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Started by mr_blue [Ignore] 21,Apr,15 11:21  other posts
What's poppin' where you are ? Care to share ?

Current events, rants and raves...general chit chat...politics..
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Anything bugging you,maybe the members could help you with your problem ?

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By mr_blue [Ignore] 01,Apr,16 03:21 other posts 
Ronnie Corbett,dies aged 85..
By #485312 01,Apr,16 07:45
yes another bright star bites the dust...*lix*

By bella! [Ignore] 04,Mar,16 16:50 other posts 
Is this thinking outside the box, or what!?#

A company in the UK will be implenting a 'period policy' geared for their female employees and 'that time of the month'...... Here's just a snippet of the article;

"A Bristol company is planning to create an official “period policy” designed to allow women to take time off without being stigmatised in the hope it will make its workplace more efficient and creative."

What the wuh!? This sounds very liberal and thoughtful but is it possible that if you are a woman and work with women long enough, y'all might "cycle" at the same time? I can't imagine implementing a policy and taking a chance on having your work staff all call off at the same time.

Just a little bit about the company I work for, it is a major insurance company and there are over 5,000 employees. In our corporate headquarters, which was where I used to report to work, the "ladies room" had lounges attached but there was a male that protested and sued the company because the same comforts were not afforded to the men. Didn't my employer build a comfort station that was centrally located to appease the men? Hecky, yeah! Once ADA ( Americans with Disabilities Act ) was enacted, my employer snatched the lounge space, converted it into a wheelchair accessible, UNISEX restroom. Oye! Although I did not work with anyone in a wheelchair, it was mostly women that used that restroom HOWEVER, there would be the occasional man who would use that restroom, "miss the mark" and didn't put the seat down. Ugh! It was almost like being at home!

Bottom line, it's unbelievable and out of the box thinking that this Bristol company would consider moving forward in this fashion. Kudos to them.
By mr_blue [Ignore] 05,Mar,16 07:16 other posts 
I saw that article..made me chuckle....

Reminds me of a joke...

Woman calls in sick,says, I don't feel well today,manager says what's up ? woman says woman problems...manager, ok ,come back when you're feeling better....

Man calls in sick,says, I don't feel well today,manager says what's up ? man says, man problems...manager, ok ,stop playing with it and get into work....
By bella! [Ignore] 05,Mar,16 10:35 other posts 
I can't speak about all employers, but I have no problem speaking about the inconsistencies with mine. On your anniversary date, you're given your "bank" of time, whether it be the vacation you've earned or what they refer to as "casual time". Coming up through the ranks in the company, it has different name(s) as well as a different amount of hours but in essence, the restrictions that are implied are the same. The company gives you this block of time but basically wants you to not use it unless you schedule it ahead of time. It really doesn't give the employee(s) the peace of mind that if emergencies popped up, there is this "time" that can be used to offset whatever the problem is. I work for a major health insurance company whose guidelines seem to mirror our auto insurance, minus monthly premium payments. Employees are given "x" amount of time, but the employer anticipates that you, the employee, will be fair minded and schedule that time off in advance. Life happens, for most women, menses happen and again, for the most part, it happens monthly, unisex issues are b@bies/ch.ildren get sick, cars don't start, buses don't run on schedule or sometimes not at all. It's difficult to administer discipline to men and women that use THEIR time because they call of due to their offspring being ill. Who am I to question that male employee that excercises his parental privilege to stay home to nurse his sick offspring? It's sad that employers give employees different benefits BUT it is held against the employee for using it.

I'm curious about this company in the UK, do you know whether it is a large company, perhaps 75 or more employees or is it smaller?

