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Valentines day gift

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Started by #480212 [Ignore] 10,Feb,15 15:39
OKAY guy's its Valentines day on the 14. so I thought I would treat a member to one months premium subscription as a Valentines gift .Right here is the challenge who to pick who do you folks think is the most deserving member .The member that has the most votes is the winner . Can we just have this for members that don't have a subscription already if that's OK .If a member dose come up the winner that already has a subscription I will gift them the points but I would rather it be someone that hasn't

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By #480212 14,Feb,15 12:11
OKAY Folks Here are the scores .
Arexa52 (2)
Basque9 (7)
bella! (1)
Happy-Guy (1)
Max_Cerucci (3)
Monted (1)
Peekatchu (6)
Routmaster (2)
Vivace (1)
xaoxaoxao (1)

So our winner is Basque9
Thanks once again to all that paticipated .
By basque9 [Ignore] 14,Feb,15 12:23 other posts 
Poolboy, I am astonished: astonished by your generosity and amazed that 7 good friends voted to give me such a Valentine Treat! I have never won anything before, so this is an awesome gift. Your contest was the main treat and it was the vehicle for my establishing at least one new good friendship! As Bella might say: "Poolboy, you are the essence of what being a member of this site is all about"!
THANK YOU and Happy Valentines Day to you..... and to everyone else who took part in your very unique contest!

By palunko [Ignore] 14,Feb,15 19:35 other posts 
By basque9 [Ignore] 14,Feb,15 21:43 other posts 
Thank you my good friend!
By *kmadeau* [Ignore] 15,Feb,15 02:30 other posts 
congratulations Master!
By basque9 [Ignore] 15,Feb,15 09:37 other posts 
Thanks sexy Kmad; you are a terrific buddy!
By Ravioli_Max [Ignore] 15,Feb,15 10:56 other posts 
Congratulations on the win and the prize!
By basque9 [Ignore] 15,Feb,15 13:22 other posts 
Thanks so much, I am very appreciative, mate!
By tb1 [Ignore] 15,Feb,15 22:15 other posts 
congrats buddy, you're always a winner to me
By basque9 [Ignore] 17,Feb,15 19:35 other posts 
Likewise top buddy#1

By #407986 12,Feb,15 07:58
Can I vote for myself..
By #480212 12,Feb,15 08:39
Sure thing buddy .Anyone can vote for who they like. And if there name comes out on top they are the winner.
PS I take it thats a vote for Max_Cerucci you got there .I will include it on the list .Thanks Gecko .
By Ravioli_Max [Ignore] 17,Feb,15 10:26 other posts 
Poolboy...so KIND!
By Ravioli_Max [Ignore] 15,Feb,15 08:31 other posts 
Gecko, that was extremely kind of you. THANK YOU.
By Ravioli_Max [Ignore] 15,Feb,15 08:41 other posts 
So nice.

By tb1 [Ignore] 10,Feb,15 16:51 other posts 
my choice is:



routemaster and if I had more choices, there's andthisisme and cupar and duncanidaho
By basque9 [Ignore] 12,Feb,15 09:09 other posts 
Thanks so much tb1, you always know how to treat a friend, my good mate! Much appreciated!
By tb1 [Ignore] 13,Feb,15 07:34 other posts 
Happy Valentine's Day buddy, I think you won this hands down and wrapped around your fabulous dick
By basque9 [Ignore] 13,Feb,15 07:50 other posts 
Aw come on, mate...How could I win it?
By tb1 [Ignore] 13,Feb,15 16:46 other posts 
how could you not
By basque9 [Ignore] 13,Feb,15 21:43 other posts 
Well for starters, I have never won anything before in my life!
By tb1 [Ignore] 13,Feb,15 23:42 other posts 
well you get my "prestigious proud pecker" award buddy
By basque9 [Ignore] 14,Feb,15 12:47 other posts 
PPP award.....I like the resonance of that top buddy, but now that I have won, I am very proud to have my friends vote for me and am most appreciative of Poolboy's thoughtful generosity!
By tb1 [Ignore] 15,Feb,15 22:16 other posts 
you are most welcum and well deserved
By basque9 [Ignore] 16,Feb,15 11:39 other posts 
Thanks so much!

By palunko [Ignore] 13,Feb,15 12:46 other posts 
most deserving member based on what? just curios...
By bella! [Ignore] 13,Feb,15 13:16 other posts 
Hmmm..... I'm not sure what poolboy had in mind when he used the word deserving so I will comment from my perspective.

I believe that he is using it in the context of who you have had the most pleasure of interacting with.

