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Do you masturbate when getting sex regularly?

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Started by #12223 [Ignore] 02,Jun,09 13:16
Do you masturbate when you are getting sex on a regualar basis? (Sex At least once a day)

The reason I'm curious is that, I have been talking to a few men and they said they masturbate no matter how often they are getting sex.

This is just something I'm curious about. I asked if I could watch and was told that would defeat the purpose.

Would love to hear any comments regarding the question at hand.

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By #136427 05,Nov,13 07:43
Sex once a day or jerk off once a day, otherwise I cant ****

By #291618 05,Nov,13 01:39

By fancyabit [Ignore] 04,Nov,13 22:45 other posts 
The first time I got regular sex I stopped masturbating for nearly 3 months, but one day I thought (without the 'want feeling') I'll masturbate just to see if it's still possible that I can, and "wow!!" It felt fantastic! Just like the first time I've had a orgasm.

By bigwelsh [Ignore] 21,Aug,13 06:27 other posts 
I wank of at least twice a day even if i have long sex just cant help it

By xdjxx1 [Ignore] 20,Aug,13 18:34 other posts 
Between work, catching up with people and trying to maintain a relationship, time is tight. Masturbation is one of the last things to go but if it comes to a straight choice, I'm going to try and maintain the relationship and occasional sex over jerking off.

Fortunately, or unfortunately, I've only had this problem once...

By Frenum [Ignore] 20,Aug,13 04:43 other posts 
Sure do i'm 57 and always horny

By CreativeOne [Ignore] 09,Apr,13 20:27 other posts 
Sure ... why not ! Besides you know the old saying ... "If it feels good , just do it" and personally , I Always enjoy some alone time too !

By #285354 08,Apr,13 10:21
Yes, had incredible sex last night, but masturbated twice today

By Ablaze [Ignore] 18,Jan,13 17:44 other posts 
Yes. No metter how much I fuck, I masturbate. Those are different kind of pleasure.

By slipper [Ignore] 14,Sep,10 00:29 other posts 
Sure! Oops, see I already posted.
By #23212 14,Sep,10 01:15
Oh slipper, don't worry. For some others here, posting on the Forum is like masturbating--they do it over and over.
By slipper [Ignore] 06,Jul,11 16:07 other posts 
Point taken!!!

By #135282 03,Jul,11 05:00
Masturbation is avery satisfying thing, especiaslly, when both are masturbating and watchig each other.

By fancyabit [Ignore] 18,Sep,10 23:02 other posts 
yep!! love touching my own cock and someone elses if they'd let me!!!!

By #30729 13,Sep,10 23:37
Ich wichse jeden Tag f?r eine ausserordentlich sexy Frau mir ungeheuer grosser erotischer Ausstrahlung , ohne dabei auf regul?res Ficken zu verzichten
Es sind zwei verschiedene Gef?hle und ich bin sehr zufrieden damit
By #23212 14,Sep,10 01:12
Ja, Ich auch! Two very different and fun things to do, as others above have also stated.

By #5532 02,Jun,09 14:08
I masturbate a couple of times per week no matter how much sex I am having. I don't understand why one would not want you to watch, I rather enjoy seeing my man do himself and having the pleasure of cumming. I know he likes to watch me masturbate, or we will do it together (with and to each other). There are times it is nice to just have 'me' time too.
By #3997 02,Jun,09 15:57
Having me time is good, cause you know exactly how to be touched sometime, but i like masturbating with my finance, and i like to watch her masturbate, several times when she is riding my cock she would pleasure her clit and gets soaked and it feels so good and a turn on to watch, its pretty nice, luvmyclit i would love to watch you
By #5532 03,Jun,09 17:29
I do the same thing. Rub my clit while he is screwing me.
By #5173 04,Jun,09 13:18
mrspudpull does the same thing and it is a real turn on...we both luv to masturbate and will sometimes in the middle of screwing will stop and just start masturbating ourselves.
By #3997 04,Mar,10 12:30
Its a huge turn on, it makes both of us orgasm even harder

By slipper [Ignore] 03,Mar,10 19:42 other posts 
Almost no one stops masturbating... well established fact. Check the sex-survey literature.

By sailor [Ignore] 18,Jul,09 09:45 other posts 
Yes , yanking right now.

By #13585 19,Jun,09 19:24
I get laid a lot and still masterbate every chance I get.

By #13972 05,Jun,09 06:40
usuall after i have sex i go home and jerk another one out, the whole time thinking about the sex i just had
By #7976 05,Jun,09 14:00
Ahhhh. Memories of my youth. Same hear; the after sex masturbation was a way of life and a good nightcap before going to sleep. The sticky wetness left from my lover and the smell of her juices made jerking off great. Thanks for reminding me of the good times buddyboy.

By #12223 04,Jun,09 19:51
I'm loving all the responses. Thank you all for that. I'm learning so much :). Last night I got to watch my man, but got all frisky and kinda took over. OOPS
By #7976 04,Jun,09 22:40
Nothing wrong with that. I'd rather be masturbated by you than by myself anytime. It's just always better when someone else's hand is stroking my cock. Especially when there is a lovely a set of breasts as your to watch bouncing as you stroke it.

By sailor [Ignore] 04,Jun,09 14:31 other posts 
soound like like you have a great relationship, and both have a high libido. My wife and I both masturbate each other It's the only way I can bring her to orgasim. Hera clit is very high. When she does me I have a much stronger climax then when I'm inside her. We never mutually masturbated ourselves and got off on it-----yet.

By #7976 02,Jun,09 18:30
I have been masturbating since I was 8 or 9 and when younger, once or more per day. As it is, at the tender age of 57, I still masturbate once a day although some days I don't, depending on work and family schedules. At least for me, masturbation doesn't detract from having regular sex in any way. In fact, I think it keeps everything in the system working better and enhances my ability to hold off till my wife is satisfied. As for watching, masturbation for me isn't about having private sex, you could certainly watch and even better, take matters in your own hands and tackle the task. A hand job, no matter who's hand is doing the deed, is a very satisfying method of having an orgasm.

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