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Discussion Forum on Show It Off

Started by #82813 [Ignore] 03,Sep,10 00:18
if that could be anyone you desired--celebs---porn stars---models---people in your past or present----secret loves--who would you love to Fuck? hmmm--Rick Donavan comes to mind!

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Similar topics: 1.How many have never had a wet dream   2.dream sex partner from this site   3.What is your WILDEST Dream.SeXual or whatever...?   4.I had ANOTHER dream...   5.Why desribe your wife in derogatory terms  

By #583549 14,Jul,19 06:26
Penny Pax would be my favorite pornstar to make love to.

By WHATSUPDOC [Ignore] 14,Jul,19 04:14 other posts 
There are a few cocks from SYD that I absolutely have fallen in love with. I want to wake up with my lips on their gorgeous cocks and give them a morning blow job every day. And at night time I would kiss their balls,lick their cockshaft up and down,then suck their beautiful cocks until they explode in my mouth. I would then swallow their juices and give them a big kiss on their cockhead and thank them for making me so Cocksuckin happy. But I do think my favorite is a Syd member called selfsucker. His cock is so big and just perfect. I have jerked off to him more than anyone else in the world!, man or woman. Look him up his cock is incredible

By bigguy [Ignore] 04,Jul,13 15:44 other posts 
At this particular time she is on here but for certain reasons i'm not going to mention names.

By #41858 30,Jun,13 13:56
Heather Vahn and Chastity Lynn at the same time

By #316255 18,Apr,13 15:01
My dream sexual partner isn't anyone, in particular. But it would be a man who enjoys sex, experimenting with sexual acts, enjoys giving, as well as receiving, oral sex. A monogamous man who likes to take sexual risks with his partner (namely: me), who wants to have sex on a very regular basis, no matter where we are. A man who isn't afraid to take what he needs or be used as a sex toy, no matter when the need arises. That is my idea sex partner. Oh, and he must enjoy being watched.
--------------------------------------- added after 118 seconds

Watched by me...
By #23212 20,Apr,13 03:43
By #326485 25,Jun,13 19:14
You are very tantalizing and a man would be a fool not to participate in any sexual activity that you might suggest. Of course pain and S-c-a-t are out of bounds.
By #316255 26,Jun,13 14:09
Sc@t is definitely out (for me) as is water play (unless I am covered in jellyfish stings... then maybe )
By #390248 26,Jun,13 14:31
I've heard that urine is the best thing for them..
By #316255 26,Jun,13 19:22
Well, I will have to make sure I don't get stung by jellyfish then
By #23212 27,Jun,13 01:56
Yes, but what if L_F gets stung?
By #316255 27,Jun,13 02:35
If L_F gets stung he'll already be whining and squirming so I may as well take on his ouchie place
By #23212 27,Jun,13 21:29
Without first giving him some of your, as you say, "water play" to his stings? Aaaiiieee, you're tough!
By #316255 28,Jun,13 10:44
Well, if I did that his pain might subside enough to feel.the violation of his ouchie place . I suppose I could 'tend to the stings' right after popping in a handy little itty bitty butt plug
By #23212 28,Jun,13 21:55
In the words of someone I know, "Intruder Alert!".
Do it quickly, then 'water play' in his face, and he won't have time to decide which to object to first. (But of course, with love too.)

By #380250 28,Jun,13 14:35
Already have my dream partner

By #102053 28,Jun,13 06:50
Would love a stunning, slim, smooth TS, with great tits and a smooth uncut cock. Would have to love oral, anal, both giving and receiving, toys and dress like a slut in the bedroom!!!!!!
Any offers??????

