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Started by mr_blue [Ignore] 21,Apr,15 11:21  other posts
What's poppin' where you are ? Care to share ?

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By #358797 22,Feb,17 11:22
If anyone here is the praying type, please include the water protectors in North Dakota. There's less than 4 hours til their camps are being forcefully evacuated (ie. raided) by armed military units... This shit is absolutely terrible.
Pilaymaya, Wakan Takan kici un.

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--------------------------------------- added after 12 minutes

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By leopoldij [Ignore] 22,Feb,17 12:03 other posts 
Oh my, I didn't know. So fucking ridiculous. White Europeans (Mormons, for example) fucked up all native Americans and exterminated them. They now want to get rid of the last few. Civilization, it's called.
By #358797 22,Feb,17 12:06
I'm part native, so this is really taking a toll on me mentally.
By leopoldij [Ignore] 22,Feb,17 15:58 other posts 
I fully understand and would support any native groups in their protest against those fuckers.
By #528386 22,Feb,17 20:46
Hello! Chom Long here

A sincere hope you are doing better at this time and I agree that the pipeline is wrong in many ways. My question to the team on here is this:

1. In the attempt to preserve the environment, why did the protestors put so much refuse all over the pristine lands? It is my position that it is extremely wrong to pervert these sacred lands and to potentially pollute the Missouri River with bio-waste and worse.

Chom Long, out
By mr_blue [Ignore] 22,Feb,17 21:08 other posts 
And what is done with the garbage anyway, landfill,so cause and effect in the environment is clear to see all over the site...Bio waste ?...You mean poop,...Take a shit in a field and leave it,bacteria does its thing... It's all the man made stuff,ironically made from oil that's the problem,and now the EPA has a guy in charge who sued the department he is now in charge of...So make of that what you will...
By #358797 22,Feb,17 21:28
There's many, many videos taken of large trucks coming in to dump garbage. The water protectors weren't responsible for any of that.
You only see what the dapl officials want you to see.
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By phart [Ignore] 22,Feb,17 23:05 other posts 
We need the pipelines but if a rerouting could have prevented these issues it should have been researched and made so if for no other reason than to keep the peace among the Indians.A mile or 2 more of pipe could'a saved alot of trouble.

what I have saw and read on the net from sites that are in support of the pipeline the work is being done in a environmentally sound manner and problems should be few to none.

And best I can tell all Americans,being native or born of immigrants , are free to buy land and homes anywhere on US soil. So the folks can move if need be and not be locked away on a reservation. It is not the 1800's anymore. We are past that.

As for water,the water from my well contains cyanide naturally and it is not safe to drink. No man made problem caused it. Water issues can happen anywhere,due to seismic movement of the earth for example. this pipeline will not increase the chances of water issues by much if any.
By mr_blue [Ignore] 22,Feb,17 23:12 other posts 
Do you really need the pipelines?...Have you seen how the shale fields extract the gas and oil by fracking,they will be a pipe bursting soon...They happen all the time on the other pipelines...Farmers fields full of leaked oil...So fuck the environment....And America hasn't recognised natives,it might say it has it it hasn't,they are a spiritual people connected to the land by history and time...So they are connected to the past by their present....And take a look at what's going on in your country,you are going back to the 1800's with all the actions by your current administration...
By mr_blue [Ignore] 22,Feb,17 20:53 other posts 
Trump is an asshole,I hope people will start to realise what he is really about,everything he has done is to get back at Obama cuz he ripped him a new one in a correspondents dinner....Trump supposedly had invested in dapl...But with all this stupid fake news crap he spouts,his followers get blindsided by his talk,all his talk is a distraction technique... It's the reason he should release his tax returns and truly divest his business interests,the GOP have a responsibility to the American people to hold this prick to account,and soon...Before he fucks up a great country for good....Takes years to build trust between people,only takes a n act of stupidity to set back that trust...

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By #523323 21,Feb,17 21:57
Blue, post something funny
By mr_blue [Ignore] 22,Feb,17 00:16 other posts 
Your momma should have made your d@ddy cum on her back ,instead of getting the extra five bucks for fucking without a rubber..
Donald trump is president....
America .....

