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Started by #584076 [Ignore] 07,May,19 22:48
This is just a place where anybody can post anything that makes them go WTF on the site???

I'd prefer to keep personal attacks on other members to a minimum but feel free to engage in debate on anything that arises.

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By #460385 15,May,19 09:59
Hey WetNoodle you sure do know a lot for only being here for a month. Why don't you shut the fuck up. How do you know as a new member how many trophies we have, they're not visible. Same old crying you always do. HEY EVERYONE, CHARLIE IS BACK!!!! Stop shitting on girls like AOD, arexa, sweetslit, footluvrsgirl, and the rest. All you really want to bitch about is twosaggytitties not winning.
--------------------------------------- added after 29 minutes

If you would only keep your mouth shut and fly under the radar. But no matter what name you come back as, it's always the same complaining.
By #585719 15,May,19 10:52
I'm re-posting this. It's too long to re-type:
On Lix's page there's this...."view all gifts received by licksipsuckit" there I counted 5 POMs without going further back. On your page, in the same place, there were many Crown prices. Same thing on XOXO's page. Look, if I was offensive in any way it was not done with the intention of doing so. You've made other comments on another forum. I believe you asked me to "shut the fuck up" and "Stop shitting on girls like AOD, arexa, sweetslit, footluvrsgirl, and the rest." In what universe did I ever do that? All I've said was that they were beautiful women. What's more, it was HotPussy who greeted me first, not Lix. If I may make an observation, not only are you wrong about what I've said and about my intentions, but, you didn't even read what I wrote correctly.

You might want to go to HotPussy's forum and read what I said to her this morning too before you go half cocked.

By #584076 14,May,19 01:11

Sorry... This one is just a reaction to GoT episode 5...

I think I need counselling now!
--------------------------------------- added after 4 hours

Not any easier to watch on the third spin round!!!

By #491031 14,May,19 11:19
Why? What is it about episode 5 that has you so frazzled?
By #584076 14,May,19 11:32
10 years building up a character that began in episode 1 of Season 1...

And with 2 episides to go before completion they decide... Actually she's a cunt now!

By #491031 14,May,19 11:52
I disagree. Daenerys has ALWAYS been a "cunt". From the very start, her one and only goal was to take the Iron matter the cost. Her inherent ruthlessness has only been mitigated by the fact that the few people she trusted were always able to talk her down and convince her to act more mercifully. She believes, without doubt, that she is the "rightful" ruler, but has never questioned whether that makes her a "good" or "just" ruler.
Don't forget that she is a Targaryen, and that madness is a common trait in her bloodline. The behavior she displays in episode 5 has been foreshadowed--in lesser ways--throughout the series. I had been expecting her to go full-on "Mad Queen" for quite some time.
By #584076 14,May,19 12:03
I absolutely agree with you on her selfrightuousness regarding her "divine" right to sit on the throne... And the potential for her to go rogue...

I just think it's all a bit too convenient a plot point in order to tie things up...

But I do get it...

I also get that she went all "Burn them all"...

But fuck, it was harrowing.

My bigger gripe with the episode was Cersei's death... It just wasn't befitting of what she deserved...

I think a death in the vane of Mel Gibson's in Braveheart would have been better!

Also gutted about The Hound!
By #491031 14,May,19 12:27
Trying to neatly wrap up such a sprawling, epic story and tie up all the loose ends of dozens of plot lines and character arcs is a daunting task. Especially when the producers of GoT gave themselves only six episodes in which to do so. EVERYTHING feels more than a bit rushed.
On the other hand, I believe that two more seasons of the show ( Hell, I would happily watch TEN more seasons! )still wouldn't completely satisfy. The damn story is just so fucking HUGE.
I. too, would have liked to see a more dramatic end to Cersei. However, the "bad guys" don't always meet justice in the dramatic way we wish to see. The fact that she dies beneath the rubble of the city she was so willing to sacrifice for her own hubris seems fitting...though a bit anticlimactic.
And The Hound went out heroically. His battle with the Mountain was epic!
By #584076 14,May,19 16:39
Agreed... On all points!

