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Your #1 Choice to Have Sexual Relations With (Famous or Not)

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Started by #551147 [Ignore] 24,Jan,19 07:08
If you could have ONE single night, full of passion and or unbridled sex, with any one individual, dead or alive, famous or not, whom would it be? 🤔

Please limit your answer to ONE response per your declared orientation. Thanks!

I'll kick this off...

I am completely Bi-Sexual and therefore my choices would be;
Halle Berry for my Female 😍
Cory Haim (r.i.p.) for my Male 😍

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By #592191 20,Jun,19 16:22
Scarlett Johansson. Theres something about her that just totally does it for me.
By #551147 18,Aug,19 03:33
I'd say by it's her smile and she's quite beautiful. Fine choice!
By thebeewolf [Ignore] 22,Sep,19 20:09 other posts 
I second that choice. It's like she's got a big sign flashing over her head that says "PUT YOUR SPERM IN ME." I would die watching her suck my cock. I would swoon at the sight of her naked ass. I don't think i'd ever get tired of looking at her. Or fucking her.
By #600427 23,Sep,19 16:19
the best answer. Shes top of my celebrity crush list. love that woman!

By #520437 02,Aug,19 02:41
Valerie Leon, circa her 'Blood from the Mummy's Tomb' days. So, I would also need a time machine to be invented... fingers crossed!

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By #551147 22,Sep,19 18:58
Thanks SO much for the link as I never heard of her. She is VERY sexy, I love her eyes, something about them.
By #584899 22,Sep,19 22:54
Yeah man, thanks for the link!! She’s stunning!

By #512385 18,Sep,19 03:18
famous or not?
Well, I don't know of any one person in particular but I do have an idea for the person!
A lonely man who lives out in the middle of nowhere, who's society has forgotten about, who has an insatiable appetite for sucking cock and who wants constant company and companionship. Preferably in his 50s or 60s, but any Adult age would count...

Yeah, far fetched and strange idea, but any guy can dream can he?

You'll be surprised how difficult that actually is to find
By #551147 18,Sep,19 14:13
CONGRATULATIONS! I don't even know how to respond to that.

By Mowgli999 [Ignore] 01,Aug,19 15:21 other posts 
Russell Tovey. He's adorable in every way possible.
By #551147 18,Sep,19 01:36
I had to look him up, but he is quite cute. Love the ears! 🤗

Excellent pick! 🙂

By Sir-Skittles [Ignore] 29,Jun,19 17:25 other posts 
Emily Ratajkowski..
By #551147 06,Sep,19 04:43
Mmmmmmm I'll give that one 2 Love her long hair and those lips... GAH! 😍

By #571187 20,May,19 05:17
By far to go back it time and have fun with wil wheaton. Remember watching him at almost 13yo and wanting to play with him especially the underwear scene. (Obviously I’d have to be almost 13 again)
By #551147 28,Jun,19 17:51
Mmmmmm Very nice choice!

As a Trekkie, I can't believe I forgot about him. Gj!
By #571187 29,Jun,19 10:41
Still brings back memories when I watch the movie. Just goggled him only registered users can see external links
Don’t worry it’s just a studio pic lol. Oh to be young and skinny again. Yup if I could be that age again.
By #551147 01,Sep,19 17:52
Mmmm I think River was hot too. 😉 Oh and before anyone thinks anything negative, considering their ages... I'm in the same ball park as them. River would be 49 and Wil is 47. Therefore, at the time this pic was taken, we would have been the same age.
By #571187 02,Sep,19 21:43
So true

By zzick [Ignore] 28,Jun,19 22:42 other posts 
Joan Jett, so hot !
By #551147 29,Aug,19 08:12
I gotta admit, Joan was pretty damn hot back in the day! 🙂 Sweet choice!
By #584899 29,Aug,19 09:17

By #202392 04,Jun,19 23:11
I would choose my fiance. What can I say,I'm hopelessly in love with her
By #551147 10,Aug,19 05:26
Aweeee that's super precious!

