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MYTH: "Semen is a GREAT source of protein."

Discussion Forum on Show It Off

Started by #303133 [Ignore] 18,Jan,13 16:00
TRUTH: The average human male ejaculation contains about the same amount of protein as three almonds. Big fuckin' whoop. Eat a damn hot dog if you need protein that badly...

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By Ray10754 [Ignore] 18,Jan,13 16:08 other posts 
OH NO !!! I'm alergic to almonds!! Now what do I do??? And I dont care for hot dogs!!! Why is life alwasy such a delema!
By #274357 18,Jan,13 17:15
Ray, you do not care for hot dogs? Seriously? Hot Dogs are the epitome of everything that is amazing in the universe.

Will, where are you getting your information? I read on the Internet once (everything on the Internet is true) that an average ejactulate contained the measured protein equivalent as:

(1) 22 oz. Porterhose Steak
(12) Eggs
(1 1/2) Chickens
(3) Pieces of Beef Jerky
By Ray10754 [Ignore] 18,Jan,13 17:48 other posts 
Actually I do like Hot dog's Unfortunatly I can't seem to find the (ALL beef in natural caseings) here in Maine for some reason,The mixed ones (chicken and pork ) To me are not hot dogs they are just a way to get rid of the waist and make money from it! Sorry for misleading you! After all the hot dog is the ALL AMERICAN FOOD
By #274357 18,Jan,13 17:52
--------------------------------------- added after 10 minutes

Perhaps I shall mail you some, or file a complaint with your State Representative.

I cannot even comprehend the possibility that each and every American does not have unlimited resources when it comes to hot dogs.

This travesty can only be assumed as fascism.
By Ray10754 [Ignore] 18,Jan,13 17:56 other posts 
By #303133 18,Jan,13 22:55
I believe that the Constitution guarantees us the right to bear wieners! ( that the right to BARE wieners?)
By spermkiss [Ignore] 19,Jan,13 16:53 other posts 
"...the right to BARE wieners..."

Perhaps this has made it to the news in your area, but here in California there is no statewide law agains public nudity. Some cities have laws against it but San Francisco does not. Or did not. Last summer and into the fall (our warmest months here are September and October) it was almost impossible to walk down certain streets without seeing naked people (mostly men, bare wieners).

A city law was recently passed banning public nudity except at certain special events. It takes effect on February 1. Events were it is stil permitted are the Bay-to-Breakers foot race in May, the Gay Freedom Day Parade in June and the Folsom Street Fair and the Castro Street Fair, both in September. These are the ones I know about, perhaps there are others.
--------------------------------------- added after 20 hours

I should have mentioned in my note about the new law against public nudity here in San Francisco that it was introduced by a member of our Board of Supervisors whose name is ... wait for it ... Scott Wiener.
By #303133 19,Jan,13 17:04
The paradox of public nudity, in my experience, is that the folks most willing to romp around butt-naked are usually the ones that I wish would put some damn pants on...
By spermkiss [Ignore] 19,Jan,13 22:14 other posts 
Man, you got that right.

By spermkiss [Ignore] 18,Jan,13 17:39 other posts 
Maybe so, but it's a lot more fun to eat a load of jizz than it is to eat almonds.
By #303133 18,Jan,13 17:42
Less crunchy, too!
By bella! [Ignore] 18,Jan,13 19:58 other posts 
I love crunchy........
By #303133 18,Jan,13 23:04
(Pssst...bella? If it is crunchy, the guy should see a doctor.)
By Ray10754 [Ignore] 19,Jan,13 05:51 other posts 

By #319355 18,Jan,13 17:47
..... This is great stuff!,...I gotta take notes and write this stuff down,.....
By bella! [Ignore] 18,Jan,13 20:34 other posts 
Maverik, you gotta check into the forum more often, you're really missing out! Good recipes, fun facts and an occasional pop quiz!

By bella! [Ignore] 18,Jan,13 17:30 other posts 
Well thank gawd when I chose ABC ( almond boneless chicken ) last night at Hang Dragon that it was garnished with slivered almonds!

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