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Gun **** in America

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Started by leopoldij [Ignore] 07,Oct,15 19:27  other posts
So many people die annually from gunfire in the US that the death toll between 1968 and 2011 eclipses all wars ever fought by the US. According to research by Politifact, there were about 1.4 million firearm deaths in that period, compared with 1.2 million US deaths in every conflict from the Revolutionary War to Iraq.

It is true that gun ownership is in the US constitution and it is true that most people argue that guns are not the problem. The problem is those who use the guns irresponsibly. If 1.4 million deaths occurred by, say, a million people in the US, what does it take to make those people responsible gun owners?

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By #420420 18,Oct,15 01:29
leopoldij: Ask the Jews in Nazi Germany, the Cambodians under the Khmer Rouge, the Poles in WWII, the Kurds in Iraq, and the myriad others, unarmed, and slaughtered because they could do NOTHING!!! GOod luck finding any of them, because most are DEAD!! The FOUNDERS wrote the 1st, and 2nd Amendments, as the 1ST and 2ND, because these WERE THE MOST IMPORTANT TO A FREE PEOPLE!! The problem in America is GUN FREE ZONES, where crazy fcks can go, shoot a bunch of people, then kill their cowardly selves before the police can respond!! Don't be one of those 'DISARMAMENT' D-Bags, and quote absurd statistics made to confuse people into giving up their rights!! Hospitals and Medical 'malpractice' and mistakes have killed more than GUNS in the same period!! Cars, even though they didn't exist through part of that period, have killed, or maimed more than that! Cigarettes, and so on, and so on!! If you want to 'save lives' based on statistics, we should band hospitals, cars, and FCKING Bathtubs!! How many lives have been saved, over all those years, with someone, with a gun, loaded, or not, just saying, "Stop or I will shoot you!" No statistics because people don't call the police and say 'I stopped a burger, or rapist, with my gun'!!
By #435701 20,Oct,15 14:43
That's because there are so comparatively FEW lives saved by gun owners Usually, they shoot themselves, their 'loved' ones...rarely anyone that was actually a threat.
By #444412 21,Oct,15 00:36
JKSM87! What did I tell you! I said no more fear mongering from behind your keyboard! If you keep this up I'll tell your mother! She'll start punishing your bum bum with the cucumber again! And she'll give you that lecture on how no other developed nations respect American citizens because they say things like this!

By leopoldij [Ignore] 18,Oct,15 03:26 other posts 
I repeat below what I was aiming at. I got an answer, but not a followup.
"And the way things are going around the world world with isis and other groups i would recommend buying a gun Because I believe we will see more terror activities here in the united states."

"Two things to consider: who created isis? has a terrorist activity ever been deterred because people had guns?"

"Bush created ISIS... by invading Iraq for no reason other than to steal oil.. Destroy IRAQ's govt.... then leave the country in anarchy,,,, thus create ISIS."

"Well, then, if your statement is true and if the statement of cumonme1 above  is also true, who do you think the gun owners should target?"
By #435701 20,Oct,15 14:41
Are you answering the question? NO.

By leopoldij [Ignore] 17,Oct,15 19:57 other posts 
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By #497672 08,Oct,15 11:18
Hopefully, we can all see that there is problem in the USA, but other countries too connected to gun ownership or more relevantly gun use. True road deaths too are horrific in any country. When laws are made, some trade-off has to be made with respect of expected damage caused and utility of the action being controlled. Cars enable transport of goods and people. Guns are for killing people - cars are not primarily designed for this purpose. Education and personal responsibility is required for both activities. When dealing with gun control, level headedness and public safety is a priority. Fatuous remarks will result in no progress.
By #495452 09,Oct,15 11:30
level headedness and public safety is a priority/////////////People are stupid and those that use guns to kill people need to die...Supporting them in jail for 50 years just makes it worse..Where the money goes to take care of these bastards is another government issue..Compared to using a 50 cent rusty bullet to the head is a lot cheaper..
By #497672 15,Oct,15 12:17
I like the US - I go on holiday there every year and find the people very kind, polite and warm. Yet, I despair at the tragic events that mar the lives of so many relatives of victims. I realise that most Americans too are horrified at the casual use of guns and most States have taken steps towards gun control. I cannot understand how they can see the results of mass shootings and not be so concerned that they wish something (anything) would be better than nothing. Yes, I know with a gun one can defend oneself. Yet now many States have made it legal to use any amount of **** if it is personally thought a threat is being made. There are lots of people who think just the presence of a coloured person or perhaps a group of youths is a threat. In a case like this, where a person perceives an imagined threat a case for a forceful (a gun, knife, club..) response.
By #495452 15,Oct,15 18:41
I compare the the American people as stated above thus being in the same group as the american Indian 200 years ago...We are slowly being put into a big giant reservation, thus slowly taking our rights, our jobs, and ability to vote on key laws..They have taken away our education and they have brainwashed us...This was the same strategy they did 200 years ago, Now it is being done to us...Little by little.. The ones corralling us are the top 1% income groups...They make the laws,,, not us.. The elections they preach the same things over and over again, year after year yet turn out to be lying sacs of shit over and over again.. It doesn't matter , Republican or Democrat..
By #497672 16,Oct,15 04:54
I know what you mean. In the UK too, the moneyed classes rule. They are privileged, rig elections, assume top positions, expect the law will be favorable to them, have access to the best of health care and education, unavailable to the rest of us and have procedures, often legal, for the evasion of tax on their often outrageously high wealth. You are correct, it doesn't matter what the political leaning of these people is. Unfortunately, this has always happened in every part of the world but seems to be more common now.

