore] 30,Aug,23 08:19 other posts 
You would if you were in my bed
By Cody8789 [Ignore] 30,Aug,23 12:22 other posts 

By #699038 30,Aug,23 08:34
I had my normal wet dream when i was younger but suprise suprise at my age i still have ocasional wet dream at night while sleeping so yeh nice suprise for me if you still get em when youre older well think of it as lucky why i still have em i dont know but enjoy em

By randm58 [Ignore] 29,Aug,23 17:06 other posts 
I'm guessing you have a few more years of surprises.

By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 29,Aug,23 16:57 other posts 
I never had a wet dream in my life. A few times, a dream resulted in the beginning
of an orgasm, but I always woke up before I creamed my underwear.

By hotone1066 [Ignore] 16,Dec,10 13:20 other posts 
I used to a lot when I was a teenage, but haven't in a number of years.

By #64328 16,Dec,10 13:01
I have never had a wet dream. But I have been masturbating since I was 8 years old. Five years before I was able to produce semen

By #6568 15,Dec,10 06:51
There's been research done that shows ALL men of all ages potentially have nocturnal emission, or 'wet dreams' if they don't ejaculate often enough for whatever reasons. Personally I don't ever remember having one but I do remember having dried semen in my underpants and not conciously having had an orgasm, or even been aroused.

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