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Started by #584076 [Ignore] 07,May,19 22:48
This is just a place where anybody can post anything that makes them go WTF on the site???

I'd prefer to keep personal attacks on other members to a minimum but feel free to engage in debate on anything that arises.

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By #585719 20,May,19 18:37
I remember those happy times when I would yell at the top of my lungs, OOOKAYYYYYYYY!!!!!
And Mom would come over and wipe my ass.
By #584076 20,May,19 19:05
Shit mate...
You're getting close to the age where It's okay to expect that again only from strangers...
By #585719 20,May,19 19:13

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Hey, it looks like Admin pulled the plug on the cheese thread. Prepucio is still here but the thread...poof
By #584076 20,May,19 19:34
By dgraff [Ignore] 20,May,19 20:31 other posts 
Maybe he pulled the plug him self he's most likely mad that no one else likes dick cheese
By #372661 20,May,19 21:22
Yuck barf.
By #584076 20,May,19 22:28
Maybe the poem sealed it?

By #584076 19,May,19 01:42
WTF is it with overreacting?

Don't worry, I'm not having a go at any other members.

I'm talking about myself.

I felt duped, manipulated and a bit angry and I went on the offensive.

Yes, I could've done things better.

Am I sorry?

Maybe a little.

Does it matter?

I don't know.

I am happy to let it slide and be pleasant at least if they are.

No... I haven't come round to liking cock-cheese.
By #585719 19,May,19 09:22
Now you know how Tom felt when Jerry hit his paw with a hammer (I hate misses to pieces)

I think that was the right cartoon show.
By #491031 19,May,19 10:41

(Except the cock-cheese part. That shit is nasty.)
By #584076 19,May,19 17:08
I do take it at the back...

Are you offering?

By dgraff [Ignore] 19,May,19 22:43 other posts 
You haven't forgiven me yet but you must understand two new members show up at all most the same time asking a lot of questions had my spidy senses working over time I knew something was wrong but I jumped to conclusions so again I'm sorry
By #584076 19,May,19 23:12

Was determined to ignore you forever here too...

But fair enough...

Mistakes were made...

Olive branch...
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By dgraff [Ignore] 19,May,19 23:20 other posts 
Thank you let’s start over hi I’m dan from Pennsylvania
By #584076 19,May,19 23:26
I'm Al (occasionally Alana) from Ireland but currently residing in Australia.

Ps... That was me spanking you with the olive branch... In case I wasn't blatant enough.
By dgraff [Ignore] 20,May,19 04:43 other posts 
Hahaha yeah I got that . Sometimes I need a good spanking
By #584076 20,May,19 04:53
Who doesn't???


By #584076 18,May,19 01:47

Elections, elections, elections...

And only cunts on the ballot!
--------------------------------------- added after 5 hours


Mostly cunts!!!

There's also a few dicks!
--------------------------------------- added after 17 hours

WTF? Fucking ScoMo!
Fuck you Australia!!

By #584076 16,May,19 20:37
WTF... A Dr. Seuss inspired ode...

What the fuck is this I see?
Creamy, cheesy damned pee pee...
Would I lick it?
Can you guess?
Would I lick that festy mess?

Get the fuck, you putrid cock...
I want to hit it with a rock...
I would not lick it...
Don't be daft...
There's stanky cheese upon that shaft!

I would not lick a thing like that...
I wouldn't feed it to my cat...
I would not like it near my face...
That thing's not welcome any place!

No fetta, brie or camembert...
You need to change your underwear...
And wash that filthy, manky dick...
Before it makes somebody sick!

So, no I wouldn't lick that gunk...
Not even if you were a hunk...
Not for a bet...
Nor to clear a debt...
I think you need to see a vet!

Just take that stanky cock away...
There's really nothing left to say...
But dirty dicks are such a curse...
You want it sucked, just wash it first!
By dgraff [Ignore] 16,May,19 20:46 other posts 
Hahaha that's funny
By #23212 16,May,19 23:45
By #551147 17,May,19 17:38
We need someone to post your ode on cheesy dicks thread. I'd do it myself, but uh... It's really nice, I think he'd enjoy it.
By #584076 17,May,19 19:49
I've uploaded a copy to my page... Anyone who wants to post it there can.

Great idea though.


By #584076 15,May,19 18:46
WTF did I miss???

