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Do I need to remove this pic?

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Started by #6568 [Ignore] 06,Mar,10 03:16
Over the last few days someone has repeatedly voted against this pic on my page;

If people here really do find it objectional and can give me sound judgement then I will of course remove it! It's the only cumshot that I have managed to capture and it's not very good! Obviously, I don't know who is so upset by it but if they would like to come out in the open we can discuss it, and hopefully I'll see where I went wrong with it and remove same.

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By #70814 12,Jul,10 03:54
Oldbugle, you are DEFINITELY giving this one person too much attention. As she really is not worth it, I would suggest starting to ignore her. Just ban her and ignore her.

You tried to discuss, didn't work, don't waste your time anymore and enjoy the site with the thousands of posts that correspond to the site's subject: cock and cunts !
BTW: leave the pic. Nice catch !


By #28707 06,Mar,10 08:34
It's a good pic. I suspect the pic isn't the problem. The person who is harrassing you is the problem. Perhaps one of your comments offeneded some person. There are lots of cum shots that they don't seem to be voting against. It is unlikely that such a person will step up in a reasonable, fair and manly way. Because this is costing you points, you may need to change the setting on this pic to members only or friends only to protect yourself. Deleting the pic would reward the jerk for his bad behavior.Sorry for your trouble. I appreciate your wise and informative comments as well as your pics.
By #70814 12,Jul,10 03:31
I fully agree with dreason !!

By #45189 16,Mar,10 16:49
it is not over already. it was getting interesting on how many people she could insult.
By #56497 16,Mar,10 20:36
Shut the fuck up you moron, have you been sucking oldbugles cock too, you fucking spider monkey now fuck off!
By #45189 19,Mar,10 18:56
judging by your pics you really are full of shit.

By #56497 14,Mar,10 14:37
If you don't know how to hide the pic, i can explain it to you
By #6568 14,Mar,10 15:18
Dear dear, ARE getting all het up are'nt you sweety?

This could all be over you know sweety,....just think about getting you own pix in the right context like I have done with mine,...a cock pick doing a cock thing on a cock site. I'm sure that if you went and found a nice excrement site to post your pix on you would feel SO much better sweety!

........Alternatively, why not just plaster them back all over this site,..I mean, people just LOVED them did'nt they sweety?

....Perhaps you and 'Carol' should chat it over sweety!

By pifad [Ignore] 13,Mar,10 06:46 other posts 
Keep the pic! Keep the pic! Keep the pic!

By #27569 12,Mar,10 10:56
To be quite honest, I think evrybody to their own. Everybody have some form of fetishes..being on this site for a start, showing your cock/pussy to the general public (I get a great turn on from it). If you're reading this your one of them. If we start banning people then we might end up on a slippery slope! I mean what about the section Torture Dicks/Pussies? See how many people mutilate their cocks/pussies (I like some but not all),shall we banned them? and if so what next? where do we stop? Live and let live. If you don't like what's on a page don't view it. I personally don't like poop play, but i'm sure Joanne likes having normal sex just like the rest of us when occasions arises. Joanne's not a murderer, arsonist, child molester or even hurting anyone in anyway shape or form. Even though her replies can be a little more subtle, but she's angry.
The picture of your cum Oldbugle, there's nothing wrong with. Joanne's just retaliating, that's all.

I'm trying to stay neutral on this subject, hope people can see that.
By #6568 12,Mar,10 11:44
Thank you for at least considering this with some thought! Since you are thus far the ONLY person to put forward what could be called and 'opposing argument', apart from the foul rambling of poor mad joanne, I want to pose some questions for your further consideration;

1) I don't consider my placing pix of my cock on this site to be a fetish,..but,...if for the sake of argument we assume that it is and that all of us here are 'fetishists', does that mean that we should place ourselves with ALL fetishists however extreme their particular kink? Should this site tehn become an 'open house' for all freakiness and perversion?...and are you hapy about being considred a pervert because you are interested in cocks/cunts? In general, how do feel about being part of a freak show just because you are showing your cock?

2) If you assembled 1000 people at random on the street, how many of those 1000 would you think like to play with their own excrement? How many do you think would enjoy looking at pix of other people playing with excrement?

3) Apart from the fact that it is not possible, did I attempt to "bann" anybody from this site?

4) What exactly, does playing with your excrement have to do with cocks/cunts?

5) Given the nature of the internet, what chance do you think there is that 'outhere somewhere' there is a site devoted to the joys of excrement where followers of that particular perversion would feel completely at home?

6) There is plenty of stuf on this site that I personally don't much like such as the cock torture that you mentioned,..however, since it is part of an overall interest in cocks I would never suggest that it be removed or censored. My pic is of a cock performing a cock function on a cock website,...on what grounds should it be removed from the site?
By #60916 12,Mar,10 13:07
If you removed the pic that Joanne finds offensive (or made it for friends only) it would end the argument with her. Do you want to end it or keep it going?
By #6568 12,Mar,10 15:37
I don't see any "argument" and I don't believe she finds the pic "offensive",...I have a quite ordinary and ligitimate pic on my page but poor mad joanne has posted pix of her playing with her excrement that several members, including me, objected to and now she has allowed her paranoia to settle on me and my one pic as a sort 'tit for tat' reprisal.....Why would I remove a cock pic on a cock site that none of the sane members hav any problem with to please the whim of a sick pervert?

