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Why are most Americans circumsised? It is a shame and there is no need!

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Started by #202700 [Ignore] 10,Nov,11 13:04
So why get circumsised? What is the point? (no pun intended) unless it is medically appropriate it is against basic human rights, and should be outlawed!!!

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By #94227 18,Jan,12 02:13
Plain and simple. It's raise to maintain with concerns to personal hygeine. Plus it is a part of the Jewish religion.

By #149428 17,Dec,11 20:27
because...uncut dicks are disgusting looking, while cut dicks are nicer looking
By #105042 17,Jan,12 17:43
Donīt know what pills you are taking, but please take less of it.
By #225414 17,Jan,12 18:13

By #205743 10,Nov,11 13:47
If there was no need for it, then it would not be happening.

It looks better, is cleaner, helps prevent the spread of disease and viruses such as aids, hiv, urinary tract infections, penile cancer etc...ALL PROVEN and supported by the medical community.

But mainly it just looks better and is more attractive and desireable to see.

So many uncircumcised guys are upset that they are not circumcised. It frusterates them so much that all they know how to do in return is attack it and be against it. When in reality all they want is to be circumcised.

You can't justify being uncircumcised in a predominantly circumcised society.....It's as simple as that. You will never fit in so to speak and that is just how it is. Nothing you say or do will ever change the fact that the majority of boys and men in our society are Circumcised and that it is HEAVILY favorable by both males and females alike.
By #6568 10,Nov,11 13:57
Actually no, there is NO "PROVEN" evidence for any of those things, I suspect you know already.

If you wish to be circumcised then that is your privalege and pleasure, but DO NOT add to this barbaric procedure which is too often perfromed for ignorance, but sometimes greed and worse, on tiny infants who cannot defend themselves, is a grotesque abuse of their human rights perpetrated by those who should be defending them.

Finally, to take you first joke,, I mean statement, the "need" for removing most of the tactile nerve ends and pleasure receptors from a tiny baby's penis is because a vicious and deformed society hates the idea that he may grow up to enjoy the sensual pleasure and become a tactile lover of his partner,...rather than be inured with the brutality that is so evident among the mutilated masses.

....When YOU were mutilated why did they not remove your ears too?.....that would have been cleaner and more hygenic for you and you would not have been able to listen to any whispers about anything sexual.
By #105042 10,Nov,11 16:51
I am with you though just optically I have absolutely no problem with cut dicks, some look good and some uncuts do not.

Itīs not a question of what looks better or not. And health? To James Bond: First: AIDS is a consequence of infection with HIV and HIV is mostly transmitted by semen and the virus doesnīt care if it swims in the semen of a cut or uncut cock. Sorry but thinking like this is bullshit. Being cut DOESNīT minimize the risk of any infection!

The main thing for me is - beside of such stupid and also dangerous arguments - that I donīt understand how any parents can take the responsability of letting cut their babys, seeming to have more confidence in any quack doctor than in nature itself??

I admit I have a european understanding of human rights also. The freedom to choose how we want to be or think or look like and also live. Why not taking out the blind gut of any new born, it COULD cause trouble.

Please notice: Iīm NOT against cut men, I am just against the reasons it was done. Hmm, well WHAT reason? I donīt see any than just wanting to socialise and being part of some majority WITHOUT any other reason.
By #205743 14,Nov,11 13:49
@ Paul D

Your are in heavy DENIAL over the medical proof that being circucmised indeed reduces the risks of contracting HIV and other STD's as well as urinary tract infections etc...

This has been Medicaly studied, proven, and documented. Not in America, but in Africa. Where the study took place does not discredit the validity of the study in any way.

The only difference between here and over there is that the medical community actually decided to do studies on it where as our part of the world has not.

So you can ignore the proof that theses studies have delivered and be in denial over it if you want, but it ain't gonna help you by doing so.

The inner lining of the foreskin is what makes uncircumcised males so much more receptive to contracting viruses and bacteria as it contains special cells that absorb these viruses and bacteria into the blood stream.

By removing the foreskin, these special cells are also removed instantly reducing the risk of contraction of these diseases.

In an uncircumcised male,the forskin traps and allows semen,blood,vaginal fluids, feces etc. Until the male fully cleans under it. The time between the sexual act and the cleaning can be quite long. This is is what causes the increase of disease to the uncircumcised male.
By #105042 16,Nov,11 17:17
Okay, anyone knowing me by comments knows that I rarely want to be rude.

But mate, you are so fucking wrong. Donīt believe in any study you have not ordered yourself! You discredited yourself by naming an african research. Sorry for all africans, I donīt mean it this way, but any poor people will tell you whatever you like for small money.

My goodness. If you think being cut will prevent you from getting ANY sexual transmitted diseases - go on and enjoy your life!

