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Discussion Forum on Show It Off

Started by #148568 [Ignore] 23,Mar,11 10:36
I am new here and have not posted any pics yet but I have noticed that some profile pages have more than one dick pictured. Does that mean that you can post pictures of anybody's dick and not just your own?

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By #126766 23,Mar,11 10:47
As the title of the web site implies "show YOUR dick" but their are a lot of fakes on here.
By spermkiss [Ignore] 23,Mar,11 12:32 other posts 
Ain't that the truth? It isn't entirely ethical, but it happens a lot.
By #148568 23,Mar,11 12:45
well I wasn't sure if it was ok to show other's pics here
By spermkiss [Ignore] 23,Mar,11 15:30 other posts 
It comes down to what you mean by "other's pics". First of all, see the site administrator's comment below.

Now if you and six or eight of your friends get together, take off your clothes, and take photos of each other's dicks, I doubt that there would be a problem. (Indeed, that sounds like a lot of fun.) As long as every guy was of legal age, knew his picture was going to be posted and gave his consent, I cannot imagine that there would be any problem.

However, if you start downloading photos from the internet or start misappropriating other members' photos and post either of these as your own, you could get into trouble. I'm not saying that these things do not happen. Indeed, both happen a lot. I've seen hundreds, perhaps thousands, of photos on this site that I've seen elsewhere on the internet. I've also seen the same photos posted on multiple members' pages and read complaints from members about seeing their own photos on another member's page. But if the site administrator catches you doing either of these things he will at the very least delete the photos in question or he might close your account.

I hope this clears things up. So when are we going to get to see photos of your dick and of the dicks of six or eight of your best buddies?
By #148568 23,Mar,11 19:46
thanks man, very insightful and thoughtful, I will think about pics, .
By #81191 27,Mar,11 06:47
Are we still thinking

By #135121 26,Mar,11 19:05
I think there isn't enough dick pics in that thread
[deleted image]

By admin [Ignore] 23,Mar,11 13:25 other posts 
>I have noticed that some profile pages have more than one dick pictured. Does that mean

That means that those profiles have not been reported yet.

Strictly speaking you can post here only your own images. Which means not "personally copied from internet" but "personally photographed".

Profiles massively posting internet pics get deleted if reported. I can not monitor each of 39000 profiles, indeed.

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