| The topics in the Forum have gone from interesting questions about sexuality and sensuality and gone to a lot of 'Rate Me" junk. You don't need to ask people to rate you, they'll be more than happy to tell you exactly what they think of you one-on-one.
When a man or woman has a question as to how others feel about something sexual, that's interesting. A commentary on how someone feels about sex or sexuality and wants feedback, that's interesting. But when someone asks , "is my cock too small/big/pretty/etc.", then there's nothing to say. Your dick is what it is. Nothing more. It isn't what it looks like or how big, but how a woman reacts to it when you have sex.
This being said, does any one have anything interesting to discuss? Or have we covered all the possible questions from every sex in every culture in the world. I truly doubt that.
So, who's got something interesting to discuss? |
Feedback is always welcome
As for me, I have enjoyed the forum when there are sensible, even silly questions, but questions or ideas none the less that have more meet on their bones than "rate me - I'm insecure".
And, by the way, on those occasions when there have been analytical questions about size, shape, depth, hairiness, etc. I have always responded truthfully. Cocks, pussies, boobs, and all the rest of the parts are always normal. And as long as the ones who get to know them up close and personal like what you have, then there not only normal but perfect.
Also agree with you about the questions asked. It's in a way interesting to know
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