I leave for a few hours to have some real fun and get some shut-eye and there's insults and conspiracies galore!

This place is very cool...

I don't know how I survived without it.

By bella! [Ignore] 15,May,19 18:49 other posts 
You can stop any time!
By #584076 15,May,19 18:56
Why would I stop?

All you guys are awesome...

Despite your differences.
By bella! [Ignore] 15,May,19 19:03 other posts 
I'm not into being "manipulated" or being disrespected. If you want to know what's gone on, feel free to read it.
By #585719 15,May,19 19:42
It's the Twilight Zone, for real. I just went through it I can't believe it. Nutso from get go
By #584076 15,May,19 20:20
So... I have perused the fuckwittery.

The same group of about 5 people really do like to make outlandish accusations and then claim "I'm hurt" when the victims of their ignorant outbursts respond...

It's the admins job to whittle out fake accounts and from what I've seen in the past week they do a good job...

Calling someone fake for disagreeing with your opinion is absolutely retarded!

Trump-esque even!

Y'all that have been here a while seem to think everyone new that sees your cunty behaviour for what it is must have been here in some other guise...

You're dead wrong...

It's blatant...

From both sides!
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So I will acknowledge y'all called it with Wetnoodle being a former member (which really fucks it up for us genuine noobs btw) and commend those who spotted it...

But my distrust came from a place where 3 of the people that called "Charlie" out also (wrongly) accused me of being fake and being here previously.
By dgraff [Ignore] 15,May,19 21:45 other posts 
Hey sometimes were right sometimes were wrong but now you see the trickery that goes on around here
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It makes it tough for a newbie to know who to trust and the same for the old members having to try and spot New members that have been here before
By #584076 15,May,19 21:46
Hey there Bella...

With my comment further up...

I could have edited and taken out the first part but I am more than happy to be proven wrong and would rather apologize for getting it wrong than pretend it didn't happen...

You were dead right about Wetnoodle having been here before and I feel a little duped into going to bat based on what had happened with myself being accused a few days ago...

I was wrong!
--------------------------------------- added after 8 hours

Oh I wasn't wrong about the behaviour of some members on bith sides of the divide...

There is a very blatant hatred on show from about 3 (sorry, 4 now that they're identified) people on one side and about 5 on the other side that has turned a few new (very cool and interesting) people away from this site even in the past few days.

I'm less easy to deter...

But that doesn't make the behaviour okay!
By dgraff [Ignore] 16,May,19 05:23 other posts 
And for that I'm sorry but you now see how careful we must be when New members show up they could be old rivals you will see as your here longer
By #585719 16,May,19 09:25
You seem to be more worried about making a good impression than actually using the site for what it's intended. "newbees" or "oldies", why would it matter except to people like Dgraff and his cronies. People that like to go around and give grief to other members.
By #584076 16,May,19 17:17
I think you'll find Charlie, that I'm not in the least bit worried about making a good impression...

I care naught about whether certain members consider me likeable...

What I am is:



Here to interact with similar folk, without getting sucked into an "us versus them" bag of stupidity.
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And... Using the site for what it's intended???

I've already met up with and had wicked times with 6 members near me since starting a few weeks back.

So... Yeah... Im good thanks!
By #585719 16,May,19 18:06
Then all is cool.
By #584076 16,May,19 18:14
By dgraff [Ignore] 16,May,19 19:00 other posts 
You know what Charlie I guess seniority don't matter any more not here not in the work place before I approach any one I look to see how long there a member and you know what pisses me off is I pitied you at first and I tried to help you out a little I thought you were a lonely old man New in a bowl of sharks turns out it was just a plot by you and your wife to trick and fool the good people of syd I hope you guys are proud of your selves

By #584076 16,May,19 02:08
WTF is it with people not using indicators (turn signals for my US friends)???

Or worse... Starting a turn and then adding the indicator like it's a last second addon!!!

It's in the name "indicator"...

You know, to indicate what you're about to do!

Not to highlight what you're already doing!

I think for some this must be an optional extra.
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Bit of a rant...

But fucking hell...

Wanted to go and pick up kids from school...

Not play guessy-dodgum's!!!
By #580336 16,May,19 02:45
Lol, we have the same problem , I've come to the conclusion Audi and BMW have been fitting a new product called ' physic indicators '
By #584076 16,May,19 02:57
Same 2 models here seem to fit that same description...

