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Chest Hair ?

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Started by #3251 [Ignore] 08,Jan,09 15:01
On a related topic to "smooth or hairy" ... how many of you guys have a naturally hairy chest ? or one with pretty much no hair at all ? I'm in the second category - hardly even a stray hair. You guys with hairy chest ? lots of hair ? just some hair ? do you shave it or let it alone ? Lastly, at what age did you start growing your chest hair ?

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By #667453 08,Jun,22 19:49
I was ready to get a hairy chest at 12, but it didn't start getting hairy till 23. 😒

By PoloFields [Ignore] 05,Sep,18 02:50 other posts 
By 3fdfd [Ignore] 05,Sep,18 08:18 other posts 
Great chest hair. About what age did you start growing it ?

By #539358 08,Apr,18 08:17
Very hairy chest and back, and no, I don’t shave it as I like being hairy

By #550094 08,Apr,18 06:03
I started noticing hair around my nipples at age 12.
Since then it has flourished into a beautiful lusty
patch of chest hair and abdominal hair down to my pubes.
I attribute it to physical heritage, as my father also
had a hairy body and thick facial hair.
And I'm hairier than all three of my uncles on my
mother's side of the family.

My profile pics show my body hair.

Over the years I've lost some leg hair due to tight jeans
and long-johns during the long cold weather seasons.

I trim my pubes (tho NOT too short), I sculpt my beard,
and I trim my head hair.
Other than that, I leave everything hairy else alone.

By #499016 04,Dec,15 23:29
I have hair on my chest but it light evry where else but my pubes are bushy.

By #323075 25,Nov,15 01:12
[deleted image]
By 3fdfd [Ignore] 25,Nov,15 11:39 other posts 
Very nice; how old were you when it started growing ?
By #323075 02,Dec,15 06:33

By #502096 26,Nov,15 01:26
unfortunately my entire body is covered in hair, lol. don't remember exactly how old I was but I'm guessing around 15 when it started to grow. I did shave my entire front a couple years ago. that was a huge mistake. it came in even thicker!
By 3fdfd [Ignore] 26,Nov,15 09:55 other posts 
Your legs look great - super hairy - great cock as well. Post a few of your chest & belly so we can see how hairy you are.

By #323075 25,Nov,15 01:10
I have a lot hairs on my chest, but I cut it to a lenght of 3 mm.

By #501404 24,Nov,15 08:52

Some people think it's hot, some don't. I am mostly Italian so here it is. Started growing in early teen years.
By 3fdfd [Ignore] 24,Nov,15 09:48 other posts 
can't see this pic; but from what I see in your gallery, you have great chest hair. Guess you had a nice "crop" of chest hair in later high school ?

By #491116 14,Nov,15 22:40
[deleted image]

[deleted image]
By 3fdfd [Ignore] 15,Nov,15 18:39 other posts 
WillMar - how old were you when your chest hair started growing ?
By #491116 16,Nov,15 04:38
Around 11 or 12 years old.
By 3fdfd [Ignore] 20,Nov,15 16:35 other posts 
you were young

By #372661 17,Nov,15 19:32
My chest hair was very weak until I began physician prescribed testosterone injections on a weekly basis. Guess I was "low T" for a long time. Now I am getting chest hair and normal pubic hair. Hopefully I will progress to some hair on my hands and feet instead of the hairless "girl ones"

By Ravioli_Max [Ignore] 15,Nov,15 08:21 other posts 
I don't have any hair on my chest.
By bella! [Ignore] 15,Nov,15 13:54 other posts 
Yeah, I don't have any hair on my chest, either.
By Ravioli_Max [Ignore] 16,Nov,15 07:30 other posts 

By #460523 12,May,15 19:37
had hair on my dick at 10
By 3fdfd [Ignore] 10,Jun,15 08:51 other posts 
you got hair on your dick before I did - mine started just before my 12th birthday.

By #204188 07,Jun,15 05:10
[deleted image]
By 3fdfd [Ignore] 08,Jun,15 08:15 other posts 
you are a hairy guy - so how were you when your chest hair started growing in ?
By #204188 09,Jun,15 13:06
I don't know exactly, I think around the age of 17, but first I always shaved it..

By #413906 17,May,15 19:15
[deleted image]
By 3fdfd [Ignore] 18,May,15 08:26 other posts 
nice - how old were you when you started growing your chest hair ?

By Emerald [Ignore] 17,May,15 18:52 other posts 
Well, sure I have chest hair. More specifically, I have *a* chest hair. One. I've thought about shaving it, but I didn't have the heart to. It looks so lonely.

By #460523 12,May,15 19:36
I have some first hair I seen was at maybe 12
By 3fdfd [Ignore] 13,May,15 07:16 other posts 
your chest & belly hair turned out nice - looks good.

By heylittleman [Ignore] 12,May,15 18:20 other posts 

I started when I was about 14
By 3fdfd [Ignore] 12,May,15 18:53 other posts 
turned out pretty good !

By jayman73 [Ignore] 28,Oct,14 18:43 other posts 
I feel I am mid range or medium hairy. I say that because I have seen hairy guys here and at the gym hairy than me. Although some may say I am really hairy. I actually was about 30 until I had a full hairy chest like I do now. I always had that patch of hair below the belly button since I was 18. But didn't really start growing chest hair above the belly button until about 25. My Dad had a very similiar experience. I recently shaved my whole chest. Shaved it for three days, didn't like it, so I started growing it back.
By 3fdfd [Ignore] 28,Oct,14 20:32 other posts 
good ! grow in back
By 3fdfd [Ignore] 12,May,15 17:44 other posts 
you are looking great with your hairy chest all grown back in

By metalraven13 [Ignore] 08,Apr,15 12:17 other posts 
I didn't have much hair until after the age of 16 or 17. I have quite a lot of hair so I usually keep it shaved.

By Gntlmn [Ignore] 28,Nov,14 11:07 other posts 
By 3fdfd [Ignore] 08,Apr,15 12:08 other posts 
nice chest & body hair ? when did you start growing your chest hair ?

By #316057 29,Oct,14 04:27
[deleted image]
--------------------------------------- added after 57 minutes

[deleted image]
By 3fdfd [Ignore] 08,Apr,15 12:02 other posts 
nice chest hair - how old were you when you started growing it ?

By #102374 03,Nov,14 22:11
I have very little chest hair. Mostly around my nipples so I shave them and what little is on my chest.

By #443161 28,Oct,14 16:48
for some reason, the absence of hair is a big turn on for me.
By 3fdfd [Ignore] 30,Oct,14 09:06 other posts 
and your hairy chest is a turn on for me
By 3fdfd [Ignore] 02,Nov,14 20:23 other posts 
fat - how old were you when you started growing your chest hair ?

By #7976 01,Mar,09 23:41
Fairly hairy chest and the only time it has been shaved was for and EKG. When did it start, probably around 11 years old.
By #3251 16,Mar,09 09:57
Post a pic of your hairy chest.
By #7976 22,Apr,09 20:44
I'll see. I took my pictures down since folks didn't like what I had up and started deducting points. When I put one up without being nude, no one commented or contacted me. Posting pictures on my page is a sore subject for me at the moment.
By #9747 23,Apr,09 03:07
I'd love to see your pics, please?
By #7976 23,Apr,09 14:45
Ok. Just one for now. Check out my home page for a peak.
By 3fdfd [Ignore] 02,Nov,14 08:22 other posts 
11 is pretty young for chest hair - I guess guys start at all different ages - if they are going to have any at all. I was nearly 12 before my cock hair started - so having chest hair at the age would have really been something.

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