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Discussion Forum on Show It Off

Started by Oralanus [Ignore] 02,Oct,10 10:37  other posts
They are to many guys behind a female acount, and they upload internet porn pics.

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By leopoldij [Ignore] 22,Jun,14 16:25 other posts 
Your ass has been used so much...

By admin [Ignore] 03,Oct,10 23:34 other posts 
As for the fake pics - I told numerous times: there is an abuse report button below each pic. Use it. But submit some proof. I ignore reports without proof.

Those who use that button instead of whining on the forum know that I often delete entire account if I see just 2 fake pics among others. Surprisingly often a lot of members message me "why you deleted that cool member?"

Fake pics are here because a lot of members love them, vote for them and make good comments, instead of reporting them.

So if you see fake pics and you have proof that it's fake - do not waste your time for manifestations here, just use the fucking report abuse button. Simple.
By #101402 04,Oct,10 00:04
Do you have any clue as to how much porn is on the web? The chances of finding where a fake pulled their pics from is next to impossible if they're not remotely famous. Its like looking for one needle in 5 haystacks.

And its not the pics. Its the power from having multiple accounts

By #101402 03,Oct,10 23:03
Biggest fake on the site is monted. Yet admin leaves him be because of his membership status. I was given a list of his fake accounts if anyone wants it pm me and ill send it back. I think its BS that he can solo ban any and everyone from chat if he wants. I told admin I would just do the same and his exact words were "you can try that and see what happens".
By admin [Ignore] 03,Oct,10 23:29 other posts 
Truth is that monted cannot ban anyone with his multiple accounts. Does not matter how many he has. He uses just one IP all the time. You can't ban 5 times in chat from the same IP, no matter how many accounts you have. Even a thousand. It just won't work.

As simple as that.

Truth is either monted has real friends who help him, or you simply behave as an asshole and 5 separate members banned you. I have no interest in these stupid conspiracy theories that there is evil monted who control the site and don't let you live. You are the cause of your own problems. Accept it and move on.

The reason why I suggested you try it yourself is that if you really try it yourself you will see that you cannot do that. But you did not try, you prefer to make up yet another conspiracy theory, that I allow monted to do this and do not allow others.

Monted has no any extra possibilities except those that premium membership gives him. He just studied functionality of this site well and knows well what and how he can do. There is nothing that does not let you do the same.
By #101402 04,Oct,10 00:00
You should look into an IP changer before making such assumptions. Like I said its not hard just time consuming.

www(dot)iprivacytools(dot)com one example of thousands of IP changers

Btw I will be making extra accounts and fraps-ing everything so you can see how its done, and how easy it is.

By #96351 02,Oct,10 10:43
people uploading other peoples or porn pics annoy me especially because most of the time they get into the popular dicks taking up room for the real dicks out there. they should be banned.
By Oralanus [Ignore] 02,Oct,10 10:46 other posts 
Yes, that right, only original self pics are ok, that the target from this Side

By Oralanus [Ignore] 02,Oct,10 10:45 other posts 
And want make some hot sex chat with guys????

By Oralanus [Ignore] 02,Oct,10 10:41 other posts 
And lots of guys they upload girlfriend pics under a female acount????

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