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Someone is Selling their Panties through SYC - And it stinks!

Discussion Forum on Show It Off

Started by #7976 [Ignore] 07,Feb,11 21:05
I was looking over the Blogs to see what has been added of interest and came across a recent post from "LloraineBait". She is advertising in the SYC blog now to sell her soiled panties and has set a price for worn underwear and is willing to negotiate a price for extra cum or pee soaked soiles.

As for myself, this is just the type of thing that I absolutely despise on a social networking site. I for one am not here to be advertised to nor should this site be used as a personal marketing venue. If she, or anyone else for that matter, wants to sell you something, let it happen in the private chat areas or better still, pay Admin a fee to put your ads on a banner.

Any other opinions on the issue of putting a price on a free commodity? Your comments are welcome and important.

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Similar topics: 1.cum on panties   2.Selling Toilet Paper   3.smell   4.Starting over   5.Has anyone ever sold their panties?  

By #7976 02,Jul,11 20:15
I'm amazed this old topic has resurfaced. In retrospect, I apologize for starting it in the first place. I should have had better self control and kept my mouth shut. So, belated as it may be, I too hope this goes away soon and gets a well deserved burial in the Forum archives.

By MoeJoe [Ignore] 27,Feb,11 04:43 other posts 
Rumbler, I agree with you on your panty rant and your concern about underage images, but if you find underage material report it to the admin only...let him deal with it...the last thing we need here is for the "authorities" to start poking around in here, because people are reporting underage material to them. The Admin has been very responsive in dealing with material that has been reported to him...let hime deal with it.

By #61152 24,Feb,11 03:03
WHAT the hell? Am I reading this correctly? People are seriously complaining that selling "soiled panties" is immoral? DO YOU REALIZE WHAT WEBSITE YOU ARE ON? Freakin' idiots! Get a life already. I swear, I have tried to ignore the obvious and overwhelming level of hypocrisy of some of you, by attributing it to either a poor comprehension of the English language or just a possession of extremely low IQ's. But this takes the cake! On this site there are pictures of men cumming in other mens asses, women getting gang banged, uncomfortably young girls, cartoons depicting incest and beastiality and this dumbass wants to bitch and moan about PANTIES!!?? Seriously? I've fuckin' heard it all now. Look "BushPilot"...why don't you crusade somewhere else. I'd say trying to create a moral enviroment on website devoted to "Showing your Dick / Cunt" isn't time well spent. And while your at it, punch yourself since I can't do it from here.
By admin [Ignore] 24,Feb,11 12:56 other posts 
I suggest you to use abuse report on pictures of "uncomfortably young girls". Such content may be illegal and have to be removed. I can't review everything that is being submitted here.

By #59855 08,Feb,11 14:23
From Matt's Wife: I get asked for this and worse, I just ignore it anymore
By #7976 08,Feb,11 19:42
I'm truly sorry you have to be subjected to such idiotic requests. It's amazing to witness the underwhelming maturity level of many men.

By admin [Ignore] 08,Feb,11 14:03 other posts 
As far as I know, selling used underwear or even just sending it over mail is prohibited by health control requlations or whatever it is named in any particular country.

But I'm not a police. You can write in your blog whatever you wish as long as you do not post illegal materials.

Some of you also should understand that "illegal materials" is not the same as photo of "illegal materials". For example, I often receive complaints on photos of marijuana. Marijuana is illegal in most countries, no doubt, but photos of marijuana are not illegal.

Same with the photos of used panties. They are not illegal.
By #7976 08,Feb,11 19:40
Fair points and no, you shouldn't need to Police the site. And, photos are covered in the US by a Constitutional right to freedom of expression. Some countries have different cultural and legal rules but here, it's OK. But this isn't about posting photos, it's about selling soiled panties for a stated cost and offering to mail them to purchasers. That's not covered by any law other than the ones you mention regarding sending unhealthy goods through the mail.

As for LloraineBait's blog; it isn't there any more so the problem is solved; presumably due to the peer pressure applied here. It wouldn't matter who posted a similar add, I believe it's wrong to offer yourself or products for sale here and don't I care for it. Hence my comments and those of a number of other people.

By the way Lorain, I think your a very lovely and sexy lady and I would be pleased to chat you sometime.

On a final note Admin, I do have to disagree with you on at least one point. I don't believe that, "This entire site is based on perverts". Perverts or perversion is a societal subjective opinion of one's moral tenner. As it is, I may have interests outside the mainstream and privately enjoy what some feel to be fetishes but, I don't consider myself, you, or many of the ladies and men I chat with her to be perverted. Simply healthy adults expressing their feelings and opinions on the subject of sex.

I do apologize if my response has opened the proverbial "can of worms" for you. But as always, you've handled the situation well. Thanks.

By #34386 08,Feb,11 17:55
Just as subtlety told admin, expect to police this or other kind of thing in the site is very hard apart form the fact that all in general in here is in a gray zone and not easy to select was is too much or not. This is not the first time I see someone who sell "something" but anyone is free to follow that if is their choice and ignore as well. So far nothing surprise me maybe except that someone actually paid for it

By #2331 08,Feb,11 10:30
Maybe this site should be monitiored by the owner to guard against these perferts.
By admin [Ignore] 08,Feb,11 14:20 other posts 
This entire site is based on perverts. I don't want to abuse anyone, but, honestly, who thinks that showing your genitals to public is considered normal by general society?

The question only is what's legal and what's not.

By #107080 08,Feb,11 03:59
Agreed.It is pretty low of the person.And this looks REALLY like exploitation at $55 or E 40!!Let's see if admin has an objection????
By admin [Ignore] 08,Feb,11 13:54 other posts 
I don't see any posts in the blog of LloraineBait so I don't know what it's really all about.

By #68656 08,Feb,11 04:42
The lady appears to be offering to supply a product in response to requests from other males (demand and supply), in this case both customer and vendor are as bad as each other and both equally display a total lack of morals.
It is also a case of "buyer beware" as most certainly any goods supplied by her will not be as advertised.
Basically all involved parties should be ashamed at their debasing and degrading behaviour.
By Gntlmn [Ignore] 08,Feb,11 13:12 other posts 
Bravo redundo!

By #113232 07,Feb,11 21:20
I absolutely agree, this is nasty and most probably illegal. I love the site but between this and the haters things are heading down hill in a hurry. Lets all just take a deep breath, be nice and try not to smell the panties.
By #124187 08,Feb,11 01:54
couldn't have said it better

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