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How many have seen you masturbate?

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Started by #37169 [Ignore] 29,Nov,09 04:22
Here is another question, how many people have seen you masturbate? I don't mean participated with you or helped - just watched while you brought yourself off?

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By #467291 18,Jul,14 19:38
I often masturbate in public conveniences while other guys watch.

By routemaster [Ignore] 19,Jun,14 02:01 other posts 
I've lost count

By iowaguy [Ignore] 16,Jun,14 21:05 other posts 
Between letting watch at a porn shop or down at a cruising area I've jacked off in front of a couple hundred fun to be watched

By firefox553 [Ignore] 14,Jun,14 11:37 other posts 
I don't know lots all the girls I have fucked some of my friends some of the ppl on the site so I don't know.

By #8074 06,Jan,14 10:37
In person about 15. On cam hundreds. Love to be watched and love watching.
Group masturbation is the best. Anyone interested?

By #316057 05,Jan,14 20:51
A male friend did and I did not stop

By #381838 26,Nov,13 13:54
two men caught me wanking

By #201155 11,Nov,13 14:05
Still not nearly enough

[deleted image]

By #260412 10,Nov,13 16:12
on cam quite a few but irl none

By #201155 08,Nov,13 14:46
Not enough

By #289712 08,Nov,13 09:17
Apart from a few girls kinda breifly mid sex, no one. They dont even count. Its something I gotta do. Id love to be in a group masturbation scenario, guys and girls, all watching and wanking together. One of my biggest fantasies. I would love to be watched.

By #291618 05,Nov,13 01:41
gf's and a ton of online strangers

By fancyabit [Ignore] 04,Nov,13 22:17 other posts 
All those that care to look at my video on this site, three guys from Fitness First UK (different times) all my girlfriends plus one night stands...lost count and my wife (1-2 times a week).

By #350718 04,Nov,13 21:50
I've been watched while masturbating by a LOT of random stranger guys over the years. These pics are of 4 of them. I've also jacked off in front of a number of my girlfriends but never in front of a woman stranger.

[deleted image]

[deleted image]

[deleted image]

[deleted image]

By #176255 04,Nov,13 18:02
3 guys 2 girls ( different times ) in person....lots of others on cam x

By skot [Ignore] 03,Nov,13 12:56 other posts 
Masturbate to ejaculation? Two guys in RL.
An attempt with a third guy failed disastrously.
Plus a fourth when we were both too young to know what it was called.

For a score card its not the most adventurous on the planet

By cumaddik [Ignore] 22,Oct,13 19:46 other posts 
Many men and few women saw me sunbathing nude... and masturbating i loved to show to the men, to turn them on and aroused them most of the time, i ended up sucking them off

By #427539 02,Sep,13 04:54
I dont masturbate in front of people. Women usually take my pants down and theY are really aggressive and start sucking it. I dont see it cumming because theY have it in mouth when it does
By bella! [Ignore] 02,Sep,13 16:07 other posts 
So sad that you don't see it cumming............

By #427539 02,Sep,13 04:52
Not many because as soon i pull cock out some woman wants to suck itmthey dont want me to just masturbate they want it
By bella! [Ignore] 02,Sep,13 16:04 other posts 
Yeah, buddy! With a masterpiece like that, swingin' between your legs, I suspect the women in Chicago are knocking one another over, tryin' to get a piece of you.

By yellowman [Ignore] 02,Sep,13 06:03 other posts 
In real life, probably thousands by now. None via any web link though.

By Odin_york_pa [Ignore] 31,Aug,13 21:27 other posts 
Not enough, I can tell you that

By andrew999999999 [Ignore] 29,Aug,13 07:50 other posts 
Don't know exactly, but I wank cam sites (person and chaturbate), I've wanked on Skype, msn, and yahoo as well. Also, wanked in a mens sauna I go to.

By #392751 29,Aug,13 03:59
zero. I should try it online huh? I don't think I want to use skype. any suggestions?

By #359283 29,Aug,13 00:13
My first sexual partner at age 12 then my second at age 15. Both male.

By Walker [Ignore] 28,Aug,13 15:34 other posts 
I use to let the girls in the neighborhood watch me and I'd watch them. I use to let the ladies in the neighborhood catch me. Only one was upset and punished me. The others just watched some came right up to me others peeped on me. Girls in school and at campgrounds. Dates and at parties on a truth or dare. So I'd say about a hundred or so over the years.

By #332688 28,Aug,13 12:02
Many, many ... so many Girls over the last 15 years ;-) Camchat, Outdoor, GF ...

By MoeJoe [Ignore] 20,Aug,13 08:28 other posts 
Lots of people at the adult theater.....

By Frenum [Ignore] 20,Aug,13 04:39 other posts 
Lost count girlfriends wifes mates and love wanking on cam i like to see a cock cum even my own i film myself snd watch video alone

By #350718 20,Aug,13 02:06
....and one more!

[deleted image]

By #350718 20,Aug,13 02:05
...and here's another..
[deleted image]

By #350718 20,Aug,13 02:04
A LOT! This was one of them...
[deleted image]

By #350718 20,Aug,13 00:03

By #350718 20,Aug,13 00:02
...and here's another..


By #350718 20,Aug,13 00:00
A LOT! This was one of them...


By littledickie [Ignore] 01,Aug,13 12:16 other posts 
Loads on cam but none in real life
By #264288 07,Aug,13 10:18
Same here

By bigrich [Ignore] 02,Aug,13 12:59 other posts 
My s I s t e r when I was in my late teens.

By botanic [Ignore] 01,Aug,13 10:11 other posts 
as far as I know, only 3 guys and 3 women .

By #415059 30,Jul,13 12:56
I have had 30 to 40 watch me, maybe more, love showing off at the gym or hotsprings or gay spas

By #11431 29,Jul,13 06:11
probably only 3 or 4 people .

By #157044 29,Jul,13 04:16
About 40 in person (lots more if you include my school days when I used to like to show off to other lads). Lots more on line and through my videos. Love being watched
[deleted image]

By xdjxx1 [Ignore] 28,Jul,13 09:15 other posts 
None I know of in person.

A good number online though...

By TheRocketC [Ignore] 28,Jul,13 08:55 other posts 
Only one

By #201155 28,Jul,13 05:41
5991 for this clip!

[deleted image]
--------------------------------------- added after 2 hours

5996 now! Who will be the 6000th to see it???

By duncanidaho [Ignore] 27,Apr,13 18:40 other posts 
More than two thousand three hundred have watched this clip of memasturbating:- /xlc97taojclzpic.html
By bigone21 [Ignore] 27,Apr,13 19:19 other posts 
I think your spermcount is something NOT te worry about!! (to say the least!)

By #361268 26,Apr,13 16:24
Loads i love people to watch me masturbate i also let them do it if they wish to

By #1995 29,Nov,09 04:59
My wife is the only one but she actually hated watching me. She never masturbates and thinks it is unnatural.
By #1836 29,Nov,09 16:19
Your wife is absolutey right.
By #70814 19,May,11 20:48
Masturbation is unnatural but what YOU do is natural ?!?!? Have you seen your pics ??
By slipper [Ignore] 29,Nov,09 23:23 other posts 
swallow, what ARE we going to do with that woman???
By #23212 25,May,10 03:57
It doesn't sound like 'WE' are going to do anything with her, as 'HE' keeps reminding us that 'SHE' hates everything to do with sex.
By #242452 26,Apr,13 11:55
Lol. Of course that guy is wrong. You should do it every chance you get!

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