If stupity was a gift it would be Christmas every day.
By #205743 17,Nov,11 11:20
Watched an whole Television Documentry on it.Interviews with doctors,nurses, lawyers,politicians etc...

The study is real and it is accurate.

The inner lining of the foreskin is what makes uncircumcised males so much more receptive to contracting viruses and bacteria as it contains special cells that absorb these viruses and bacteria into the blood stream.

By #222660 05,Jan,12 22:42
Based upon that foolish and ignorant argumet we'd be sewing up intfant vaginas by the million and stitching our ****'s mouths shut. Both have hundreds more "special cells that absorb these viruses into the bloodstream".

But no ... we teach our **** about personal and oral hygiene. Male penile hygiene is just as important, but clearly some dopey parents think it's simpler to chop it off than teach a boy how to clean it.

Those cells of which you speak (Lymphatic vessles for the educated) are actually the a vital part of the very defence mechanism that kills invading germs. UTIs etc are quickly eradicated before they enter the bloodstream on an intact penis. Too bad if that safety net is gone tho ... isn't it?

Don't even get me started on the scaring, growth stunting and loss of sexual stimulation routinely caused by circumcision. No you're right, it is much safer to hide a potential problem - even chop it off - than educate our kids on how to deal with them. Better get bubs teeth removed and glue his ears shut whilst we're at it. D'oh!
By #1501 02,Jan,12 07:32
I do no see why it should be done to **** without their consent. There is NO medical evidence to support it.

I guess about 50% look mutilated.
By #183011 04,Jan,12 17:18
Do your ears give you infections by having skin over the opening that captures urine and is a bug trap for all sorts of viral nasties?
By #222660 15,Jan,12 21:09
Well yes... actually. The inner ear (where infections settle) is quite well protected and is indeed a "trap for all sorts of viral nasties" ... ever swum in a dam or a lake? Ideal place to pick up an ear infection!
And of course you realise that urine is a natural disinfectant ... you would have heard of the "piss on a sting" remedy? Guys with PA piercings, for instance, don't need a disinfectant such as an ear piercing would require as their urine keeps the new piercing clean until such a time as it heals.
We can't get an infection from our own body waste!
By yellowman [Ignore] 07,Dec,11 08:41 other posts 
I do believe that you are wrong regarding the majority being circumcised.
Apart from that, from a personal point of view, whilst there certainly are good-looking circumcised dicks as there are unattractive uncut dicks, overall I would say that an uncut dick is generally far more attractive, much more fun to play with and certainly more sensitive.
It is my view that unless there is a medical reason boys should not be circumcised. It is something they may wish to consider once they are an adult.
By #1501 02,Jan,12 07:35
By #222660 04,Jan,12 04:59
Hillarious posting "Mr Bond"!
This is the most ill-informed, inaccurate and ... well ignorant response to any forum posting I have ever read.
Its quite sad that an adult male would even begin to believe the utter rubbish you have written here ... let alone spruke it as "fact". I won't even attempt to respond to your comments ... except to say that they are basically all categorically wrong.
I suggest you go do some research ... you will discover that you've been grossly misguided in your rather arrogant opinion on this subject.

By #210252 21,Nov,11 21:14
as a young boy in the 60's in America I was the only boy in my school that was uncicumsised . It made me feel a bit strange however nobody ever gave me any grief about it . You know , P.E locker rooms showers and the like . boys can be cruel . back then I wanted to be like the other boys but the older I got the happier I was being uncut . I am just as God made me and I'm good with that . Never had any problems with the ladies in my life and in fact they have all had great fun checking out the forskin . Good hygene is a must but thats true with any part of our bodies . I think too much is being made about this subject . Take care of what you have and be happy . Dont judge
By #99581 04,Jan,12 22:45
well said will

By #217327 04,Jan,12 07:07
I've never been with a chick and had her say "I wish you weren't circumcised." Sorry but just cosmetically alone it's totally worth it...
By #94263 04,Jan,12 10:09
and on the flip side. I've never been with a woman and had her say "I wish you were circumcised". As a cosmetic issue it is something you can never reverse if you don't like it, so you have to be really sure it's what you want.

By #199737 04,Jan,12 03:18
I'm not circumsised. Why? i don't know but i love circumsised cocks!
By #6568 04,Jan,12 07:00
Well it could be because you live in a country with a civilised enlightened view of personal and sexual liberty, and where giving medical aid to the populace is NOT seen as a way to wealth....Where the newborn infant is seen to need nurture and care rather than fastbuck mutilation,....where doctors scientists and legislators have taken the time to see that parts of the human anatomy serve purpose and function.....