By #584076 13,May,19 17:35
WTF is the deal with competitions here?

Some photo contests are won by pics that don't even fit the criteria...

The Best Image/Member is blatantly about who spends most points...

King of the Mountain is a farce because groups of 3 or more are battling among themselves and others get caught as collateral!

It would just be nice to see deserving winners.
By #578610 13,May,19 18:23
I'm not deserving, lollipop???
By #584076 13,May,19 19:41
Hun... You know exactly what I mean...

There's cliques that ensure one of their members goes top most of the time...

Hell, I've seen you downvoted from top place recently and suddenly you've gone from 100 to 60 something...

It's just nasty.
--------------------------------------- added after 3 minutes


I dunno sweetie...

Is it really "deserving" if you're voting yoyrself up???
By #578610 13,May,19 20:51
Sugar, I'm persona non grata. The One Eyed Witch and her minions hate me almost as much as they hate Lix. You seriously believe anyone in that contest votes for someone else? Sure, there's a few members that don't play, they just vote, but most don't play or vote. Ever since this game started I would vote for me. Then for 3 weeks I voted for Lix. Neither one could get ahead. Finally, I got mad ( day b4 yesterday ). I set a timer for four hours and made a point of voting for me. Then, with the system taking away all the points I make over 400 I started to vote on the -20 votes. I made it to the top today and will try to stay there a few days. I don't buy points, I earn them from being very active on site. So, in effect, I'm being rewarded for being a top, well liked, popular member. I don't think I have to mention I'm very easy on the eyes nor considered one of the biggest whores on site.
By #584076 13,May,19 20:59
Well sadly, it seems there's others doing the same coz yeah... Looked a little while back ant you were within spitting distance and then "wham!" Back down to 60 something.

Doesn't make it easy for those posting new damn hot images regularly when pics that have been around since before I joined are stacking the top spots.
--------------------------------------- added after 5 minutes

Ps... Not sure if I am one of the biggest whores on the site...

I'm not exactly petite...

And I literally worked for years as a Male Escort...

Pffft! Worked!!! 🤣😂🤣😆
By dgraff [Ignore] 13,May,19 21:06 other posts 
Candy I'm afraid competing in the same game as lix you might get to finally see the real lix she hates to loose it might get you two at odds
By #578610 13,May,19 22:21
We compete all the time. We both go after members, new and old, and she knows I'd jump in bed with Aussie in a heartbeat. Friends can compete, fiercely, and stay friends.
By bella! [Ignore] 13,May,19 20:37 other posts 
May I offer my opinion? Really? I'm going to share it anyway!

Regarding photo contests that are won by members who don't fit the criteria. The onus is basically on the member who created the contest. If the member creates a contest for members who posted a recent picture (within the last 10 days) it's up to them to monitor that the members entering have met the criteria or they need to boot them out. I recall a contest that asked for a facial picture. There were 4 members that submitted their picture and that was not enough members to get the competition off the ground. With the contest only hours away from being scrapped, I asked the sponsoring member if I could enter using one of my benign pictures and he said okay. The contest went off as planned. Someone did win the coveted award and the world was good.

Regarding the BEST IMAGE/MEMBER TOP, I tend to agree with you. As you can see, this is a "site divided". Divided to the point that it's either you are on "this" side or you are on "that" side. And then there are those that want to create yet "another" side. Yeah, [s]he who spends the most money will be on TOP! POWER TO THE PEOPLE.

Regarding King Of The Mountain aka KOTM, wink, wink, I can honestly say I don't know what it is about however I BELIEVE it is a "social exercise" as is probably all the other darn competitions. You cannot get to the top unless you have the assistance of a friend or ally.
By #584076 13,May,19 20:54
Thank you... That's a much more eloquently put version of what I'd already guessed...

It's a shame though...

