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Started by #568769 [Ignore] 16,Dec,19 15:43
...Should I actually SAY anything after those perfect emoticons?...Yeah, I should...But...I WON'T...because it is completely USELESS to point out the OBVIOUS to the OBLIVIOUS trump supporters...2nd thought. I WILL say something...I have said MANY times that 'us' citizens cannot believe ANYTHING out of Washington no matter WHERE it originates. 'Dimocrats' or even dumbasser 'publicans'...this country as a 'supposed' Democracy (always a Republic or less) is is this World...Another time, another post...It just took a few years under that freakin' DANGEROUSLY dumb el prezidente to KILL a country that was so WONDERFULLY different from every OTHER country in history. Remember how the US saved this planet in not one, but TWO World Wars?? I won't go into the Middle East and Syria and what has happened lately...trumplefrumple KILLED all that. The absolute DUMBEST, most COMPLETELY self absorbed 'leader' this country has EVER had...killed America...There is NO coming back from the years since 2017. As all you dummies supporting fuckhead in chief will find out...TOO fucking...LATE...

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By Ray10754 [Ignore] 16,Dec,19 16:01 other posts 
Well stated
By #551147 17,Dec,19 02:37
You really think so? 🤔

He hasn't stated anything other than his twisted opinion.

T.D.S. is a POWERFUL syndrome.

You must be affected by it too. If you really believe that was an astute statement.
By #568769 17,Dec,19 15:04
Hi Scorps-Here's the really sad part. I believe what I said just as much as you believe in dump. I don't want to participate in a Civil War in this country and will NOT. It's likely coming unless Washington wakes up. THAT means ALL those fucking assholes elected by their constituents, no matter the party! A little over 3 years ago a Civil War was UNIMAGINABLE! What (who) do you think, was the catalyst?...I REALLY don't want to be here when the ENTIRE planet is destroyed by us 'playing' with nukes, either. Steven Hawking said something along the lines of; 'Man having nuclear weapons is like children playing with fireworks'...OR because nobody in power is willing to do anything about 'planet warming'. I will not use 'global warming' as that is just a button to set people (trumpians) off...No matter WHAT the cause, it's happening. Did you see those pictures of Victoria Falls??!...trump could care less and has taken this country out of EVERYTHING that could conceivably save us from rising temperatures. Just like he has with medium range missile treaties that Reagan made happen. Since he did that just months ago, our country has launched a new type with a nuclear 'tip'...Do you have NO imagination? Can you NOT look at that sunset in your part of the World and NOT see...Mushroom clouds if we keep stumbling down the same BLIND path?!...BLINDNESS 'is a POWERFUL syndrome', Scorps. The whole WIDE world suffers from it. All 7.5 BILLION of us are blind as hell...It's just that there are so MANY that are much more blind than those of us that can 'blindly see'. that's me, I admit...Wake up. trump is destroying this country and likely this planet one way or another. He's already fucked the hell out of the Constitution by having Barr as Attorney General as his own personal lawyer. Willing to do whatever trumple fuck says. He's a freakishly weird looking kowtowing trump supporter that could care less about this country or how he's supposed to do his job. And those cowardly publicans in the Senate saying they ALREADY know how they will vote! Before the trial...I know this country's 'jurisprudence' is SERIOUSLY flawed. Simply because there are so many innocents in jail. But what the hell. Right?? Those are just INDIVIDUAL citizens. Now we are talking about this ENTIRE country! As well as the survival of America itself...How would you personally like to be on trial for your life and your defense attorney says BEFORE the trial that he knows you're guilty?! Same fucking thing only with 'our' country in the balance.
By #568769 17,Dec,19 15:09
'He hasn't stated anything other than his twisted opinion' Is that meaning ME? Or trump...the dingaling?
By Ray10754 [Ignore] 17,Dec,19 20:04 other posts 
(To Scorps) oh well, as they say every one has an opinion! and that, I guess is yours.

By Gntlmn [Ignore] 17,Dec,19 16:28 other posts 
YeP. He's the dumbest turd to ever drop from Putin's asshole.

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