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Started by mr_blue [Ignore] 07,Sep,15 15:32  other posts

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By #487013 26,Apr,18 12:57
Is anyone else getting banned for bullshit reasons? Like I could give a fuck less if someone banned me for being ugly or rude or a troll, but I got blacklisted for supposedly sharing a face pic of someone without permission... I have never done that, and only pics I have of anyone's faces are mine, and they are for my friends only and have something hiding my face in some way. Oh yeah, some dude blacklisted me for being jealous of his size because he asked me to rate him, so I was honest and told him he could skip a few meals and to lose the doctor Phil look. People here are retarded as fuck.

By #482237 17,Apr,18 11:58
anonymous wrote (Apr 16, 13:04):
Guess your nigger con hubby got out of the can and beat your saggy tits back into place again when he found out you were leaving snail trails from your 1940 cunt bag around here.

This was posted on my page yesterday. If any of you know "Mr Anonymous" because he bragged about what he did, please tell him or her that he or she is a coward that can't even mesg me direct.
By #435701 17,Apr,18 13:56
I do NOT know this bigoted COWARD. But I am just as pissed off as you are! Guys (I will not use the term 'men' to describe this slimeball)like him are the root cause of many of the World's problems. It goes way beyond sex with these types of brainless shitheads, as many of their types are in positions of MASSIVE power the World over. To state the obvious, our prez., the illustrious and magnificent...The DONALD! (Play the musical introduction) Yes, he himself refers to himself this way...There are so many others of his ilk, I won't bore you with a list because you know them already...Beyond this statement, you are SEXXY, SEXXY...SSEEEXXXXYYY! . I so wish you did not have to hear from someone that is also a male as he has tainted all us males with his despicable statement...Sometimes I am really ashamed for what other males say and do. :x :x Please accept my apology in place of his...As we both know, he is not MAN enough to ever apologize himself. You are beautiful...
By #482237 17,Apr,18 16:16
Thank you, Talk, but, you don't have to apologize for an idiot, chicken shit like him. Most of you men and women are decent and just. Yes, we may disagree about some subjects, even call each other @#$#@$#@ but, never with the disrespect this guy has done. And don't think it's because he said things about me. My looks or lack of them and my actions are fair game to anyone that doesn't like them. My beef is for the term he used to describe my African American husband. And, BTW, i'm 60/40% certain it may be a jealous woman. I may not be the most beautiful, but, most men still like "My Girls". Again, thank you.
By bella! [Ignore] 17,Apr,18 18:34 other posts 
If you haven't deleted the message, why not ask admin if he can identify the IP.

There's not many members that will refer to others as "cunt", but two folks readily pop into my mind and one is a SYD member and the other is SYC.
By #482237 17,Apr,18 18:40
it's one of those that go on the public side of the page, you know, "WOW,,VERY SEXY" place,,i didn't know i could do that. I left it up and answered it knowing this person may go back to read my response,,also wanted him to be ashamed of what he said. I'll ask admin about it. Thank you
By bella! [Ignore] 17,Apr,18 18:42 other posts 
Sometimes you can just click on the "anonymous" and it will tell you who your anonymous is.
By #482237 17,Apr,18 18:46
no luck,,but thanks,,,
By #550094 25,Apr,18 00:02
Remember: there comes a time when a man
will act his "age" or his "dick size",
and Neither One is impressive.

That said, there are many childish azzholes in the world
who think they're "All That" and they come into these
adult sites to throw shade at other site members.
They live in their own fked up world and so they think
they have a right to try dragging everyone else down
into their shyitholez.

Starve the trolls and they will diie of starvation.
You're NOT Havin It. Ever.

Don't let them damm foos phade you. Ever.
You're way above their shyitholeness.

NYC was built on solid rock, and so were you.
No one on Earth can shake your foundation.

You've just read this message from a Bronx Boy.