By #198367 02,Jan,12 06:43
I agree my fellow Australian, my whole family is circumcised from my great grand fathers, its a topic that its starting to really fuck me off, I am done and so is my 3 year old son. A cock is a cock cut or uncut... cheers my fellow Australian.... I find person that bring this topic up are uncircumcised. I don't understand there problem, and bring the fucking topic up all the time... Really HOW gives a flying fuck if your circumcised or not, a fuck is a fuck as long as you get a fuck and get it in the hole...
By #6568 03,Jan,12 17:32
....Well thank you anyway for the highly intelligent input....

By #88520 02,Jan,12 07:13
Always fascinates me how hard some of you cut guys seem to think it is to keep an uncut dick clean, don't you guys shower?

Circumsision may have made sense long ago when it was harder to maintain personal hygiene, but today it shouldn't be an issue in developed countries. I can understand if people want to have it done for aestetical reasons though, we all prefer different things.

By #194738 25,Nov,11 19:28
The argument that circumcision was used to reduce masturbation is completely wrong. Surveys have revealed that circumcised males masturbate more frequently that uncircumcised ones.
The religious argument that some fictitious God directed men to get circumcised is also false. Man is generally very sensible & he would have observed that those that had little or no natural foreskin had much less or no problems with infection etc., so it's only reasonable to see why it was done. Infection, disease transmission & odour would have been very good reasons for removing the foreskin.
If you really think about most religious rules & traditions you will see that are the result of experience, observation & common sense & certainly not the direction of some non-existent god.
By #6568 16,Dec,11 12:15
...Yes, man is "VERY SENSIBLE"!!!!!!!.....just cast a glance around you,...have a good look at planet Earth......

.........So, God is NOT to blame for the routine mutilation of tiny defenceless infants?.....Nice to know HE is after all a loving caring god then.... Perhaps you need to tell this to the religous types as they seem to think it's ONLY for God!

Oh, and could we have a link to the "surveys" that show mutilated men masturbate more please?

By #194738 10,Dec,11 18:48
If American health insurance companies prefer circumcision, & they do very extensive research into health problems that cost them money, then the argument that being uncircumcised has less health problems & dangers has really been blown right out of the water.
If health insurance payouts are higher in uncircumcised men then perhaps any sensible guy would be circumcised.
By #6568 16,Dec,11 12:10
Strange that this is NOT repeated anywhere else in the world, and that there are NO proven studies or statistics to back it up.....

........Of course, any American insurance 'study' would have been carried out by American doctors and we already know how implicated they are in this horrible and barbaric fraud that is foisted on american manhood.

By #201583 10,Dec,11 11:23
In America we are taught to wash our hands after we pee. Think about it, you get up and take a shower. Then you put on clean clothes, and start your day. You touch this and that, pet your dog, contaminating your hands with germs, bacteria, and viruses. Then you walk into the bathroom and pull your clean dick out with dirty hands, and making your dick dirty. Giving bacteria a perfect place to live. Moral to the story, wash your hands before you touch your dick. It's not that hard. Same can apply to the ladies.

So to remove some kids foreskin just because we are naturally unhygienic and lazy, circumcision is welcome and encouraged by medical insurance companies because they won't lose as much money. What k-i-d truly washes his hands anyhow, and to get him to wash his hands twice would be next to impossible.

By #59855 17,Nov,11 15:48
From Matt's Wife: Anyone that wants to compare male and female circumcision is an idiot
By #6568 18,Nov,11 03:07
.....Well that's YOUR opinion, which I personally respect, how about you respect other peoples opinions about male circ......

....And, by the way, there are indeed similarities between the two, the main one being that there is no actual reason to practice it by ANY society without due regard to the rights of the infant/young individual.
By #205743 18,Nov,11 12:47
@ Matt's Wife: I totaly agree,

Male circumcision and FGM (which is incorrectly called female circumcision) have nothing in common and are two completely different procedures.

Female circumcision only removes the clitoral hood (female foreskin) while FGM removes a girls clitoris itself.

If the HEAD of a boys penis was removed durring a circumcsion, then yes by all counts that would be barbaric and mutilation, Just as if the clitoris of a female is removed it is also barbaric and mutilation.

However in both female and male, circumcision only removes the foreskin and nothing more.

Think of the clitoris as the female PENIS HEAD. That is what it is.
By #59855 18,Nov,11 13:33
From Matt's Wife: Ahhhhhh but that is what people in some places call it and they use it as a way to destroy young women
By #205743 18,Nov,11 15:56
@ Matt's wife.

It may be what people in some places call it, but this error is due to lack of Medical Education and does not change the fact that Female Circumcision is not the same thing as FGM.

They are two totaly different things and they have always been two totaly different things, and they will continue to be two totaly different things.