By #435701 07,Feb,17 14:14
It's 1933...all over again...Just the players (Germany & Japan are allies now. Russia & China are the 'Axis') are different...and the weapons. Oh, those MARVELOUS weapons! Able to end Worlds, Cultures & as YOU know it...We're sliding down that hill into the next World War Of the THIRD variety...I'm kinda scared...Are YOU?...Or would you prefer not to acknowledge just how DANGEROUS things have become? I can totally you think people in 1933 were aware of what would happen in '39?...After all, they did not have all the tech we have or the instant communication...People today are just too involved with their smart phones, Apple this and that. Always texting, sexting, Facebooking...too involved in their tiny lives to notice...they may soon be dead in the worst way...Mushroom clouds in their personal sunsets.
--------------------------------------- added after 24 hours

Wow. My post set off quite a storm! That quickly devolved into the NFL and stadiums! And, the sky IS falling, phart. I also did not mention Trump, although he may well be the catalyst. Further, who the Fuck cares who is the current day Hitler? You need to read your history in a much less literal form. And a LOT less political and ONLY having to do with the US. How about simply human survival?? Because that is what is actually at stake...I also did NOT mention terrorism as it is clearly NOT the threat. Except as a spark to MUCH worse...I ONLY wish it was as simple as terrorism as it's very limited in it's destructive power. Sad as that is, all of us not involved would wake up next day and be VERY sad! That is a lot better than the alternative of major powers starting something they cannot stop...For those that were unclear about my meaning, here it is much more clearly stated...Mankind has NEVER had a 'peaceful' period as long as the last 71 years. It was MAD (mutually assured destruction) that enabled this to happen. And is not lost on me how ironically STUPID that is. But Mankind has also NEVER had a weapon that was NOT used in anger. Eventually. I know, you will all now say 'but we nuked Hiroshima and Nagasaki'...Which is my point exactly...those were comparative itty bitty tiny atom bombs. ONLY deliverable from a bomber. And they were fission bombs...There are now somewhere around (depending on sources) 17,000 nukes between the 8 countries that possess them. At least half (and ALL ICBM's) are hydrogen bombs. Fusion bombs. Those have YET to be used except in testing...Look up the 'Czar Bombe' sometime to see how different things are now. If you are not too afraid after seeing that...look up MIRV'D. Then look up MIRV'D submarine launched missiles.
By phart [Ignore] 08,Feb,17 10:12 other posts 
Who's the Hitler in your current "1933" ?

It has been dangerous since nukes were developed.Numerous suitcase nukes have been missing for years that terrorist could use.

The Chicken Little snowflakes are crying .
Folks screaming about Trump being mean don't realize terrorist bred in the middle east could kill us all. He is trying to protect the American people and some of them are just to damn stupid to understand that.
By mr_blue [Ignore] 08,Feb,17 11:15 other posts 
And you do realise that treating all non-Americans like crap helps the recruitment of these terror groups?
By phart [Ignore] 08,Feb,17 17:53 other posts 
Well perhaps they use that as a excuse.
But frankly, a bunch of people of 1 particular religion flying planes into buildings and killing 3000 people from all over the world at 1 time helps make the rest of us want to stomp a mud hole in their ass's.
By mr_blue [Ignore] 08,Feb,17 21:35 other posts 
And having your country bombed makes you wanna just sit there and do nothing...So imagine how those countries feel,having the USA and it's allies just bomb the shit out of where you live then divide up the profits from the oil fields....You would stand up for your country....The US and it's allies cannot keep going around the world treating them like shit without someone having a go back....And look at how all religion has its crackpots...Do you think the Islamic world looks at the KKK and thinks that represents the American people?...
By phart [Ignore] 08,Feb,17 23:20 other posts 
No,as a matter of fact they would probably befriend the KKK because it is a group of radicals like themselves. Like all groups,when it started it may have had 1 or 2 good points about it but they have went out the window.

