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Wife having extras?

Discussion Forum on Show It Off

Started by #41723 [Ignore] 27,Jan,11 08:03
Hi all
My wife of many years has developed a habit of going "shopping" every Saturday morning. She spends about 2 & half to 3 hours out & returns with very few items. I once smelled her panties that night & it I'm fairly sure they had a smell of cum.
We have sex about twice a month if I'm lucky.
I am interested to hear what others think of my suspicion that she may be having a regular screw on the those "shopping outings".
Thanks in advance.

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By #7976 28,Jan,11 18:07
So, the problem is not with her shopping but with your jealousy. Don't be offended, it's just a fact of life all couples are faced with.

When sex isn't occurring often enough for one off the partners in a relationship, it's a short trip to thinking that your the victim of an unfaithful lover. However, that assumes that your lady has the same sex drive as you in the first place or has a huge need for multiple partners.

In your case, it may be that she is a female with a rather typical shopping gene. They mostly window shop and buy very little.

If you must know and you apparently have only one car, you could either borrow/rent one for a day to track your hunny one Saturday morning or, there are GPS tracking devices you can buy and put in your car that will allow you to follow it's path real-time on a computer. Either way, all you'll know is where she drives and parks.

The best way to solve this issue is to communicate with her. Don't run up and say; "Wife, who are you fucking Saturdays? It's damn sure you aren't shopping so come clean". Approach the subject subtly and find out if you can find ways to spice up your sex life and engage in intercourse more often. Open, honest communications takes a lot of the drama out of a relationship and often leads to loads of fun together - in and out of bed.

Good luck,
By #7976 09,Feb,11 23:29
I thought of something else... Whether she's going out or not, let her into your play on SYC. She may find it a stimulating change and if she's happy and turned on, you might get your wish and get laid more often.

It's not a recommendation or even a suggestion, just foot for thought.

By Walker [Ignore] 29,Jan,11 14:19 other posts 
I checked her GPS and found several trips to the tax accountant not during tax season. Hummm... Not hard to figure out. She knows lots of guys that have had a vasectomy. She tells me about it when we are with friends. She has slipped a couple of times saying semen tastes better from a guy that has had a vasectomy, and I haven't had one. She stopped sucking my cock years ago. Finding cum stained panties is a sure sign. I have several pairs hidden away as evidence.
So if she rejects your sexual advances regularly like every other day give her crap. You say you have sex twice a month, so try fucking her several times Friday night and and Saturday morning. Then again after she gets home from shopping.

By #59855 28,Jan,11 13:15
From Matt's Wife: Crap, I hope Matt doesn't figure out why I am at work so much!! Seriously though if you are having problems why do you think that you are going to solve them on here?

By #57759 27,Jan,11 13:25
why not ask her
By #6568 28,Jan,11 04:48

By #11431 27,Jan,11 11:46
I am not surprised she is shopping around if you only make love twice a month .. try doing it more and maybe that will solve it !

By botanic [Ignore] 27,Jan,11 11:37 other posts 
she may well be cheating on you .. I saw a recent survey in the UK wherein 65% of women and 85% of men in 'committed' relationships admitted cheating on their partners at least once ! We men sometimes find it difficult when we discover that women have the same urge for the unknown and exciting in sex. Its often taken as read that men cheat , in thought if not deed, most men are constantly eyeing up the talent wherever they are .. and fantasising about it. Sometimes it goes further than fantasy .. theres no reason why women should be different.
However the key point is whether it bothers you ... many men find it exciting to think of their women with another man .... were you excited when you sniffed her panties and smelled cum ?

By #6568 27,Jan,11 09:24
It depends entirely on how you feel about your suspicions,...and how you feel about your relationship with her......

.......If you are annoyed and determined to 'get the evidence' then hide a gps/beacon in her car,...or engage a private detective etc., then get a divorce.

.......If you care about her and love her you might want to know 'why' and other details so why not ask her gently to tell you everything on the understanding that you will not get angry and will try to see her side of the story.

.......Who knows, you might find a whole new world of renewed sex with her and her lover.....! One thing is certain if you ar ecorrect in your suspicions,...the only "extra" is you!....she's having twice as much sex with her lover than with you!

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