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Discussion Forum on Show It Off

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Started by #204188 [Ignore] 12,Nov,11 13:07
I do like bulges very much, so much that everywhere I go I MUST look at them. Mostly in swimming pools and beaches, but also on the street and at work. Also when I watch movies, I'll search for the bulge in pants. Anyone else recognize this?

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By johndoe [Ignore] 26,Aug,20 21:39 other posts 
By tb1 [Ignore] 23,Apr,24 08:35 other posts 
[deleted image]
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By tb1 [Ignore] 16,Apr,24 16:46 other posts 
Here’s Ben74

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By #621517 23,Aug,20 03:07
Like when I’m swimming and I come out of the water and my wet trunks or shorts cling to my body and show the outline of my shaft and knob perfectly. Best when I’ve got a boner over some woman in the pool I’ve been ogling and lusting for and I let her see my outline.
By tb1 [Ignore] 23,Aug,20 03:56 other posts 

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[deleted image]
By #518391 23,Aug,20 11:04
That must look good and confirms your circumcised status...
By #621517 23,Aug,20 16:19
Yeah. The ridge between my cock head and my shaft always shows well! I like that!
By #518391 27,Aug,20 12:03
Lucky guy...I wish my knob was bigger so that I could show it off like that.

By #591921 23,Aug,20 11:21
I dont look at other bulges but do pay attention to my own because I'm straight. But I have noticed that some ladies look at mine when I wear this one pair of very soft Jean's that let's ladies see the cut of my mushroom. I also sometimes wear compression pants to go exercise and when I wear those they are pretty much like wearing vacuum packed spandex.

By WHATSUPDOC [Ignore] 23,Aug,20 00:30 other posts 
I just saw the biggest bulge I call it a super bulge. And a great looking cock. Very nice Daddy's thick.
By tb1 [Ignore] 23,Aug,20 01:09 other posts 
Yes, very nice indeed

[deleted image]
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By raybo36 [Ignore] 20,Jul,20 09:40 other posts 

By earthy [Ignore] 24,Apr,20 17:04 other posts 

By Louis [Ignore] 10,Apr,20 07:22 other posts 
By #518391 21,Apr,20 07:50
Great pic of your bushimng sticking out and clear outline of your big helmet

By babarch [Ignore] 19,Apr,20 16:04 other posts 

By tb1 [Ignore] 19,Apr,20 06:10 other posts 
Last summer we had a workman at the house to re-wire the garage. He was truly gorgeous, 6”, 200 pounds, solid muscle. It was a hot day so he just wore shorts and a T-shirt. I stayed in the garage while he worked and we got to talking. He was an interesting fellow to converse with and I really enjoyed the sneak peeks I got in at his bulge. It wasn’t huge by any means but it was very discernible as he stretched, squatted, etc. I just wanted to reach out and give it a rub-and-tug. Maybe jerk him off even --------------------------------------
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xxx25 has a bulge I’d like to give a rub-and-tug to too.

[deleted image]

DJS, do you think he’d let me doodatt?

By DeepThroatThis [Ignore] 10,Apr,20 07:23 other posts 
By tb1 [Ignore] 10,Apr,20 08:39 other posts 

By randy_candy [Ignore] 10,Apr,20 00:42 other posts 
I look at bulges, too. Here's mine in silk panties.

By shackles [Ignore] 10,Apr,20 00:23 other posts 

By routemaster [Ignore] 07,Apr,20 23:02 other posts 
By tb1 [Ignore] 08,Apr,20 00:56 other posts 
😋 sweet
By routemaster [Ignore] 08,Apr,20 01:56 other posts 
Many thanks, my friend

By geranium [Ignore] 07,Apr,20 09:07 other posts 
By tb1 [Ignore] 07,Apr,20 14:28 other posts 

By bluemn7 [Ignore] 12,Feb,16 12:15 other posts 
By bella! [Ignore] 12,Feb,16 14:06 other posts 
That's definitely an eye poppin' bulge!
By 3fdfd [Ignore] 02,Apr,16 21:27 other posts 
There's a lot there !
By #613562 07,Apr,20 07:37
And commando👍👍👍

By JeffinKS [Ignore] 10,Feb,16 17:38 other posts 
Commando in my sweats

By 3fdfd [Ignore] 02,Apr,16 21:27 other posts 
I like that
By #613562 07,Apr,20 07:35
Lucky sweats.

By Greek18cm [Ignore] 21,Nov,16 14:58 other posts 
Thus bulge thing... Should be erect or everything is bulge ?
By #613562 07,Apr,20 07:32
A bulge is a bulge. Either or. All good to see.

By #584883 19,Aug,19 06:20
[deleted image] Show off your bulge with pride like I do!!!

By #518391 09,Aug,19 03:16
A little bulge in my jockstrap[deleted image]

By crystaldickie353 [Ignore] 08,Aug,19 22:53 other posts 
Read the fine print...

By 3fdfd [Ignore] 09,Aug,19 00:41 other posts 
I like the bulge & the pants

By knewbi [Ignore] 10,Jul,19 12:51 other posts 
Sure have. I have had times when shopping and see a guy with a bulge that catches my eye and became so horny that I would head to the rest room and jerk off thinking about it. Love spring and summer when the guys are wearing their bike shorts. That tight, silky shiny material and a bulging cock drives mmy nuts!!

By #590332 09,Jun,19 21:29
[deleted image]
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[deleted image]
By #583549 09,Jun,19 21:47
I love tranlucent underware.Looks cool!
By german_guy [Ignore] 05,Jul,19 16:36 other posts 
sure Looks hot

By #369710 02,Dec,16 18:22
[deleted image] wanna feel it?

By #390248 02,Dec,16 17:26
I have to admit that I sometimes find myself doing the same. Makes me wonder if I'm more bi than I think I am.

By kebmo [Ignore] 28,Nov,16 07:20 other posts 
By #519017 28,Nov,16 10:35
That's so horny! Any pics of your cock sticking up out of those sexy panties?
By kebmo [Ignore] 30,Nov,16 00:46 other posts 
Go ahead, have a look. I'm not sure but I promise you'll enjoy the search...

By #190275 28,Nov,16 19:17


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Show It Off