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Started by mr_blue [Ignore] 21,Apr,15 11:21  other posts
What's poppin' where you are ? Care to share ?

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By mr_blue [Ignore] 17,Oct,17 12:27 other posts 
48 hr deodorant ....48 hr make up.... do people who use these products not wash everyday or something ?....
By #536760 17,Oct,17 16:03
Yea I'm waiting for the 6mth toothpaste
By #358797 18,Oct,17 12:23
I've used both. Lol. I'm definitely guilty of skipping a day here or there, but I tend to sweat through regular lady strength deodorant, so the clinical strength variety works much better.
As for 48 hour makeup... I scrub it off at the end of the day anyways. It just stays put better. Regular foundation is kind of oily, so it never really dries on my skin... That 48 hour kind dries like paint, so it doesn't budge if I touch my face throughout the day. I'm a sloppy eater so it's a big bonus.
By bella! [Ignore] 18,Oct,17 20:38 other posts 
I use a clinical strength deodorant and I love it but I'm not familiar with any make-up that is advertised to be wearable for more then 12 hours.

I love lipstick and I recently bought some that I can wear in the pool, woo hoo! It is tough to get off and more times than not, it won't come off when I wash my face at the end of the day so I have to use rubbing alcohol and a cotton pad.
By #358797 19,Oct,17 07:34
You're correct and I stand corrected. The foundation I use, while not 48 hours, is extended wear... It's marked that it stays put for 25 hours, which is still quite a long time. I probably should have read the bottle better. I have a couple 36 hour eyeliners and a mascara type stain that is supposed to last a week. I don't use the mascara thing though.
By bella! [Ignore] 19,Oct,17 08:22 other posts 
A mascara stain? Who is it made by and what is the name of the product? It sounds interesting, I might plan a search and buy mission. Thank you!
By #358797 19,Oct,17 12:15
Mine is kinda old, but it's made by Hard Candy... The tube looks like it says Ink on it, but it was metallic and has pretty much rubbed off... I do recall seeing a 28 day eyelash stain at Walmart recently... There was an eyebrow tint as well.
By bella! [Ignore] 19,Oct,17 16:27 other posts 
Thank you!

By #543048 19,Oct,17 15:46
Anyone want to skype and watch me eat my cum?
By bella! [Ignore] 19,Oct,17 16:23 other posts 
Don't forget "BUMP".

By leopoldij [Ignore] 03,Oct,17 09:31 other posts 
A politician is, by definition, a crook who has no qualms about supporting anything that is convenient for him/her.

Donald (September 2000): "I generally oppose gun control, but I support the ban on assault weapons and I support a slightly longer waiting period to purchase a gun."

Donald (September 2017): "If crooked Hillary got elected [...] you'd be handing in your rifles."

Of course, had Hillary been elected, she, too, would have changed her mind and star delivering `praise assault weapons' speeches.

That's what crooks (=politicians) do.

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By phart [Ignore] 03,Oct,17 10:46 other posts 
A man can get a good education in 17 years.
By leopoldij [Ignore] 03,Oct,17 11:22 other posts 
A politician is always a crook.
By Andthisisme [Ignore] 03,Oct,17 16:07 other posts 
I am not naive; an election promise is not worth the paper it is printed on. There is always a way that they can explain why they aren't going to do what they promised to do before getting elected.

Will a politician answer a straight question with a straight answer? Not in a million years, they have mastered the skill of answering the question that they wanted to be asked NOT the one they were actually asked.

Am I cynical about politicians? Yes

Do I think ALL politicians in the U.K are crooks and by implication corrupt? No.

Although some politicians in some countries certainly are, others, are just weak and too afraid to stand up to powerful pressure groups.
By leopoldij [Ignore] 03,Oct,17 19:28 other posts 
Correct. The honest ones are not allowed to speak and are silent witnesses of the corruption. However, by being silent, they're complicit to the fraud and the crimes happening all the time.
By #485312 03,Oct,17 16:21
over a hundred different acts to change the laws have been brought before American parliament and not one has been passed, they all get rejected..America has a mass shooting every day and over 11 thousand people have been killed in the last 12 months in America, after every mass shooting in America, gun sales double and the share prices in weapons companies goes up .. l guess they just love to shoot people and the 2nd amendment was made when guns took over a minute to load .. *lix*
By Andthisisme [Ignore] 03,Oct,17 17:13 other posts 
I heard a spokesman for the NRA this morning explaining very simply that guns are not the problem.
He went on to say that if there were no guns then people would kill each other with box knives.
You cannot kill and wound over 600 people in just few minutes with a box knife though.
I wonder if one day a gun man storms a school and kills every **** in that school will the NRA still claim that gun control is not an issue? Sadly, I think I know the answer.
By leopoldij [Ignore] 03,Oct,17 19:38 other posts 
Yes, they will. They will still claim, even if everyone died, that guns aren't the problem.