By #586354 04,Jun,19 09:35
Will Smith
By #551147 05,Aug,19 03:55
He is a handsome guy and super funny. Good choice!

By #536913 01,Jun,19 03:51
Famous- Winona Ryder. She's more than twice my age now, but there's no other celebrity I find anywhere near as attractive.

Famous in a different way- Sienna Grace. She has one of the best smiles I've ever seen.
By #551147 01,Aug,19 06:12
Ahhhhh Winona, I've always thought she was cute too, and have enjoyed the roles she's played. Had to look Sienna up. Both fantastic choices, thanks!

By #537175 26,May,19 09:53
I think I ve answered before , but my choice is easy , its the diver Tom Daley . id love to pull off his budgie smugglers and see just what he packs , then giving his sexy ass my full attention .. gosh Im hard just fantasising
By #551147 25,Jul,19 03:00
Oh Damn! Mmmmmm Had to look him up, but he is fine! Great choice.

By 3fdfd [Ignore] 24,May,19 07:17 other posts 
I'd make a list of 10/12 of my favorite guys I have on my friends list here. Put the names in a hat and draw out one. I'd love to suck whichever one who was drawn. Suck, jack off, play with whichever cock. All have cocks I am attracted to.
By #551147 23,Jul,19 21:34
Nice idea! 😉

By HunterAce [Ignore] 17,Feb,19 05:29 other posts 
Alissa White-Gluz from Arch Enemy
By #551147 22,May,19 13:33
Stunning! Had to look her up but certainly was worth it. Love her smile, not so sure about blue hair. Nice choice nevertheless!
By #551745 26,May,19 07:43
She’s cool… but if I’m picking women from rock bands… damn, either Lzzy Hale (Halestorm), or Maria Brink (In This Moment). If you don’t know Mari Brink, this is her:

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By #551147 11,Jul,19 00:11
OMG She is soooooo sexy! Thanks for posting the link for me/us. 😉 Great pick!

By #178572 24,May,19 04:32
Salma Hayek
By #551147 02,Jul,19 14:11
She is a great example of a beautiful latina. 😍
Nice choice!

By WHATSUPDOC [Ignore] 30,Jun,19 06:21 other posts 
My choice is a Syd member called selfsucker or suck it sideways. I know what he is packing and what he wants. Just lives too far away
By #551147 30,Jun,19 17:22
Link for SelfSuckerrr Nice choice for YOU! Far too much dick for my liking... 😉

By leopoldij [Ignore] 28,Jun,19 19:56 other posts 
Julie's sister
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By Apantyhoselovr [Ignore] 20,May,19 05:00 other posts 
my ex and mother of my kids. she and i used to 69 until we couldn't stand it then fucked like porn stars.
By #551147 16,Jun,19 02:25
That's HOT!
By leopoldij [Ignore] 20,Jun,19 14:58 other posts 
And why is she ex?

By #578610 02,Feb,19 08:41
Steve McQueen in “Bullit”
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Idris Elba
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The Duke, John Wayne, as in his 1934 Stagecoach movie
By #551147 15,May,19 14:27
All fine choices, now can you narrow it down. 😜 My Grandma loved the Duke, that's for sure. His Son is a pretty good looking guy too, Ethan. imo of course
By #578610 15,May,19 14:48
Steve McQueen, by a mile
By #551147 13,Jun,19 18:42
He was a good lookin feller fer sure, very manly.

By #588701 15,May,19 18:39
charlize theron she is so beautiful...
By #583549 16,May,19 18:31
Yea! She is another one I would love too have!
By #551147 12,Jun,19 20:29
Mmmmmm Charlize.... She is one hell of an actress too imo. Her role as that nutty murderous bitch was phenomenal, Monster. Such a great choice though.

By #489480 19,May,19 17:02
Penelope Cruz
By #584899 19,May,19 21:27
+1 for Penelope!!
By #551147 09,Jun,19 14:25
She's a Classy type of hot in my opinion. Definitely a great choice. 😋

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