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He said he had went to the local bojangles the day before and when they ask him for his order he just told them to put 5 dollars worth of something in a bag and hand it to him.
The speaker said, "we can't do that". He just told them that it seemed they could because the last 3 times he had went thru his order was WRONG and was about 5 bucks!,
Just as been mentioned, of course mistakes happen. BUT constantly?? Really? I make a effort on drive thru mistakes if I don't catch till I get home, to call and let them know they messed up. and I have been given a number to put on the receipt to take back and get a credit before as well. IF you don't complain, or politely inform someone of a problem, it will never be solved.
Sorry to hear that you had a tough/frustrating time at the coffee shop.
While I agree that there seems to be a lot more free-floating "dumb" in the world these days, the sort of thing that you describe doesn't really bother me that much. Mistakes happen, people are all too stressed-out, and I always assume that folks in the service industry are doing the best that they can on any given day. (Heck, we ALL have off days once in a while).
Everyone is way too angry and stressed all the time about everything, and I always try to avoid adding to that over small things. Believe it or not, but I tend to lean toward kindness and understanding as much as I can in real life. That's one of the many lessons I've learned in my years as a teacher.
Life is tough for everyone; I don't want to be the guy who makes it even harder for them if it can be helped.
Also--though I believe you meant it as a compliment--it kinda bugs me when people refer to me as being of "superior intellect". I have never claimed to be such--I just am what I am (not in a Popeye way
I hope your next coffee-run goes much better!
I also have the ability to recall that stuff fairly quickly.
I was just born that way.
I don't like to brag about it because it really isn't something that I worked hard to have, and it feels "snobbish" to talk about it.
It's like a guy who thinks that having a big dingus makes him better than anyone else, when genetics is what gave him that pecker and he did nothing to earn it himself.
Yes, people are smarter than people, but I've found anyone who refers to themselves of being of "superior intellect" are normally cold and bitter.
Don't ever stop being kind to others
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