Facts (you observed some):
1) After mass shootings gun sales go up.
2) Certain states (e.g. Arizona) openly support parents taking their chi.ldren to shooting ranges to learn how to fire guns and assault weapons.
3) The NRA are more powerful than the president.
4) In certain areas of the US you see posted signs saying "guns save lives".
5) In several universities students are, by law, now allowed to take guns in classes and display them on their red during lecture.
6) The more guns one has the more religious he tends to be and vice versa.
7) In many churches, people are allowed to carry their guns.
The situation is worse than it used to be 20 years ago.

In terms of guns and religion, US is a very primitive country.
--------------------------------------- added after 3 minutes

By the way, there's a big difference between having a hand gun (e.g. because you live in a remote place) and possessing 20 semiautomatic and 15 adults m automatic guns. People don't get guns for their protecting. They equip themselves as if they're in the army.
By phart [Ignore] 03,Oct,17 23:06 other posts 
First off,this mess in las vegas was terrible. I am glad the asshole is dead that did it.

But in regards to law abiding people arming themselves, it is Because you can't trust nor depend on a army or the police when the chips are really down. If I am threatened at this moment and called 9-11, it would be no less than 10 minutes for a response.Alot can happen in 10 minutes. Do I feel comfortable being a sitting duck for a criminal? No. Do I feel comfortable knowing a large number of people think I should be a sitting duck for a deranged person to injure or kill? Hell no. Nor do i feel comfortable with the thoughts of taking a life. But when the chips are down,and it is me or them, I hope they brought corks.
The liberals think criminals are entitled or have a right to have innocent,helpless victims available for their slaughter at any time.A gun free zone,is a soft target.

Primitive, perhaps,I can't deny that. But a better chance of living if you are able to protect yourself,that is the option i choose.
And how often,when you call 9-11,does the cop show up with a ball bat and a radio? He shows up with the very damn thing you think I shouldn't have. A gun.

Alot of preachers now have guns in church.If you think about it he has the best vantage point in the building to see and react to a threat. Had the preacher had 1 in south Carolina a couple years ago,we would have been rid of 1 sorry ass piece of trash that has caused alot of problems.
By #88520 04,Oct,17 00:24
In every other normal country people do just fine without being armed to the teeth. I don't know a single person that has a gun or feel the need to get one. No one walks around being scared about everything like in the US.

The gun laws in your country does not make anyone safer, it only brings more death. Americans are 25 times more likely to be murdered by guns than people in any other civilized country. It doesn't matter if the vast majority of gun owners are law abiding citizens. The only people gaining anything is the weapons industry which pay hundreds of millions each year to bribe politicians and stoke fear everywhere to keep up the insane gun culture.
By #536760 04,Oct,17 01:58
An advanced society is not judged by the knowledge or technology they have. But by how they implement that knowledge.
So are we going forwards or backwards?
By leopoldij [Ignore] 04,Oct,17 02:31 other posts 
Backwards. Whereas technology is going up, idiocy and education are going down at a much higher rate.
By leopoldij [Ignore] 04,Oct,17 02:29 other posts 
That's correct. It has to be said, however, that a not negligible fraction of Swedes (e.g. ragare) have an unreasonable love for Americans and also have guns. But nowhere, except in war zones, is as bad as in the US. Like I said, it's very primitive there when it comes to guns.
By milesbferry [Ignore] 04,Oct,17 18:51 other posts 
I live in a 'normal country'. London is a very popular place for muslim stabby stabby, choppy choppy , run you down! On the bridge!
By leopoldij [Ignore] 04,Oct,17 02:34 other posts 
I understand what you say. However, why arm yourself with automatic assault weapons? One gun, Ok, say. But armed to teeth with bazookas and guns like the one used in Vegas, why? Are you expecting an army to attack you at your place?
--------------------------------------- added after 5 minutes

