| Are there any actors visiting this site who have done full frontal nude scenes on stage in a play? I have seen many over the yearsand I am interested what goes through your mind as you expose yourselves to 800 people or more in one sitting. Do you ever get excited and feel a hard-on coming on, if so how do you prevent it? Nealy all the actors I have seen nude on stage, some quite famous names too, have been uncut, is there a taboo on circumcised guys doing nude scenes? I'm just interested in this as its odd that stripping on stage is regarded as art whereas if you did so outside the theatre in the street, you'd be arrested. Strange world. Anyway, hope you will post some comments, also from people who are interested in stage nudity but have not done so themselves. Thanks. |
Yes I'd do it, if it was valid. Or if the money was valid, and if it were a very small part.
"...if it was valid. Or if the money was valid..." Hey, isn't putting your dick on public display all the validation one needs?
Monty Python did an episode called "full frontal nudity", that was a quote from it.
If you ever get the chance, do one.I understand he is looking for a load of guys to photograph all with hard ons.Now that would be truly awesome.1000+ erections all in the same place !!
I did a tunic shot too on the Sydney Opera house steps, with over 5000 people, was a great experience, had a heap of news choppers flying over head and he did it to celebrate the upcoming gay mardi gras. I planted a kiss on a news presenter when he got naked and entered the crowd for the shoot. Great day in my memory, when doing the indoor shot they kicked a dude out for stroking himself on the stage, l thought it was funny but no one else seemed to thick so lol, *lix *
The Goodman Theatre in Chicago when I was going there back as a **** featured both male and female frontal nudity.
There was several occasions when they used nudity at the Goodman Theatre. My dad felt it was culture, so we got a yearly subscription to the Goodman.
I'll use three examples of when they used full frontal male nudity at the Goodman Theatre.
The first was a play called "Blue Surge". The plot line with that nudity, was that this guy was an undercover cop, and he was trying to do a sting on one of these massage parlors, which actually was a cat house. The girl kept saying that he couldn't get naked if He really was a cop, so she believed he wasn't a cop. But sure enough he was in fact a cop, took his clothes off then made the arrest wearing absolutely nothing. Since this theater was considered culture, you had a 80 year old couple laughing while this guy was swinging his dick around. Because He was soft, his dick was swinging back and forth, and everyone started laughing when it was swinging around and he made the arrest. He was cut and had a bush more than me. This guy was actually an accomplished actor and has starred in a short-lived TV show once, and was a supporting character in several movies. So this was not a special nudist actor they brought in, this was just a regular Theater, movie, and TV actor. When you're doing live theatre, there's none of this body double crap like you see in so many movies and TV shows.
The next play was called "Richard II", which was a Shakespeare play. Basically it was King Richard in the bath and then coming out of the bath and seeing him with no clothes on. He was cut and alot of pubic hair.
The last play was called 'Griller". It featured a backyard barbecue scene, and the crazy old uncle, decided to go swimming with no clothes on.
Again this old guy, was a very accomplished actor he was like in over 200 movies, doing character acting roles. He also was in a TV show I still can't think of the name of. Again this old guy, was a very accomplished after he was like in over 200 movies, doing character acting rolls. He also was in a TV show I still can't think of the name of.
Much of it was pretty innocent stuff.
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