Blessed Be; and more power to you, hermana!
By #482237 25,Apr,18 08:23
Gracias Hermano,
By #550094 25,Apr,18 23:09
Bienvenida, hermana. Bendición!
By mr_blue [Ignore] 25,Apr,18 12:44 other posts 
Can I ask why you felt the need to post this in this thread ?
By #482237 25,Apr,18 12:46
i wanted to,,,you don't have to read it, lollipop,,
By mr_blue [Ignore] 25,Apr,18 12:49 other posts 
It's my it comes up in my recent events?!!
Still don't get what relevance it has to the title..
Kinda hard not to see it, there's so much you had to say.
By #482237 25,Apr,18 12:56
well,,like the tittle says,,"Is it just ME",,,i had a feeling and wanted to post it,,since you posted in a public forum, you have to expect the public to comment,,,however,,,you are the one that is continuing this part of the thread,,,of course, my name is not "bella" so i can see why you might be anoid,,
By mr_blue [Ignore] 25,Apr,18 13:00 other posts 
Huh ? You posted your chatlog in this thread..
You didn't prefix it....
And there are plenty of threads for you to throw your chatlog into,but you picked this one...
So while it is a public forum....
What was the purpose of posting the chatlog in this thread?
By mr_blue [Ignore] 25,Apr,18 13:02 other posts 
And if I have an issues with someone I tell them... So if you have an issue with Bella,I suggest you take it up with her..thanks
By #482237 25,Apr,18 13:04
just saying,,,,and welcome
By mr_blue [Ignore] 25,Apr,18 13:08 other posts 
Just saying what exactly ? You doing the whataboutism stuff!
You seem bothered that I haven't said something to Bella for her comments in this thread by putting her name into the mix...if you're bothered by her comments reply to them..
I haven't decided to reply to her as yet..
By #482237 25,Apr,18 13:14
i just mentioned her as an example that other members post on forums,,since i'm not her, my form of post is different,,,but,,if you think she's in the mix,, then go right ahead and ask her to explain herself too,,and in the same place you tried to embarrass me. look,,if it bothered you so much,,why not go to some of my threads and trash them???? i'll get my knickers in a knot and get back at you,,,,hahaha,,
By mr_blue [Ignore] 25,Apr,18 13:17 other posts 
Read what you posted,I really don't get people who don't understand what they write...
And do you think I am trying to embarrass you here ?think again...
If I wanted to embarrass you, I would.
By #482237 25,Apr,18 13:25
well,,not all of us can be so enlightened as you,,,but,,if you keep answering me i'll be more than happy to continue this chat till friday,,,
By mr_blue [Ignore] 25,Apr,18 13:34 other posts 
So carry on then, you are embarrassing yourself...
I have work and stuff,so I can't chat till Friday...
And while we're messing about,why have you flooded the recent uploads if you're leaving,?, doesn't seem logical to me !!
By #482237 26,Apr,18 09:22
I wanted to give my friends one last thrill. I'm a premium member and when I tried to close the account I was told it would have to be open until early June. I thought it would be better to reload a portion of the pics I had b4. Now, I took them down and reloaded with the tributes of my friends as a thank you to them for giving me many hours of joy. No, you are not part of it. Only nice people are there. Now, if you still have a fart going cross wise, than, complain to administration. BTW, yes, when mad l have a filthy mouth. Get over it.
By mr_blue [Ignore] 26,Apr,18 11:57 other posts 
Why would I complain to admin about you ? you're so funny.Premium members can delete their account if they have to.
Admin can do it for you if you ask him.
So I think you're just pandering for attention...
And I'm so butthurt by not being in the 'nice' gang
Just another label that can be challenged.
I've never been a nice person,cuz I'm honest.
I don't pretend to be something I'm not, I'm not someone who chases internet stardom like some here do...
So I'll fuck off under my bridge,with the rest of the so called trolls...
And pop up to piss in someone's cornflakes when I feel like it...
By #482237 26,Apr,18 12:33
i still love you, lollipop,, i'm sorry i busted your chops,,,truce,,,have a wonderful life
By bella! [Ignore] 25,Apr,18 13:48 other posts 
My posts are very general with an attempt to encourage an open discussion. Hey, blue, if these types of posts aren't what you're looking for in this thread, let me know.
By mr_blue [Ignore] 26,Apr,18 11:58 other posts 
I think you know me by now,I would have said something if it bothered me...
By bella! [Ignore] 25,Apr,18 13:32 other posts 
Pardon me, why bring my name into this?
By #482237 25,Apr,18 13:34
your post is just under mine,,you were handy,,and you are pardoned,,,

By bella! [Ignore] 25,Apr,18 08:36 other posts 

Did anyone else notice that marie14, member #459494 and a SYC member who would have been celebrating her 4 year anniversary on April 27th, was swiftly deleted? I mean SWIFTLY, 6 votes in less than 20 minutes, all because the reporting member found an offensive picture posted 10 months ago in June, 2017. What was also interesting is that of the 6 members who voted to boot her, I don't recall ever seeing 5 of them ever being involved in the evacuation process.