Besides, the point of this posting was not guns. It was just an example showing that politicians are dishonest.
By #536760 04,Oct,17 02:38
Have you seen doomsday prepers?
By leopoldij [Ignore] 04,Oct,17 02:40 other posts 
I've no idea what a preper is.
By leopoldij [Ignore] 04,Oct,17 02:46 other posts 
I googled it. Doomsday preppers. An American TV thing. No, I haven't. Never heard of it.
By #536760 04,Oct,17 03:26
Ooo dubule p that better . I try so hard to get it write 4 yoo.
Yea it's just lots of freaks getting ready to shoot the zombies .
Everlution knot werking there. Butt it dooing phyn hear.
By leopoldij [Ignore] 04,Oct,17 03:33 other posts 
I was being honest when I said I didn't know what preper/prepper meant. I didn't know the word
By #536760 04,Oct,17 03:57
Their just a bunch of dicks who make Neanderthals look wise.
And speaking of prepper can I have some for this can of spooge?
It tastes like cum.
By leopoldij [Ignore] 04,Oct,17 10:39 other posts 
Are you talking about their dicks or are you implying that they're dicks?
By #482237 18,Oct,17 21:32
Research now shows that far more frequently, perpetrators share one common thread. In mass shootings, in gun homicide and particularly in much more common gun deaths, the killer is frequently, until that moment, a law-abiding firearm owner pulling the trigger on a lawfully held gun.

In the 16 deadliest mass shootings in Europe between 1987 and 2015, 86% of the victims were shot by a licensed shooter. In at least 29 American mass gun killings since 2007, 139 people were killed by licensed firearm owners with hidden handgun permits.

having so many guns tend to get regular people to kill easier in arguments and other situations,,,,yes,,criminals do get guns illegally,,,but they are a small minority,,and if the guns dry up,,no one would be able to get them easily
By #485312 04,Oct,17 04:36
l loved too the 'fake news of america' claimed that Australia still had rising gun shot deaths here, but again they were sadly mistaken and trying to make out that its not just America with this problem, when it started to rise again last year, they called for another gun amnesty to hand in weapons and again, it has stopped the rise in deaths, the week after our worst massacre, the acting prime minister bought back guns and we've never had another event like it, and that was nearly 20 years ago.. l guess it was just luck to the NRA that this has happened *lix*
By Andthisisme [Ignore] 04,Oct,17 10:11 other posts 
The spokesman for the NRA was asked about your success in Australia after you took action on guns and his response was that both Australia and the UK had confiscated guns not increased gun control laws.
In the Uk you have to have a reason for holding a gun and there is absolutely no aceptable reason for holding the types of weapons that are often used in US massacres.
We, in the UK, shouldn't be too cocky though we have cases where a male who has had his guns confiscated as he is deemed to be unsafe to hold them, has subsequently had them returned only for him to then murder his wife and family. These are rare cases, but they do happen.
By leopoldij [Ignore] 04,Oct,17 10:37 other posts 
The social infrastructure is very different (still) between the UK and the US. There's more empathy between people in the UK. And this doesn't need the concept of a god, as it does in the US. Unfortunately, British think of Americans as closer to them than Europeans because they speak English. But give it a hundred years and the world will be "flat" with a few corporations on top dictating exactly what people should be doing it thinking.
By Andthisisme [Ignore] 04,Oct,17 17:34 other posts 
I agree, some people in the U.K do still tend to think of us being 'close' to the U.S in so many ways but the reality is that we have far more in common with the european nations. If the population of the U.S spoke any other language than English we would view the U.S as a very mysterious and maybe evn alien nation.
By phart [Ignore] 04,Oct,17 18:17 other posts 
I guess none you have read the news about it was found the shooter had been prescribed Valium,which can cause violent outburst in depressed people. The truth escaped somehow. It was legalized dope that prompted the idiot to kill. The guns didn't jump in the window sill on their own and pull their own triggers, a dope head did.
And if there is a hell,I hope his ass is in the basement.
By #485312 04,Oct,17 19:17
he wouldn't have been allowed here in Australia to own automatic or semi automatic weapons for a start, he would have to have a reason to own such guns, like being an active member of a gun club, be a farmer, or a soldier or police officer, he wouldn't be able to amass so many guns and no, no one can predict if someone is going to snap or has a mental problem arise, but in this country, he would not have the access to such a stock pile of military grade artillery, the guns he had, are for soldiers in war zones, not a normal person on the street would need such weapons, firing 860 rounds a minute is absurd, l would never go America for that one reason, there are more guns than people there.. there is no need now for such a quantity of weapons to held by anyone unless your job entails it.. *lix*
By leopoldij [Ignore] 04,Oct,17 19:20 other posts 
A person with prescribed valium who DOES NOT have guns can only hurt himself, not others. How difficult is it to understand that?
By #485312 05,Oct,17 03:48
lol, yeah you wont get that across the seriously gun mad americans, they seem to think if you keep fighting fire with fire it will all be ok, and you can see where that's got them.. l think we'll just keep watching their natural selection at work *lix*
By Andthisisme [Ignore] 05,Oct,17 07:48 other posts 
Lix makes many good points. I have heard once again the mantra 'The solution to a bad man with a gun, is a good man with a gun'.

