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Started by Dev01 [Ignore] 20,Dec,20 19:45  other posts
At least know how to use the program before attempting crap pics

[deleted image]

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By #485312 24,Jan,21 20:03

another one for the head collection *lix*
By Dev01 [Ignore] 24,Jan,21 20:08 other posts 
They only get better...

By #485312 21,Dec,20 00:01
[deleted image]
heres a great colour match *lix*
By #535408 21,Dec,20 15:57
Hahahaha! And what's going on with that globulous ass????
By leopoldij [Ignore] 24,Jan,21 04:00 other posts 
The head is about to fall off

By #485312 19,Jan,21 21:49
[deleted image]
heres one for the girls to adore *lix*
By Dev01 [Ignore] 19,Jan,21 22:07 other posts 
🤣🤣🤣 FFS
By #535408 20,Jan,21 00:15
By DJS [Ignore] 24,Jan,21 03:05 other posts 
Am confused,is it the head or the cock that's been photoshopped??
By leopoldij [Ignore] 24,Jan,21 03:59 other posts 
Do you think this is photoshopped?

By #485312 17,Jan,21 18:08
[deleted image]
[deleted image]
[deleted image]
I'll pop these here before Im blacklisted lol, *Lix*
--------------------------------------- added after 74 seconds

Im loving the 'make up' too *lix*
By #574505 17,Jan,21 19:07
By the slut
By Dev01 [Ignore] 17,Jan,21 20:18 other posts 
WTF is it actually. Even shit cgi
By #485312 18,Jan,21 03:38
looks more like the spray paint in paint..or I had visions of a Simpsons episode, where Homer shot Marg in the face with a 'makeup gun' lol, *lix*
By #535408 18,Jan,21 08:33
The middle one looks like a man's face pasted on

By #535408 22,Dec,20 15:48
Looks like the covergirl at the top with the big, off-center head pic has gone poof?
By #485312 22,Dec,20 19:10
yeah, all good things must come to an end. but theres plenty more where that came from... just have to wait for next 'orange' couple to turn up with pornstar pics and unbelievably great camera angles *Lix*

By #485312 22,Dec,20 17:45
[deleted image]
this one is great head, looks like a mans head on a womans body *lix*

By #535408 20,Dec,20 21:16
Here's a couple

[deleted image]

[deleted image]
By Dev01 [Ignore] 20,Dec,20 21:16 other posts 
By #485312 20,Dec,20 23:59
[deleted image]
we've got our own new category now... what should it be named??? *lix*
By #535408 21,Dec,20 15:40
By #485312 22,Dec,20 05:56
Facenfurter lol, *lix*
By #535408 22,Dec,20 16:02
And some these faces they paste on, look at the one you linked above, she looks terrified like deer caught in the headlights

By bella! [Ignore] 20,Dec,20 19:54 other posts 
Yeah, I wondered about that one and posted about it yesterday. It's like her head is too big and there were other comments made about the lighting and shadows being off. Im no photographer so I can't speak about lighting and shadows, but I will talk about BIG HEADS all day long.
By Dev01 [Ignore] 20,Dec,20 20:03 other posts 
Yep the spray tan just stops
By #574505 20,Dec,20 20:05
To much makeup
By Sir-Skittles [Ignore] 22,Dec,20 12:49 other posts 
Lady Tecsan can help her with her make up. He is a site princess.
By #574505 22,Dec,20 13:34

By #551147 21,Dec,20 10:15
After reading a certain thread around here, I discovered that photos from 1985 have been manipulated. I was quite surprised by that revelation. I must not have the ability to recognize some photoshopped pics. I'm SO disappointed in myself... 😞

Consequently, there seems to be a rift forming between two besties. You know what they say... They eventually start eating their own.
By bella! [Ignore] 21,Dec,20 10:53 other posts 
Really? You don't say!
By Sir-Skittles [Ignore] 21,Dec,20 15:59 other posts 
Scorps Dev01 ... reminds me of two mutts JohnS used to have Both went into the shack.. only one came back out!
By #551147 21,Dec,20 16:09
I like to think of us more as Mutt & Jeff
By Dev01 [Ignore] 21,Dec,20 16:17 other posts 

By Sir-Skittles [Ignore] 21,Dec,20 15:58 other posts 

By #485312 21,Dec,20 15:57
[deleted image]
heres my photoshopping, fat and all, for all you walrus lovers... have a very merry Christmas *Lix*

By bella! [Ignore] 21,Dec,20 04:31 other posts 
My guess is that Fritz is rather fond of that particular face. Here is the same face, only smaller, in another picture.

By Dev01 [Ignore] 21,Dec,20 15:53 other posts 
By #535408 21,Dec,20 15:56

By phart [Ignore] 20,Dec,20 21:47 other posts 
has anyone saw the actual photo? You know,before photoshop? Must a been 1 ugly face to want to change it!
You know,1 of those faces that would scare a cat off a gut truck?
By #485312 20,Dec,20 23:56
I think he's putting his wifes head on a better body, or his girl friend??? he seems to have his own harem.. the middles girls head is the face on the top pic, now Im not sure if this body is hers either??? its getting very confusing... *lix*
[deleted image]

By #275407 20,Dec,20 21:12
looks real to me
By Dev01 [Ignore] 20,Dec,20 21:17 other posts 
Codes didn't think you liked meth
By #275407 20,Dec,20 21:19
You would have to be on meth to think those pictures were real
--------------------------------------- added after 3 minutes

I can honestly say, I've never done any kind of drugs, didn't want them in my body. The drug of my choice was alchoholic beverages.
By Dev01 [Ignore] 20,Dec,20 21:26 other posts 
Cody we love you regardless mate. Was just Joking
By phart [Ignore] 20,Dec,20 21:48 other posts 
no drugs or alky in me ever.Could be why I am so cantakerous but as least I am alive!
By Dev01 [Ignore] 20,Dec,20 21:57 other posts 

By Dev01 [Ignore] 20,Dec,20 21:18 other posts 
I guess what I am saying is... Learn the program.

By #485312 20,Dec,20 20:08
[deleted image]
heres another with a dodgy head addition *lix*
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and the head on this one seems to
change at the necklace, *lix*
By Dev01 [Ignore] 20,Dec,20 20:27 other posts 
People change the head because of Prawn Syndrome. Body is great but the head well ...Yet I do have a mate that smashes the prawn head on a BBQ and hen cooks then has prawn head chips... True story
By #485312 20,Dec,20 20:31
I had a boyfriend that ate the heads, I'd eat the body and he sucked the brains out.. and then crunched the face less that bit of shell on top ... saved a fortune on prawns, we only need half as many *lix*
By Dev01 [Ignore] 20,Dec,20 20:37 other posts 
😄 I am not really a seafood man. I will eat prawns if fresh with lemon but no heads

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