![](/avatars/551/551147.jpg) | 🎆 🇺🇸 Happy Birthday America!! 🇺🇸 🎆
Today we celebrate our Independence from Great Britain, and perhaps one of the most important documents ever written, the Declaration of Independence, leading to the GREATEST nation on the planet, the United States of AMERICA!
244 years of growing and improving that have culminated in the most diverse society anywhere in the world. A country where NO particular person/race is excluded from the pursuit of happiness.
Despite any perceived, fabricated, or exaggerated claims of our Country's imperfections (currently speaking), we STILL remain the greatest nation on Earth. 🖕
As I stated elsewhere in these forums, NO man/woman, NO group/organization, NO city/state/country, NO civilization EVER! Is or has been free from said imperfections.
With that being said, we SHOULD be celebrating greatness in all forms, from ALL who have contributed and risen to such prominence, not just in the United States, but across the entire world.
Don't be fooled!
There are sad, pathetic individuals (foreign & domestic) attempting to subvert the ideologies that have made OUR nation the envy of the world. Everything from attacking our past, to the current perpetuation of racial inequality, to the attempts to undermine our laws or values that we hold so dearly.
AS IF! Any single one of them are free from sins OR are more superior, mentally OR morally... >rolls eyes<
Sadly, 85 to 90 percent (possibly higher), of the worlds media, as a WHOLE, can be described as leftist, liberal, democrat, or progressive leaning entities. With THAT MANY sources spewing the same hatred, lies, radical ideas, opposition etc. It's NO WONDER that there is a perception that these views are supposedly being widely accepted/embraced.
It's simply NOT true, and everyone should understand AND recognize those attempts to INDOCTRINATE people into believing there is only ONE way to THINK. Resist!
In a truly free society/world, there should be ABSOLUTE EQUALITY! One where there is little mention of one's particular race, religion, or creed. The true acceptance that we are ALL part of the HUMAN RACE, and no one person is more superior or inferior to another or without flaws.
Someday, hopefully, these will be the goals of people as a whole. There will never be ABSOLUTE PERFECTION in this world and the sooner we all recognize that, the sooner we can progress to further greatness, standing side by side, hand in hand as HUMANS.
I'm proud of our country, and I'm proud to be an American!
WE, as a nation, have made the most positive changes and decisions in the world and we should NOT be ashamed OR made to feel ashamed of our Country. AS IF any of their countries are free from some of the same past atrocities. >rolls eyes<
We SHALL endure this moment in our history... ✌
Happy Independence Day to my fellow America loving friends and family! AMERICA! 🇺🇸 |
the ship of fools, that's how the rest of the world sees the USA nowadays.
When Europeans look at Trump they see nothing but a con man, succesfully selling outright lies, blindly supported even if exposed.
When Europeans look at Alexander Vindman they see a thoroughly patriotic American, representing the best the USA has to offer. Look at what happened to him. Look at his 'interrogator' Jim Jordan, a piece of human filth but a senator nevertheless.
The result: a nation in which one half hates the other half. Divided you'll fall
I can't begin to express how much it delights me to discuss OUR President with someone not even from this Country.
First of all!
Now, let's get into this. You remember sometime back, when he (OUR President) payed a visit to YOUR country? Come on, you HAVE to remember. The visit where a portion of YOUR citizens had a BIG orange, what appeared to be, a crying baby, in the likeness of OUR President, in balloon form, like a Macy's parade balloon? Remember that?
It WAS reported that YOUR streets were filled with protesters, haters, and other ignoramuses in opposition of Donald J. Trump. SO many out there, it was just INCREDIBLE!
When showed from a different perspective OR news agency >wink wink< , you quickly realize just how fucking lying these pieces of shit actually are. Upon close inspection of the signs being held up by that massive crowd out in the streets. Turns out, those that were there to support OUR President, outnumbered, I'm assuming numbnuts like yourself 4 to 1.
In other words... The crowd FOR President Trump was 4x larger than the pathetics holding the balloon mocking him.
Which by the way, was kinda funny and did make me giggle a little.
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In light of that, YOUR opinion means diddly! 🚮 ⬅️ That's the symbol for trash, in case you didn't know. Further exacerbated by YOUR opinion of Col. Vindman, who is a mealy mouthed COWARD and a LIAR. It was HIS opinion, which like yours, isn't worth a fuck if we are to be honest. (No need to take it personal, btw)
You certainly have got ONE THING RIGHT though, that I wholeheartedly believe...
"Divided You'll Fall"
You got that right!
🤔 Perhaps that's why YOU and a couple other foreign fuckwits around here, like interjecting your unwanted and in many many cases unwarranted criticisms. Seems like a reasonable assumption to me...
Is that what you all's goals are? To assist in the efforts to keep divisions alive and well in America from the outside? Hmmmmm
Here all I thought you knew, was how to fuck whores and talk and boast about it incessantly. Criticize Bella! every chance you get, and pucker up to kiss some serious ass around here.
Who knew!
There's a wonderful song with the same title, too!
Ship of Fools by Robert Plant
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I could MAYBE get your hatred for OUR President, by reading what you posted below. But that whole ship of fools thing... You just insulted EVERY American, even the doofuses that agree with you.
I saw you mentioned polls, too! Is that the same kinda polls that stated Hillary Clinton was going to win by a landslide!? Polls are about as useful as sandpaper for toilet paper.
Poll this...
I had NO doubt that you were just reciting what you read, none!