By sweetslit [Ignore] 25,Jun,13 23:25 other posts 
Henry Rollins … and there are a few guys I have met on here I would love to get the chance to play around with
By #360973 26,Jun,13 00:28
I just started liking you even more . Rollins is a champ, even though he ruined Black Flag
By sweetslit [Ignore] 26,Jun,13 20:15 other posts 
His music was good, but I have always been a big fan of his spoken word and his activism, he is so accomplished and has such “down to earth” views… and at 52, I am sure you can still bounce a quarter off that man’s ass... (I credit Henry Rollins for my fondness for sweaty men, anyone who has seen him live knows what I am talking about )
By #360973 26,Jun,13 21:57
Yeah, fan of his spoken-word & hence what he stands for (makes Jello Biafra sound like a rambling nutter); fan of Black Flag (even though I preferred pre-Rollins Black Flag and mist of the stuff he did with them was not his work - Greg Ginn was the unheralded star/talent behind Black Flag) & Rollins Band; not a fan of his "acting career", but I s'pose everyone needs to put food on the table...even if it makes an accomplished person with integrity look pathetic and desperate
By sweetslit [Ignore] 26,Jun,13 22:48 other posts 
I am impressed you know who Jello Biafra is… I use to listen to him in high school (the Dead Kennedys and his spoken) he may sound like loon, and his behavior and actions sometime extreme, but I agree with so many of his social and political views

By #358284 26,Jun,13 11:33
John Holmes & Dick Rambone to use my Deep Pussy Throat for their Balls Deep Fucking Pleasure!!

By #186885 26,Jun,13 09:58
Jasmin with the lovely tits and cock...

By #358797 24,Jun,13 13:23
Definitely Mila Kunis...
By #143536 25,Jun,13 21:13
I second that.

By slipper [Ignore] 25,Jun,13 20:11 other posts 
For me it wouldn't be a specific person, though I've seen some cute Oriental ladyboys online who would be very close... So, mine would be a VERY feminine lady-boy, indistinguishable from a genetic female except for a very small, greatly foreskinned, otherwise castrated cock. YUMMMM!!!

By #371782 25,Jun,13 00:51
My top choices would have to be Ryan Gosling and Leonardo DiCaprio. Both look like they're dominant but passionate lovers.

By Sickboy [Ignore] 24,Jun,13 14:11 other posts 
Drew Barrymore, Alyson Hanningan

By #41858 24,Jun,13 13:50
Miranda Cosgrove and Jennette McCurdy at the same time

By destroyer [Ignore] 22,Apr,13 10:36 other posts 
Men: Peter North, Mark Ashley, Chris Strokes, Julian Rios, Mandingo, Lex Steel, Ramon...

By Theshowstoppa [Ignore] 20,Apr,13 22:55 other posts 
for me it has to be Jennifer Lawrence

By newwt10 [Ignore] 20,Apr,13 11:37 other posts 
Amy Amour, just makes may cock thob!

By DJS [Ignore] 20,Apr,13 03:15 other posts 
there,s so many but there,s only one lady for me Audrey Hepburn,such a natural beauty,style icon.

By #359325 19,Apr,13 10:19
For a guy it would have to be Taylor Lautner for starts and for a lady J-Lo.

By #201583 16,Apr,13 19:31
I would love to butter Channing Tatum's bun's.

By #24318 07,Sep,10 16:20
Oliver Reed...yum yum..

By #59855 03,Sep,10 15:25
From Matt's Wife: I would love to fuck Dwayne the Rock Johnson. Yummy
By #82813 03,Sep,10 22:29
isn't he a wrestler?
By #59855 04,Sep,10 01:28
From Matt's Wife: He was, now he is an actor,a sexy one
By #5532 04,Sep,10 02:37
I'll take him or Sandra Bullock
By #59855 07,Sep,10 15:38
From Matt's Wife:

By Olddude [Ignore] 05,Sep,10 18:46 other posts 
Bo Derek! Without a doubt!

By #17000 03,Sep,10 20:12
Marilyn Chambers (RIP), Zara Whites, Nikki Dial turn me on really hot. Personally? I love small women in height, small breasts, shaved or tightly trimmed, open, who just like to fuck, plain, pure and simple.

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