Coz there are some fine looking inages that go up and it's a pity when they're overrun by the same ones ganging up.
By bella! [Ignore] 13,May,19 21:20 other posts 
Eloquently? I don't know about that.
By #584076 13,May,19 21:28
Sweetie, I deal on a daily basis, with people who can't string three words together and are so grammatically incorrect that there are times I feel I need Kim Kardashian to translate.

It's nice to converse with someone who has a grasp on the English language.

By #584076 07,May,19 22:53
WTF have I walked into when joining this site?

There appears to be a concerted effort by certain parties to create conflict when we're all really just a bunch of horny, pervy cunts that should be able to get along.
By bella! [Ignore] 07,May,19 23:06 other posts 
For wanting to keep personal attacks to a minimum, don't you think that you opened with an observation that most likely will draw attention to and lead to personal attacks?
By #584076 07,May,19 23:17
There's a big difference between open dialogue that is held in neutral territory and personal attacks on groups where the targets of the abuse are blacklisted or made completely unwelcome...

I'm new here and have missed whatever it is that's instigated the choosing of sides here but I would like to know "why" from all sides!
--------------------------------------- added after 2 minutes

But thank you for being the first to comment...

All and any responses will be addressed with respect from me.
By bella! [Ignore] 07,May,19 23:47 other posts 
I'm not sure that having the desire to understand what "instigated choosing of sides" will have a good outcome. This type of conversation will be much like members debating cut vs uncut cock. I do hope you get whatever information you're looking for.
By #584076 07,May,19 23:56
I don't mind a good cut vs uncut debate...

Again, it's always good to hear both sides of an argument...

The only information I seek is what's the point in all the undercutting, conspiring and backbiting.

I mean really... WTF?
By bella! [Ignore] 08,May,19 04:47 other posts 
I offer you this suggestion, specifically invite the members to share their thoughts in this thread or personally reach out to the members that you believe are "undercutting, conspiring and backbiting" via private message and possibly you will receive the information that you seek.
By #584076 08,May,19 04:52
I believe they will find their way!

But thank you for your suggestion.
By dgraff [Ignore] 08,May,19 05:26 other posts 
I can all ready see by the gifts you received what side you choose ask them about the term burnt toast that's what got me involved in this mess some 3 years ago
By #584076 08,May,19 23:27
I'm sorry mate...
Judgemental much???
I won't be held accountable for who chooses to gift me anything...
I have absolutely nothing invested in either side of this debacle...
And it's shitfuckery like your comment that attempts to cause "sides"...
As I said... I'm beginning to see exactly what the root cause of division is!
By dgraff [Ignore] 09,May,19 04:53 other posts 
Thank you I at least know were you stand
By #584076 09,May,19 04:57
Where I stand...
Is you come to my post judging me when I have shown zero allegiance to anyone...
Only person I can clearly see as ibstigating shit is you.
So yeah...
That's where I stand...
Have no personal gripe with anyone else on the whole site...
But thanks for identifying your twattery!
--------------------------------------- added after 76 seconds

Yes I spelled instigating with a "b"...
Should've been a "bs" I suppose!
--------------------------------------- added after 88 minutes

Also... The use of both "twattery" and "shitfuckery" is poignant and very appropriate under the circumstances!
By #585719 09,May,19 07:36
From what I've seen, it looks like the 5 members that participate in the biggest arguments, are answering your thread now.
By dgraff [Ignore] 09,May,19 18:16 other posts 
What 5 are you referring to wet noodle
By #585719 10,May,19 09:38
You, hotpussy, 2nice, Bella,Leopoldj
By bella! [Ignore] 10,May,19 15:19 other posts 
Yeah, silly me, I don't like being called a bitch or a cunt!
By dgraff [Ignore] 10,May,19 17:01 other posts 
I agree Bella like I'm going to sit back and let people walk all over me I think not
--------------------------------------- added after 3 minutes

