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Started by mr_blue [Ignore] 21,Apr,15 11:21  other posts
What's poppin' where you are ? Care to share ?

Current events, rants and raves...general chit chat...politics..
Have a discussion

Anything bugging you,maybe the members could help you with your problem ?

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By #601068 11,Jan,20 06:30
Put the bush Fires Out in Australia. 800 million Animals destroyed
By #601496 11,Jan,20 08:17
Agreed and many people throughout the world are trying to help, but, from what I can see, you'd do as much pissing on it. And keep watch on the wind.
By bella! [Ignore] 11,Jan,20 17:04 other posts 
Yes, so very sad and what's equally as sad is that your post did not capture the attention of many because it buried under repetitive bitching.

For those like myself, that were not aware of the magnitude of your country's loss I'm posting this news report.

Australian rescue group helps animals pushed out …: only registered users can see external links
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Rescuers race to save Australia's wildlife | Anim…: only registered users can see external links
By #601068 11,Jan,20 17:24
Thank You Bella
By #601496 11,Jan,20 18:48
I did not know this URL. I'll post it in my threads
By phart [Ignore] 14,Jan,20 08:58 other posts 
Being that I was a volunteer firefighter years ago,I look at the video on tv and am just amazed at how overwhelming those fires are. A simple firebreak like used here in the US and seldom maintained anymore is useless there.That wind is just awful.2000 gallons of water from a air tanker thrown at a fire that large is litterally pissing in the wind.
Although I share the concern for the animals,I am more concerned now about the people.Those fighting the fires,those coughing on the smoke.
By #601496 14,Jan,20 12:32
I feel bad for the wildlife but the people are the ones I feel most sorry about. The loss of life is very sad, but, worse, this will take a long time to recover from. And those that as a result of all that smoke will shorten their lives. So sad.

By #601496 12,Jan,20 10:27
Here’s where all the 2020 Democratic candidates stand on abortion rights. They overwhelmingly support repealing the Hyde Amendment and codifying Roe v. Wade into law.

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A breath of fresh air from the Trumpo era.

By phart [Ignore] 11,Jan,20 09:40 other posts 
The tv news has been covering this Harry megan thing to much. I finally read a artical that in a nutshell the 2 got tired of being expected to perform like circus animals and stepped down to live a semi normal life! Good for them.Good for the kid to!
What the hell is the obsession with "royalty" anyhow? They have no power to run anything but the gossip column.
Americans are just flabbergasted by every little detail about them.Forgetting 1000's of good men here in America fought and died for our independance from "royality".
I just don't understand it .
By #601496 11,Jan,20 14:27
Well, men fight like crazy to get out of the womb and spend the rest of their lives trying to get inside again.

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But the true reason is that they don't like peanuts and their gallery was full of them
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By phart [Ignore] 06,Jan,20 19:49 other posts 
Hum,old news as it is from 2015-6 but hey,something our sorry ass ,no good media talks about it.
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Turns out Fences work in hungary

By phart [Ignore] 29,Dec,19 22:45 other posts 
Texans know how to handle things.Something that could have been much worse,lasted all of 6 seconds start to finish.
Thanks to GOOD MEN with guns.
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Churchs all over the country have security teams thanks to the church shooting in sc a few years ago that folks wanted to blame a flag for instead of blaming the crazy BASTARD with a gun for the violence.
By #601496 30,Dec,19 09:27
Phart, this is a reaction to a bad situation. I’m glad it turned out the way it did. But it does not address the underlying issues, the racists hatred and GUNS.

By mr_blue [Ignore] 20,Dec,19 16:25 other posts 
Anyone see the JK Rowling stuff ?
By #551147 20,Dec,19 20:00
Harry Potter's? 🤔 Is there anyone who hasn't?
By mr_blue [Ignore] 20,Dec,19 21:28 other posts 
No,she tweeted.....

"Dress however you please.
Call yourself whatever you like.
Sleep with any consenting adult who’ll have you.
Live your best life in peace and security.
But force women out of their jobs for stating that sex is real? "

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She is getting some shit for agreeing with some ,that men cannot change into women and vice versa..

By #601496 19,Dec,19 10:08
By phart [Ignore] 19,Dec,19 13:34 other posts 
Key Points

After the Democratic-led House impeached President Trump, the process will move to the Republican-led Senate.
But Speaker Pelosi says she wants to see how McConnell would lay out the Senate trial's rules before she sends over the articles of impeachment.
She may be jockeying for more power before relinquishing control of the process to Republicans.

Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.), meanwhile, in a floor speech, sharply criticized the House process as rushed and unfair and suggested that House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) is “too afraid” to transmit “their shoddy work product
Key Points

Strategists said investors expect the Republican-controlled Senate to acquit President Trump, following Wednesday's vote by House Democrats to impeach him.
Stocks were able to gain 5% since the House of Representatives first voted Oct. 31 to conduct impeachment proceedings against the president because investors did not fear he would be removed from office.
The impeachment should not have any negative impacts on fiscal or monetary policy, but may have brought some positive developments, like the China trade deal and bipartisan support for a new NAFTA.

ok so I cheated and copied and pasted.But as long as people have money in their pockets and republicans are holding the cards in the next phase of this circus, Trump will win in 2020
By #551147 19,Dec,19 15:16
😏 Not sure what YOU'RE crowing about. Everyone knew it was gonna happen. I even told you long ago, that I hoped you people would get your wish. So... Congrats!

Now! Enjoy the fallout! He's not going anywhere I assure you that. It did nothing but make us more emboldened.

So suck it! 🖕

BTW... You people have the unmitigated AUDACITY to ask for fairness in the Senate. The dumbest fucks on earth.

By phart [Ignore] 19,Dec,19 15:23 other posts 
I was just talking to a fellow at the grocery store that had the Keep America great hat on and he said,"these dumbass democrats,don't they realize they walked right into Trumps trap and have shown themselves for the fools they are"?
It made sense if you think about it.Trump ran on the idea of draining the swamp.First you need to decide what is shit and what is good.He must have knew he had knarks in his group listening for anything they could use against him.
So he set it up and the dems took it hook line and sinker.
By #601496 19,Dec,19 16:27
What ever you guys say he’s impeached. He’ll go down as such
By phart [Ignore] 19,Dec,19 15:35 other posts 
This is classis right here! Hehehe,Yea I copied and pasted,right MSN news webpage. lol

McConnell to Pelosi: You can keep your impeachment articles

If she thinks her case is so weak she doesn’t want to send it over, throw me into that briar patch,” McConnell said.

“It’s beyond me how the speaker and Democratic leader in the Senate think withholding the articles of impeachment and not sending them over gives them leverage,” McConnell told reporters Thursday. “Frankly, I’m not anxious to have the trial.”
By #601496 20,Dec,19 09:34
Why worry about a fake trial? It's enough knowing he's been impeached. The turtle (McConnell) won't conduct a fair trial, so, who cares.
By phart [Ignore] 20,Dec,19 18:57 other posts 
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Don't just pass over this link.Go to it and read what the leader of the free world has to say about what is happening.
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By mr_blue [Ignore] 19,Dec,19 02:34 other posts 
So Trump is getting impeached!!!
What's he done ?
By #601496 19,Dec,19 06:35
What hasn’t he done?

By zzick [Ignore] 14,Dec,19 22:50 other posts 
Get out of Vietnam
By Sir-Skittles [Ignore] 15,Dec,19 08:58 other posts 
By #601496 15,Dec,19 16:22
When did we go in?
By phart [Ignore] 15,Dec,19 16:48 other posts 
Sadly,to many are still there if not only in their minds.
By #601496 15,Dec,19 18:04
The fallen are never forgotten but what does Zzick mean?

By Sir-Skittles [Ignore] 13,Dec,19 21:36 other posts 
Labour took a savage beating! Bjuka is in tears~
By bjuk [Ignore] 14,Dec,19 17:28 other posts 
I don't vote Labour.
By mr_blue [Ignore] 14,Dec,19 18:12 other posts 
Student politics from a Marxist grandpa...
We are not completely fkn nuts here yet

London luvvies with champagne socialism are clueless...
By bjuk [Ignore] 15,Dec,19 04:44 other posts 
Liberal Democrat’s for the win.

By #551147 13,Dec,19 13:16
CONGRATS to Boris Johnson!! Maybe now, Brexit will get done.
By mr_blue [Ignore] 13,Dec,19 13:37 other posts 
By #551147 13,Dec,19 16:32
BTW I love his hair 😄😆🤣😂 I think he took a tip from Bernie Sanders and combs it with a ballon 🎈 😉
By mr_blue [Ignore] 13,Dec,19 16:40 other posts 
It's all an act....

By phart [Ignore] 13,Dec,19 16:25 other posts 
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I think the British have spoken! Good news for England!The English people will be able to be a independant country again.