Thank you for finding and responding to my post. If I didn't know any better, I could have thought that there was an attempt to bury it.
By #494679 05,Mar,16 11:48
Ooooh Bella, things have grown soooo stupid over the last decade in the UK when it comes to "rights" and "injustices", supposedly in the name of political correctness! The original good intentions about political coorectness were (and still are) very valid and progressive thinking, but the line between equality and inequality soon blurred thanks to the suits "running" the country as they jumped on the concept, using it to score points and win votes.
It all grew so pathetic as all kinds of walks of life began whinging about being treated unfairly compared to others, so now the whole thing is beyond any sensibility!
For example, when teachers were still using chalk to write on "blackboards" in schools, a decision was made that those boards were no longer to be called "blackboards", instead they became "chalkboards" because the "black" reference in the name was potentially racist! THAT is ridiculous!
In some workplaces, although I doubt very many, they've even banned Christmas decorations and scrapped Christmas parties! AND some companies who once gave their workforce a Christmas bonus in appreciation of their hard work throughout the year no longer do so because politics now says it all causes an inequality to the people in the workforce who don't celebrate Christmas due to their religions. Bollocks! I know plenty of Muslim people and every one of them and their families love Christmas and celebrate it too! In fact, I don't know a single Christian family who actually celebrate Christmas in it's original intent or go to worship in church on the day either, so really, if the political correctness police want to spit their dummies out about it, they should consider the fact that the majority of Christians actually celebrate the religious side of it as equally as the non-Christians do, hahaha!
It's all a load of bollocks! Now too many people in the UK have this, "Well if they have the right to *blah blah*, I think I should have the right to *blah blah*. It's my country too and I pay my taxes..." attitude.
Basically, instead creating a more positive and place for everyone, it pretty much did the opposite. Meh...
By #188992 27,Mar,16 17:04
Sorry, Mersey, but I'm firmly of the opinion that most of what you've asserted is total BS. The sort of BS that you start to believe if you read the Daily Fail too often!!

If you can give me 2 reliable sources for schools that have banned the use of the word "blackboards" I'll be astonished. Similarly, if you can name 5 companies that have banned decorations and scrapped Xmas parties (and give me evidence sources) I'll be amazed. Whilst we're at it: name 5 companies who have banned Xmas bonuses, with the same evidence provisos. Struggling? That's because it's nonsense. There is no such thing, btw, as the "political correctness police". Some (very few) may take things a tad too far, but the picture you paint is VERY far from my reality. "It's all a load of bollocks" is quite apt - but not with regards to PC.
By #496816 05,Mar,16 08:04
Bit off topic, but I was bemused in one workplace to find a Small bunch of dots on a little space on the wall outside the toilets, informing anyone who was sight impaired that the door to the toilets was very nearby - if I was blind I imagine going nuts with frustration if I really needed to find the braille sign... Probably would have been more to the point to give a guided tour for any sight impaired people, though it was a security sealed office floor in any case, with no sight impaired people around in all the time I was there. A case of its the thought that counts, I guess.
By bella! [Ignore] 05,Mar,16 10:39 other posts 
You're absolutely spot on Vo1uble! The only thought I have is that it's said that your other senses are heightened if your missing one.

By mr_blue [Ignore] 24,Mar,16 13:40 other posts 
Johan Cruyff: Netherlands football great dies of cancer aged 68..Rip..

By bella! [Ignore] 22,Mar,16 15:29 other posts 
Is anyone able to address what they feel the climate is in Europe, since the bombing in Brussels?
By #188992 22,Mar,16 19:24
I'm torn two ways -

On the one hand, most of us in Europe live outside the big cities and we are at minimal risk from terrorist activities. We, somewhat callously perhaps, see it all as "News" and don't connect too much on a personal basis.

On the other hand, it reminds me of what Christopher Hitchens said about the post-Cold War conflicts and how they would be about the struggle between theocracies and enlightment.

If you take the latter view, you're probably shitting your pants pretty much every day!

By mr_blue [Ignore] 19,Mar,16 21:12 other posts 
England won the grand slam in Six Nations Rugby Union Championship...
By #358797 19,Mar,16 23:03
By mr_blue [Ignore] 19,Mar,16 23:44 other posts 
With an Aussie Head Coach...

By mr_blue [Ignore] 27,Jul,15 22:41 other posts 
Do the Americans here think Donald Trump is a good presidential candidate ?

