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Natural, Hairy, Trimmed or Shaved

Discussion Forum on Show It Off

Started by THD [Ignore] 23,Nov,10 15:51  other posts
As you can tell from my pictures I have been all four. Most recent natural, not even shaving my bikini line. I enjoy being natural the most. I think it looks the best on me. I also enjoy being hairy, which I trim my bikini line and my asshole. Shaving and Trimming my pussy is just way to much work to keep it looking nice. So i guess I'm in a dilemma, what should I do?

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Similar topics: 1.BodyHar... Natural?Trimmed?Shaved   2.Help me decide, shaved or hairy   3.(GUYS ONLY) Hairy, Trimmed or Shaved???   4.Shaved or natural   5.Do you prefer shaved, trimmed or all natural for pubic hair?  

By #399652 17,Jul,13 11:23
hello, me i find you really gorgeous all time with and without hair, but i have one slight preference when you shaved

By #44980 17,Jul,13 10:07
Totally bald makes for better eating!!!

By doedeldi [Ignore] 17,Jul,13 06:53 other posts 
Hairy is better.

By #7976 30,Nov,10 20:03
Untouched, all natural. You have a beautiful pussy just the way nature made you. Be proud of it and for my money, keep it long and lovable.

By #62842 28,Nov,10 22:41
hairy is the best

By botanic [Ignore] 27,Nov,10 14:29 other posts 
nice and hairy

By Stiffcock47 [Ignore] 24,Nov,10 01:30 other posts 
Trimmed as a landingstrip or totally shaved looks better.

By #99845 23,Nov,10 20:06
I think your pussy looks better shaved.although it looks pretty trimmed to.

By #6568 23,Nov,10 18:13
Well you're a nice looking woman so it does not really matter!....but why not just trim casually every week using scissors? Don't make a big production about it, just make sure the hairs are not too long and you'll be will only take a minute to do........

........The only thing is; don't get TOO casual with the scissors and do what I did and take a chunk out of your belly!!'ll only do it once!

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Show It Off