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Discussion Forum on Show It Off

Started by #5273 [Ignore] 21,Jan,09 19:07
my theory is she/admin is a cock fanatic and she/admin made this site to keep her cock fanatic mind from going crazy from lack of cock

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By #11329 06,May,09 00:27
admin if u ever decide to branch out some more u should look into posting some comedy blogs. Not only do u seem to display a certain wry, sardonic wit urself but some of the exchanges/comments in old discussions here - comedy gold!! Get this stuff copyrighted and, whammo! New worlds would'd a whole new bumper crop of "diverse", "interesting", and possibly "eccentric" folks to round out this extended......(sometimes a bit dysfunctional? LOL) dare i say it....."family" ~~ :o)

By admin [Ignore] 06,May,09 10:42 other posts 
Regrettably English is not my native language and it takes too much efforts to write essential amounts of English text for me.
By #10655 06,May,09 10:48
I can only speak, read and write English so I can imagine how difficult it is to learn more than one language. I have problems at times with just English. I notice mispellings on certain words like "loosing" should be "losing". "Revarded" should be "rewarded". That's understandable. English is very confusing.


By admin [Ignore] 06,May,09 13:09 other posts 
Thanks for the corrections. I make misspellings all the time when writing quickly. And actually it never came to my attention that losing is with one "o", when loose is with 2...

It's more confusing for me now because I live in Spanish speaking country for 5 past years, where spelling is way different and Spanish is not my native language either, so this all is kinda mixed up in my head :)

By sailor [Ignore] 03,Apr,09 12:42 other posts 
Whhich person are you in your photo?
By admin [Ignore] 03,Apr,09 19:10 other posts 
If you refer to this photo:

[deleted image]

this photo is simply a joke about "big black dicks", I'm no one of them.

By #5273 21,Jan,09 20:03
is it hard to keep this site going? and another one of my thearies is that u have to accounts one for admin and the other is u posting ur dick but kno one knos its you
By admin [Ignore] 21,Jan,09 20:15 other posts 
It's not hard, but rather expensive. And no, I'm not posting my dick under another account. I simply see no pleasure in this.

By admin [Ignore] 21,Jan,09 19:46 other posts 
No need to make theories up. I'm a man, and my reasons are clearly stated on the about page here - /about.html

And I'm straight from all what I know.

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