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BondageBoy421 Mixing religion and porn

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Started by #205689 [Ignore] 21,Sep,12 09:23
I don't know if anybody agree's with me but i think BondageBoy421 should be banned ! In my opinion it is not acceptable to mix porn and religion ! Don't know about you but I am offended by his pics !!!!

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By #27633 22,Sep,12 03:22
1/Religious people have been persecuting Gays for years about time they got some of their own medicine

2/According to history There were a lot of people crucified so this isn't really even a religious attack.

3/Nudity isn't pornography and once the immoral minority finally get that sorted they might be able to concentrate on issues that actually matter!

By #147052 21,Sep,12 10:26
This is the internet for christsakes! If you go looking you will find things that annoy or even really piss you off. Solution? Disconnect from the source. Don't allow censorship to rule the internet. You want that go live in China or Iran and see what you can get. I am offended by all religions period and the stick your head in the sand philosophy that goes with it.

By Ray10754 [Ignore] 21,Sep,12 09:57 other posts 
Although some of us may agree with you,there are things we as people dont have control over! My advice to you is as follows (If you find his material offending,dont go to his page plain and simple)This is an adult site open to all who want to come here,and unless he has directly contacted you or he imposed on you in any way I see no reason for him to be baned.Remember you chose to look at his material, if you dont like it then dont look. There are plenty of things here that I personaly dont fine sexual or arousing in any way,But who am I to decide what is right for them, so I just stay away from those that fall in that position. That dose not mean that I aprove of it Just my 2 cents worth on the matter!

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