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Started by #502711 [Ignore] 04,Mar,20 19:10
So it seems that everyone in Australia is panicking like the sky is falling & we're desperately stocking up on TP. It's so bad that the shelves have been left BARE. But the chaos doesn't just stop there, oh no. Trucks with loads of toilet paper are running off the road in their haste to deliver the people the much needed comfort of some three ply shitter paper. Now we're people have to resort to using the phone book pages...

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By dura2000 [Ignore] 06,Mar,20 04:09 other posts 
By #502711 06,Mar,20 04:14

By #610414 04,Mar,20 19:17
Amateurs. Newspaper crushed into ball works better
By #502711 05,Mar,20 00:13
Oh yeah you've got to scrunch it up to soften it up a bit
By #608173 05,Mar,20 16:38
How are your bogs in Oz and the USA for taking newspaper . Here in the UK if we put anything other than shit paper down there where sure to get our own back so to say .
By #502711 05,Mar,20 19:32
I try not to use newspaper if I can help it. But if there's a problem you just stuff the paper down the S-bend with your foot

By kebmo [Ignore] 05,Mar,20 01:37 other posts 
Same here in Canada. Costco customers all leave with a 450 pack or what ever the Costco size is. No women live in my house so my 7 rolls will be good.
By #502711 05,Mar,20 06:21
People are nuts. From what I understand this virus is only deadly to the very sick & elderly. People don't stock on toilet paper like this when flu season comes along. Perhaps everyone that uses facebook saw some clickbait post that said it's the apocalypse or something.

By phart [Ignore] 04,Mar,20 22:38 other posts 
Um,I guess I need to go get some to as I am down to 3 rolls. That stuff don't last long around here

I can kinda understand the peoples theory.
If you can't clean up after you shit,you soon need a bath.
And if you go shit in the woods, you have to have some paper.DON'T wipe with some random leaves you find nearby while squated.Poison oak will cause your whole ass to break out! And Don't shit on a yellow jacket nest! A coworker found that out. Was out of work for a week or more. I forgot how many stings he got but it was bad.
By #502711 05,Mar,20 00:10
We don't have to worry about poison oak here, just getting bitten on the arse by a snake or something But we all need to wipe with something & paper that was made for that purpose is better than a handful of leaves. But I didn't expect everyone to go ape shit over this corona virus thing.

By oldacock [Ignore] 04,Mar,20 22:19 other posts 
This is all a load of excrement!

By kopdude [Ignore] 04,Mar,20 21:31 other posts 
Wow, unbelievable!

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