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Do str8 guys have bigger cocks?

Discussion Forum on Show It Off

Started by #42017 [Ignore] 07,Aug,10 08:11
Although there are obvious exceptions I find most bi/gay/trans guys are smaller overall. In my case having such a small cock makes me feel very girly/fem/sissy when looking at big hung guys. Am I the only one?

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Similar topics: 1.some STR8 guys confuse me!!   2.Str8, Bi or just Curious???   3.str8 lads   4.Bigger = Better   5.Are cocks getting bigger?  

By #487206 03,Feb,17 17:31
Actually I read that gay/bi men have bigger dicks on average
By bella! [Ignore] 03,Feb,17 18:28 other posts 
C'mon! Let's conduct a scientific study. All the big dick SYD members, please tell us which team you play on. Thank you. you.
By Edmonton [Ignore] 03,Feb,17 20:32 other posts 
I'm straight and get lots of compliments on my thickness

By #363802 08,Jan,17 17:55
Maybe,I know don't have a BIG cock,and I LOVE the way BIG cocks look,so I got really good at sucking them!!!I don't like to suck small cocks,I'll only suck BIG ones 7"or over! 1)Because I LOVE the way they fill my mouth and 2) I have BIG cock envy and I think it's a good way for me to show my respect to well hung men.Unfortunately all cocks weren't created equal,and if I can't have a BIG dick between my legs,at least I can have one in my mouth!

By Greek18cm [Ignore] 16,Oct,16 18:35 other posts 
It is a good based theory but not a rule...

There are gay or shemales that have huge package that make me embarased

By kebmo [Ignore] 14,Oct,16 05:58 other posts 
That's absurd.

By #498474 11,Oct,16 00:01
Dude I am gay and I have an 8.2 inch cock x

By #354861 10,Jan,14 01:02
Nope. I'm bi and i think the size of mine is just right. What sexual orientation would have to do with one's size is a silly question. I've always learned it was genetics that would decide that.
By spermkiss [Ignore] 10,Jan,14 12:28 other posts 
Yes, it's genetics (mostly, but not entirely) that determine penis size, but it's also genetics that determine sexual orientation so why couldn't there be a connection? So, no, this is not a silly question. See my reply to BenPA.

Another factor which determines penis size is prenatal hormone balance.

Another interesting genetic connection has to do with handedness and testicles. For right handed men, the left testicle usually hangs lower and vice versa for left handed men. Why there would be a connection between testicles and handedness is anyone's guess, but apparently there is and this fact has been known for centuries. Plug "handedness and testicles" into your favorite internet search tool and have a look at the numerous article on this subject.
By #391577 10,Jan,14 15:25
Spermkiss, as almost always, is correct - some research was done on this a few years ago. From memory there was not much in it (about 1/4 inch) and it was thought that this was due to gay men on average starting puberty earlier, but finishing puberty at the same time. I like spermkiss would have loved to do the research as I think you'd need to see a lot of hard cocks before demonstrating such a small difference
By spermkiss [Ignore] 10,Jan,14 16:35 other posts 
So, shall we apply for jobs? Wouldn't it be nice to go to work, punch the clock and then examine and measure cocks all day?
By #354861 10,Jan,14 21:09
Must be why my testicles hang equally then, as i'm ambidextrous.
By spermkiss [Ignore] 10,Jan,14 22:33 other posts 
What an interesting point. Actually there are exceptions to the handedness and testicles rule and I am one myself. I am right handed and my right testicle hangs lower.

By #293669 10,Jan,14 21:13
That's like saying all black cocks are massive. Well I suppose most are

By #167701 10,Jan,14 17:41
I don't mean to disagree with Spermkiss as he's an encylopedia of knowledge when it comes to most topics, but I really can't see how sexual orientation has anything to do with dick size. Again, SK has more info on this than me so I can only hope... A dick is a dick, I feel. The difference is that unless it's really big you don't know how big until the pants are off. With women, you can see the boob size right then and there. With me/us that like dick, you can be on to this really hot guy that has a pencil dick or an okay guy that has a **** of a cock where you can barely fit the head in your mouth.
By spermkiss [Ignore] 10,Jan,14 19:57 other posts 
You say the nicest things, " encyclopedia of knowledge..." I just have a knack for remembering tidbits of knowledge, especially things concerning sex and male genitalia.

I didn't remember the full details of this study but apparently Danito321 came across a report on this same research and he remembered more than I did. See his comment on this study in which he mentions that the difference was only about 1/4 inch. As I said in another comment, sexual orientation is determined by genetics and penis size is determined by genetics. (Mostly, plug "micro penis" into your favorite internet search tool and have a look at the information on that subject.) Since size and orientation are both genetically determined, it's entirely possible they could be related.

And by the way, would you like to join Danito321 and me in applying for jobs measuring penises?

By #222660 06,Apr,13 02:15
Idiot Question!
By spermkiss [Ignore] 10,Jan,14 12:10 other posts 
Au contraire! I suppose I could trot out that old homily that there is no such thing as a stupid question, but I won't because I don't agree with it. There ARE stupid questions, but this ain't one of them.

Believe it or not, but there has been serious research into this very question. That research seemed to indicate that gay and bisexual men have slightly LARGER penises than heterosexual men. Not much larger, but enough to show up in the data.

I suppose that research continues and if that's the case, I'm available to take measurements. Does this sound like a dream job, or what?

By #188813 05,Apr,13 14:06
I disagree. I don't think penis size has anything to do with sexuality. Look at my big dick [deleted image]

By #33070 23,Nov,10 15:47
I think it has nothing to do with it

By #22155 10,Aug,10 01:46

In reality, no...probably not. but it would be an interesting experiment, wouldn't it?

By slipper [Ignore] 08,Aug,10 14:17 other posts 

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