People will Combine the terms "female circumcsion" with Female genital mutilation" because it makes a perfectly normal and healthy procedure (female circumcision) look horrible and nasty. Otherwords it is the use of a LIE in order to manipulate how the procedure is viewed.
By #59855 20,Nov,11 01:11
From Matt's Wife:That is the point, they try to combine the two things to make it look like male circumcision is mutilation which it is not
By #6568 20,Nov,11 05:03
....Er,..what IS it then?
By #81941 20,Nov,11 05:53
A procedure which was developed to prevent masturbation.
By #205743 20,Nov,11 11:44
@ Bottomrabbit, Circumcision was not developed to prevent masturbation. It was commanded by God thousands of years ago to be a physical sign of a covenant between himself and the jewish people.
By #6568 20,Nov,11 12:07
....So did God happen to impart a reason for this, or how this apparent oversight in his design process occured?
By UKdude22 [Ignore] 08,Dec,11 14:50 other posts 
I see you've opened another profile to start arguments, are you really that pathetic and needy?

By steve8211 [Ignore] 08,Dec,11 13:28 other posts 
I am cut and wished sometimes I wasn't. I believe it should be your choice if you want to get it done. As long as you wash it everyday,and grant it as young kids we always liked to wash it in the shower,Hell I still do! I just wonder what it would feel like to have all that skin,it looks like it would be fun to play with. This is just my looming. You guys that are not cut should not be ashamed cause you can get cut,but us cut guys can't grow it back like it was.

By #182522 10,Nov,11 15:42
I'm very glad my husband is circumsised! I don't like the look of uncircumsised cocks. They are ugly and gross me out! I understand that some women like them and to each their own I just don't. Some men like hairy pussy I also think that's gross, not wrong just not my preference.
By yellowman [Ignore] 07,Dec,11 08:56 other posts 
Oh thank you!! From what I've seen of it your cunt is ugly too and that certainly grosses me out!!

By Ray10754 [Ignore] 10,Nov,11 14:06 other posts 
I often wounder why this topic keeps coming up amongst sites like this,It is time for all to just get over it and not worrie why or why not someone is cut or not.In my honest oppinion,I have read most of the posts on here and other sites,and I totlay agree with most of them,weather negitive or positive about the subject,everyone is entitled to there oppinion and there own beleifs,but to sit here and squable over it amongst grown adults is beyond my comprehention,Neither side will win the battle,so why dont we all just enjoy the sites and have fun????
By #6568 10,Nov,11 14:10
I agree, however, there is the matter of the tiny innocents who have their foreskins torn off against their human rights for no tangible reasons other than ignorance of the parents, greed on the part of doctors and vicious satisfaction of a deformed society.
By #205743 18,Nov,11 12:59
It keeps comming up because of the anguish and frustration of UNCIRCUMCISED men who feel the need to constantly challenge those who are circumcised or those who support circumcision in order to make themselves feel happy and justified by keeping their foreskin....which in reality they want removed.

It's an inner battle between should I get circumcised or should I just keep trying to come up with reasons why not to.

Circumcised people....We are happy being circumcised and have no desire to argue or debate the subject UNTIL we are attacked by an person who tells us we have been Mutilated or that our penis does not function properly. So understand.......It is the anti-circs who fuel this debate and not those of us who support circumcision. We circumcised guys were just sitting here minding our own business when a bunch of anti-circ people with their mentaly ill conceived theories decided to attack our circumcised status. When attacked, one defends themselves, that is the natural reaction.
By yellowman [Ignore] 07,Dec,11 08:49 other posts 
So if people disagree with your views and opinions you regard them as being mentally ill???????????????????
It seems to me that on this particular thread you are the one getting awfully wound up about the subject. It makes me wonder if your argument should not perhaps be turned on its head and it is you that are feeling anguish and frustration at having been circumcised. After all, those men who are uncut and long to be cut have no need to feel anguish or frustration - all they need do is make arrangements to be cut - simple. Whereas for the circumcised guys they have a long and tedious process to try to rectify their situation, with varying degrees of success.

By MoeJoe [Ignore] 01,Dec,11 05:05 other posts 
This discussion gets old afterwhile...when you are 5 minutes old fresh out of the womb....I don't think anyone is asking you whether you want to be cut or not, so if you got circumcised at birth you can either lament about it for the rest of your life and blame your parents and society, or deal with it and enjoy what you have. Cut cocks or uncut cocks...they're all great.....admire what you have and admire all the others too.
By #6568 01,Dec,11 07:00
I absolutely agree with you!......

.......But if people could get over their ignorance and disrespect for other humanbeings then routine mutilation "when you are 5 minutes old and fresh out of the womb" might, thankfully be ended......
By MoeJoe [Ignore] 07,Dec,11 06:06 other posts racism and bigotry, it's just another form of ignorance.

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