I can't take the guy seriously.
By #491031 27,Jul,15 23:04
He is an idiot.
Sadly, that doesn't mean he can't become President.
Many Americans can really get behind a good idiot.
You can tell when you hear them say: "Trump thinks just like I do!"
By #485312 28,Jul,15 09:01
he couldn't be any worse than the last bush that was running the place, you gotta enjoy the bushisms, and trumps making a few good ones already *lix*
By mr_blue [Ignore] 07,Oct,15 01:01 other posts 
By leopoldij [Ignore] 07,Oct,15 01:05 other posts 
That's exactly the way they thought about DubDubya. "Hey, here's a guy like me, a loser, he drinks beer , watches TV , likes guns..."
By _avg_ [Ignore] 10,Nov,15 23:24 other posts 
I wish I could laugh at that, I really do...
By #316057 07,Oct,15 01:48
[deleted image] he hide's his gun
By mr_blue [Ignore] 07,Oct,15 15:03 other posts 
By leopoldij [Ignore] 07,Oct,15 16:56 other posts 
He looks cuter this way.
By #495558 07,Oct,15 17:04
anyone is better than the current Yam we have at 1600....
By #444412 07,Oct,15 22:34
Why's that?
By #495558 31,Oct,15 17:08
keep your politics in your Igloo This is a US matter
By #444412 10,Nov,15 22:40
You're my largest economic trading partner. Who governs your country is entirely my business.
By #495452 09,Oct,15 23:14
Compared to those other friggin morons and lying bastards that would steal their mothers used tampon for a nickel who is this great leader you would vote for besides absolutely no-one? Trump is a good business man and because of these bozo's china has us by the balls for 19 trillion dollars..
By #480735 27,Oct,15 22:10
Feel the Bern!
By mr_blue [Ignore] 05,Dec,15 11:13 other posts 
Do you think he will even get a chance to run for the presidency ?

He should start his own party ...
By _avg_ [Ignore] 10,Nov,15 23:39 other posts 
Americans, in general, don't take Trump seriously, either. He's got about 20% support among Republicans, who themselves represent about 45% of all Americans, meaning he doesn't even have majority support *in his own party,* much less broadly.

But he still gets eyeballs and thus will still have the media's attention while he's got 'em...
By #485312 19,Nov,15 05:02
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By leopoldij [Ignore] 05,Dec,15 15:43 other posts 
Very funny this one only registered users can see external links
By leopoldij [Ignore] 05,Dec,15 15:47 other posts 
Do you want a Donald Trump sex doll as a gift for Christmas?

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By #505462 22,Jan,16 13:16
Does it have a yuuuuuuge cock?
By leopoldij [Ignore] 22,Jan,16 17:54 other posts 
No. He has no cock in fact. It was chopped off when he was young.
By #485312 26,Jan,16 03:11
doesnt matter how big his cock is, he has a gold plated jacuzzi *lix*
By #505755 18,Feb,16 19:18
Now if it had a fukable mouth for a HUUUuuge cock then it would catch on.
By #485312 04,Mar,16 17:08
you'd think they'd make one with an extra large mouth *lix*

By mr_blue [Ignore] 19,Feb,16 22:04 other posts 
Donald Trump called for a boycott of Apple on Friday after the company refused to decrypt an iPhone for the FBI.

The Republican front-runner said that Apple should be boycotted until it complies with the California court order asking the company to decrypt the phone of Syed Rizwan Farook, one of the San Bernardino shooters who killed 14 people in a rampage at a holiday party in December.

The phone, an iPhone 5C, was issued by Farook's employer, the city health department.

"What I think you oughta do is boycott Apple until such time as they give that security number," Trump said at an event in Pawleys Island, South Carolina. "The phone's owned by the government! Not even his phone!"

"Tim Cook is looking to do a big number, probably to show how liberal he is," Trump said.

The call follows previous comments from Trump that Apple needed to reverse its position, as he seeks to increase pressure on the company during the election season.

Trump has become the latest politician in the presidential race to side with the FBI over the issue. On Wednesday, Ben Carson and Sen. Ted Cruz came out in favour of the government at a CNN town hall event, with Cruz saying that resisting the request was akin to defying a search warrant.

Apple kickstarted a nationwide debate over encryption after CEO Tim Cook published a letter Tuesday explaining why the company would resist the court order. "The government is asking Apple to hack our own users and undermine decades of security advancements that protect our customers," Cook said.

Trump was quick to criticize Apple after the letter was published. "Who do they [Apple] think they are?" he asked on "Fox and Friends" on Wednesday morning.

The comments were made the day before the South Carolina Republican primary, where Trump is looking to maintain momentum after a win in New Hampshire.

I never thought I would agree with Trump....

On a side note about Apple,if you get your phone/tablet repaired by a non-approved tech guy,or a part is replaced in said product by a non apple part it shuts off and is rendered dead...
By #485312 20,Feb,16 04:07
well that disproves the theory that the government is listening into our phones, l don't think there is any information that will stop any other killing in usa, its not the phones that killed people, its the guns that killed them...what ever information is on it, wont bring back the lives killed and probably wont stop the next slaughter of innocent people...when are the people going to call a halt to the idiotic gun laws there??? *lix*
By mr_blue [Ignore] 20,Feb,16 04:40 other posts 
Anyone can listen in on your calls, they can get intercepted between satellites..most governments have red flag systems for certain words...

