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make her squirt

Discussion Forum on Show It Off

Started by #80630 [Ignore] 09,Feb,13 17:31
So after sum internet searches n sum practice I've been able to get the two girls im fukn to squirt pretty much at will I'm talking over ten times in a row they luv it as do i but doing all the laundry sucks lol....message me if u want sum tips on how to make ur girl squirt trust me she will luv it

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Similar topics: 1.What makes a girl squirt?   2.Cock Squirt!   3.Squirt surprise   4.Squirting   5.LADIES: how do you make yourself squirt?  

By #596334 12,Sep,19 10:27
I never squirted till Jeff.

His curved cock is part of that. He goes deep to my aspot and fucks me hard. It works on my gspot too.

He loves feel me flow out when he is in me.

He can use his tounge fingers and toys. I have even squirted with anal play. It is about total trust.

By #596334 12,Sep,19 10:23
I never squirted till Jeff.

His curved cock is part of that. He loves feel me flow out when he is in me.

He can use his tounge fingers and toys. I have even squirted with anal play. It is about total trust.

By leopoldij [Ignore] 10,Aug,15 15:50 other posts 
I'm fucking a girl that doesn't need any work for squirting. She squirts immediately as soon as she is about to have an orgasm. I use my cock or my finger or any sex toy, like in this pic.
[deleted image]

By #484985 09,May,15 22:03
How do you do it?! I wanna try to make myself squirt!!
By #487206 10,Aug,15 15:44
It's pretty easy u just put your finger inside 1"-2" put firm pressure on the roof then let off then pressure then let off n so on...with a little practice u will be squriting like crazy

By spermkiss [Ignore] 09,Feb,13 17:41 other posts 
"...doing all the laundry sucks lol..." Man, don't you lap up that pussyjuice? If you don't, you should. Get your face down there so she can squirt in your mouth. Hell, almost totally gay, but I've had women squirt in my mouth.

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