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Started by bella! [Ignore] 07,Aug,21 02:38  other posts
In my opinion, JustWill is the smartest man on SYD and probably one of the smartest men in the world, just ask him. I've suggested several times that he should open a thread and answer member's questions. He never did that because it would cost 20 points but he's very frugal.

I'm opening this thread on his behalf, ask him anything you like with the exception of plumbing and taxidermy. Yep, as you may have guessed, he gets the two of them confused. Please start your question by "mentioning" his name, don't forget to use the "at sign", one of these things @ before and after his screen name. I will start us off....

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By bella! [Ignore] 10,May,22 15:42 other posts 
Hey, JustWill , has the temperature in your neck of the woods been conducive to planting tomatoes?
By #491031 10,May,22 17:06
Not until this week, but I don't think I am planting any tomatoes this year. Between the shitty weather and the fucking deer over the past few years, the garden has been a waste of time.
I think I may just pass on planting this season.
By phart [Ignore] 10,May,22 18:11 other posts 
plant onions near the tomato's, the deer don't like onion smell.
my issue is my peach tree is loaded this year.BUT just as I am sitting back waiting with spoon and icecream ready,the deer are standing in the woods waiting to stand up on their hind legs and eat everyone they can reach.That and the damn squirrels. They will eat tomatoes to.I had been waiting for a particular tomatoe to get ripe about 3 years ago,and just as it was ready to eat,I happen to see a squirrel carrying it up a tree. I went and got my 22 rifle,and I had some kind of a light load,a little black looking bullet,I think it was for killing rats, Anyhow,I shot that squirrel right square in the back, he dropped the tomatoe and looked back at me like,"why did you make me drop my dinner"? Then the little bastard went back down the tree and got it and headed back up! The next shot was stronger ammo and he beat the tomatoe hitting the ground! ruined the tomatoe but at least that little bastard didn't get it.

I was able to find some Tabasco pepper plants the other day.I look forward to seeing how well they do. I am also looking forward to learning how to make my own tabasco sauce,shouldn't be to hard to do.
By bella! [Ignore] 10,May,22 18:22 other posts 
I hear you. This was the first week in Southeast Michigan that we've had decent weather. I don't have a problem with deer, the problem is with rabbits.
By phart [Ignore] 15,May,22 08:37 other posts 
I planted a bunch of taters,oops,"potatoes" for the city slickers,and only a 1/3 of them are coming up.Had good healthy eyes on them,should have been a BUNCH.

By bella! [Ignore] 15,Mar,22 18:51 other posts 
JustWill , where are you?
By #491031 16,Mar,22 15:21
I'm over there beside that big tree.
By bella! [Ignore] 16,Mar,22 16:45 other posts 
By #491031 16,Mar,22 18:36
No, not that tree. The other one...
By bella! [Ignore] 16,Mar,22 20:32 other posts 
I think you are just trying to fool me!
By #491031 19,Mar,22 11:45
I would NEVER do such a thing...
By bella! [Ignore] 19,Mar,22 16:28 other posts 
Really? I've looked beside and behind more trees then I can count and I still haven't spotted you. I am beyond being cold and tired, mister, game over. Are you still beside the tree or have you gone home and are laughing AT ME within the warmth and comfort of your own home?
By #491031 19,Mar,22 17:01
I'm just REALLY good at Hide-and-Seek...
By bella! [Ignore] 20,Mar,22 10:01 other posts 
Hey, 2nice , I need your help, it's been 4 days and I can't find JustWill. Help! Can you spot that wily guy?

By bella! [Ignore] 15,Mar,22 18:33 other posts 
JustWill , charcuterie, really? Who thought of this word? It sounds funny.
By kebmo [Ignore] 15,Mar,22 18:39 other posts 
I’ve got this one. I’ve dealt with this in lots of Italian cooking. Many Italian restaurants have charcuterie boards on the menu. Probably Greek restaurants too.