Now please be honest. Do you think that if the US and it's allies pulled out all interest from the middle east that the terrorism sponsored from that area would cease?
Now think before you answer,because their book clearly states to convert or kill all infidels.
By mr_blue [Ignore] 09,Feb,17 03:18 other posts 
If 'their' book states to kill or convert all infidels they are not likely to befriend the KKK are they!!!! and you understand the middle East ?...Wow...Guess what,America has sponsored terrorism for years...You won't hear fuck all about that though.. Here's something for you to think about...Who supplies all those weapons ?Or where do they get them from?...The same people who are publically against them....And getting rid of Saddam Hussein and Gaddafi encouraged more Islamic nutters to pop up...It's like the south American dr#glord problem,get rid of one nutter and another one pops up....
By phart [Ignore] 09,Feb,17 07:46 other posts 
Even Trump said the middle east was better off with Saddam and Gaddafi.
By #485312 16,Feb,17 23:36
Trump is right, Saddam was a hard man, it takes a hard man to lead those places, they should have left it alone, fucking 'weapons of mass destruction', that's what ruined the world, the lies told to the people, pumped by the media that Trump tells us is full of fake news and shit, and he's right there too, the US dragged the world into its shit fight and now we're all paying for it... l hope Trump puts some order back in the world, he loves his country and will do his best to put some order back in it too.. l bet he wont rush off to war... because he has to clean up the mess that Bush put it in *lix*
By #523323 13,Feb,17 09:59
@ Blue- look up mate, I see the drone circling you.. Be careful mate!lol

ps- I think that black van in front of your flat is SAS... I heard they are absolutely charming
By mr_blue [Ignore] 19,Feb,17 14:41 other posts 
Who dares wins SAS set the trend that others follow...
By #460385 08,Feb,17 10:54
I'm not scared
By mr_blue [Ignore] 08,Feb,17 11:15 other posts 
Alternative fact ?
--------------------------------------- added after 16 hours

Thanks for the vote queen bee,I never knew you cared so much... Don't go stirring the pot in PM's to your American friends now!!!!...Want to say something say it..
By #460385 08,Feb,17 12:40
Terrorists recruit right here inside the US. So what's the difference if they recruit outside the US. You're never ever gonna stop that. I don't stand behind the ban on Muslims or any other group if they are legal citizens. But I will stand behind i-llegals coming into the US illegally. Mexicans crossing the border and occupying jobs illegally is not right. Same as I don't stand behind the Wet Foot Dry Foot law for i-llegal Cubans. For too long we have allowed Cubans to step foot on the sand here in South Florida and declare them political refugees. They drain our economy with the assistance they receive from the US. How can you declare one group of people the right to stay in the US and not others. If you are here illegally then you go bye bye. Also, there are many definitions of treating people crappy. I agree. But sending i-llegal aliens back to their homeland is a law abiding move made fair by the ones who busted their ass to do the right thing receiving their citizenship of the US. Floating here on a raft and stepping foot on land and living off the government is a slap in the face to those who worked hard for their citizenship.

--------------------------------------- added after 11 minutes

I don't understand why people are getting so upset over this. Trump will never get the approval to ban a certain race or religion of people. But he might get the approval to send i-llegals and non citizens back. There is such a big difference. Do not confuse the two.
By mr_blue [Ignore] 08,Feb,17 13:39 other posts 
Lol... political refugees are escaping persecution only to be persecuted for maybe even supporting the USA in their homeland...And Obama lifted sanctions against Cuba to try to stop people coming to the states,to help create a better living standard there...Those **** workers support the cash employment and small businesses economy...So get rid of them all,I wonder if the local population will want to do all those jobs....And I'm not upset,just lmao....I don't do upset, it's the interweb
By #523323 08,Feb,17 16:00
Blue don't worry mate! I will rescue you at Dunkirk
By mr_blue [Ignore] 09,Feb,17 03:22 other posts 
And I will crack the enigma code so you don't shoot me...
By bella! [Ignore] 09,Feb,17 06:39 other posts 
So sorry, alexblue. There's been no PM's sent to any member(s) and when I have something to say, I do "speak"! Just a reminder, I use my phone and apparently my whacky right thumb went rogue and inadvertently hit the "rating" option when I was scrolling through reading the posts. Heck, I kinda like the newly coined phrase "alternative facts" and that response was a perfect fit. Please don't lose any s/eep over the unintentional [-], it was my mistake.
By mr_blue [Ignore] 19,Feb,17 14:51 other posts 
still doing the same shit as always...Twice you have used the accidentally pushing the rating button excuse...You should apply for a job as one of Trump's spokespeople...
By bella! [Ignore] 19,Feb,17 16:28 other posts 