My vote is for basque9 because in my mind, he resonates what SYD/SYC is all about. He actively posts pictures, did you know that he won January, 2015 Pic of the Month? He is one of the most befriended members, have ever sent him a private message? You will always receive a reply and kind response at that! The man is 82 years old and has a penis that many men and women admire. In my mind and in the sense of the word, basque9 is deserving.
By palunko [Ignore] 13,Feb,15 13:30 other posts 
Ok, I get what you have in mind... That sounds fair enough for your vote. I don't know if I ever talked with him in all this years I have been here, but I know that I always reply, that is a mater of culture

My vote than goes to -Vivace- , he is also old member, he is great and kind guy always nice talking with him, not to mention his fantastic pics...
By #480212 13,Feb,15 14:04
OK most deserving .Maybe because there pictures are pleasing or they have been welcoming and friendly . Given gifts been helpful to other members .Or put forward some interesting informative topics on the forum "One of the reasons I put Routemaster" . And have been a general good alrounder.

PS @ palunko you answered your own question there in what you saw in your choice "he is also old member, he is great and kind guy always nice talking with him, not to mention his fantastic pics... " There you got it .In your mind he would be the most deserving to be chosen .

Mine would be Max_Cerucci .When you see the effort he has gone to on his page .He is always polite friendly funny .Always answers your messages gives gifts .Concerned about your well being always asks how you doing .Yes a good all rounder is Max.
By *kmadeau* [Ignore] 14,Feb,15 04:28 other posts 
Max is more as polite man, he is a Great Artist too! He has a nice Soul and great personality! He is just a very Modest guy for such a dirty place like here...
By Ravioli_Max [Ignore] 15,Feb,15 08:27 other posts 
kmadeau...thank you for bringing this to my attention. As you can tell, I took a while to post my responses here...was overwhelmed by the kindness. Thank you....what a true honor to be thought of in such a way. Thank you, always.
By Ravioli_Max [Ignore] 15,Feb,15 08:09 other posts 
Wow. I'm so VERY touched by this. Can't even find the words. It took me a while to be able to say anything about this.

I'm speechless...

Saying "thank you", isn't enough...but thank you so much.
By *kmadeau* [Ignore] 15,Feb,15 15:11 other posts 

By JeffinKS [Ignore] 12,Feb,15 04:17 other posts 
this would be an awesome gift....
I hope who ever wins enjoys it!
By basque9 [Ignore] 14,Feb,15 21:40 other posts 
I appreciate the gift and promise to enjoy it Lonewolf!

By big9inch21 [Ignore] 14,Feb,15 14:38 other posts 
Congratulations Basque There couldn't be a more deserving guy. You have always been kind and a gentleman to all.
With Peekatchu coming in a close 2nd, actually 1st amongst the girls. We have decided to give this sweet and sexy girl a membership as well.
Happy Valentine's Day Peekatchu And to all
By basque9 [Ignore] 14,Feb,15 16:39 other posts 
Terrific, she is amazing and seems very deserving!
--------------------------------------- added after 5 hours

Thanks for your congratulations Big9inch21 .
By bella! [Ignore] 14,Feb,15 20:37 other posts 
Please, pretty please pay for my membership!?

By basque9 [Ignore] 14,Feb,15 14:11 other posts 
I know I am the official winner of the contest; but Poolboy by his generosity and by his dedication to the site and by his GIVING on St Valentine's Day is the real WINNER! Poolboy, you are a wonderful example to us all!

By bigguy [Ignore] 13,Feb,15 08:17 other posts 
peekatchu is a excellent choice I think!!
By #472648 14,Feb,15 13:31
By basque9 [Ignore] 14,Feb,15 13:48 other posts 
She is drop dead beautiful!

By #472648 14,Feb,15 13:35
Tbh I didn't expect any votes, don't know what I did to deserve them (: I might not have won but it still means alot to me

Congratulations Basque9, you deserved it
By basque9 [Ignore] 14,Feb,15 13:45 other posts 
Thanks Peekatchu! My word, I just peeked at you! What amazes me is that with your gorgeous bod and tits and face that I got even one vote!

By jayman73 [Ignore] 13,Feb,15 21:34 other posts 
My vote is for basque9
By basque9 [Ignore] 13,Feb,15 21:42 other posts 
Hi Jayman, buddy, thank you for choosing me!

By #451452 13,Feb,15 18:31
Bella is the only choice. She is dedicated to this site being a great place to meet and chat, she is strong and loving.

By cockalisious [Ignore] 13,Feb,15 16:41 other posts 
Ill vote for the gorgeous Peekatchu

By bella! [Ignore] 13,Feb,15 13:22 other posts 
I'm going to say basque9, again. He's a good kisser!
By basque9 [Ignore] 13,Feb,15 15:22 other posts 
He, he!

By bella! [Ignore] 13,Feb,15 10:18 other posts 
By basque9 [Ignore] 13,Feb,15 13:02 other posts 
Thanks sweetheart!

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