What I found terrifing last night was an American gun shop owner who put forward his position that the fact that the citizens can own guns means that THEY can TAKE DOWN the government if the government tries to restrict their rights.

This position of such distrust, albeit paranoid, of their government by many citizens says so much about the psyche of too many American citizens. The prepers are just an extreme example.
By #485312 05,Oct,17 09:01
yeah far too many people taking the law into their own hands and using **** to settle a score rather then rational. even totally sane people with a small grudge can turn it into a show down for no real good reason. the government should show some real leadership and not bow down to the minority that make their own rules.. guns kill people, guns in the hands of humans kill people, guns that are supposedly unloaded and safeties on kill innocent ch!ldren, but l think the problems there are so huge, no one wants to take it on.. theyre scared of all the loose canons with guns in their pockets *lix*
By leopoldij [Ignore] 05,Oct,17 09:14 other posts 
I mean That's the most ridiculous argument I've ever heard. It's not the guns that he used to kill sixty people it's the valium he was taking. What the fuck?
By phart [Ignore] 05,Oct,17 10:17 other posts 
The dope messed with his brain and lead to the ****.There is no defense for that.It happened and 60 people are dead and many hurting.The doctor should not have prescribed it if the man showed tendency towards ****.

I have a serious problem with folks on legal dope like Valium being able to buy a gun or alcohol. They are already distorted,that stuff just makes it worse.

And hell no, most of us do not trust our government. As long as the citizens are in a position to protect ourselves, the gov is kept in check.

As for bump stocks and shit like that, eh, you can make it ****,fine by me, but you would have to shut down every machine shop in the us and canada to slow down people making their own equipment.

People build their own weapons now from raw metal.That is kinda hard to stop.
--------------------------------------- added after 18 minutes

A couple more things.The folks over in europe that were run over by trucks recently died the same as the folks here that got shot. I have not heard of any "truck control" measures being taken in europe have you?

Banning the tool,be it truck,gun,knife,is not going to take away the urge to kill.

It will only prompt creativity on their parts and possibly worse methods,such as poisoning water systems and the air we breath.

I read not to long ago about a guy in japan knifing 12 people to death in a public place. Um,any knife control measures being taken over there? haven't heard about it.

What burns my ass is the media says this lone gunner was not a terrorist. The hell he wasn't.He terrorized 20,000 people! He has alot of Americans afraid to go to music concerts now or to gather in public places. Those are the same goals of the terrorist that are in groups.

And 1 more thing. All of us are aware of the medias habit of sensationalizing everything. When you folks see "preppers" on tv in europe, you are seeing a small portion of Americans that the media is publicizing for the exact effect it is having,to divide people. I have no problem with a man being ready to protect his home and family and having some food and such in case of tornado or something. But yea, those preppers,they take things to the extreme. Those few get you folks all riled up thinking we are all like that. Wrong.
By leopoldij [Ignore] 05,Oct,17 11:07 other posts 
I know you mean well and you believe what you say. I know you are honest and you don't want to harm anyone. Neither do I. So we agree on this basic thing. And we both know that talking and expressing opposite sides, like we do, will not make me or you physically harm the other person (if we knew each other in real life). So, despite opposing views, there's something in common. We agree on that, I suppose.