My point to you is...
That very same "The Guardian", ALSO stated in 2016 that their polls showed Hillary Clinton with a "SUBSTANTIAL" margin of victory over Donald Trump.
Oh yeah!
Is Hillary President of the U.S.? NO!
Therefore, why would you, me, or anyone else believe what that article is saying? Because you want it to be true?
When they said Hillary was going to win, and she didn't, guess what, they lost ALL credibility as far as I'm concerned.
That being said, feel free to continue to believe that bullshit if you like. Afterall, you are a free individual with the right to believe WHATEVER you want.
At 12:37 p.m. ET on Friday, Oct. 28 — with 12 days left in the election — the campaign blasted out an advisory to reporters announcing that the former secretary of state would be campaigning in reliably Republican Arizona, a move that suggested her team was gunning to compete in states well beyond the battlegrounds they needed for victory against GOP nominee Donald Trump.
They had every right to be confident.
The RealClearPolitics polling average from the day before showed Clinton leading Trump nationally by nearly six points (for perspective, Barack Obama beat Mitt Romney by four points in 2012). State polls had Clinton ahead in key battlegrounds like Pennsylvania and North Carolina. Even the data team doing analytics for the Trump campaign was telling reporters that, as of Oct. 27, they had just a 15 percent chance of winning.
As you see, the Clintons read it wrong.
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Elections by their very nature are open to the wims of the people.
If you ask me, the Dems would be very stupid (ok, no comment from the peanut gallery) to repeat this. And, I believe that, barring a fuck up (Biden getting fucked in the intersection of Haight and Ashbury streets in Frisco during lunch) will win the elections
Google motherfucker!
Of course YOU got it right. The ONLY reason I know for sure, is because, I had to GOOGLE what YOU posted. "Hieronymus Bosch", and when I did, the ship of fools painting popped right up. So, give the whole "am I right" bullshit a rest.
In my opinion, it just makes you look even more stupid than you already are.
If you have something with a modicum of intelligence to add to my thread, then by all means, please do. If you don't, then fuck-off would you.
It's evident in many of your other posts, around these forums, that you don't think very highly of America or American's. Unless of course it helps in getting your jollies off.
I'm sorry I thought you were angry. It was a reasonable deduction based on your response. Buy I apologise if I didn't understand that you were not angry.
Dendrochronology however has some paintings ascribed to him dated after his death (in 1519, same as da Vinci)
The ship of fools is definitely his
Thanks SherryAnn! You join just a handful of people that had/have, the decency to comment, positively, in this thread, and I appreciate it. 😘
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Did we sell out to Russia OR China?
Between you and Mr."ship of fools" ⬇️ down or ⬆️ up yonder, do EITHER of you know what the fuck you're talking about?
So it's YOUR belief, China is going to, or already interfering with the U.S. election? Is that what you are saying? Cause if so, the Dems are implying Russia is involved again. As if that helped them the first time.
OR are you implying Trump NEEDS Xi to interfere, in order to win?
How about YOU and SVEN get together, and come up with a complete coherent opinion as to what's REALLY going on and with which country. Because as it stands now, you two are talking out your asses and making ZERO sense. (no need to take it personally, btw)
But you have me at a loss trying to comprehend what your saying. One sentence you talk about Russia, then your next sentence you refer to Xi Jinping. WTF!
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Oh! In the interest of keeping it real AND fair.
NO where in my initial posting did I mention President Donald J. Trump's name, yet you decided to bring it up in a forum wishing our country and citizenry a happy 4th of July. Yet you thought it a good idea to bring him up? 🤔
I will trust that next year things will be back to normal.
They're out to get you Bella!, they "vvwant your blood"! Muah hahahahaha!
Reminds me of the plight of a certain portion of the population...
Hope the folks are doing well and you at least got to spend some quality time with them, on such a remarkable day.
As you can probably imagine, I believe you can make the best of the holiday without the government whatsoever.
That being said... The holiday was very much alive and well in our parts.
With 5 of the 7 children grown, their babies, their significant others and their respective families, and a small collection of our mutual friends. We rented a pavilion in a local park, had lots of music, food, and conversation. Then we moved everyone to an open field near our house where we put on about a 3 hour fireworks display. Of course I/we been doing this for about 30 years. As my little family has matured, the celebration has grown substantially.
We had an immensely good time and it was nice to see everyone as we have all been trying to "socially distance" as suggested by the government. But, enough is enough!
Interesting side note...
Out of ALL the people that attended our little event, NOT ONE PERSON! Knows/knew anybody with this supposed Chinese virus a.k.a. Corona virus a.k.a. Wuhan virus a.k.a. Covid a.k.a Covid-19, or whatever the fuck they are calling it this week.
I find that eye brow raising, if nothing else... 😉
Yes, let's hope the holiday remains established, and that next year will be more "back to normal". I sincerely mean that, too!
But, I'm no President 😉 and everything above is written by and being articulated by, ME!
I'm NOT a copy and paster...
Have a terrific day worthy of celebration!
Happy 4th, Scorps
I appreciate the vote of confidence, and I'd might be able to do a better job, than so many currently serving the people, but I would NEVER want their jobs, EVER!
Why!? Because ONE person will never be able to please all the people all the time, the constant barrage of attacks on their character, etc, NO THANK YOU!
It's sad to say, but that's the way it is.
Sad that you are just one of a handful that gave a shit to even respond. For that, thank you!
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