If you type b0mb into google your ip is recorded ,google keeps info on people's ip's for at least two years...same as gmail...

Android is made by google,so any government just hacks google for info...

apple are just being stoopid by ignoring FBI requests...
and apple can be hacked like anything in one's and zeroes,looked what happened to all those celebs whose icloud accounts got hacked....

And it won't bring those people who lost their lives back,but the info on that device could lead to stopping other nutters intent on doing the same thing...

As for guns....I wouldn't even know where to start in trying to 'debate' that subject...
By leopoldij [Ignore] 20,Feb,16 08:49 other posts 
"when are the people going to call a halt to the idiotic gun laws there???"

By #201583 20,Feb,16 18:07
We have too many gun laws and very little enforcement. Firearms are nothing but a tool. A vehicle, a knife, a bat, an extension cord, a pipe wrench, a cast iron skillet, a letter opener, an ash tray, a bow and arrow have all been used to commit murder. Hasn't history taught us enough of the equation to figure out that man has been killing each other since creation and will continue to do so until the end of the human race. If someone wants to wack someone bad enough, it doesn't matter if they have a firearm or not. They will run them over, stab them many times, or club them, or even take advantage of the countless forms of poison anyone can buy. Felons can't have a firearm. So, throw them in the slammer for life if they get caught with one. They need much stiffer penalties, not countless more laws that effect only the law abiding citizens and not the criminals that clearly have no respect for the law to begin with. Since the creation of automobiles they have caused as many deaths as casualties the US has sustained in every military action since the revolutionary war times 2 or 3 (sorry I can't remember which.) Yet, everyone says we have a right to own a four wheel death machine...
By leopoldij [Ignore] 20,Feb,16 21:03 other posts 
You miss one obvious thing. The automobile's primary function is to transport you from point A to point B. The gun's primary function is to kill or wound. Nobody gets behind the wheel intending to kill, whereas many people trigger a gun in order to kill.
By #201583 20,Feb,16 22:00
That's funny. I have been hunting since 8 years old. I served in the military for 8. Minus veterans from Vietnam, korea, and ww2, I have never met someone that has shot someone. I have met a few that has accidentally ended people's lives from behind a wheel. And might I add that I went to high school at an inner city gang land. And yet, I have never met someone that shot someone. A gun can't load itself, it can't aim itself, it can't fire itself. 99% of gun owners will never shoot anyone. So stop treading on the second amendment because of the actions of actually less than one percent of 321,500,000. I will give up my guns when they outlaw vehicles, baseball bats, golf clubs, bricks, rocks, knives. Oh wait wouldn't that be communism. Good thing we wouldn't be able to defend the constitution. People say, but we have a reserve unit, we have a national Guard unit...LMAO. yep. Guardsmen, check...weapons, check...ammo,hundreds of miles away stored in their war ration bunker. By the time they send the 5 tons to draw the ammo and return the entire state could be overran. But that wouldn't happen thanks to the second amendment. The guard units out here store there ammo in Colorado and northern Wisconsin. Our armed services don't prevent invasion, "we the people do." On base, ammo is stored miles away. The only one with bullets are the MPs. They could stick an empty magazine in their M-4 and run around yelling bang, bang at thanks, I will keep my firearms.
By #210252 21,Feb,16 17:42
You are correct in all you say .
By #201583 22,Feb,16 18:15
What's even funnier, is the fact that the bunkers are under lock and key, and extremely tight security. But if an attack did happen after hours, the bunkers can't be accessed by anyone else other than the ammo technicians that would all be miles away on liberty. It would take hours to just acquire the proper signatures on the proper forms to obtain the ammo. Hours to locate the technicians, hours to locate a dispatcher to find a driver that is certified to haul the ammo, and a few more hours to find a dispatcher and mechanic to sign off on the safety quality check required before it can be dispatched for ammo. Essentially, a group of wackos could take over a base during the middle of the week at night. They would just have a few MPS to contend with. Then all of the troops weapons are stored in the armory. And yet again, only a few can access the armory, and they won't pass out weapons without the proper authority. Bases have only a couple of gates. And at night people could bypass a gate on foot. We used to do it all the time to avoid being pinched for drinking Before 21. They don't trust the military with ammo, but they will trust the police ... When the secretary of defense showed up to give a little speech while we were in the field so he could kiss some Generals butts our command collected all of our bolts from our weapons. But yet, police can pack loaded weapons anywhere.
By #188992 20,Feb,16 14:09
I'm no fan of big business but, on this occasion, I think Apple are absolutely correct to take the stance they have. Their statement makes perfect sense to me.