Let this be an example, be careful what you post.

By #482237 24,Apr,18 22:08
this is a chat i just had,,,

Apr 24, 22:05 twowarmtts: oh,,change of attitude??

Apr 24, 22:04 mac84: Please send me the link

Apr 24, 22:04 mac84: I just pointed out the obvious... You got hurt and started talking shit. Please do post in forum... more traffic and hits for me 😁

Apr 24, 22:00 twowarmtts: tell you what,,,why don't i post this whole chat in one of the big forums and see what other members think of you?????

Apr 24, 21:59 twowarmtts: your sensibilities hurt,,,,are you the asshole that posted as "anonymous"on my page???

Apr 24, 21:58 twowarmtts: but i wouldn't leave because of you

Apr 24, 21:57 twowarmtts: so are you,,i did delete it,,it takes time

Apr 24, 21:52 mac84: Just delete your account now... You are disgusting😨

Apr 24, 21:51 mac84: Seems like I hit a nerve 😂🤣😂🤣

Apr 24, 21:51 mac84: 😂🤣😂🤣

Apr 24, 21:49 twowarmtts: pussy,,cunt,,shit faced asshole

Apr 24, 21:48 twowarmtts: what happened, chicken shit coward???? not used to being insulted by a woman???

Apr 24, 21:48 twowarmtts: as your ass knows men

Apr 24, 21:48 twowarmtts: probably only knows men's asses

Apr 24, 21:47 twowarmtts: call this a dick????

Apr 24, 21:46 twowarmtts: i guess your mama gets most of your cum,,i doubt a real woman would get down with you

Apr 24, 21:46 twowarmtts: and you don't even come close to my guys,,real men,,not little dick shit like you

Apr 24, 21:45 twowarmtts: hahaha,,looks like it hurt in the right place,,,and baby,,,you are wrong,,they will miss me,,but,,a miserable, maggoty asshole like you,,i doubt you get any action,,,and i really don't give a damn about you

Apr 24, 21:40 mac84: My cock is way hotter than anything you have ever out your mouth or old ass cunt around. Look at all those old fuckers you are playing with... get lost... this site will not miss your old wrinkly ass

Apr 24, 21:38 mac84: You deleted the picture... but you "don't give a damn"

Apr 24, 21:27 Mac84: You are silly

Apr 24, 21:26 Mac84: The site is called... "Show Your Dick"

Apr 24, 20:47 twowarmtts: you are right,,it is photoshopped,,,since my last day is friday i don't give a damn,,but,,baby,,why do you like to deflate other peoples good feelings??? after all you only show a dick,,and not a great one at that???
By Uncut_Dick [Ignore] 24,Apr,18 22:09 other posts 
This phony bitch uses Photoshop 😂🤣😂🤣
By #482237 24,Apr,18 22:13
By mac84 at 24,Apr,18 21:45 [Delete] [ban]

Gross 😂🤣😂🤣
By twowarmtts at 24,Apr,18 21:54 [Delete] [ban]

yes, shit face,,you are,,with your punny dick and no manners,, i guess you only like yor moms maggoty pussy,,,you know it well,,it's the one that goes down for a dime,,,

this is his comment on one of my pics,,and i believe,,i may be wrong he's the one that left the racist comments on my page
By Uncut_Dick [Ignore] 24,Apr,18 22:16 other posts 
Nope was not me... I love black pussy 😋
By #482237 24,Apr,18 22:17
so what do you want,,,an apology???fuck off
By Uncut_Dick [Ignore] 24,Apr,18 22:18 other posts 
Yes... for you faking people out like you use to be some hot bitch or something 😂🤣😂🤣
By #482237 24,Apr,18 22:22
ok,,first you say i'm an old lady with old farts that look at my page and now you say it's fake???? get glasses
By Uncut_Dick [Ignore] 24,Apr,18 22:29 other posts 
You already admitted to photoshopping... and then you posted on public forum 😂🤣😂🤣
By #482237 24,Apr,18 22:32
what are you talking about?? show me

By bella! [Ignore] 24,Apr,18 20:31 other posts 

In my opinion, it seems like the older you get, the more difficult it is to tell the difference between parent and chˇld.

Case and point, Queen Elizabeth II who is 92 years old and her son, Prince Charles, age 69. Actually, for being 92 years old, Queen Elizabeth II looks absolutely FANTASTIC but sadly, her son who is 23 years her junior, looks like an old man.