And Mercedes...

Must be a German car thing.

Recently had someone ask me what the difference is between an Audi and a hedgehog...

With an Audi, the pricks are on the inside!!!


By #584076 14,May,19 17:43
Are there really only 2 pics to choose from in the female pic of the month?


How disappointing!
By #585719 14,May,19 18:23
This contest is handled by a big estern syndicate. Most of the women here know there's only 4 possible monthly winners so they don't enter the contest.
By #584076 14,May,19 19:39


By #585719 14,May,19 19:58
look at previous winners. Nine times out of ten the contest is between CC54's wife and Lixsomething. Or, if either competes against someone else, they are an almost sure winner. Both have tons of "friends" and both know how to work their lists. Both are gorgeous, sexy women so it's not so bad, but, they scare the rest of the field. That contest should be among the entire front page of the SYC section. The problem is that a new photo is needed to be there.
By bella! [Ignore] 14,May,19 21:20 other posts 
With all due respect, do you even "hear" what you are saying?

You are partly correct about the members having tons of friends, but saying that "they know how to work their lists" is the furthest from the truth. When ANY member enters that contest, an ALERT is sent to the members who have friended them, they DO NOT need to "work their list". Some of those friends might vote, some may not. Some members that enter the competition have asked, by way of private message, for a vote of support, but have found that this way of "working their list" causes more grief than good. This type of solicitation seems to cheese a number of members off and the result has been that the person requesting help will be blacklisted. Many people being blacklisted take that seriously. Of course a PRETTY WOMAN will attract the attention of many men, she does not necessarily have control over who adds her as a friend. A number of the SYC profiles do turn out to be "fake" so with some constructive input from members, admin changed the parameters of the contest that required any member, SYD or SYC needed to be verified. It's difficult for real people to compete against internet models.

It seemed to me that admin once had a way to search for "verified" members but I no longer see that as an option. There are far more than four verified women that could enter that competition. It takes a lot of guts to put yourself out there and possibly have people vote [NOT]. Just my opinion, that option should be removed.
By #585719 14,May,19 21:34
I do hear what I'm saying. I know that Lix sends kisses to all her friends all the time. She also visits many member's pages. It's not asking for a vote but, even, CC54 who are very popular, complain that Lix has so many friends it's hard to compete. The thing is, that by their own words in your forum, they admitted they couldn't keep it up. Nothing is perfect. For instance, some members can't get verified so they can't compete. Now, all other things aside. CC54 is a gorgeous woman. She can compete on beauty alone and win 4 out of 5 times. If she enters the contest would a so so member enter also? Why? it's not a contest. It's an humiliation on the poor woman. There's a fistful or two of gorgeous, sexy, hot, well known women on site that will at any time take that trophy home. I respect your opinion, but, I don't think it jives with the reality.
By bella! [Ignore] 14,May,19 21:56 other posts 
The members that have kisses on their pages sent by lix EARNED them. If memory serves me correctly, lix advertises on her page that if you comment, vote or make her your friend, she will in turn send you a kiss. And that is advertising.

Another interesting statement you made, "some people can't get verified". Why do you think that? Sometimes I have members contact me and ask "how do I get verified?" Gee, admin posted suggestions on how to go about that,too. I take the verification process very seriously. I might ask the member for something very specific and give them a specific amount of time. If they are not able to do what I request, I am not obligated to verify them. I suspect that a SYC member was verified without a verification picture, that members verified her only upon a request. That's on them if she turns out to be not legit.

Remember, BEAUTY IS IN THE EYE OF THE BEHOLDER and you are correct, the contest does cause humiliation as long as there is an option to vote [NOT].
By #585719 14,May,19 22:14
All admin says about verification is "Here's a list of members that can verify you. Send them a private mesg and ask if they'll verify you." To the verifying members there's an admonishment to be sure that member is who he is. Now, please advice me how your way works? A current newspaper with the members torso? The member might not want to show his face or have any direct contact with anyone on a porn site.
BTW, a few days back I met HotPussy. She was asking for friends to verify her. From what I could see it took less than a day. They must have known her well.
The NOT vote should not be an option. It's ok to give your vote to the one you like (beauty is a good reason), but, to vote against someone is low.
By bella! [Ignore] 14,May,19 22:22 other posts 
I typically will ask for something like a sign with my name and the member's name, maybe I might want that information on a certain part of your body, maybe I will ask for something else.

