| Seriously, All you deputised fake hunter/site police out there should either get a job or find a hobby... yep leo and noty ... what ever the fuck you're name is? Yes there are plenty more.
Does it really fuckin matter?
Welcome to the internet!!!
But I have an idea.... Play Pokemon go, or at least put this on repeat when going to sleep then you will realise that Biden/Trump, Covid 19, who's dick is bigger, Taliban don't matter as all that matters is playing Pokemon Go.
So remember whatever situation your in and how bad things are, You are lucky as you're reading this now which equates to being alive.
Thanks for the rant, More important things to do than fake hunt on a dick/cunt site and more importantly... Love your family. Life is way too short.
I will have my meds now and leave you all with a parting gift.
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And Leo has always been a lump. He is days away from a heart attack. He needs to make some better choices!
The internet is intended for REAL stuff, dammit!
You have no where to go. Nohing to do except feel sorry for yourself.
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