You wet noodle need to be a member a lot longer then a couple months to know what's really going on
By #585719 10,May,19 20:55
Thanks for the advice. Please msg me when I'm ready to know
By #585719 12,May,19 12:42
Hey, Dgraff, i just found "the dumpster". Now I believe I know what's going on. I was wrong, there's more than 5 trouble makers. there's like another 4 or 5 and you guys really stir the pot.
By dgraff [Ignore] 12,May,19 18:46 other posts 
That's the best way to learn what happened and why the chosen sides keep searching backwards the farther back you go the more you learn
By #585719 10,May,19 20:59
By dgraff [Ignore] 09,May,19 12:33 other posts 
Awwwww have I pissed off yet another Austrian
By #584076 09,May,19 13:02
You have answered the question perfectly...

Thankyou for being such an easy troll to flush out!

Makes it much easier moving forward...

BTW... You judge and assume way too much... As most trolls usually do!

I'm definitely NOT Australian...

No more than you could've rightly called me American when I lived there.
By #584076 09,May,19 13:04
Not to mention that you called me Austrian instead of Australian, which coincidentally is much closer to where I'm actually from.
By dgraff [Ignore] 09,May,19 18:22 other posts 
Apple's and oranges my friend now I have a question for you does every one in your country look like little blonde girls
By #584076 09,May,19 18:31
I dunno... Does everyone in yours look like a wrinkled old hasbeen/neverwas who may or may not reside in a cardboard box???

I know, I know...

A bit harsh... But fucking accurate!
By 2nice [Ignore] 09,May,19 19:26 other posts 
Completely uncalled for. For someone who is claiming to champion a neutral territory here to discuss our indifferences.

Epic fail on your behalf.
By #584076 09,May,19 19:47

My comment was responding to an outrageous set of comments from this tool...

So this is how the split works...

Y'all pick anyone who questions the bullshit and go on the attack.
--------------------------------------- added after 2 minutes

And it was an attack!

Based on assumption and judgemental crap!
By dgraff [Ignore] 09,May,19 21:01 other posts 
I know who you are your that little twat that used to do lixies dirty work before illcudo will I can tell by your wording
By dgraff [Ignore] 09,May,19 21:09 other posts 
I own a big mountain home it all bought and paid for along with two motorcycles three trucks and a soon to be 20 year old boy friend I own and still manage my own business of 36 years so what the fuck do you have
By #584076 09,May,19 21:19
Dude... I don't care what you have...

You really need to stop judging me though coz...

Fucking dead wrong again...

Never been here before a few weeks back!

And although I'm seeing exactly why you're loathed by them, I have zero affiliation with them.
--------------------------------------- added after 4 minutes

You are a fucking shit stirring troll and no, I won't blacklist you because you actually matter that little to me really...

In fact I can tell you outright that this will be my very last interaction with you because you've shown me exactly what you are and I need look no further.
By dgraff [Ignore] 09,May,19 22:21 other posts 
Thank you see ya I certainty don't want to be ya
By leopoldij [Ignore] 08,May,19 07:42 other posts 
Right, WTF!
By dgraff [Ignore] 08,May,19 09:42 other posts 
Don’t say wtf you Leo are one of the biggest contributors to all the shit flying around so don’t act innocent
By #578610 08,May,19 07:55
I don't think anyone really is making a concerted effort to create conflict. We all have some views that others don't like and that causes arguments. Arguments in the open forums create sides and that is the way it starts.
I also take exception to your post, " we're all really just a bunch of horny, pervy cunts". In your case it should be, "we are a bunch of horn, pervy, dicks."
--------------------------------------- added after 48 hours

You won't win with these people. Once they think you are someone else, they won't listen. Dgraff is The One Eyed Bitch, Bella's, junk yard dog. He's basically a good, funny guy most of the time, but,if he thinks you are associated with Lix you are shit. I know, I'm blacklisted by that crowd.
2nice is also part of that crowd. He won't think things through (no brain to speak off). He'll just be against you on principle
By #584076 08,May,19 08:39
Ah... I think I'm seeing it now peeps...
Thankyou for the enlightenment.

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