By phart [Ignore] 07,Dec,19 09:10 other posts 
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Naturally they are saying to early to tell who killed the innocent people but I think it is sad when police fire from what I understand 200 ,yes 200 rounds into a Ups truck.
The police should have paused and let the truck get further from a crowded area or something.No sense in 2 people dieing like this that were innocent.
to hell with the crooks,they got what they deserved but,people just doing their job or driving down the street getting shot by cops? And the antigunners want to take the guns away from the Civilians??????DUH< just ask the family of that UPS driver who needed a gun when.
By mr_blue [Ignore] 07,Dec,19 10:00 other posts 
Big old mess...I don't know how the driver having a gun would have helped? Would a bystander who was armed, open fire to stop the robbers anyway?
By #601496 07,Dec,19 11:33
The jewelry shop owner had a gun (like 90% of Miamians) and started to shoot it out with the robbers. Instead of letting them take the loot, he caused one of his employees to be injured. In his defense, like most Miamians, he probably did not have insurance. As far as the US driver, even if he did have a gun, you really believe he would have survived?
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This "anti-gunner does want to take the guns from the civilians. This is not the first time a Miamian gets hurt or killed by "friendly fire".
By phart [Ignore] 08,Dec,19 08:06 other posts 
Would he have survived had he had a chance to defend himself? We will never know now will we?
I think it is a sad situation when it is ok for the cops to make a flour sifter out of a deliery truck but not ok for a civilain to have achance to defend themselves.Those cops will not be held accountable for their actions probably.To easy to blame it on the dead bad guys and cover their tracks.
By the way,the trucks are fixed so they cant go but about 70 mph.Easy for a helicopter to keep up with. Also,the trucks are GPS equipped.So the cops coulda followed the truck,the loot,the hostage,to a safer place.But they chose to target practice on a busy street.

I watched some videos and such of this hideous act of police brutality and this is 1 time where I would willing help PAY for the lawyers to sue them sumbitches for more than 3 generations of them would ever be worth.
Did you see the bullet hole locations on that truck? Some were really high up on the sides,like the crooks were on the package shelves.No where near where a crook would be that could drive or whatever. And the cops started shooting back when THEY got shot at.NOT when a civilan got threatened but when THEY got shot at,then it was like a orgy.
Just because you get shot at does NOT mean you HAVE to shoot back.The crooks shot at the cops to simply run them off from the truck so they could escape.Who knows if their intentions were to kill anyone.They planned a crime,got over their heads.
I am all for the right to bear arms but the folks carrying them should have some fucking COMMON SENSE!
The crooks mighta had 20 or 30 rounds between them.Just take cover,keep track of them by gps and wait.
Jewelery.A million dollars worth would not be worth as much as that father of 2 was worth to his children.

Here is another issue that just crossed my mind. When the cops came to the scene,what did they do? Same damn thing they did at the school shooting recently.Cowered behind cars.Trouble is this time,there was PEOPLE in those cars.Innocent people.The cops literally used the 1's they are supposed to be protecting for SHIELDS. NO different than a terrorist using childern for shields in the middle east.
Come on folks,is it not past time to hold people accountable instead of just changing the tools they use?
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Something that I thought of awhile ago caused me to get online and check and sure enough,there was more rounds fired into that UPS truck than was used to kill Bonnie and Clyde in thier massacre. Bonnie never shot a sole and Clyde was dead after the first shot,but they continued to fire 129 MORE rounds in to the Ford .The UPS truck has 200 rounds from what I understand.
Sad.VEry sad officers training and aim have not improved Only 4 Men shot Bonnie and Clyde,it took 13 to kill 3 in a alumium bodied package truck.

By #551147 03,Dec,19 13:28

Another one bites the dust!


Sad to witness a woman that dumb and outta touch with reality. Oh well! Moving on

Who's next to dropout?
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I say it's... Andrew yin and yang

Useless as tits on a boar hog
By #601496 03,Dec,19 17:10
Dumb? Out of touch? Examples please.
By #601496 05,Dec,19 09:31
Don't mind Scorps. He's sore because his precious Donny is getting impeached

By #592419 03,Dec,19 13:37
Donald J. Trump
Yesterday at 12:58 PM ·
The Republican Party has NEVER been so united! This Impeachment Scam is just a continuation of the 3 year Witch Hunt, but it is only bringing us even closer together!
By #601496 03,Dec,19 17:15
True, they are all in a circle humping each other
By #601496 04,Dec,19 09:29


By mr_blue [Ignore] 04,Dec,19 05:24 other posts 
Devin Nunes is he really going to sue CNN ?
By #601496 04,Dec,19 09:11
Who knows what's in Nuñez mind. Actually, what mind?

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