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Fake Hunters

Discussion Forum on Show It Off

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Started by Dev01 [Ignore] 17,Aug,21 21:44  other posts
Seriously, All you deputised fake hunter/site police out there should either get a job or find a hobby... yep leo and noty ... what ever the fuck you're name is? Yes there are plenty more.

Does it really fuckin matter?

Welcome to the internet!!!

But I have an idea.... Play Pokemon go, or at least put this on repeat when going to sleep then you will realise that Biden/Trump, Covid 19, who's dick is bigger, Taliban don't matter as all that matters is playing Pokemon Go.

So remember whatever situation your in and how bad things are, You are lucky as you're reading this now which equates to being alive.

Thanks for the rant, More important things to do than fake hunt on a dick/cunt site and more importantly... Love your family. Life is way too short.

I will have my meds now and leave you all with a parting gift.

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By dgraff [Ignore] 25,Feb,22 06:27 other posts 
Leopogie is the male version of lixsipsucket hands down and notynyt is a woke Indian living in a filthy country it’s soon time for us to play cowboys and Indians again so we can thin the herd
By Dev01 [Ignore] 25,Feb,22 16:09 other posts 
By Sir-Skittles [Ignore] 25,Feb,22 18:37 other posts 
Well, Lix and Leo both have the same body! Pear shaped and with saggy boobs!
By dgraff [Ignore] 25,Feb,22 18:41 other posts 
Now I’m picturing lixsipsucket body with Leo head on it

By bella! [Ignore] 22,Feb,22 23:21 other posts 
I had a good laugh just moments ago, Yep, it was a fucktard thanking leo for exposing a fake! Doesn't that just bring a smile to your face? In fact, doesn’t leo kinda remind folks of JohnS? JohnS had a love of his dachshunds, leo loves his whores. JohnS was a pompous know-it-all, leo, well he's pompous. JohnS was on a mission to rid SYD/SYC of fakes, leo, ditto. JohnS engaged his posse to have his reports resolved quickly, leo, ditto. JohnS reported profiles because he was too cheap to buy points, leo, BOOM, ditto.
By Sir-Skittles [Ignore] 23,Feb,22 21:37 other posts 
Thank christ JohnS is in the ground!

And Leo has always been a lump. He is days away from a heart attack. He needs to make some better choices!
By bella! [Ignore] 24,Feb,22 06:15 other posts 
leopoldij reported a third member within the last 8 hours for deletion. He and his squad are a well oiled machine!
By bella! [Ignore] 25,Feb,22 01:05 other posts 
leopoldij has reported yet another member for deletion, this is the 4th time this week.

By #491031 18,Aug,21 12:52 life will be totally ruined if all of those fake peepees and yayas are allowed to exist on the internet!
The internet is intended for REAL stuff, dammit!
By Dev01 [Ignore] 18,Aug,21 16:30 other posts 
By phart [Ignore] 19,Feb,22 19:51 other posts 
What is the use of a fake profile other than to take up server space?
By #491031 22,Feb,22 13:51
Does a fake peepee really take up that much server space?
By phart [Ignore] 22,Feb,22 13:54 other posts 
I don't really know how much, perhaps the admin of the site could tell you. he has to pay for it.

By #623135 18,Aug,21 15:52
Bella! . you can only fit 7 piles of shit on the gift banner. For every pile of shit I get I’ll gift one of your friends with a pile of shit. I can’t send you one, I’m blocked. I will also PM your friend the gift is YOUR idea.
By bella! [Ignore] 19,Feb,22 16:40 other posts 
This is one of your posts, twowarm.

By whatsupcocks [Ignore] 21,Aug,21 02:21 other posts 
hay cache song, makes me want to play Pokemon. Great post you two. Have a G-Day. O ya (STAY SUPER SEXY) .
By Dev01 [Ignore] 21,Aug,21 02:57 other posts 
By Dev01 [Ignore] 21,Aug,21 02:57 other posts 
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By #592419 18,Aug,21 15:41
Being thankful for what you have. Opposite is coveting. Coveting hurts you. Why come on here pointing fingers... Cuz of rationalizating your pain and not taking responsibility.
You have no where to go. Nohing to do except feel sorry for yourself.

By bella! [Ignore] 17,Aug,21 22:43 other posts 
What about the self professed "Christian" members that are so petty and enjoy gloating ove whatever they like to gloat about?
By Dev01 [Ignore] 17,Aug,21 23:43 other posts 
Yes... They can play Pokemon go as well.
By #623135 18,Aug,21 00:40
Why do certain members like to act as though their shit don’t stink. They are no better than anyone else, but, they act as if they are. Well, whatever they do it’s their business. Gossip mongers are part of life. You have to ignore them.

By #610414 17,Aug,21 22:25

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