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By bella! [Ignore] 15,Mar,22 18:52 other posts 
Isn't it just as easy to say meat board?
By kebmo [Ignore] 15,Mar,22 20:56 other posts 
Not when you charge $30-40 for it!
By #491031 16,Mar,22 15:22
I believe it was the French.
They have a lot of silly sounding words...
By kebmo [Ignore] 16,Mar,22 15:48 other posts 
It is French. I meant to mention that.

By bella! [Ignore] 26,Feb,22 20:09 other posts 
JustWill what to think a good caption would be for this picture?

By #491031 28,Feb,22 14:37
"My boner has pissed me off and I am about to beat the hell out of it!"


"If I catch the bastard who stole my left nut, they are going to pay!"
By bella! [Ignore] 28,Feb,22 15:02 other posts 
No one has commented on it and I think that I like the second option! Thanks for your help, JustWill!
By bella! [Ignore] 28,Feb,22 15:04 other posts 
Check out the picture now!
By #491031 01,Mar,22 14:26
You're welcome.
I won't even charge my usual fee for "ghost writing".
By bella! [Ignore] 01,Mar,22 16:01 other posts 
Gee, aren't you just the B-E-S-T, BEST!

By bella! [Ignore] 19,Feb,22 06:16 other posts 
JustWill , where are you?
By #491031 19,Feb,22 13:21
Been very busy lately.
By bella! [Ignore] 19,Feb,22 14:22 other posts 
Well, wrap up what you're doing and c'mon back! Members are giving me English lessons and it's stressing me out.
By phart [Ignore] 19,Feb,22 19:58 other posts 
Only 1 member is giving lessons, I am trying to get that member to respond as to how you used the word wrong by posting a definition of it.

By gradurgaur [Ignore] 09,Feb,22 16:38 other posts 
I was Wondering "JustWill"Why is Water wet?
and Am worried about SMell my Wristwatch guy have you hear anything new from him?Hope he is Ok and Smelling his Wristwatch
By phart [Ignore] 09,Feb,22 16:55 other posts 
How wet is heavy water?
By bella! [Ignore] 09,Feb,22 19:00 other posts 
Forget about asking JustWill a question, please answer this question for me. Will you forgive for not wishing YOU a happy birthday on the 6th?
By phart [Ignore] 09,Feb,22 19:48 other posts 
it appears you left a happy birthday message on his page? So why would he be upset?
This site made me 55 the first day of january,27 days to soon!
By gradurgaur [Ignore] 13,Feb,22 16:50 other posts 
Thank you so much for the birthday wish bella it was so kind of you
By bella! [Ignore] 13,Feb,22 16:52 other posts 
My pleasure, sweetie!
By #491031 10,Feb,22 13:59
Because it would be harder to drink if it was dry.

The Smells His Watch guy is missing in actions. The stinky fumes must have gotten to him...
By phart [Ignore] 10,Feb,22 19:58 other posts 
how can water be made wetter?
I often wondered because we had a chemical at the fire department dubbed "water wetter" for hay fires.
And there is this.
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By sherryann [Ignore] 08,Feb,22 22:23 other posts 
Hi JustWill. I hear so many odd names and words and want to know what a soyboy is. Thank you.
By bella! [Ignore] 08,Feb,22 22:45 other posts 
If anyone knows the answer, it's going to be JustWill . He's mentioned his "huge pile of disorganized flotsam and jetsam dumped in a dark corner of this thought-locker" back in September, 2018.

By JustWill 14,Sep,18 13:52
My 'lexicon' isn't actually a physical record of words and definitions. It's really just a huge pile of disorganized flotsam and jetsam dumped in a dark corner of my thought-locker.

Fast forward to 2022, maybe he will school to me on the definition of flotsam and jetsam, two more of his words that I've never knew existed and thereby never used. He's got one of those minds that I admire.
By #491031 09,Feb,22 10:28
"Flotsam and jetsam" is a phrase commonly used to describe "odds and ends", but the two words--which mean different things-- have a nautical origin.