I'm right handed and use my phone, the [-] is to the extreme right and regardless of what you might think it was unintentional on my part.
By mr_blue [Ignore] 19,Feb,17 17:29 other posts 
Plausible deniability... once is a mistake,twice is a lack of concern for your actions..."once bitten,twice shy"...Cry wolf enough and no one will believe you....So yeah, whatever... It's your nature to antagonise people over trivial things...
By #460385 08,Feb,17 15:10
@ talk4s. I'm still not scared.
By #494374 13,Feb,17 11:48
I understand the desire for border security. But Trump claiming that a large number of Americans are being killed by illegals is just false. More people in the U.S. in the last ten years of died by being struck by lightning than killed by **** immigrants. Not to mention, its not like **** immigrants are taking high-paying jobs from Americans. They are washing dishes, cutting lawns and working as maids. The jobs that most self-entitled young Americans won't do. We have the same problem here in Canada with our youth.

By mr_blue [Ignore] 19,Feb,17 15:17 other posts 
So how are the residents of Trumpland feeling watching the manb@by throw tantrums ?.... He's the president and he's on the road holding rallies....Costing the taxpayer a fortune in security,shutting down parts of new York cuz of his tower...Or is that fake news ?

By #358797 22,Dec,16 21:28
Most men on here be like only registered users can see external links ...
By mr_blue [Ignore] 23,Dec,16 01:55 other posts 
By #435701 13,Feb,17 14:15
Die Deutchen sind sehr kommish!!...Funny video!
By #460385 16,Feb,17 16:30
Haha. Most men and a few of the women too.
--------------------------------------- added after 2 minutes


By #528386 06,Feb,17 11:52


The assembled panel finds there to be a very limited level of formal education. To that point, we assert this member has barely finished high school. The core curriculum in high school likely involved menial trade preparation such as woodworking or metal shop. A very low GPA was likely the achieved outcome and highpoint of his education.

Attending university at any level was never an option. Any college preparatory work was met with immediate failure. In fact, we further assert Jim’s inability to take any AP level classes at the high school level was never in play. Anyone who actually had the work ethic and intelligence to excel in school was probably made fun of by Jim.

Now that Jim as reached mid-life, those he made fun of have gone on to accomplish great things in their personal and professional lives. There is no doubt that Jim’s poor performance in school and lack of a formalised degree has left him financially deficient and keen for government handouts.

If we take an additional look at Jim’s potential earning rate, it is estimated in the last twenty years of employment, Jim has received less than $500,000USD. This is based on him earning on average, less than $25,000USD per year. These numbers do not reflect any taxation or tax relief for the impoverished.

Conversely, someone with a even a basic four year college degree would earn nearly 2.5 times in basic income. This also does not reflect income from investments and other asset managements techniques used by higher income earners.

In short, Jim’s failures at work demonstrate a clear lack of motivation and intelligence across the board.

Work/Life Experience

Based on our assessment of Jim’s education, most of his employment has been centered on menial jobs versus a career. These types of jobs can be further classified as follows:

1. Entry level office work
2. Retail cashier or associate
3. Physical laborer or seasonal construction worker

We are also asserting that JeffinKS has been the primary bread -winner for these two but they still struggle. Especially now that Jeff has not been in a very long time and therefore is not able to contribute. What will Jim bring to the table to help?

All reviewers believe their domicile to be a significant financial risk.