--------------------------------------- added after 3 hours

Continuing: You say "most of us do not trust our government".

I agree. I said in a previous posting that all (well, most) politicians are crooks. So, not only I don't trust the government (any government) but I also don't trust anyone who's supposedly protecting people's interests.

However: "As long as the citizens are in a position to protect ourselves, the gov is kept in check."

I disagree. This is an illusion. You can do nothing if the government does something you don't like. They have an army behind them and you have 1, 2, 10 guns. Who's gonna win?

Also: "I read not to long ago about a guy in japan knifing 12 people to death in a public place. Um,any knife control measures being taken over there? haven't heard about it."

I disagree. This is a silly analogy. First, guns are specifically designed to kill. Knives are mostly designed for other purposes. Second, harm can be caused in myriads of other ways. Someone with a heavy stone can bang a few heads and leave their owners dead. In analogy to what you said, "Um,any stone control measures being taken?"

At some other point, I think you said that, given that there are so many guns out there, banning guns will have little if no effect.

I agree. This is part of the problem. You live in a fully armed society and disarming it is almost impossible. Those who will turn in their guns, if it so requested, are those who are not intending to kill. And this leaves the "bad people" even more armed.

Another remark. There is an organization called NRA that spends a lot of money lobbying for guns. And it has indoctrinated you and others. The more you hear about "guns saving lives" the more you buy it. The argument works only in the US.

US is a very special society. In some sense, it is very primitive. At least 40% of the people believe in extraordinarily idiotic things, such as religion and that the earth is 6000 years old. Those people are gullible to anything. Europe used to be different in that respect. Not any more. The amount of idiocy is increasing in Europe too. I have read that there is a high correlation between being a religionist/believer of silly things and owning guns. (I am NOT saying you are one, and am NOT saying that everybody who supports guns is an idiot who believes that dinosaurs and humans coexisted.)

No, we're not going to solve the problem, any problem, here. I have nothing against you or you against me and we both agree in at least one thing: that the loss of 60 lives is tragic. We disagree on who the culprit was but this disagreement is not going to resurrect the dead nor solve the problem.

By phart [Ignore] 05,Oct,17 16:48 other posts 
Folks that disagree need to talk.That is how shit gets done that all can live with most of the time.
It is 1 side does most of the acting that causes the other side to get in a uproar.

As for the gov having it's army. Well,I aint so sure most of the military personnel would follow orders to take arms against their fellow countrymen. Some might,not all.
And there are alot more citizens than army.They would do alot of damage,but they would never get all.

There are some knives out there that are useful for nothing but hurting.What is a switch blade good for? They are **** here and have been for decades but they are still out there.
A samari sword?
By leopoldij [Ignore] 05,Oct,17 17:56 other posts 
So we both agree that we agree to disagree (sometimes) and carry on in a civilized manner. And, hey, I don't have guns, you do, so please don't use them against me.
By #536760 05,Oct,17 18:39
Just one in the foot. phart
By phart [Ignore] 05,Oct,17 22:20 other posts 
My gun actually needs cleaning and oiling as it has not been fired in several months and is dusty.Thankfully I have not needed it. Actually my other "gun" is in similar condition,it needs to be fired,but no "target" around.
By leopoldij [Ignore] 06,Oct,17 09:36 other posts 
Why don't you go to the mixed sexes shooting range and ask a girl there if she could help you clean and fire your gun? Start the conversation this way and then, slowly, proceed to showing her all your guns.
By phart [Ignore] 06,Oct,17 17:51 other posts 
well,I could take both my gun and my "gun" and see what happens.
By leopoldij [Ignore] 06,Oct,17 18:07 other posts 
She might like to suck it.
By #538435 11,Oct,17 04:33
well we dont have a parliament and we are not a democracy . we are a republic with a constitution that sets the rules quite clearly . one does not just write a law and change the constitution . as for your tired old musket attack on the 2nd , those guns that took over a minute to load were the best of the time just as we now arm ourselves with the best . the 2nd amendment to our constitution is there so that we as a free people can defend ourselves from our government should they not stay within the narrow parameters that our constitution lays out for them

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