FLOTSAM refers to stuff that is accidentally lost overboard from a ship.
JETSAM refers to stuff deliberately tossed overboard.
By #491031 09,Feb,22 10:24
"Soyboy" is a derogative term used to insult a male who has been judged to be too effeminate or not 'masculine enough' by those passing judgement on them.
The "soy" part comes from the (false) belief that consuming products with soy in them raises a man's estrogen levels and emasculates them.
--------------------------------------- added after 6 hours

I should have used "derogatory", not "derogative". Sorry about that...
By sherryann [Ignore] 09,Feb,22 17:33 other posts 
Thank you. I was wondering how soy was involved and that's ok about the 2 words, I am not as smart as you and not aware of the difference.
By #491031 10,Feb,22 11:57
You are always welcome, sherryann !

Also, I was just correcting myself and not intending to show-off when I posted the "derogatory" part. I caught my mistake after it was too late to edit the post, and it annoyed me that I had used the wrong word.
By sherryann [Ignore] 10,Feb,22 20:49 other posts 
I know JustWill & thanks. I always learn stuff from you.
By phart [Ignore] 09,Feb,22 18:50 other posts 
I have read some about soy in the past and kinda hard not to put 2 and 2 together.Men have gotten wimpyer since soybeans became a thing
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By sherryann [Ignore] 10,Feb,22 20:58 other posts 
Thank you for that link. I will finish reading it later. Interesting. When hearing the word soy, I think of soy milk which I tried & did not like. But then most people don't like skim milk, which they now call fat free milk. I like it though.
By phart [Ignore] 10,Feb,22 21:53 other posts 
Well back many years ago,my dad worked for a local farmer driving a grain truck. 1 day he took a brown paper bag and filled it with freshly harvested beans right off the truck and brought them home.I put them in a pot and cooked them. Not bad, basically like the beans in pork and beans or beanie weenies.
By bella! [Ignore] 10,Feb,22 22:23 other posts 
This is a post that needed more details.
By #491031 10,Feb,22 22:38
You mean like: "1 day he took a brown paper bag from a fat, slow-walking, black lady" or "a local farmer who wouldn't hire any lazy Mexicans"?
That kinda shit just brings the characters to life...
By phart [Ignore] 10,Feb,22 23:00 other posts 
Let's see dad woulda been about 60 years old,I know for sure he was driving a cab over tandem axle ford, probably about a 67-8 model ,green in color .Cab was built by a company called BUD, that is known for it's wheels more than the cabs that ford and Mack used.
Pot woulda been a green enamel coated aluminum thing that my mother cooked pot roast in every thursday until she left in 85, bear in mind this was in 1990 maby when I cooked those beans.
So my memory is a bit fuzzy.
By #491031 10,Feb,22 22:32
Here's a thing:
Calling plant juice of any kind (soy, almond, coconut) MILK is just down-right evil!
The same goes for calling a mashed-up vegetation patty a "burger".
The only REAL milk comes from a female mammal.
The only REAL burgers are made from meat.
Both of them, preferably, come from cows.
(For the record, milk has been my beverage of choice for my entire life. Toss in a warm chocolate chip cookie, and I am in heaven.)
By phart [Ignore] 10,Feb,22 22:54 other posts 

I was raised on goat milk.from the time I was about 8 till 16 I usually drank 3 quarts a day.
We raised several different breeds of dairy goats. Nubians, Toggenburgs ,and French Alpines. The milk was good for stomach aliments.And since ours was fresh and unpasteurized, we could only store it a few days so the old milk was used on tomato plants. And let me tell ye, a tomato plant will really grow on milk!!
By #491031 10,Feb,22 23:23
It's the calcium in the milk that gives the tomato plants a major boost.
By phart [Ignore] 11,Feb,22 09:29 other posts 

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