I'm not going to ask you for a face pic if you haven't posted one but if you have and I want my name written on your forehead, you should be able to comply. No?
By #485312 15,May,19 03:50
you don't need a new photo to enter, the problem was the 'establishment' here didn't like any hot non verified members winning, so they whinged long and hard till admin changed the rules, l don't go in POM now, because the site whingers would cry a river of tears again and try to have the rules changed again ... *lix*
By #584076 15,May,19 05:35
That's just sad really...
It's a real shame.
By #585719 15,May,19 06:58
I agree
By bella! [Ignore] 14,May,19 20:55 other posts 

In your opinion, who are the four possible winners?
By #585719 14,May,19 21:21
CountryCouple54 (the wife), Lix, RedFoxy, XOXO1234
By bella! [Ignore] 14,May,19 21:27 other posts 
Are you suggesting that Arexa, Angelofdeath , footluvrsgirl , hotpussy , lushlips ,
mi-lips , shugga101 and sweetslit don't stand a snowball's chance in hell?
By #585719 14,May,19 21:37
No, I'm not saying that, but, out of that list, how many have been repeat winners in the last 2 yrs?? Heck, some have never won it once.
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And this contest is very similar to the photo contests. CC54 has enough trophies to build a house
By bella! [Ignore] 14,May,19 22:05 other posts 
And I forgot jroc .

There are 4 people on MY list(s) that haven't won and one on yours. But some of the women that haven't won haven't won because they NEVER entered.
By bella! [Ignore] 14,May,19 22:10 other posts 
It's not Mr. CountryCouple54's fault he has a desirable wife and he knows how to capture her beauty in the best way possible.

A caveat, were you aware that the Mrs. is a mother of two grown boys/men?
By #585719 14,May,19 22:27
I did not know Mrs CC54 was a mom, she looks amazing. I don't say Mr CC54 is at fault. I think he's a very lucky man and if I was him I would show off the Mrs too. However, that is not the point. She's beautiful, so is Arexa, HotPussy (who BTW has 3 grown kids and several grandkids, one in college)mi-lips, Lix,jroc. These women because of their beauty or their sexyness can, and do win much more often. Men see the sexual attraction these women project and this is a porn site above all else.
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A few days ago you were saying Lix's photo did not belong on the front page. I also know you and she don't get along. Lix is a perfect example of why sexual attractiveness and looks are not always complimentary. I've seen women on site that are thinner, younger, more eager to please and yet, Lix outshines them. Why? who knows, but she does.
By bella! [Ignore] 14,May,19 22:45 other posts 
Yes, a few days ago I did say that lix's picture did not belong on the Popular PUSSY page and I stand by that and it has nothing to do with how I feel about her. ARE YOU ABLE TO SEE HER PUSSY?

I also forgot the beautiful Leilani
By #526776 14,May,19 22:59
Well .. I’m not sure whether to be amused or insulted... but just for the record... I have 3 (!) Pic of The Month Trophies 😊...
I’ve felt very honored to have those .... ! So yes, to address your question... I’m a repeat winner in my 2 years here!

&. I too think the “Not” vote should be taken away. It just seems more fair to let just the votes be counted as opposed to ratings.
By bella! [Ignore] 14,May,19 23:05 other posts 
Sista, I'm tellin' ya, this man is about to wear me out!

I mentioned that some of the verified women have not even entered the Pic of the Month competition. I think it would be unfair to speculate that it is because they don't want to face humiliation. Maybe contests are not their thing.
By #584076 14,May,19 23:06
General consensus is...

Get rid of the "NOT" vote...

I 100% agree...

It would make the competition much fairer and much more humane.
By #585719 14,May,19 23:13
You are beautiful and deserve every trophy you have won, but,you are proving my point. Gorgeous woman wins 3 POTM in two yrs.If the group above is like you, then, you are the ones that own the contest.
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And I say the same. The "NOT" vote has to go
By #584076 14,May,19 23:17
Noodle hun... I like you...

You see a red button that says "DO NOT PRESS"...

And you're drawn to it...

