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Would you fuck a pregnant woman

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Started by #192195 [Ignore] 01,Nov,11 13:55
I was wondering if any of you guys out there would fuck a pregnant woman!!! Seriously I wanna know if it turns you on if you fuck one bare back and cum deep in them!! (:

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By #402705 09,Jul,13 21:59
Love fucking pregnant women,

By #291618 09,Jul,13 01:25
Im not into it but i think theres nothing wrong with a pregnant woman who wants to fuck... or a guy fucking her

By botanic [Ignore] 16,May,13 05:30 other posts 
yes , with 2 women to my knowledge ... but who knows maybe more. Yes women look their sexiest when pregnant , its a real turn on ... something primeval I expect. Look at all those early goddesses ... they were all depicted as pregnant 'Earth Mothers' .

By #262091 15,May,13 21:24
Should I fuck a pregnant woman with this one?

[deleted image]
By bella! [Ignore] 15,May,13 21:29 other posts 
The topic is; would you fuck a pregnant woman NOT upload a pic of your dick.

By slipper [Ignore] 14,May,13 01:14 other posts 
I did... for about 9 months!

By #331191 29,Jan,13 23:48
Definitely. We think the pussy is extra wet during pregnancy.

By #230075 29,Jan,13 20:21
O yes,I'd love to fuck a pregnant woman,there such a turn on,the more pregnant the better

By #147052 29,Jan,13 10:36
My wife and I had sexual intercourse up until she came home from the doc and told me we better get to the delivery.

By #242954 27,Jan,13 00:31
Been there, done that.

By tb1 [Ignore] 26,Jan,13 22:21 other posts 
only if she was my wife

By watermyde [Ignore] 25,Jan,13 21:11 other posts 
Loved fucking my wife when she was pregnant. She was horny and very sexy because she worked out regularly and only gained 20 pounds with each pregnancy. Fucked her the day before she had our first and I know there was still a lot of cum in her that seeped out early in the labour. The nurses have seen it all before and it's nothing to them.

Also turned on by meeting obviously pregnant women who take care of themselves. They are so sexy, and I would love to bareback them and shoot inside their pregnant pussies, sideways, doggy, her on top, whatever makes her comfy.

By Ablaze [Ignore] 23,Jan,13 18:40 other posts 

By nekekal [Ignore] 23,Jan,13 15:51 other posts 
Well, probably not nine months pregnant. But while they can still stand up without help, I would fuck them. The good news is that they cannot get pregnant.

Get them on their back, legs in the air and put some cock in is what I say.

Of course I would fuck a pregnant woman, nine months without getting laid would make for a very long year.

By #220845 23,Jan,13 04:12
Absolutely, and yes I have, it's special.

By #342627 23,Jan,13 04:01
never have but would just curious about the other thing that cums with pregnancy...Got Milk?

By #201583 24,Dec,11 04:05
I love fucking only my wife bareback and I cum inside every time, I have been clipped!

By #200901 14,Nov,11 01:53
the foetus attached to womb within 3 months. During those period sex is prohibited. It may harm the child. Yes, women are best at this period. But for sex personally i don't enjoy . It's a hurdle of bigger tummy.
By slipper [Ignore] 24,Dec,11 00:10 other posts 
By #205329 24,Dec,11 01:09
Double HUH??

By #147052 23,Dec,11 09:54
I have and it was a very enjoyable time----every month through her full term....towards the end, we had to be very careful but it was good sex, some of the best I have ever had.

By Walker [Ignore] 17,Nov,11 17:05 other posts 
Oh yes, fucked the wife hard every way I could. In her cunt in her ass and in he mouth. Fucked my sister-in-law many times. She has 4 kids. She would be very sad jerk brother-in-law was grossed out fucking a pregnant woman and would only fuck his girlfriend. Yah weird. So I would fuck her to make her happy. As pregnant women get close to delivery their cunt get big, so big I could fist them to orgasm as I fucked their ass. Oh yes I love to fuck horny pregnant women

By #33070 15,Nov,11 20:03
I'd luv to give it a go

By #205329 14,Nov,11 03:18
Already done it and loved it. Pregnant women ( the one I fucked) are very, very sexy AND highly sexed. I've never seem a pregnant woman I didn't like looking at and that I'd love to bring to orgasm.

By slipper [Ignore] 02,Nov,11 12:57 other posts 
Been there and done that... for almost 9 months!

By #147052 02,Nov,11 11:08
Up until two weeks before she delivered, my wife and I had wonderful sex. You just had to be very careful in the later stages of pregnancy but it is possible to have a very good sex life. And as far as shooting your load, use your imagination.

By #187350 02,Nov,11 09:47
100% yes! they are so hot and there's something about them that makes it so steamy and hot! It's just natural, at least it is to me.

By #1047 02,Nov,11 06:49
i would !

By #135745 01,Nov,11 13:57
Hi, I would definitely fuck a pregnant women. I think pregnant girls look really hot and sexy and it would be a turn on. I'm sure it would be great fun
Are you pregnant right now?
By #192195 01,Nov,11 16:41
yes 7 months
By #6568 02,Nov,11 06:39
LB,...Why are you asking sweet?

Women look incredibly sexy and attractive when pregnant and many/most men are sexually aroused by them,....however, sometimes partners feel worried about injuring either child or mother,...or their incresing responsibility puts them off sex entirely. So IF your man seems a bit disinterested it might not be your fault or anything......perhaps you need to just have a chat(?)

By #181785 02,Nov,11 02:30
Hell Yes

By #7976 01,Nov,11 22:00
A woman is at her sexiest when she's pregnant and sex with a pregnant woman is fantastic. Throughout her pregnancy, my wife was always in the mood and our sessions were long and draining. Here's hoping your getting enough sex while your pregnant and if I were in your neighborhood, I'd be thrilled to fill your needs.

By Gntlmn [Ignore] 01,Nov,11 17:36 other posts 
You Bet I would!

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