Since being able to verify members, I’ve had a few requests. For those of you that can verify, what criteria do you request to make sure they are good?
I request a handwrited note with the text ”Hello Robben from /the nick name of the person/” which the person should hold up beside the cock or pussy and make a picture and post to me.
Sadly one of the persons who had been verified by me later was excluded by the Abuse Panel so I lost my rights to verify. So the method isnt water proof however better than nothing. Im actually not sure how my status to verify is for the moment.
Personally, I wouldn't verify any member that hasn't been with this site less then three years and has involved themselves with many members here. Then I would have to ask them to verify themselves to me in a way I would be sure they were real. Most old time members are reluctant to verifying others because it has caused problems in the past for them and the loss of there verifying status.
Sadly one of the persons who had been verified by me later was excluded by the Abuse Panel so I lost my rights to verify. So the method isnt water proof however better than nothing. Im actually not sure how my status to verify is for the moment.
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