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By #458225 20,Feb,16 14:22
I, too, agree with Apple. Someone has got to start standing up for the individual. I, also, agree with licksip, it's not the phones that kill, people do, just as trump is trying to assassinate Apple's character. Don't agree with trump and, never have agreed with fox's news.
By mr_blue [Ignore] 20,Feb,16 15:28 other posts 
Phones are used for correspondence between the FBI can uncover more intel on that phone about who was involved...phones are weapons's the digital age and people are still unaware of how much their phone is tied to an individual....

I don't agree with most of what Trump says,but on this point I agree with him....
By mr_blue [Ignore] 20,Feb,16 15:24 other posts 
It's a load of crap. apple are saying if you want to do i.llegal shit use their product....and apple is not as secure as everyone,including apple seem to think....

apple are protecting no-one except their profits/shareholders..

It's about apple protecting every aspect of their product/business like some ocd sufferer.

When will people see apple for what it is....
By #188992 20,Feb,16 16:40
Just because you say so doesn't make it true!! If you don't think there's a trade off to be made between privacy and security you're naïve, but we all have our own ideas of where the balance is. The FBI are, in my opinion, overstepping the mark and (as Apple says) trying to oblige them to make a phone that's susceptible to a "skeleton key". And that could apply to every phone! If you let any government increase their ability to interfere with our basic freedoms (like privacy) you're on a VERY slippery slope.
By mr_blue [Ignore] 20,Feb,16 16:59 other posts 
I just offered my view on what I think and what I know from dealing with apple...Civil liberties v big business..

You do know that 90% of the web is hidden don't you ?
Cuz google/apple make it that apple and google do more to stop your freedom of choice than you know...

apple are susceptible to hacking just like anything else,apple are making a big issue over security for whatever reason they are saying...

ever hear of jailbreaking iphones... security my ass...
--------------------------------------- added after 4 minutes

Governments are slaves to big business,for once it's the other way round..
--------------------------------------- added after 3 hours

Just read an interesting piece...

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By #188992 26,Feb,16 11:34
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Looks like this story has legs!!
By #188992 02,Mar,16 17:02
Good to hear that the legal "tide" seems to be on Apple's side - at least for the moment!!

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By mr_blue [Ignore] 03,Mar,16 04:06 other posts 
Apple will win, I had a look at other precedents set before.
Some ped0 dude couldn'd be f0rced to unencrypt his devices how are the government gonna do it to apple..

apple don't need to have a back door/skeleton key for data to be retrieved...they have helped the FBI numerous times...

Apple have diagnostic tests they run from mini usb so all they have to do is plug it in and they've got the data...

but apple won't tell you that,most people didn't even realise their phones could go dead just for getting it repaired by non apple approved people....

A few weeks ago,iPhones were getting bricked just by people putting in a certain went viral and people put it to the test and starting bricking phones in apple stores ...

I'm on the side of privacy,but I detest apple with a are making a big deal out of usual..

I just agreed with Trump on boycotting apple....and if TTIP goes ahead ,apple will not likely be asked again to help the governments of the US OR Europe (so governments will get hackers to help them,that's worse to me)cuz they would be able to sue the governments for damaging their business rep...

China and Russia already hack apple(they've been using American hackers for years) TBH apple should be truthful about how they really operate instead of what they feed the masses...

A bit of a rant I know,but it's how I see it from talking to people that know way more about tech stuff than me..
By #188992 03,Mar,16 16:17
Good points, well made.

I'm no fan of Apple either but, picture this:

I'm free to use the Internet to seek truly independent views (like yours) on companies like Apple and then make a decision on whether to buy their products. I own zero Apple products btw! The Trumpster can call for a boycott of Apple, but if it's because (as well as all the crappy stuff they do) they are telling the Feds to stop doing stuff, based on really old legal precedents, that impact on the privacy of users I'm on board.
By #485312 04,Mar,16 17:07
yeah l don't own any apple products either, l think theyre over rated *lix*

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