Thank you and everyone else who partakes for keeping the debate lively and entertaining.
--------------------------------------- added after 63 seconds

I bet you press that button with your cock too!!!

By bella! [Ignore] 14,May,19 23:20 other posts 
BTW, I was amused and insulted for you when I saw who he named as the 4 members that could possibly win POTM. May I also say that you are also a lady that is over 39? Too late, I already did!
By #585719 14,May,19 23:30
Girls, may a septaugenerian, call you that? Girls, I've been here a bit more than 2 months. In that time I've picked up a lot of information. I don't know all you beautiful women. My omissions are purely by ignorance. Believe me, I would consider it an honor to know you and all the other sweet things I keep meeting here. So, please, allow me to say I will try to get more informed. Thirty-nine? Heck, I've got kids older than that.
By #584076 15,May,19 02:02
I don't know about the others...
But you can call me "girl" any time you like.
By dgraff [Ignore] 15,May,19 05:55 other posts 
See noodle that's what I was trying to say before when I told you your not here long enough I'm coming up on my 6th anniversary on syd and for the first year I gathered a hand full of friends talked to them and surfed around learning and gathering information but when it came to the forum I spoke only when I was spoken to or if I knew something with out a shadow of a doubt and back then the forum was a much tougher place there were many groups ahhhhh yes I remember the fights the friendships and who was aligned with who
By #585719 15,May,19 06:57
Dgraff I'm a lover not a fighter. However, I rather be wrong than be silent. You are welcomed to complain about me and I will give your opinion the consideration it deserves.
By dgraff [Ignore] 15,May,19 07:29 other posts 
I’m not complaining noodle you seem like a good guy I’m just trying to help you out a little I’m not a fighter anymore either back in my younger days yes but now not so much
By #585719 15,May,19 07:57
I hear you. These days the only thing I fight about is the couch. My Black Lab thinks she owns it.
By bella! [Ignore] 15,May,19 08:10 other posts 
I think dgraff shares a similar "fight" with his boy, Muggsy.
By #585719 15,May,19 08:20
Isn't it funny how much a part of the family they become? My wife cooks extras for her. I find myself talking to her (the pooch)as if she could carry a conversation.
By bella! [Ignore] 15,May,19 08:30 other posts 
For sure!

Pets are not just animals, they are family most will offer unconditional love. If you visit dgraff 's page, I bet he would have Billy, his goat, as an indoor pet if he only was able to house train him.
By dgraff [Ignore] 15,May,19 08:46 other posts 
Hahaha for sure Bella billy is my outside little buddy
By bella! [Ignore] 15,May,19 09:26 other posts 
I'm just going to make an observation. You remind me of a former member lanser1026 aka boing47 (I think that was the numbers). lanser1026 and boing47 was TWOWARMTTS/TWOWARMTTS2 spouse, Charlie. You fit the age, you live in the in the same area, you have the same type of dog and you even wear RED, the same color of briefs that Charlie wore when Candy posted various pictures of him on her page.

Welcome back, Charlie.
By #585719 15,May,19 10:49
Make your point, Bella. Red briefs, black dogs, and general location are all fine, but, i think my photos are explicit enough for you to make a comparison. I don't know who Charlie is, but, if he is HotPussy's spouse, count me in.
By bella! [Ignore] 15,May,19 12:03 other posts 
I was very clear with my statement, welcome back, Charlie!

I have no issues with you and I tried my best to tolerate Candy. She is impossible and I have given her more opportunities than she should have.
By #460385 15,May,19 10:27
Lix and xoxo haven't entered the POTM contest in months. How would you know they were previous winners since you've only been here for a month? LMAO
By #585719 15,May,19 10:45
On Lix's page there's this...."view all gifts received by licksipsuckit" there I counted 5 POMs without going further back. On your page, in the same place, there were many Crown prices. Same thing on XOXO's page. Look, if I was offensive in any way it was not done with the intention of doing so. You've made other comments on another forum. I believe you asked me to "shut the fuck up" and "Stop shitting on girls like AOD, arexa, sweetslit, footluvrsgirl, and the rest." In what universe did I ever do that? All I've said was that they were beautiful women. What's more, it was HotPussy who greeted me first, not Lix. If I may make an observation, not only are you wrong about what I've said and about my intentions, but, you didn't even read what I wrote correctly.

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