"Sawdust", I know Americans have a very self-reliant approach to life and this is admirable, but an easy access to firearms for anyone cannot be good. I know there are more countries than the USA that have this problem. No matter the responsible behaviour of the majority of gun holders there will always be people who should not have a gun, whether because of mental, psychological or prejudicial problems. I cannot be right that people can carry out such a action as shooting someone on the basis of some fault of character. This will still happen, but surely some effort ought to be made to makes this behaviour more difficult. What do you think?

By #23575 10,Oct,15 00:13
Edit: every man in Sweden is highly requested, nearly required, to own a fully automatic rifle.
By leopoldij [Ignore] 10,Oct,15 07:58 other posts 
There is no need for rifles in Sweden. People don't want them.

By leopoldij [Ignore] 07,Oct,15 19:52 other posts 
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Total Number of Incidents 40,253

Number of Deaths 10,148

Number of Injuries 20,637

Number of chi*ldren (age 0-11) Killed/Injured 560

Number of Teens (age 12-17) Killed/Injured 2,023

Mass Shooting 266

Officer Involved Shooting 3,380

Home Invasion 1,719

Defensive Use 922

Accidental Shooting 1,424
By admin [Ignore] 07,Oct,15 20:24 other posts 
Annual United States Road Crash Statistics

Over 37,000 people die in road crashes each year
An additional 2.35 million are injured or disabled
Over 1,600 **** under 15 years of age die each year
Nearly 8,000 people are killed in crashes involving drivers ages 16-20
Road crashes cost the U.S. $230.6 billion per year, or an average of $820 per person
Road crashes are the single greatest annual cause of death of healthy U.S. citizens traveling abroad
By #444412 07,Oct,15 21:53
Obviously we should ban cars!

So Admin can you spot the can you spot the difference between Crash deaths and Gun deaths? Or should I explain it to you?
By admin [Ignore] 08,Oct,15 07:44 other posts 
The guns are intended to kill humans and the cars are intended for transportation but kill more humans than guns. Which means people who operate guns are much more responsible than people who operate cars.

Also, I should point out that in that original stat there are very different numbers. For example - if cops shoot people they would still be shooting people even if you take guns from the population. Also, criminals would still possess weapons. The only difference is that if you take guns away from law abiding citizens there would be no defensive use and accidental shooting deaths.
By #444412 08,Oct,15 23:01
Spot on. And you're right there's probably more idiots driving cars then there is holding guns. But I doubt the disparity is as great as you think. But paralleling the two issues doesn't grant us any useful information.

Firearms however are of no use defensively. That's part of the reason society needs to move towards a future where people don't need to defend themselves.
By #495452 07,Oct,15 23:31
laws by which they allow impaired drivers on the road is one issue such as old age and lack of ability to react in time. Irresponsible adults such as drunks, teenagers with lack of experience especially the morons texting and using cell phones, reaching for food, ect...And lets not rule out the ones that are just plain stupid. If you go outside very large cities the only way to get transportation is by car. All of California including urban domains you need a car especially in LA..That means the volumes are just too high around the clock./////
Since the topic is Guns, this president is not really qualified to be a true leader, meaning he has no clue what he is doing. Sadly, his cabinet and political party kiss his ass because of their oath of loyalty. Its a real bad mess here right now..
By admin [Ignore] 08,Oct,15 07:33 other posts 
You are right! Both with guns and cars humans are the problem. Hence the perfect solution would be to kill all the humans.
By mr_blue [Ignore] 08,Oct,15 07:44 other posts 
It's the common makes sense...

Society has to make rules to protect the idiots from themselves...but the people making the rules are we are all getting deceived/manipulated by a bunch of idiots....humanity in a nutshell...
By #444412 08,Oct,15 23:20
We literally do! When the Highway Traffic Safety Committee was trying to figure out ways to make driving safer. They came up with 3 ideas.
1. Make drivers better.
That was fruitless, because people are stupid. And aren't willing to work harder to save lives.
2. Improve Roadways.
Nope, not gonna happen State budgets! Money! Money! Money!
3. Raise Mandatory Crash Safety Ratings for Vehicles.
This is the one that got used. And it's the reason you can't see out of the back of four door cars built after 2013. They literally made rules to protect people from themselves.

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