By bella! [Ignore] 03,Apr,18 09:32 other posts 

Has anyone noticed how many longtime members are no longer opting into the paid memberships?
By #487013 03,Apr,18 11:18
A long time ago under my first profile, I tried to buy points or a membership not sure. My card issuer declined it as fraud (capital one). I had to contact Segpay or whatever to clear it up since they approved the transaction on their end... That was super embarrassing to hear them say the name of the site I made a purchase at.... Haven't attempted since, and that was like 5 or 6 years ago. I use points to buy a membership when I have enough. I really only do so for the privacy. Sometimes I like to browse the dicks side, but don't want others to know when I'm online doing so.
By 2nice [Ignore] 07,Apr,18 05:14 other posts 
I remember that.
By #208346 08,Apr,18 03:46
I stopped paying because the site has gotten boring.Why pay for something I rarely use
By mr_blue [Ignore] 08,Apr,18 09:07 other posts 
What's made it boring to you?
By #208346 10,Apr,18 17:57
Too much bickering between members,Members that claim they want to chat then blow a load and leave.A lot of stuff
By mr_blue [Ignore] 10,Apr,18 18:03 other posts 
Bickering has always been here,way before I was a member, it's something that's part of the site,gossip is gossip,just in the old days, people would drop a negative gift, get it out of their system and move on, now things linger.... to me,it's always been about new members,and they are not joining in enough numbers to keep it interesting...
By #208346 14,Apr,18 00:17
With so many places to interact with people why join a dying site.I used to spend quite a bit of time here,now a couple of times a week just long enough to check messages

By bella! [Ignore] 07,Apr,18 22:36 other posts 
*"IS IT JUST ME"* OR.....

I've got a newspaper (yeah, a real newspaper) and in the "classifieds" there are pets for sale. So there's AKC registered Cocker Spaniel pups available for $850.00 and AKC/OFA registered/certified Rottweiler pups available for $1,250.00 BUT this is the ad that makes me go "hmmmmmm......", Labradoodle pups that are at a cost of $1,500.00 to $2,000.00! What!? Since when did backyard breeding (in the respect that Labradoodles are not a recognized breed) become more expensive than dogs that come with "papers"?
By kebmo [Ignore] 12,Apr,18 18:46 other posts 
My Dad just bought a Goldendoodle puppy, a combination of a Golden Retriever and a Standard Poodle. These "Doodle Dogs" are hypoallergenic and don't shed much. He paid $2,000 for it, which is the going rate. He plans on breeding her to sell the pups. Breeding dogs is something he's done all his life. In the '80's we bread Dobermans and the pups were presold for $5-800 before they were even born. Why did people pay that much? Because it was the flavour of the day. Now these Doodle Dogs are.

As an aside, Dobermans were the Pit-bull of the day. Over 15 years of breeding them, our dogs never once bit a person. It really is the owner that's bad and not the dog.
By bella! [Ignore] 12,Apr,18 22:43 other posts 
So the new "shi-shi" pet to have is a dog breed mixed with a poodle to give you a much desired "doodle"?

I will assume that the hypoallergenic part comes from the poodle, no? If that's the case, why not just buy a poodle? I don't know, $2,000.00 seems like a bit much to pay for a "boutique" mutt.
By kebmo [Ignore] 12,Apr,18 22:57 other posts 
Yes the Poodle makes it hypoallergenic but they're just not popular. Doodle Dogs started off as a very niche market and now they're the it dog. it's a fad that will pass, just like the others before it.
Personally I would get a dog from the pound if I wanted one.
By bella! [Ignore] 13,Apr,18 00:16 other posts 
Well, if the desire to own a doodle dog is merely a fad that will soon pass, I hope in the big picture of things, your pops loves his $2,000.00 mutt.
By kebmo [Ignore] 13,Apr,18 00:22 other posts 
He does! He has always loved dogs. She will have a few litters, the first of which will be born in about 6-8 months.
By #551482 13,Apr,18 16:06
My last dog was a Dobermann, marvellous dog, agile and VERY intelligent. Well behaved. Bad Dog = usually bad owner.
By kebmo [Ignore] 13,Apr,18 19:30 other posts 
Our four saved my family's life. An electrical fire started downstairs while my parents and four klds slept upstairs and the dogs woke us up and we escaped safely with no injuries.
You're absolutely right, bad dog = bad owner. Just like bad kids = bad parents.

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