General Intelligence

Jim struggles around being around anyone that is educated, or has important/significant contributions to conversation. Jim view’s these individuals as a threat and will lash out in frustration.

Inferiority Complex

Despite being uneducated, financially unstable and below the poverty line, Jim someone believes in his feeble mind to be better than others. He attacks members he and then criticizes others for doing the same. The very definition of hypocrisy and inferiority is routinely seen in Jim’s communication style.

This condition is likely based on geography. We have researched Wichita and it is an area filled with economic depression. Housing remains flat and there is a lack of higher education throughout this part of the United States.


Lack of education, compromised financial position, coupled with several psychological conditions, points directly toward a pattern of infidelity. It is strongly recommended by the panel that Jim be put on tight constraints forthwith. Electronic monitoring of his whereabouts and testing for STD’s is strongly suggested.


A common thread among the reviewers is Jim’s arrogance. Coming from someone who resides in such a depressed geography we find this comical. How can anyone from Wichita think they are better than anyone?

Where did his arrogance originate? We would like additional time to conduct analysis in this area because we are baffled.

Health Status

We have contracted with several medical experts to review Jim’s health. The panel will concede this information may be worse than reported. The reason for this is we did not get a chance to examine Jim in person. However, based on health modeling, and other factors, we believe Jim to be compromised.

Depression, poor nutrition, and other lifestyle choices both past and present
continue to degrade Jim’s health.

One reviewer did comment that his eyes look reasonably healthy, but could not get past his poor life choices earlier in life

Global Awareness

All reviewers were unanimous in seeing Jim has a massive inferiority complex to the likes they have never seen before.

Anyone who has traveled the world and experienced new things is a threat to Jim. His lack of cognitive reasoning leaves him floundering with anyone that is educated. His goal up until this point was to function as a pretty face that did what he was told. That has not served him well in his later years as others have surpassed him at every level.
By phart [Ignore] 06,Feb,17 11:58 other posts 
damn I am glad I aint that guy!
I was never even a pretty face!

By #460385 26,Jan,17 06:27
It seems that the non US citizens living in other countries appear to be really pissed off with President Trump. I wonder why? What's wrong? Does it scare you that the handouts will stop. That Trading laws will change. That you might have to take care of your own shit from now on. Supply your own military (good luck with that one). Pay for and rebuild your own country after natural disasters. You non US people sound as if you just lost your Big Bro. Don't worry about us. We will remove Trump if needed. You should put more concern in how your countries move forward.
--------------------------------------- added after 3 hours

Maybe Trump will place the Embargo back with Cuba. Nothing pisses me off more than knowing all Obama did by opening the trade with Cuba was make the Castro's and the big hotels richer. Those citizens suffer on that island. Living in South Florida and having many friends from Cuba. I have heard the horror stories. The trade lift did nothing for the people. Although, Obama will tell you different. None of that money goes to the people. The hotel workers still make $2 an hour. They still have no access to simple grocery items such as milk, lettuce, tomatoes, and so on. The retirees get $17 a month to live on. Most are homeless living in homemade shacks. Money that relatives send from the US never gets to the families. But the Hilton and Marriott is making a killing with the new vacation resorts they built. Sure you can vacation in Cuba now. And it's beautiful. And you can eat good, drink good, and get your Cuban cigars now. But what did Obama do for the people. Not a damn thing.
By #88520 26,Jan,17 18:45
It's just troubling to see a great country like the US fall further and further down the rabbit hole where facts and proven science no longer matters.

You now have a president that actively attacks all of your countries reputable media organizations. All criticism against him is labeled as fake news.

He attacks your democratic process by insinuating that there's massive voter fraud.

He attacks your intelligence agencies because there happens to be investigations against him.

He encourages **** against minorities and wants all problems to be blamed on people that are different or foreign countries.

His administration places gag orders on your federal agencies that prevents them to mention climate change findings, environmental problems and other important matters that he doesn't think the public should get to know about.

