Hi everyone! Do you think pussies are all equal?!
Do you think(girls and ladies)you could recognize your respective pussy among many others pussies?! Wel....I'm going to collect your pussies and to mix them wisely into a large pussy "collage"...Than I'd like you try to recognize your pussy...if you can....
. So if you want to join this "challenge" please send me a close up photo of your pussy and I will replay you with a number wich will match with your pussy on the collage! I hope to receive enough pussies from you in order to make the challenge as difficult as possible!! Thanks to all of those girls and ladies who "bravely" decide to join the challenge!!!
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my pussy philosophy is 'use it or lose it', *Lix*
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See, a statement like "all pussies are the same" is like saying "all wines taste the same"!
It's *obvious* that they're both false. As for wines, it's not necessarily true that the most expensive ones are the ones we like, sometimes a moderately priced wine tastes excellent for some people.
are you saying i pass as sane?
I hope that explains it, my friend.
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without charging financially or emotionally. I **** having to beg a pussy for a fuck.
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But, hey, not everyone is like You!
I can only find stuff about women keeping silent and how christians can treat their spoils (virgin female captives).
But you are right, under gods eye they are all equal.
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