........Perhaps insanity is logical to you?

........There IS no negotiation or accomodation with vengeful mad tyrants who scream abuse at ordinary people....
By #56497 12,Mar,10 15:49
You are not an ordinary person, your a low life fucking wanker, now please hide the pics
By #6568 12,Mar,10 15:59
.....See what I mean Carol?
By #56497 12,Mar,10 16:39
Don't cry you fucking wimp
By #6568 12,Mar,10 16:42
....Not crying yet 'sweety'....
By #56497 12,Mar,10 16:43
You will you wanker
By #6568 12,Mar,10 16:46
...Sorry!'ll have to run that past me again, I can't work it out...
By #56497 12,Mar,10 15:40
Thanks Carol
By #6568 12,Mar,10 16:44
....'Carol' says; 'don't mention it sweety!'
By #56497 12,Mar,10 16:46
Shes so nice
By #6568 12,Mar,10 16:49
....Not just a pretty face, that's for sure!
By #56497 12,Mar,10 16:03
1. It is a fetish idiot

2. 80% wanker

3. yes low life

4. You should know, when you pull your cock out of your boyfriends ass it has poop all over it, and you love it don't you sicko

5. Maybe you would know pervert

6. You fucking idiot, here we go again, its not just a cock site, hide your pic or fuck off and leave this site now
By #6568 12,Mar,10 16:13
.......You see what I meant about negotioating with vengeful abusive tyrants, Carol?......

......Although I'm saying 'Carol'...when I looked just now there is nothing on 'Carol's' page, pix no comments, no friends, no faves,...nothing!....

.......Wonder WHO 'Carol' could be....let me think..Hmmnn??
By #56497 12,Mar,10 16:36
Your such an idiot
By #6568 12,Mar,10 16:43
.....You're right!...I am an idiot....
By #56497 12,Mar,10 16:46
Now your talking idiot
By #6568 12,Mar,10 16:47
...Thank you sweety!
By #56497 12,Mar,10 16:50
My pleasure, now hide your fucking pic
By #6568 12,Mar,10 16:51
...What for sweety?
By #56497 12,Mar,10 16:57
Here we go again I find it offensive
By #6568 12,Mar,10 17:07
....I don't think you do sweety,'s something else....?
By #56497 12,Mar,10 17:10
You would know, you know ever thing don't you
By #6568 12,Mar,10 17:52
I know a bloody sight more than you think I do, sweety!
By #56497 12,Mar,10 16:55
Where did you go wanker, are you looking up some big words to try and throw back at me, hide the pic and its all over. You must be enjoying this, maybe no one chats with you and this is the only way to get any attention, I bet your a little spider monkey aren't you?
By #6568 12,Mar,10 17:01
....I'm still here! ever.....just getting a bag of crisps.

I don't think there's any point in "looking up some big words to throw.." fact, now I think about it, that's probably where i have been going wrong.....yo probably have'nt understood anything I've posted.....

....It's so cold and lonely here on my own in the lighthouse on the rock with the sea forever crashing against the walls.........
By #56497 12,Mar,10 17:03
Your so right now hide the pic
By #6568 12,Mar,10 17:06
Talk to me sweety,..why do yo uwant me to take it off sweety?...tell me what the problem is......???
By #56497 12,Mar,10 17:09
I've told you so many times before and i'm not telling you again you again you fucking wanker, I bet your pulling your cock aren't you
By #6568 12,Mar,10 17:18
I've been pulling an pulling all night long but it's no use...

.......Why don't you tell me the real reason why yo want me to nix the pix,...sweety!
By #56497 12,Mar,10 17:22
The cock is ok but I dislike the body fluids coming from it, now please hide it
By #6568 12,Mar,10 17:28
But my cum pic is only one among thousands on this site sweety so what has my little pic done to be so harshly treated, sweety?
By #56497 12,Mar,10 17:33
I don't go looking for them I only saw yours because of your attack on me other wise I wouldn't be looking at it every day
By #6568 12,Mar,10 17:36
Oh wow!...I had no idea yo looked at my pic EVERY DAY!!! .......

........I'm so honoured sweety!

I did'nt "attack" you sweety,...I could'nt care less about you sweety, or what you's your vile pix that are in the wrong context here that I Attacked sweety!
By #56497 12,Mar,10 17:27
Another spelling mistake, hope all your friends don't notice
By #6568 12,Mar,10 17:29
Oh I'm sure they all will sweety!
By #56497 12,Mar,10 17:35
I bet they don't say any thing about yours though
By #6568 12,Mar,10 17:38
I bet they don't either sweety!
By #56497 12,Mar,10 17:07
You are a spider monkey aren't you
By #6568 12,Mar,10 17:09
Do spider monkeys eat crisps?
By #56497 12,Mar,10 17:09
If thats what your eating, yes
By #6568 12,Mar,10 17:13
Oh I never eat crisps sweety!....I was just getting them to give to the dog!

If you want to go back over my posts and work out what they mean yo can use an online dictionary site you know sweety!
By #56497 12,Mar,10 17:20
Thanks and yes your a spider monkey, ohh a spelling mistake, hope no one notices it idiot maybe you should edit it before someone sees it ass wipe.
By #6568 12,Mar,10 17:31
I don't think I can be bothered frankly sweety!

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