It's all strategies straight from fascist textbooks and I think every American should be very watchful about where it takes you.
By #460385 26,Jan,17 20:32
I'm willing to see where it takes us.
By #528034 27,Jan,17 10:39
I honestly don't care about the politics of another country and most certainly won't let them upset me.

I enjoy traveling the world for work and read global news. But that is the extent of my involvement and entanglement.
By JustWill [Ignore] 27,Jan,17 12:16 other posts 
It's even more troubling for those of us who live here and will have to face the consequences of his childish tantrums and "alternative facts".
By phart [Ignore] 27,Jan,17 12:58 other posts 
reputable media organizations? Yea right.
Clinton is honest to what our main stream media is. And she is lie's like a dog on a rug every time her lips move.
Trump calls things what they are. No sugar coating.
I am glad he got elected. From what I understand he has already fixed it so the poor that can't afford the Obumer care won't get fined come time to fill out their taxes. Hell if they could afford a fine,they could afford insurance. Dumbass thing that was to push over on the people.
By #88520 28,Jan,17 10:26
Just because you don't like the news they report doesn't make it false. If you knew your history you would know that free news organizations are always the first to be attacked when an authoritarian figure are trying to grab power. Trump, Putin, Erdogan and similar figures knows that free media is their biggest enemy.

Do you think there's a coincidence that Trumps chief strategist comes straight from the fringe alt-right Breitbart?
By dgraff [Ignore] 28,Jan,17 06:29 other posts 
I agree I hope trump ask for the billions and trillions these other Countrys owe us all ready in fact that's what there afraid of
By #88520 28,Jan,17 10:20
Uhm could you specify what we owe you money for?

Many European countries has taken a huge burden by caring for all the refugees fleeing here from destabilized middle eastern countries. In Sweden (a country with 9 million people) we've accepted over a 100 000 refugees, Germany more than a million in the last couple years. America refuses to help a single one now and expects everyone else to take care of it.

There's only been one time when a NATO country has called on its allies and that was after you suffered the 9/11 attack and invaded Afghanistan. Every NATO country stood up for you and sent forces and support.
By phart [Ignore] 28,Jan,17 18:51 other posts 
Taking in those people was your country's choice, not the US's.
So yes, if Sweden took in 100,000 of those people, they are Sweden's problem. Send them back where they came from and close the damn gates if there is a problem taking care of them. Germany has screwed it's self letting so many in. The idea of replacing a aging work **** has backfired..
We borrow money to loan it to others. First thing that needs to happen is let those folks borrow it from china themselves and leave the US out of it.
I see no problem with Nato when a country faces a threat from a armed invading ****,go help. But when that country does something stupid like let in millions of people in from a country they could have stayed in and fought for, no, let them fix their own back yard.
By #88520 28,Jan,17 20:16
Well the right to asylum is considered a basic human right by the UN if you're fleeing from wars. If you ask me I think it's a pretty good principle to strive to help people instead of sending them back to their death. The Iraq war was a major reason for the spiral of **** in the middle east so I don't think I'm wrong in saying that the US has some responsibility for the amount of refugees that keep coming from that part of the world.

In most cases staying and fighting isn't really an option. Which is the good side to fight for in Syria? Assad? ISIS? Rebel fanatics? I'd probably do just like them and try and get my ass away from there.
By cumjohn [Ignore] 29,Jan,17 11:07 other posts 
Well now you sound naive. Many of these refugees didnt have real hazard in their homecountry since many of them go back volunteerly. Then some of them even take trips back to their homecountries that supposed to be too dangerous for them. Are those really need for protection here in Europe or anywhere else?

And about do americans have any responsibility to take refugees from Syria, Iraq and anywhere else? No if they dont want to.
By dgraff [Ignore] 29,Jan,17 08:18 other posts 
yes they did and for that I thank you but it was the USA that paid the bill for it
By phart [Ignore] 29,Jan,17 12:46 other posts 
Yea trust me, the US taxpayer is paying out the ass for those people to be here. Each 1 is getting over 3000 a month in benefits from our government. Most are put up in housing the working class couldn't afford in their dreams.

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