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Discussion Forum on Show It Off

Started by mahak [Ignore] 10,Mar,14 05:42  other posts
Lets be honest...how many have been fucked..hard without the consent..may be u r not in mood...or any other reasons..but your wife.. didn't listen to you ..n have you nasty blows ..not oral..till she is satisfied....even if u have cummed much earlier.....
I face this ..probably once in 3 months..

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Similar topics: 1.Wife fucked by by stranger!   2.I'm desperate to see my wife fucked by another man, any tips?   3.wife getting fucked   4.Wife may’ve been fucked by friend on a passout, would she have known?   5.Fucked in a motel room while another couple slept next to us.  

By nekekal [Ignore] 10,Dec,18 13:14 other posts 
No. The wife hates to fuck. Best I could ever get after hours of begging was reluctantly spreading her legs. One day I got "are you done yet, or are you going to be there all night?" . Said I was done, pulled my cock out, and went into the bathroom to jerk it.

By #541363 06,Dec,18 06:05
I had this with my youngest girlfriend. She is insatiable sometimes. And even after i had cum some 3 times she still wanted to fuck and suck. She has so much energy. Nowadays she has toned down a bit. But only a bit.

By #449284 10,Mar,14 06:28
Im got ED and high **** pressure i work nights driving truck at most times im tired but my mrs horny most times and she plays with my cock but im so tired ive told her to find a stud cock to play with i do play with myself watching porn
By botanic [Ignore] 10,Mar,14 09:43 other posts 
I am sure you would have no shortage of volunteers !
By mahak [Ignore] 05,Dec,18 21:28 other posts 
True during my early work days..My body used to get tired n in 2 mins I m done...

By wycowboy [Ignore] 01,Dec,18 19:23 other posts 
Yep, a few times. It usually turns out to be satisfying for me though
By mahak [Ignore] 05,Dec,18 21:27 other posts 
For me it is more as a defeat then satisfyin..She love to see me shoping her hard pushes

By #61033 13,Mar,14 16:31
Every time she has had a few glasses of a good dry red I know I am in for the ride of my life no matter what the circumstances! I have to be prepared or face the music, I refer being prepared. Some of the best sex ever when all inhibitions go out the window...
By mahak [Ignore] 05,Dec,18 21:26 other posts 
Great....Mine without wine does so often

By #275407 01,Dec,18 22:43
Yes, I really have been fucked by your wife
By mahak [Ignore] 05,Dec,18 21:25 other posts 
Great..Hope u got banged

By botanic [Ignore] 10,Mar,14 08:05 other posts 
I once shared a hotel room with a woman who I did not know and had never met before, out of emergency expediency . Twin beds . She was not my type and she even made me promise 'no funny business' before we put the lights out. It was not difficult to promise and seriously no thought of having sex came into my mind. But half way through the night I awoke to find her naked on top of me trying to push my flaccid cock into her pussy. It was dark and I just let nature take its course ... I think we did it twice before dawn . But even so I reckon it began as a non consensual act , so I was forced to have sex with her. Thats the only experience I have had.
By mahak [Ignore] 05,Dec,18 21:24 other posts 
Wish to hAve one like this

By #572769 26,Nov,18 05:54
Got ass fingered by my ex but never tried anal might be interested i gotta try to know !

By #147052 14,Mar,14 10:23
Yes! My ex fucked me over pretty good
By Rose [Ignore] 18,Mar,14 01:21 other posts 
I am glad you can joke about it at least

By bigguy [Ignore] 13,Mar,14 13:23 other posts 
Yes I have, shortly after the divorce papers were served. As Jerry Reeds song put it. "she got the gold mine I got the shaft". State laws here are a BITCH!!!

By #451600 10,Mar,14 10:56
My wife came in one night to fuck me without my consent, before I turned in I put the IRS audit notice I had received in the mail between my ass cheeks. She took one look at it and said "There's no way I can fuck you harder than that."...and she left the room.
By #435701 11,Mar,14 14:53

By #68656 10,Mar,14 06:30
Perhaps his wife works for the Indian taxation office.??
By #218130 10,Mar,14 08:59

By mahak [Ignore] 10,Mar,14 07:14 other posts 
for me ...after tiring days work...sometimes ..difficult to get hard erection....and in case she is horny that day...my dick has to beg ...

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